function retreive_twitter_friends($twitter_id, $screen_name, $password) { $uri = "{$twitter_id}.json?page="; $twitter_user = twitter_user_info($screen_name, $password); // Calculate how many pages to get... $pages = ceil($twitter_user->friends_count / 100); if ($pages == 0) { common_debug("Twitter bridge - Twitter user {$screen_name} has no friends! Lame."); } $friends = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { $data = get_twitter_data($uri . $i, $screen_name, $password); if (!$data) { return null; } $more_friends = json_decode($data); if (!$more_friends) { return null; } $friends = array_merge($friends, $more_friends); } return $friends; }
function twitter_user_page($query) { $screen_name = $query[1]; $subaction = $query[2]; $in_reply_to_id = (string) $query[3]; $content = ''; if (!$screen_name) { theme('error', 'No username given'); } // Load up user profile information and one tweet $user = twitter_user_info($screen_name); // If the user has at least one tweet if (isset($user->status)) { // Fetch the timeline early, so we can try find the tweet they're replying to $request = API_URL . "statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name={$screen_name}&include_rts=true&include_entities=true&page=" . intval($_GET['page']); $tl = twitter_process($request); $tl = twitter_standard_timeline($tl, 'user'); } // Build an array of people we're talking to $to_users = array($user->screen_name); // Are we replying to anyone? if (is_numeric($in_reply_to_id)) { $tweet = twitter_find_tweet_in_timeline($in_reply_to_id, $tl); $content .= "<p>In reply to:<br />{$tweet->text}</p>"; if ($subaction == 'replyall') { $found = Twitter_Extractor::extractMentionedScreennames($tweet->text); $to_users = array_unique(array_merge($to_users, $found)); } } // Build a status message to everyone we're talking to $status = ''; foreach ($to_users as $username) { if (!user_is_current_user($username)) { $status .= "@{$username} "; } } $content .= theme('status_form', $status, $in_reply_to_id); $content .= theme('user_header', $user); $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); theme('page', "User {$screen_name}", $content); }
function twitter_date($format, $timestamp = null) { static $offset; if (!isset($offset)) { if (user_is_authenticated()) { if (array_key_exists('utc_offset', $_COOKIE)) { $offset = $_COOKIE['utc_offset']; } else { $user = twitter_user_info(); $offset = $user->utc_offset; setcookie('utc_offset', $offset, time() + 3000000, '/'); } } else { $offset = 0; } } if (!isset($timestamp)) { $timestamp = time(); } return gmdate($format, $timestamp + $offset); }
function twitter_user_page($query) { $screen_name = $query[1]; // echo "<h1>q1 = {$screen_name}</h1>"; $subaction = $query[2]; // echo "<h1>q2 = {$subaction}</h1>"; $in_reply_to_id = (string) $query[3]; // echo "<h1>q3 = {$in_reply_to_id}</h1>"; $content = ''; if (!$screen_name) { // theme('error', 'No username given'); // Ugly cludge because @user is a real user twitter_refresh('user/user'); } // Load up user profile information and one tweet $user = twitter_user_info($screen_name); // If the user has at least one tweet if (isset($user->status)) { // Fetch the timeline early, so we can try find the tweet they're replying to $cb = get_codebird(); $api_options = ""; $per_page = setting_fetch('perPage', 20); $api_options = "&count={$per_page}"; // If we're paginating through if ($_GET['max_id']) { $api_options .= '&max_id=' . $_GET['max_id']; } $api_options .= "&screen_name={$screen_name}"; $user_timeline = $cb->statuses_userTimeline($api_options); twitter_api_status($user_timeline); $tl = twitter_standard_timeline($user_timeline, 'user'); // $content = theme('status_form'); // $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); // theme('page', 'user', $content); } // Build an array of people we're talking to $to_users = array($user->screen_name); // Build an array of hashtags being used $hashtags = array(); // Are we replying to anyone? if (is_numeric($in_reply_to_id)) { $tweet = twitter_find_tweet_in_timeline($in_reply_to_id, $tl); $out = twitter_parse_tags($tweet->text); $content .= "<p>In reply to:<br />{$out}</p>"; // if ($subaction == 'replyall') { $found = Twitter_Extractor::create($tweet->text)->extractMentionedUsernames(); $to_users = array_unique(array_merge($to_users, $found)); // } if ($tweet->entities->hashtags) { $hashtags = $tweet->entities->hashtags; } } // Build a status message to everyone we're talking to $status = ''; foreach ($to_users as $username) { if (!user_is_current_user($username)) { $status .= "@{$username} "; } } // Add in the hashtags they've used foreach ($hashtags as $hashtag) { $status .= "#{$hashtag->text} "; } $content .= theme('status_form', $status, $in_reply_to_id); $content .= theme('user_header', $user); $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); theme('page', "User {$screen_name}", $content); }
function twitter_user_page($query) { $screen_name = $query[1]; $subaction = $query[2]; $in_reply_to_id = (string) $query[3]; $content = ''; if (!$screen_name) { theme('error', 'No username given'); } // Load up user profile information and one tweet $user = twitter_user_info($screen_name); // If the user has at least one tweet if (isset($user->status)) { // Fetch the timeline early, so we can try find the tweet they're replying to $request = API_NEW . "statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name={$screen_name}"; if ($_GET['max_id']) { $request .= '&max_id=' . $_GET['max_id']; } $tl = twitter_process($request); $tl = twitter_standard_timeline($tl, 'user'); } // Build an array of people we're talking to $to_users = array($user->screen_name); // Build an array of hashtags being used $hashtags = array(); // Are we replying to anyone? if (is_numeric($in_reply_to_id)) { $tweet = twitter_find_tweet_in_timeline($in_reply_to_id, $tl); $out = twitter_parse_tags($tweet->text); $content .= "<p>In reply to:<br />{$out}</p>"; if ($subaction == 'replyall') { $found = Twitter_Extractor::create($tweet->text)->extractMentionedUsernames(); $to_users = array_unique(array_merge($to_users, $found)); } if ($tweet->entities->hashtags) { $hashtags = $tweet->entities->hashtags; } } // Build a status message to everyone we're talking to $status = ''; foreach ($to_users as $username) { if (!user_is_current_user($username)) { $status .= "@{$username} "; } } // Add in the hashtags they've used foreach ($hashtags as $hashtag) { $status .= "#{$hashtag->text} "; } $content .= theme('status_form', $status, $in_reply_to_id); $content .= theme('user_header', $user); $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); theme('page', "User {$screen_name}", $content); }
/** * Associate a Twitter account with the user's account * * Validates post input; verifies it against Twitter; and if * successful stores in the database. * * @return void */ function addTwitterAccount() { $screen_name = $this->trimmed('twitter_username'); $password = $this->trimmed('twitter_password'); $noticesync = $this->boolean('noticesync'); $replysync = $this->boolean('replysync'); $friendsync = $this->boolean('friendsync'); if (!Validate::string($screen_name, array('min_length' => 1, 'max_length' => 15, 'format' => VALIDATE_NUM . VALIDATE_ALPHA . '_'))) { $this->showForm(_('Username must have only numbers, ' . 'upper- and lowercase letters, ' . 'and underscore (_). 15 chars max.')); return; } if (!$this->verifyCredentials($screen_name, $password)) { $this->showForm(_('Could not verify your Twitter credentials!')); return; } $twit_user = twitter_user_info($screen_name, $password); if (!$twit_user) { $this->showForm(sprintf(_('Unable to retrieve account information ' . 'For "%s" from Twitter.'), $screen_name)); return; } if (!save_twitter_user($twit_user->id, $screen_name)) { $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your Twitter settings!')); return; } $user = common_current_user(); $flink = new Foreign_link(); $flink->user_id = $user->id; $flink->foreign_id = $twit_user->id; $flink->service = TWITTER_SERVICE; $flink->credentials = $password; $flink->created = common_sql_now(); $flink->set_flags($noticesync, $replysync, $friendsync); $flink_id = $flink->insert(); if (!$flink_id) { common_log_db_error($flink, 'INSERT', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your Twitter settings!')); return; } if ($friendsync) { save_twitter_friends($user, $twit_user->id, $screen_name, $password); } $this->showForm(_('Twitter settings saved.'), true); }