$limitfrom = $param_displaystart;
    $limitnum = $param_displaylength;
} else {
    $limitfrom = (isset($DB) and is_callable(array($DB, 'get_records_sql'))) ? 0 : '';
    $limitnum = (isset($DB) and is_callable(array($DB, 'get_records_sql'))) ? 0 : '';
$sQuery .= $sWhere;
$cResult = (isset($DB) and is_callable(array($DB, 'get_records_sql'))) ? $DB->get_records_sql($sQuery, array()) : get_records_sql($sQuery);
$iTotal = count($cResult);
$sQuery .= $sOrder . $sLimit;
$rResult = (isset($DB) and is_callable(array($DB, 'get_records_sql'))) ? $DB->get_records_sql($sQuery, array(), $limitfrom, $limitnum) : get_records_sql($sQuery, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
$iFilteredTotal = $iTotal;
//count( $rResult );
$param_echo = optional_param('sEcho', 0, PARAM_INT);
// echo
$output = array("sEcho" => $param_echo, "iTotalRecords" => $iTotal, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal, "aaData" => array());
$rResult = !is_array($rResult) ? array() : $rResult;
$i = 0;
foreach ($rResult as $result) {
    // 'cs.fullname', 'tu.name', 'fl.filename', 'us.firstname', 'us.lastname', 'us.email', 'fl.timecreated'
    $row = array();
    $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" id="userlinks_' . $i . '" name="userlinks[]" value="' . $result->id . '" />';
    $row[] = $result->turnitin_uid == 0 ? '' : $result->turnitin_uid;
    $row[] = '&nbsp;';
    $row[] = !is_null($result->firstname) ? '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $result->userid . '">' . $result->lastname . ', ' . $result->firstname . '</a> (' . $result->email . ')' : get_string('nonmoodleuser', 'turnitintool');
    $row[] = $result->turnitin_utp == 1 ? turnitintool_pseudoemail($result->email) : '-';
    $row[] = '&nbsp;';
    $output['aaData'][] = $row;
echo json_encode($output);
예제 #2
  * The constructor for the class, Calls the startsession() method if we are using sessions
  * @param int $iUid The User ID passed in the class creation call
  * @param string $iUfn The User First Name passed in the class creation call
  * @param string $iUln The User Last Name passed in the class creation call
  * @param string $iUem The User Email passed in the class creation call
  * @param int $iUtp The User Type passed in the class creation call
  * @param object $iLoaderBar The Loader Bar object passed in the class creation call (may be NULL if no loaderbar is to be used)
  * @param boolean $iUseSession Determines whether we start a session for this call (set to false for SSO calls)
 function __construct($iUid, $iUfn, $iUln, $iUem, $iUtp, &$iLoaderBar)
     global $CFG;
     $this->callback = false;
     $this->apiurl = $CFG->turnitin_apiurl;
     $this->accountid = $CFG->turnitin_account_id;
     $this->uid = $iUid;
     // Convert the email, firstname and lastname to psuedos for students if the option is set in config
     // Unless the user is already logged as a tutor then use real details
     if (isset($CFG->turnitin_enablepseudo) and $CFG->turnitin_enablepseudo == 1 and $iUtp == 1 and !turnitintool_istutor($iUem)) {
         $iUfn = turnitintool_pseudofirstname();
         $iUln = turnitintool_pseudolastname($iUem);
         $iUem = turnitintool_pseudoemail($iUem);
     $this->ufn = $iUfn;
     $this->uln = $iUln;
     $this->uem = $iUem;
     $this->utp = $iUtp;
     $this->loaderbar =& $iLoaderBar;
예제 #3
            $table->rows[0]->cells = $cells;
            array_multisort($lastname, SORT_ASC, $userarray);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($userarray as $user) {
                $cells[0]->class = 'cell c0 iconcell';
                $cells[0]->data = '<input type="checkbox" id="userlinks_' . $i . '" name="userlinks[]" value="' . $user->linkid . '" />';
                $cells[1]->class = 'cell c1 markscell';
                $cells[1]->data = $user->turnitin_uid > 0 ? $user->turnitin_uid : null;
                $cells[2]->class = 'cell c2';
                $cells[2]->data = !empty($user->firstname) ? '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $user->id . '">' : '';
                $cells[2]->data .= $user->lastname . ', ' . $user->firstname;
                $cells[2]->data .= !empty($user->firstname) ? '</a>' : '';
                $cells[2]->data .= ' (' . $user->email . ')';
                $cells[3]->class = 'cell c3';
                $cells[3]->data = $user->turnitin_utp == 1 ? turnitintool_pseudoemail($user->email) : '-';
                $table->rows[$i]->class = 'row r' . ($i % 2 ? 0 : 1);
                $table->rows[$i]->cells = $cells;
        echo '</div><input style="margin-top: 7px;" name="unlink" value="Unlink Users" type="submit" /> <input style="margin-top: 7px;" name="relink" value="Relink Users" type="submit" /></form>
        echo '</div>';
    } else {
        if (!is_null($param_do) and ($param_do == "commslog" or $param_do == "activitylog")) {
            $logsdir = $CFG->dataroot . "/temp/turnitintool/logs/";
            $savefile = $param_do . '_' . $param_filedate . '.log';