  * Returns a a table of contents for your documentation
  * @access	public
  * @param	string	Module folder name (optional)
  * @param	boolean	Whether to return an array of values or a view (optional)
  * @return	mixed
 function generate_config_info($module = NULL, $return_array = FALSE)
     if (empty($module)) {
         $module = $this->page_segment(2);
     $config_path = MODULES_PATH . $module . '/config/' . $module . EXT;
     if (file_exists($config_path)) {
         $file = file_get_contents($config_path);
     $config = array();
     if (!empty($file)) {
         //preg_match_all("#^\s*//([^\-]+);#Ums", $file, $matches);
         //preg_match_all("#^\s*//(.+);#Ums", $file, $matches);
         preg_match_all("#^\\s*//(?!\\s-+)(.+);#Ums", $file, $matches);
         if (isset($matches[1])) {
             foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                 // remove any extra comment slashes
                 $match = str_replace('//', '', $match);
                 $match = trim_multiline($match);
                 // FUEL config doesn't use the prefix key
                 $key1 = 3;
                 $key2 = 4;
                 if ($module == FUEL_FOLDER) {
                     preg_match('#^\\$config\\[([\'|"])(.+)\\1\\]\\s*=\\s*([^\\]]+)#ms', $match, $key_arr);
                     $key1 = 2;
                     $key2 = 3;
                 } else {
                     preg_match('#\\$config\\[([\'|"])' . $module . '\\1\\]\\[([\'|"])([^\\]]+)\\2\\]\\s*=\\s*(.+)#ms', $match, $key_arr);
                 if (isset($key_arr[$key1]) and isset($key_arr[$key2])) {
                     $key = $key_arr[$key1];
                     if (strpos($key, "']['") !== FALSE) {
                         $key = "[" . str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $key) . "]";
                     $comment = current(explode('$config', $match));
                     $default = '<pre>' . htmlentities($key_arr[$key2]) . '</pre>';
                     $c = new stdClass();
                     $c->param = $key;
                     $c->comment = htmlentities($comment);
                     $c->default_value = $default;
                     $config[$key] = $c;
     $vars['config'] = $config;
     $vars['module'] = $module;
     return $this->block('config', $vars);
     * Creates a text area that will automatically create unordered list items off of each new line
     * @access	public
     * @param	array Fields parameters
     * @return	string
    public function list_items($params)
        $form_builder =& $params['instance'];
        // ugly... just strips the whitespace on multilines ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1655159/php-how-to-trim-each-line-in-a-heredoc-long-string
        $params['value'] = trim_multiline(strip_tags($params['value']));
        $output_class = !empty($params['output_class']) ? 'class="' . $params['output_class'] . '"' : '';
        $process_key = isset($params['subkey']) ? $params['subkey'] : $params['key'];
        $list_type = (!empty($params['list_type']) and $params['list_type'] == 'ol') ? 'ol' : 'ul';
        $func_str = '
			if (is_array($value))
				foreach($value as $key => $val)
					if (isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
						if (is_string($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
							$z = $val["' . $process_key . '"];
						else if (is_array($val["' . $process_key . '"]) AND isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"]))
							$z = $val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"];
						$lis = explode("\\n", $z);
						$lis = array_map("trim", $lis);
						$newval = ' . $list_type . '($lis, "' . $output_class . '");
						if (is_string($val["' . $process_key . '"]))
							$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"] = $newval;
						else if (is_array($val["' . $process_key . '"]) AND isset($val["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"]))
							$value[$key]["' . $process_key . '"]["' . $params['name'] . '"] = $newval;
				return $value;
				$lis = explode("\\n", $value);
				$lis = array_map("trim", $lis);
				return ' . $list_type . '($lis, "' . $output_class . '");
        $func = create_function('$value', $func_str);
        $form_builder->set_post_process($params['key'], $func);
        $params['class'] = 'no_editor';
        return $form_builder->create_textarea($params);