/** display the content of the sitemap linked to node $node_id
 * there are three different variations (depends on configuration parameter 'scope'):
 *  - 0 (small): only show a map of the tree in the current area $area_id
 *  - 1 (medium): show a list of available areas followed by the map of the current area $area_id
 *  - 2 (large): show the maps of all available areas
 * The default is 0 (small).
 * @param object &$theme collects the (html) output
 * @param int $area_id identifies the area where $node_id lives
 * @param int $node_id the node to which this module is connected
 * @param array $module the module record straight from the database
 * @return bool TRUE on success + output via $theme, FALSE otherwise
function sitemap_view(&$theme, $area_id, $node_id, $module)
    global $USER;
    // 1 -- determine scope of sitemap: 0=small, 1=medium, 2=large
    $table = 'sitemaps';
    $fields = array('header', 'introduction', 'scope');
    $where = array('node_id' => intval($node_id));
    $record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where);
    if ($record === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): error retrieving configuration: %s', __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
        $scope = 0;
        $header = '';
        $introduction = '';
    } else {
        $scope = intval($record['scope']);
        $header = trim($record['header']);
        $introduction = trim($record['introduction']);
    // 2 -- compute a list of areas to process (could be just 1)
    // 2A -- retrieve all areas, including those out of bounds for this user
    if (($all_areas = get_area_records()) === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): huh? cannot get area records: %s', __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
        return FALSE;
        // shouldn't happen
    // 2B -- narrow down the selection (active, (private) access allowed, within scope)
    $areas = array();
    foreach ($all_areas as $id => $area) {
        if (db_bool_is(TRUE, $area['is_active']) && (db_bool_is(FALSE, $area['is_private']) || $USER->has_intranet_permissions(ACL_ROLE_INTRANET_ACCESS, $id))) {
            if ($scope == 2 || $scope == 1 || $scope == 0 && $id == $area_id) {
                $title = $area['title'];
                $params = array('area' => $id);
                $href = was_node_url(NULL, $params, $title, $theme->preview_mode);
                $areas[$id] = html_a($href, NULL, NULL, $title);
    // $areas now holds all areas that we should to process
    if (sizeof($areas) <= 0) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): weird, no areas to process; bailing out', __FUNCTION__));
        return FALSE;
        // shouldn't happen
    // 3 -- maybe output a header and an introduction
    if (!empty($header)) {
        $theme->add_content('<h2>' . $header . '</h2>');
    if (!empty($introduction)) {
    // 4 - Actually output a sitemap by walking the tree once for every elegible area
    foreach ($areas as $id => $area_anchor) {
        if ($scope == 1 && $area_id != $id) {
            // 1=medium only shows area map of $area_id (and an area list lateron)
        // 4A -- output a clickable area title
        $theme->add_content('<h2>' . $area_anchor . '</h2>');
        // 4B -- fetch the tree for this area...
        $tree = tree_build($id);
        tree_visibility($tree[0]['first_child_id'], $tree);
        // 4C -- ...and walk the tree
        sitemap_tree_walk($theme, $tree[0]['first_child_id'], $tree);
    if ($scope == 1) {
        $theme->add_content('<h2>' . t('sitemap_available_areas', 'm_sitemap') . '</h2>');
        foreach ($areas as $id => $area_anchor) {
            $theme->add_content('<li>' . $area_anchor);
    return TRUE;
    // indicate success
/** main program for visitors
 * this routine is called from /index.php. It is the main program for visitors.
 * @return void page sent to the browser
 * @todo cleanup login/logout-code
function main_index()
    global $USER;
    global $CFG;
    global $LANGUAGE;
    /** initialise the program, setup database, read configuration, etc. */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/init.php';
    // this never returns if versions don't match
    // TODO: cleanup like in main_admin()
    // handle login/logout/continuation so we quickly find out which user is calling
    if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
        /** loginlib.php contains both login- and logout-routines */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/loginlib.php';
        // may or may not return here
    } elseif (isset($_GET['login'])) {
        /** loginlib.php contains both login- and logout-routines */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/loginlib.php';
        // may or may not return here
    } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name])) {
        /** dbsessionlib.php contains our own database based session handler */
        require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/dbsessionlib.php';
        if (dbsession_exists(magic_unquote($_COOKIE[$CFG->session_name]))) {
    // At this point we either have a valid session with a logged-in user
    // (indicated via existence of $_SESSION) or we are dealing with an anonymous
    // visitor with non-existing $_SESSION. Keep track of the number of calls
    // this user makes (may be logged lateron on logout).
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['session_counter'])) {
            // first time after login, record start time of session
            $_SESSION['session_counter'] = 1;
            $_SESSION['session_start'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T");
        } else {
    // Now is the time to create a USER object, even when the visitor is just a passerby
    // because we can then determine easily if a visitor is allowed certain things, e.g.
    // view a protected area or something
    /** useraccount.class.php is used to define the USER object */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/useraccount.class.php';
    if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
        $USER = new Useraccount($_SESSION['user_id']);
        $USER->is_logged_in = TRUE;
        $_SESSION['language_key'] = $LANGUAGE->get_current_language();
        // remember language set via _GET or otherwise
    } else {
        $USER = new Useraccount();
        $USER->is_logged_in = FALSE;
    // Check for the special preview-mode
    // This allows a webmaster to preview a page in the correct environment (theme)
    // even when the page is under embargo. Note that the node_id and area_id are
    // retrieved from the session; the user only has a cryptic preview-code.
    // See pagemanagerlib.php for more information (function task_page_preview()).
    $in_preview_mode = FALSE;
    if ($USER->is_logged_in) {
        $preview_code_from_url = get_parameter_string('preview');
        if (!is_null($preview_code_from_url) && isset($_SESSION['preview_salt']) && isset($_SESSION['preview_node'])) {
            $hash = md5($_SESSION['preview_salt'] . $_SESSION['preview_node']);
            if ($hash === $preview_code_from_url) {
                $node_id = intval($_SESSION['preview_node']);
                $area_id = intval($_SESSION['preview_area']);
                $area = db_select_single_record('areas', '*', array('area_id' => $area_id));
                if ($area === FALSE) {
                    logger("Fatal error 070: cannot preview node '{$node_id}' in area '{$area_id}'");
                } else {
                    $tree = tree_build($area_id);
                    $in_preview_mode = TRUE;
    if ($in_preview_mode == FALSE) {
        $requested_area = get_requested_area();
        $requested_node = get_requested_node();
        $req_area_str = is_null($requested_area) ? "NULL" : strval($requested_area);
        $req_node_str = is_null($requested_node) ? "NULL" : strval($requested_node);
        if (($area = calculate_area($requested_area, $requested_node)) === FALSE) {
            logger("Fatal error 080: no valid area (request: area='{$req_area_str}', node='{$req_node_str}')");
            // no such area
        $area_id = intval($area['area_id']);
        // If $USER has no permission to view area $area_id, we simply bail out.
        // Rationale: if the user is genuine, she knows about logging in first.
        // If the user is NOT logged in and tries to view a protected area, I'd consider
        // it malicious, and in that case I won't even confirm the existence of
        // the requested area. (If a cracker simply tries areas 0,1,.. and sometimes is greeted
        // with 'please enter credentials' and sometimes with 'area does not exist', this
        // provides information to the cracker. I don't want that). Note that the error code
        // is the same as the one for non-existing area. In other words: for an unauthorised
        // visitor an existing private area is just as non-existent as a non-existing public area.
        if (db_bool_is(TRUE, $area['is_private']) && !$USER->has_intranet_permissions(ACL_ROLE_INTRANET_ACCESS, $area_id)) {
            logger(sprintf("Fatal error 080: no view permissions for area '%d' (request: area='%s', node='%s')", $area_id, $req_area_str, $req_node_str));
            // no such area
        // still here?
        // then we've got a valid $area_id and corresponding $area record.
        // now we need to figure out which $node_id to use
        $tree = tree_build($area_id);
        if (($node_id = calculate_node_id($tree, $area_id, $requested_node)) === FALSE) {
            logger(sprintf("Fatal error 080: no valid node within area '%d' (request: area='%s', node='%s')", $area_id, $req_area_str, $req_node_str));
            // no such area
    // At this point we have the following in our hands
    // - a valid $area_id
    // - a valid $node_id
    // - the complete tree from area $area_id in $tree
    // - the area record from database in $area
    // - the node record from database in $tree[$node_id]['record']
    // - a flag that signals preview mode in $in_preview_mode
    // We are on our way to generate a full page with content and all,
    // but otoh we MIGHT be in the middle of a redirect, so we may have to
    // leave without showing anything at all...
    if (!empty($tree[$node_id]['record']['link_href'])) {
        if (isset($_SESSION)) {
        // exit; redirect_and_exit() never returns
    /** themelib contains the theme factory */
    require_once $CFG->progdir . '/lib/themelib.php';
    // And now we know about the $area, we can carry on determining which $theme to use.
    $theme = theme_factory($area['theme_id'], $area_id, $node_id);
    if ($theme === FALSE) {
        logger("Fatal error 090: cannot setup theme '{$area['theme_id']}' in area '{$area_id}'");
    // Tell the theme about the preview mode
    // Now all we need to do is let the module connected to node $node_id generate output
    $module_id = $tree[$node_id]['record']['module_id'];
    module_view($theme, $area_id, $node_id, $module_id);
    // Remember this visitor
    // Finally, send output to user
    if (isset($_SESSION)) {
    // done!
 /** construct $this->tree for future reference
  * this constructs the tree of the area $area_id so all other
  * routines can simply use that tree instead of passing it around
  * again and again via function arguments.
  * @param int $area_id indicates which area to buffer if not already buffered
  * @param bool $force re-read of the tree for area $area_id
  * @return void a copy of the area tree is cached in $this->tree
 function build_cached_tree($area_id, $force = FALSE)
     if ($this->area_id !== $area_id || $force) {
         $this->area_id = $area_id;
         $this->tree = tree_build($this->area_id, $force);
/** construct a dialog definition for the workshop configuration
 * this generates an array which defines the dialog for workshop configuration.
 * There are a few plain fields that simply go into the appropriate workshops
 * record and the save and cancel button. However, there may also be items
 * related to ACLs. These fields are used to define the user's roles and the
 * should be presented in a table. We abuse the field names for this purpose:
 * if the first 3 characters are 'acl' we put the widgets in an HTML-table, otherwise
 * it is just an ordinary widget.
 * Note that in the case of a single simple user without any aquaintances (ie. a user
 * that is not member of any group) the user is not able to add herself to the list
 * of authorised users. What is the point of having a _collaborative_ workshop when
 * you are the only one to collaborate with? (However, it would be fairly easy to force/add
 * an entry for this user if the tmp table would turn out empty. Maybe later....?)
 * @param object &$output collects the html output (if any)
 * @param int $viewonly if TRUE the Save button is not displayed and values cannot be changed
 * @param int $module_id indicates the id of the crew module in the database (needed for ACL)
 * @param int $area_id indicates the area where node_id lives (needed for ACL)
 * @param int $node_id indicates which page we are loooking at (needed for ACL)
 * @param int $user_id indicates the current user (needed for ACL)
 * @return array dialog definition
function crew_get_dialogdef(&$output, $viewonly, $module_id, $area_id, $node_id, $user_id)
    global $DB, $USER;
    static $dialogdef = NULL;
    if (!is_null($dialogdef)) {
        // recycle
        return $dialogdef;
    $visibilities = array('2' => array('option' => t('visibility_world_label', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('visibility_world_title', 'm_crew')), '1' => array('option' => t('visibility_all_label', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('visibility_all_title', 'm_crew')), '0' => array('option' => t('visibility_workers_label', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('visibility_workers_title', 'm_crew')));
    $roles = array(ACL_ROLE_NONE => array('option' => t('acl_role_none_option', 'admin'), 'title' => t('acl_role_none_title', 'admin')), CREW_ACL_ROLE_READONLY => array('option' => t('crew_acl_role_readonly_option', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('crew_acl_role_readonly_title', 'm_crew')), CREW_ACL_ROLE_READWRITE => array('option' => t('crew_acl_role_readwrite_option', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('crew_acl_role_readwrite_title', 'm_crew')), ACL_ROLE_GURU => array('option' => t('acl_role_guru_option', 'admin'), 'title' => t('acl_role_guru_title', 'admin')));
    // 1 -- plain & simple fields
    // make a fresh start with data from the database
    $dialogdef = array('header' => array('type' => F_ALPHANUMERIC, 'name' => 'header', 'minlength' => 0, 'maxlength' => 240, 'columns' => 30, 'label' => t('header_label', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('header_title', 'm_crew'), 'viewonly' => $viewonly, 'value' => '', 'old_value' => ''), 'introduction' => array('type' => F_ALPHANUMERIC, 'name' => 'introduction', 'minlength' => 0, 'maxlength' => 32768, 'columns' => 50, 'rows' => 10, 'label' => t('introduction_label', 'm_crew'), 'title' => t('introduction_title', 'm_crew'), 'viewonly' => $viewonly, 'value' => '', 'old_value' => ''), 'visibility' => array('type' => F_RADIO, 'name' => 'visibility', 'value' => 0, 'old_value' => 0, 'options' => $visibilities, 'viewonly' => $viewonly, 'title' => t('visibility_title', 'm_crew'), 'label' => t('visibility_label', 'm_crew')));
    $table = 'workshops';
    $fields = array('header', 'introduction', 'visibility');
    $where = array('node_id' => intval($node_id));
    if (($record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where)) === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): error retrieving CREW configuration: %s', __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
        $output->add_message(t('error_retrieving_data', 'admin'));
    } else {
        foreach ($record as $name => $value) {
            $dialogdef[$name]['value'] = $dialogdef[$name]['old_value'] = $value;
    $sql = sprintf('DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS %screw_tmp', $DB->prefix);
    $retval = $DB->exec($sql);
    if ($USER->has_job_permissions(JOB_PERMISSION_ACCOUNTMANAGER)) {
        // Allow $USER to set/edit any user's permission because she is already able
        // to manipulate useraccounts, _all_ useraccounts. We are sure that $USER is a
        // valid user with at least JOB_PERMISSION_STARTCENTER or else we would not be here.
        $sql = sprintf('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %screw_tmp ' . 'SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, amn.permissions_modules ' . 'FROM %susers u ' . 'LEFT JOIN %sacls_modules_nodes amn ' . 'ON amn.acl_id = u.acl_id AND amn.module_id = %d AND amn.node_id = %d ' . 'ORDER BY u.full_name', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id, $node_id);
    } else {
        // Only allow $USER to set permissions for all her acquaintances, ie. all users
        // that are members of the group(s) that $USER is a also member of.
        $sql = sprintf('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %screw_tmp ' . 'SELECT DISTINCT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, amn.permissions_modules ' . 'FROM %susers u ' . 'INNER JOIN %susers_groups_capacities ugc1 USING(user_id) ' . 'INNER JOIN %susers_groups_capacities ugc2 USING(group_id) ' . 'LEFT JOIN %sacls_modules_nodes amn ' . 'ON amn.acl_id = u.acl_id AND amn.module_id = %d AND amn.node_id = %d ' . 'WHERE ugc2.user_id = %d ' . 'ORDER BY u.full_name', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id, $node_id, $user_id);
    $retval = $DB->exec($sql);
    // at this point we have a temporary table with all 'editable' accounts
    // we first add those to the dialogdef.
    $table = 'crew_tmp';
    $fields = '*';
    $where = '';
    $order = array('full_name', 'username');
    if (($records = db_select_all_records($table, $fields, $where, $order)) === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): error retrieving elegible CREW-members: %s', __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
        $output->add_message(t('error_retrieving_data', 'admin'));
    } else {
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $acl_id = intval($record['acl_id']);
            $name = 'acl_rw_' . $acl_id;
            $dialogdef[$name] = array('type' => F_LISTBOX, 'name' => $name, 'value' => is_null($record['permissions_modules']) ? 0 : $record['permissions_modules'], 'old_value' => $record['permissions_modules'], 'acl_id' => $acl_id, 'options' => $roles, 'viewonly' => $viewonly, 'title' => $record['username'], 'label' => $record['full_name']);
    // the next step is to generate a list of any OTHER accounts that happen to have
    // permissions for this module on this node other than ACL_ROLE_NONE.
    // This list consists of a few UNIONs that effectively yields all accounts that
    // somehow have a non-0 permissions_modules, either global (acls), any node for
    // this module (acls_modules), any node within this area (acls_modules_area),
    // any node that is an ancestor of node_id (acls_modules_nodes) OR this specific
    // node for a user that is NOT an acquaintance (ie. who is not in the temp table).
    // Note that we don't check the ancestors (parents) when node happens to be at
    // the top level within the area, ie. when parent is 0. We also peek inside
    // 'acls_areas' and 'acls_nodes'. Pfew, complicated...
    // All these OTHER accounts cannot be manipulated by $USER because all accounts
    // would then be in the temp table, so there.
    // Since there may be more records for the same user (or rather acl_id), we need
    // to drill down the results. As all permissions are additive we can simply OR
    // these together per acl_id/user which yields a single combined role for that user.
    $tree = tree_build($area_id);
    $ancestors = array();
    for ($next_id = $tree[$node_id]['parent_id']; $next_id; $next_id = $tree[$next_id]['parent_id']) {
        $ancestors[] = $next_id;
    $sql = empty($ancestors) ? '' : sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, amn.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_modules_nodes amn USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE amn.permissions_modules <> 0 AND amn.module_id = %d AND amn.node_id IN (%s)', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id, join(',', $ancestors)) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, an.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_nodes an USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE an.permissions_modules <> 0 AND an.node_id IN (%s)', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, join(',', $ancestors)) . ' UNION ';
    $sql .= sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, a.permissions_modules ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls a USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE a.permissions_modules <> 0', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, am.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_modules am USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE am.permissions_modules <> 0 AND am.module_id = %d', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, aa.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_areas aa USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE aa.permissions_modules <> 0 AND aa.area_id = %d', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $area_id) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, ama.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_modules_areas ama USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE ama.permissions_modules <> 0 AND ama.module_id = %d AND ama.area_id = %d', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id, $area_id) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, an.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_nodes an USING (acl_id) ' . 'WHERE an.permissions_modules <> 0 AND an.node_id = %d', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $node_id) . ' UNION ' . sprintf('SELECT u.acl_id, u.username, u.full_name, amn.permissions_modules  ' . 'FROM %susers u INNER JOIN %sacls_modules_nodes amn USING (acl_id) ' . 'LEFT JOIN %screw_tmp tmp USING(acl_id) ' . 'WHERE amn.permissions_modules <> 0 AND amn.module_id = %d AND amn.node_id = %d ' . 'AND tmp.acl_id IS NULL ', $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $DB->prefix, $module_id, $node_id) . 'ORDER BY full_name, acl_id';
    if (($result = $DB->query($sql)) === FALSE) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): error retrieving other account names: %s', __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
        $output->add_message(t('error_retrieving_data', 'admin'));
    } else {
        if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
            $records = array();
            while (($record = $result->fetch_row_assoc()) !== FALSE) {
                $acl_id = intval($record['acl_id']);
                if (isset($records[$acl_id])) {
                    $records[$acl_id]['permissions_modules'] |= intval($record['permissions_modules']);
                } else {
                    $records[$acl_id] = $record;
            foreach ($records as $acl_id => $record) {
                $name = 'acl_ro_' . $acl_id;
                $dialogdef[$name] = array('type' => F_LISTBOX, 'name' => $name, 'value' => is_null($record['permissions_modules']) ? 0 : $record['permissions_modules'], 'options' => $roles, 'viewonly' => TRUE, 'title' => $record['username'], 'label' => $record['full_name']);
    if (!$viewonly) {
        $dialogdef['button_save'] = dialog_buttondef(BUTTON_SAVE);
    $dialogdef['button_cancel'] = dialog_buttondef(BUTTON_CANCEL);
    return $dialogdef;
 /** read all nodes from table for this area and construct a tree
  * this constructs the tree for this area, and makes sure that only
  * non-hidden pages and non-empty sections are visible
  * @param int $area_id the tree is built from nodes within this area
  * @return array an array with the node-records linked as a tree
 function construct_tree($area_id)
     $tree = tree_build($area_id);
     foreach ($tree as $node_id => $item) {
         $tree[$node_id]['is_visible'] = FALSE;
         $tree[$node_id]['is_breadcrumb'] = FALSE;
     tree_visibility($tree[0]['first_child_id'], $tree);
     return $tree;