예제 #1
파일: oyCevap.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
function cevapOy($deger, $userID, $cevapID)
    global $yol1, $currentFile;
    if (!empty($userID) && !empty($cevapID)) {
        if (cevapOyVar($userID, $cevapID)) {
            $sql2 = "UPDATE eo_askanswerrate \r\n\t\t\t\t\tSET degeri='{$deger}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE userID='{$userID}' and cevapID='{$cevapID}'\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t";
        } else {
            $sql2 = "INSERT INTO eo_askanswerrate \r\n\t\t\t\t\t(degeri,userID,cevapID)\r\n\t\t\t \t\tVALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t('{$deger}','{$userID}', '{$cevapID}')\r\n\t\t\t\t\t";
        $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $yol1);
        if ($result2) {
            echo "Oy verdiniz.";
            trackUser($currentFile, "success,QuesVote", RemoveXSS($_SESSION["usern"]));
        } else {
            echo "Oy verilemedi!";
            trackUser($currentFile, "fail,QuesVote", RemoveXSS($_SESSION["usern"]));
    } else {
        echo "Oy verilemedi!";
예제 #2
파일: index.php 프로젝트: cloverink/lzd

include "api/conn.php";
if (IsLogin()) {
    include "__header.php";
    include "__nav.php";
    include "__dashboard.php";
    include "__footer.php";
} else {
    include "__login.php";
예제 #3
if ($tur == "2") {
    //yöneticiler iþlem yapabilir
    $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    if (isset($_POST["MM_update"]) && $_POST["MM_update"] == "form3") {
        $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE eo_friends SET duvarYazisi=%s WHERE id=%s", RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['wall'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['id'], "int")));
        mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
        $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $yol);
        if ($Result1) {
            trackUser($currentFile, "success,WallInfo", $adi);
            echo "<font id='tamam'>{$metin['536']}</font>";
        } else {
            trackUser($currentFile, "fail,WallInfo", $adi);
            echo "<font id='hata'>{$metin['626']}</font>";
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "" && !empty($_GET['delCon']) and $_GET['delCon'] == "1") {
        $deleteSQL = sprintf("DELETE FROM eo_friends WHERE id=%s", GetSQLValueString($_GET['id'], "int"));
        mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
        $Result1 = mysql_query($deleteSQL, $yol) or die(mysql_error());
        if ($Result1) {
            echo "<font id='uyari'>{$metin['501']}</font>";
    $pageCnt = GetSQLValueString(isset($_GET['pageCnt']) ? $_GET['pageCnt'] : "", "int");
    if ($pageCnt == "NULL") {
        $pageCnt = GetSQLValueString(isset($_SESSION['pageCnt2']) ? $_SESSION['pageCnt2'] : "", "int");
    } else {
예제 #4
파일: nicEdit.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
    $status = array();
    if ($rfc1867) {
        $status = apc_fetch('upload_' . $id);
    if (!$status) {
        $status = array();
    $status['done'] = 1;
    $status['width'] = $size[0];
    $status['url'] = $filename;
    if ($rfc1867) {
        apc_store('upload_' . $id, $status);
    dosyaKaydet(strtolower($filename), getUserID2($_SESSION["usern"]));
    trackUser($currentFile, "success,FileUp", $_SESSION["usern"]);
    $status['id'] = getDosyaID($filename);
    nicupload_output($status, $rfc1867);
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['check'])) {
        // Upload progress check
        $check = $_GET['check'];
        if (!is_numeric($check)) {
            nicupload_error('Invalid upload progress id');
        if ($rfc1867) {
            $status = apc_fetch('upload_' . $check);
            if ($status['total'] > 500000 && $status['current'] / $status['total'] < 0.9) {
                // Large file and we are < 90% complete
                $status['interval'] = 3000;
예제 #5
 if (isset($_POST["MM_update"]) && $_POST["MM_update"] == "form3" && $tur == "2") {
     if (GetSQLValueString($_POST['messageid'], "text") == 'NULL' || GetSQLValueString($_POST['message'], "text") == 'NULL') {
         echo "<font id='hata'>Bilgilerinde eksik alanlar vardýr.</font>";
     } else {
         $gelenyorum = str_replace("\r\n", "<br/>", $_POST['message']);
         $gelenyorum = RemoveXSS($gelenyorum);
         $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE eo_shoutbox SET message='%s' WHERE messageid=%s", $gelenyorum, temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['messageid'], "int")));
         mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
         $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $yol);
         if ($Result1) {
             trackUser($currentFile, "success,ChatMess", $adi);
             echo "<font id='tamam'> {$metin['536']}</font>";
         } else {
             trackUser($currentFile, "fail,ChatMess", $adi);
             echo "<font id='hata'> Bilgide hata olduðundan g&uuml;ncelleme iþleminiz tamamlanamadý!</font>";
 if (empty($_GET["yonU"])) {
     $_GET["yonU"] = "";
 if (empty($_SESSION["siraYonu2"])) {
     $siraYonu = "desc";
     $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] = $siraYonu;
 } else {
     if (!empty($_GET['siraYap']) and $_GET["yonU"] != "dur" && $_GET['siraYap'] == "OK") {
         $siraYonu = $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
         $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] = $siraYonu;
     } else {
예제 #6
파일: delCevap.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
function cevapSil($cevapID, $userID)
    global $yol1, $tur, $currentFile;
    if (!empty($userID) && !empty($cevapID)) {
        if ($tur == "2" or cevapSahibi($cevapID) == $userID) {
            $sql2 = "DELETE FROM eo_askanswerrate \r\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE cevapID = {$cevapID}";
            $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $yol1);
            $sql2 = "DELETE FROM eo_askanswer \r\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE id = {$cevapID}";
            $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $yol1);
            if ($result2) {
                echo "Cevap ve oylar silindi.";
                trackUser($currentFile, "success,DelAnsw", RemoveXSS($_SESSION["usern"]));
            } else {
                echo "Cevap ve oylar silinemedi!";
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,DelAnsw", RemoveXSS($_SESSION["usern"]));
    } else {
        echo "Cevap ve oylar silinemiyor!";
예제 #7
파일: login.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
if ($adi == "") {
    $adi = temizle(substr(isset($_SESSION["usern"]) ? $_SESSION["usern"] : "", 0, 15));
    $par = temizle(isset($_SESSION["userp"]) ? $_SESSION["userp"] : "");
} else {
    if (checkRealUser($adi, $par) == "-2") {
        trackUser($currentFile, "fail,Login", $adi);
    } else {
        //eðer 5 dakika içinde zaten girmiþ ise (flood gibi)
        $sonGirisDakikasi = sonLoginDakikasi($adi);
        if ($sonGirisDakikasi >= 0 and $sonGirisDakikasi < 5) {
            header("Location: error.php?error=7");
            die("<font id='hata'> " . $metin[404] . " (1)</font><p>" . $metin[402] . "</p>");
        setcookie("theme", kullaniciTema($adi), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
        trackUser($currentFile, "success,Login", $adi);
        //first time good login
        header("Location: index.php");
/*	if($adi=="" || $par=="") {
		header("Location: error.php?error=2");
		die("<font id='hata'> ".$metin[403]."</font><br/>".$metin[402]); //EMPTY?
$pass = false;
if ($adi != "" && $par != "") {
    $tur = checkRealUser($adi, $par);
    //eðer pasif ise
    if ($tur <= -1 || $tur > 2) {
예제 #8
     $gelenID = temizle($_GET["id"]);
     $gelenDeger = temizle($_GET["value"]);
     if ($gelenDeger == "0") {
         $gelenDeger = "1";
     } else {
         if ($gelenDeger == "1") {
             $gelenDeger = "0";
         } else {
             $gelenDeger = "0";
     $gelenSorgu = "update eo_comments set active={$gelenDeger} WHERE id = ({$gelenID})";
     $sonuc = mysql_query($gelenSorgu, $yol);
     if ($sonuc) {
         echo "<font id='uyari'>Se&ccedil;ilen kayýt güncellendi</font>";
         trackUser($currentFile, "CmtUpd-{$gelenDeger}-{$gelenID}", $adi);
     } else {
         echo "<font id='hata'>Se&ccedil;ilen kayýt güncellenemedi!</font>";
 if (empty($_GET["yonU"])) {
     $_GET["yonU"] = "";
 if (empty($_SESSION["siraYonu2"])) {
     $siraYonu = "desc";
     $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] = $siraYonu;
 } else {
     if (!empty($_GET['siraYap']) and $_GET["yonU"] != "dur" && $_GET['siraYap'] == "OK") {
         $siraYonu = $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
         $_SESSION["siraYonu2"] = $siraYonu;
     } else {
예제 #9
파일: error.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
	margin: 5px;
	padding: 10px;
	background:url(img/soruArka.gif) repeat-x  top left fixed ;
	background-color: #fff;
if (isset($_SESSION["usern"])) {
    $adi = RemoveXSS($_SESSION["usern"]);
if (isset($_POST["reopenPwd"])) {
    if ($_POST["reopenPwd"] == $_siteUnlockPwd and !empty($_siteUnlockPwd) and !empty($_POST["reopenPwd"])) {
        if (siteAc()) {
            trackUser($currentFile, "success,SiteUnlock", $adi);
<TABLE align="center" width="100%" height="100%" style="background-color:#C00">
    <td height="100%" valign="middle" ><table align="center">
          <td><h2 align="center">eOgr - <?php 
echo $metin[489];
            <p style="margin-top:50px;"> <font color="#FF0000" > <?php 
echo $metin[402];
예제 #10
파일: upload.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
                                    $target_path = $destination_path . basename(strtolower($_FILES['myfile']['name']));
                                    if (file_exists($target_path)) {
                                        $result = -2;
                                        trackUser($currentFile, "fail,FileUp", $_SESSION["usern"]);
                                    } else {
                                        if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
                                            $result = 1;
                                            dosyaKaydet(strtolower($_FILES['myfile']['name']), getUserID2($_SESSION["usern"]));
                                            trackUser($currentFile, "success,FileUp", $_SESSION["usern"]);
                                        } else {
                                            $result = 0;
                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                    echo "<script>alert('Hata : {$e}');</script>";
                                    trackUser($currentFile, "fail,FileUp", $_SESSION["usern"]);
                                    $result = 0;
/*echo "<script>alert('$result - Hata : ".$_FILES['myfile']['name']."');</script>"; */
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
예제 #11
        $dbPassword = $_password;
        $sqlFile = "REPAIR  TABLE eo_1okul, eo_2sinif, eo_3ders, eo_4konu, eo_5sayfa, eo_floodprotection, eo_shoutbox, eo_sitesettings, eo_users, eo_sinifogre, eo_usertrack, eo_userworks, eo_webref_rss_details, eo_webref_rss_items,eo_comments,eo_rating, eo_files, eo_friends, eo_askanswer, eo_askanswerrate, eo_askquestion, eo_livelesson; \r\n\t\tOPTIMIZE TABLE eo_1okul, eo_2sinif, eo_3ders, eo_4konu, eo_5sayfa, eo_floodprotection, eo_shoutbox, eo_sitesettings, eo_users, eo_sinifogre, eo_usertrack, eo_userworks, eo_webref_rss_details, eo_webref_rss_items,eo_comments,eo_rating, eo_files, eo_friends, eo_askanswer, eo_askanswerrate, eo_askquestion, eo_livelesson;";
        $baglan2 = mysql_connect($host, $dbUser, $dbPassword);
        if (!$baglan2) {
            echo "<font id='hata'> L&#252;ften, 'veritaban&#305;' <a href=install.php>kurulumunu (installation)</a> yap&#305;n&#305;z!</font>";
        $yol22 = $baglan2;
        if (mysql_select_db($_db, $yol22)) {
            $newImport = new sqlImport($host, $dbUser, $dbPassword, $sqlFile);
            $importumuz = $newImport->importa();
            if ($importumuz == 0) {
                trackUser($currentFile, "success,DBOptim", $adi);
                echo "<font id='tamam'>{$metin['539']}</font><br/>";
            } else {
                echo "<font id='hata'>" . $importumuz . "</font><br/>";
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,DBOptim", $adi);
        $sqlFile = "";
} else {
    @header("Location: error.php?error=9");
                      <br />
                      <form id="sqlimp" name="sqlimp" method="post" action="siteSettings2.php">
                        <label title="<?php 
echo "SQL Import";
예제 #12
                echo "<font id='hata'> {$metin['413']} {$metin['416']}</font><br/>" . $metin[402];
            case 'noUser':
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,{$sonuc}", $_POST['userName']);
                echo "<font id='hata'> {$metin['413']} {$metin['417']}</font><br/>" . $metin[402];
            case 'emptyData':
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,{$sonuc}", $_POST['userName']);
                echo "<font id='hata'> {$metin['413']} {$metin['418']}</font><br/>" . $metin[402];
            case 'allOK':
                trackUser($currentFile, "success,NewPwd", $_POST['userName']);
                echo "<font id='tamam'> {$metin['414']} </font>" . $metin[402];
            case 'noChange':
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,{$sonuc}", $_POST['userName']);
                echo "<font id='hata'> {$metin['413']} {$metin['419']}</font>" . $metin[402];
    } else {
        if (!empty($_SESSION["passRem"]) and $_SESSION["passRem"] == "yes") {
        //form data?
                  <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
					$().ready(function() {
							rules: {
								userName: {
예제 #13
            if ($_POST['prldeg'] == "secili") {
                $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE eo_users SET realName=%s, userEmail=%s, userBirthDate='%s' WHERE id=%s", temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['realName'], "text"))), temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['userEmail'], "text"))), tarihYap($_POST['userBirthDate']), temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['id'], "int"))));
            } else {
                $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE eo_users SET userPassword=sha1(%s), realName=%s, userEmail=%s, userBirthDate='%s' WHERE id=%s", temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['userPassword'], "text"))), temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['realName'], "text"))), temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['userEmail'], "text"))), tarihYap($_POST['userBirthDate']), temizle(RemoveXSS(GetSQLValueString($_POST['id'], "int"))));
            mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
            $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $yol);
            if ($Result1) {
                echo "<font id='tamam'> {$metin['536']}</font>";
                trackUser($currentFile, "success,UserInf", $adi);
                if ($_POST['prldeg'] != "secili") {
                    trackUser($currentFile, "success,PasswdC", $adi);
                    die("<font id='hata'> Parolanýzý deðiþtirdiðiniz i&ccedil;in tekrar oturum a&ccedil;manýz gerekmektedir!</font>");
            } else {
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,UserInf", $adi);
                echo "<font id='hata'> &Uuml;ye bilgilerinizde hata olduðunda g&uuml;ncelleme iþleminiz tamamlanamadý! &Ouml;rneðin kullanýlan bir eposta adresi girdiniz.</font>";
$upID = getUserID($adi, $par);
mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
if ($upID == "") {
    die("<font id='hata'>Kimlik hatasý</font>");
$query_eoUsers = "select * from eo_users where id='{$upID}'";
$eoUsers = mysql_query($query_eoUsers, $yol);
// if(mysql_query($query_limit_eoUsers, $yol))  die(mysql_error());
$row_eoUsers = mysql_fetch_row($eoUsers);
예제 #14
     $islemi = "ders";
 } elseif ($seciliSekme == "3") {
     $islemi = "konu";
 } elseif ($seciliSekme == "4") {
     $islemi = "sayfa";
 } elseif ($seciliSekme == "5") {
     $islemi = "canliders";
 if ($_GET["islem"] == "S") {
     $islemi .= ", Delete";
 } elseif ($_GET["islem"] == "G") {
     $islemi .= ", Update";
 } elseif ($_GET["islem"] == "E") {
     $islemi .= ", Insert";
 trackUser($currentFile, $islemi, $adi);
 $sql = "";
 switch ($_GET["islem"]) {
     case "S":
         $sql = "Delete From {$tabloAdi} where id={$seciliKayit}";
         $result = mysql_query($sql, $yol);
         if ($result) {
             echo "<font id='tamam'>{$metin['501']}</font>";
         } else {
             echo "<font id='hata'><?php echo {$metin['102']} ?> i&#351;lemi tamamlanamad&#305;! " . mysql_error() . "</font>";
     case "G":
         if ($seciliSekme == "0") {
             $okulAdi = temizle($_POST["okulAdi"]);
             if (!empty($okulAdi)) {
예제 #15
            } else {
                if (@chmod($_uploadFolder, 0755)) {
                    echo "<font id='tamam'> Paylaþým klasörü salt okunur.</font>";
                    trackUser($currentFile, "success,SharedReadOnly", $adi);
            $ayar5char = temizle($_POST['ayar5char1'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char2'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char3'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char4'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char5'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char6'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char7'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char8'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char9'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char10'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char11'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char12'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char13'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char14'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char15'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char16'] . "-" . $_POST['ayar5char17']);
            $updateSQL = sprintf("\r\n\t\t\tUPDATE eo_sitesettings \r\n\t\t\tSET okulGenelAdi=%s, versiyon=%s, sayfaBlokSayisi=%s, \r\n\t\t\tsayfaKullaniciSayisi=%s, veriHareketleriSayisi=%s, \r\n\t\t\tayar4char=%s, ayar1int=%s, ayar2int=%s, ayar3int=%s, \r\n\t\t\tayar5char='%s',\r\n\t\t\tuploadFolder = %s,\r\n\t\t\tsiteUnlockPwd = %s,\r\n\t\t\tdefaultTheme = %s,\r\n\t\t\tdefaultLang = %s,\r\n\t\t\tfilesToPlay = %s,\r\n\t\t\tfileMaxUploadSize = %s,\r\n\t\t\tvideoChatSession = %s,\r\n\t\t\twhiteBoardSession = %s\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\tWHERE id='1'", temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['okulGenelAdi'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['versiyon'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['sayfaBlokSayisi'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['sayfaKullaniciSayisi'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['veriHareketleriSayisi'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['ayar4char'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['ayar1int'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['ayar2int'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['ayar3int'], "int")), $ayar5char, temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['uploadFolder'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['siteUnlockPwd'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['defaultTheme'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['defaultLang'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['filesToPlay'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['fileMaxUploadSize'], "int")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['videoChatSession'], "text")), temizle(GetSQLValueString($_POST['whiteBoardSession'], "text")));
            mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
            $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $yol);
            if ($Result1) {
                trackUser($currentFile, "success,SiteInfo", $adi);
                echo "<font id='uyari'> {$metin['536']}</font>";
            } else {
                trackUser($currentFile, "fail,SiteInfo", $adi);
                echo "<font id='hata'> Site bilgilerinde hata olduðunda g&uuml;ncelleme iþleminiz tamamlanamadý!</font>";
                          <br />
                          <br />
} else {
    @header("Location: error.php?error=9");
                          <form name="form5"  action="siteSettings3.php" method="post">
                            <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
예제 #16
            $hits = trackUser("Tripped Default SkipFish Fuzzing");
            $response = randfuzz($fuzzdatalen * $hits);
            //This is a Burp Spider default test injection
        //This is a Burp Spider default test injection
        case "Peter Winter":
            //Triggers Spider adding response to Target page
            header('Location: index.php', true, 302);
            $hits = trackUser("Tripped Default Burp Spider Fuzzing");
            $response = randfuzz($fuzzdatalen * $hits);
            //This is a default string to test for SQLInjection
        //This is a default string to test for SQLInjection
        case "'":
            header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
            $hits = trackUser("Tripped Common SQLInjection Fuzzing");
            $response = randfuzz($fuzzdatalen * $hits);
            //Base response for unrecognized test
        //Base response for unrecognized test
            $response = "testing";
//below is the random functions
function randfuzz($len)
    if (is_readable('/dev/urandom')) {
        $f = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r');
        $urandom = fread($f, $len);
예제 #17
    $old_ids = DatabaseQueryReturn("SELECT * FROM `sessions` WHERE `timestamp` <= '" . ($time - VISIT_TIMEOUT) . "';");
    foreach ($old_ids as $ids) {
        DatabaseQuery("DELETE FROM `sessions` WHERE `id`='{$ids['id']}'");
        DatabaseQuery("DELETE FROM `sessions_cache` WHERE `name`='{$ids['id']}'");
if (!isset($a)) {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['us'])) {
		<font face="Century Gothic" style="letter-spacing : 2px;" size="0.8em" color="#000000"><center><b>Not Logged In</b><div id="link"> ( <a href="grid_account.php?a=login" title="Login" onclick="Modalbox.show(this.href, {title: this.title, width: 350}); return false;">Login</a> | <a href="grid_account.php?a=register" title="Registration" onclick="Modalbox.show(this.href, {title: this.title, width: 350}); return false;">Register</a> )</center></font></div>
    } else {
		<font face="Century Gothic" style="letter-spacing : 2px;" size="0.8em" color="#000000"><center>Logged In As: <b><?php 
        echo $_SESSION['us'];
</b><div id="link"> ( <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="jah('grid_account.php?a=logout&sessions=true','account')">Logout</a> | <a href="grid_account.php?a=settings" title="Settings" onclick="Modalbox.show(this.href, {title: this.title, width: 350}); return false;">Settings</a> )</center></font></div>
} elseif ($a == 'login') {
    if ($p == '1') {
        $us = $_GET['username'];
        $pw = $_GET['password'];
        $validate = DatabaseQueryReturn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `registered` WHERE `username`='{$us}' AND `password`='{$pw}'");
        if ($validate[0]['COUNT(*)'] > 0) {
예제 #18
파일: newUser.php 프로젝트: ergun805/eOgr
         echo "<br/>{$metin['7']}, " . temizle($_POST["realN"]) . "<br/><br/>";
         echo $metin[408];
         $_SESSION["tur"] = "0";
         //varsayýlan öðrencidir...
         $_SESSION["usern"] = $_POST['userName'];
         $_SESSION["userp"] = sha1($_POST['userPassword1']);
         trackUser($currentFile, "success,Login", $_SESSION["usern"]);
         if (ayarGetir("ayar4char") != "") {
             if (newUserMail($_POST['userName'], $_POST['email']) == "allOK") {
                 echo "<br/><br/>Yeni &Uuml;yelik Epostasý Baþarýlýdýr.";
             } else {
                 echo "<br/><br/>Yeni &Uuml;yelik Epostasý Baþarýlý olamadý!";
     } else {
         trackUser($currentFile, "fail,NewUser", $_POST['userName']);
         echo $metin[409];
 } else {
     require_once "lib/phplivex.php";
     yeni kullanýcý adý testi
     function validate($username)
         global $metin;
         if (strlen($username) >= 5) {
             if (checkUserName($username)) {
                 $msg = $metin[411];
예제 #19
 $filtr2 = "";
 $arayici = temizle(isset($_GET['arama']) ? $_GET['arama'] : "");
 if ($arayici != "") {
     $filtr2 = " where (userName like '%{$arayici}%' or realName like '%{$arayici}%' ) ";
 } else {
     $filtr2 = " where 1=1 ";
 if (isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "" && (!empty($_GET['delCon']) and $_GET['delCon'] == "1")) {
     $deleteSQL = sprintf("DELETE FROM eo_users WHERE id=%s", temizle(GetSQLValueString($_GET['id'], "int")));
     mysql_select_db($_db, $yol);
     $Result1 = mysql_query($deleteSQL, $yol);
     if ($Result1) {
         trackUser($currentFile, "success,DelMember", $adi);
         echo "<font id='uyari'> {$metin['501']}</font>";
     } else {
         trackUser($currentFile, "fail,DelMember", $adi);
         echo "<font id='hata'>&Uuml;ye silme iþleminiz tamamlanamadý!</font>";
 $pageCnt = GetSQLValueString(isset($_GET['pageCnt']) ? $_GET['pageCnt'] : "", "int");
 if ($pageCnt == "NULL") {
     $pageCnt = GetSQLValueString(isset($_SESSION['pageCnt']) ? $_SESSION['pageCnt'] : "", "int");
 } else {
     $_SESSION['pageCnt'] = $pageCnt;
 if ($pageCnt >= 1) {
     $maxRows_eoUsers = $pageCnt;
 } else {
     $maxRows_eoUsers = ayarGetir("sayfaKullaniciSayisi");
 $pageNum_eoUsers = 0;
예제 #20
            $Result3 = mysql_query($deleteSQL3, $yol) or die(mysql_error());
            if ($Result3) {
                $delSonuc = "<font id='uyari'>Soru ve cevaplarý silindi</font>";
            trackUser($currentFile, "success,DelQue", $adi);
            echo $delSonuc;
    if (isset($_POST["gonder"])) {
        if ($_POST["ccode3"] == $_SESSION["ccode3"]) {
            if (!empty($_POST["soru"]) and !empty($_POST["dersID"])) {
                if (soruEkle($_POST)) {
                    trackUser($currentFile, "success,AddQue", $adi);
                    echo "<font id='tamam'>Sorunuz eklendi.</font>";
                } else {
                    trackUser($currentFile, "fail,AddQue", $adi);
                    echo "<font id='hata'>Sorunuz eklenemedi!</font>";
    $ccode3 = newPassw();
    $_SESSION["ccode3"] = $ccode3;
    echo $metin[645];
                    <form action="askQuestion.php" method="post" name="soruGonder">
                      <textarea cols="50" rows="5" name="soru" style="height:93px;border:1px solid #000;"></textarea>