예제 #1
tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("16:00-17:00", "Session 3: Medical Communication: Radio Interference and Propagation", "");

tprog_add_item("Wireless Medical Devices and Electromagnetic Compatibility", "", "<a href=\"http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm077210.htm\">Don Witters*</a> (Center for Devices and Radiological Health [CDRH] at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA])", "Invited Talk");

tprog_add_item("RF Propagation in Body Area Networks", "", "<a href=\"http://www.oaee.umd.edu/facstaff/sayrafian.html\">Kamran Sayrafian</a> (U.S. Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST])", "Invited Talk");


<p>* pending federal approval</p>

<p><a href="workshops/MedCOMM-program-draft-2012.pdf" rel="external" class="lnkcls">Printable program</a></p>

<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

<p>ACM MedCOMM invites papers that stimulate research in communications or computer networks with application to medical device communication
  systems. Key properties include safety, effectiveness, reliability, and security.</p>
<p>There is an increasing trend toward the convergence of wireless communication, Internet connectivity, and medicine. Devices with advanced computer communication range from body-worn health monitors to implantable medical devices to remote robotic medical devices in the battlefield. A growing list of such devices includes artificial vision, brain-computer interfaces for prosthetics, cardiac monitors, defibrillators, digital mammography, glucose monitors, infusion pumps, insulin pumps,  neurostimulators, pacemakers, radiological electronic picture archiving and communication systems,  and smart stents. All these systems depend on the safe, effective, reliable, and secure communication and computer networking. Advanced research on medical communication systems will help innovators of next-generation medical technologies that aim to improve public health in the digital age.</p>
예제 #2

tprog_add_session("15:15-16:30", "Session 5: Network Performance", "Sibren Isaacman (Loyola University)", "a");

tprog_add_item("Revisiting the State of Cellular Data Connectivity in India", "", "Asheesh Sharma (IIT Delhi); Manveen Kaur (IIT Delhi); Zahir Koradia (IIT Delhi); Rahul Nishant (IIT Delhi); Sameer Pandit (IIT Delhi); Aravindh Raman (IIT Delhi); Aaditeshwar Seth (IIT Delhi)", "", "", "");

tprog_add_item("Analysis of end-user QoE in community networks", "", "Bart Braem (University of Antwerp), Johan Bergs (University of Antwerp), Chris Blondia (University of Antwerp), Sabine Wittevrongel (Ghent University), Leandro Navarro (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)", "", "", "");

tprog_add_item("Optimizing Mobile Application Communication for Challenged Network Environments", "", "Waylon Brunette (University of Washington), Morgan Vigil (University of California Santa Barbara), Fahad Pervaiz (University of Washington), Shahar Levari (University of Washington), Richard Anderson (University of Washington)", "", "", "");

tprog_add_session("16:30", "Closing", "", "a");
		<li class="heading" data-role="list-divider" style="display:block"><h3>Tuesday, December 1, 2015</h3></li>
		<li class="heading" data-role="list-divider" style="display:block"><h3>Wednesday, December 2, 2015</h3></li>


예제 #3

tprog_add_item("OpenRadio: A Programmable Wireless Dataplane", "paper/hotsdn/p109.pdf", "Manu Bansal, Jeffrey Mehlman, Sachin Katti, and Philip Levis (Stanford University)", "Paper", "slides/sdn/session4/01-openradio-hotsdn12-talk.pdf", "video/HotSDN-IV-01-OpenRadio.mp4");

tprog_add_item("Towards Programmable Enterprise WLANs With Odin", "paper/hotsdn/p115.pdf", "Lalith Suresh (Instituto Superior Tecnico), Julius Schulz-Zander, Ruben Merz, and Anja Feldmann (Telekom Innovation Laboratories/TU Berlin), and Teresa Vazao (INESC-ID/Instituto Superior Tecnico)", "Paper", "slides/sdn/session4/02-Towards-programmable-enterprise-wlans.pdf", "video/HotSDN-IV-02-TowardsProgrammableEnterpriseWLANswithOdin.mp4");

tprog_add_item("A Security Enforcement Kernel for OpenFlow Networks", "paper/hotsdn/p121.pdf", "Phillip Porras (SRI International), Seungwon Shin (Texas A&amp;M University), Vinod Yegneswaran, Martin Fong, and Mabry Tyson (SRI International), and Guofei Gu (Texas A&amp;M University)", "Paper", "slides/sdn/session4/03-FortNoX-HotSDN.pdf", "video/HotSDN-IV-03-ASecurityEnforcementKernelForOpenFlowNetworks.mp4");

tprog_add_item("OpenFlow Random Host Mutation: Transparent Moving Target Defense using Software Defined Networking", "paper/hotsdn/p127.pdf", "Jafar Haadi Jafarian, Ehab Al-Shaer, and Qi Duan (UNC Charlotte)", "Paper", "slides/sdn/session4/04-HotSDN-SIGCOMM-1-bak.pdf", "video/HotSDN-IV-04-OpenFlowRandomHostMutation.mp4");

tprog_add_session("17:00-18:00", "Panel", "");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

Software Defined Networking (SDN) refactors the relationship between network
devices and the software that controls them. Open interfaces to network
예제 #4

tprog_add_session("16:00-17:30", "Session 10: Data Centers: Network Resilience", "Bruce Maggs");

tprog_add_item("NetPilot: Automating Datacenter Network Failure Mitigation", "paper/sigcomm/p419.pdf", "Xin Wu (Duke University), Daniel Turner (University of California, San Diego), Chao-Chih Chen (University of California, Davis), David A. Maltz (Microsoft), Xiaowei Yang (Duke University), Lihua Yuan (Microsoft), Ming Zhang (Microsoft)", "Paper", "slides/session10/01new-NetPilot.pdf", "video/SIGCOMM-X-01-NetPilotAutomatingDatacenterNetworkFailureMitigation.mp4");

tprog_add_item("Surviving Failures in Bandwidth-Constrained Datacenters", "paper/sigcomm/p431.pdf", "Peter Bodik (Microsoft Research), Ishai Menache (Microsoft Research), Mosharaf Chowdhury (UC Berkeley), Pradeepkumar Mani (Microsoft), David A. Maltz (Microsoft), Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)", "Paper", "slides/session10/02new-SIGCOMM12-v2.pdf", "video/SIGCOMM-X-02-SurvivingFailuresInBandwidthConstrainedDatacenters.mp4");

tprog_add_item("Mirror Mirror on the Ceiling: Flexible Wireless Links for Data Centers", "paper/sigcomm/p443.pdf", "Xia Zhou (UC Santa Barbara), Zengbin Zhang (UC Santa Barbara), Yibo Zhu (UC Santa Barbara), Yubo Li (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Saipriya Kumar (UC Santa Barbara), Amin Vahdat (Google/UC San Diego), Ben Y. Zhao (UC Santa Barbara), Haitao Zheng (UC Santa Barbara)", "Paper", "slides/session10/03new-beam3d-sigcomm-final.pdf", "video/SIGCOMM-X-03-MirrorMirrorOnTheCeiling.mp4");
tprog_add_session("17:30-18:00", "Closing", "");


Please email the <a class="lnkcls" href="mailto:sigcomm2012-gen-chairs@acm.org">general chairs</a> with any questions you may have.

예제 #5
파일: mcc.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev

tprog_add_item("Fog Computing and Its Role in the Internet of Things", "paper/mcc/p13.pdf", "F. Bonomi, S. Addepalli, R. Milito, J. Zhu", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("The Case for Cloud-Enabled Mobile Sensing Services", "paper/mcc/p53.pdf", "S. Sen, A. Misra, R. Balan, L. Lim", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("An Integrated Cloud-based Framework for Mobile Phone Sensing", "paper/mcc/p47.pdf", "R. Fakoor, M. Raj, A. Nazi, M. Di Francesco, S. K. Das", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Energy-Aware Keyword Search on Mobile Phones", "paper/mcc/p59.pdf", "W. Rao, K. Zhao, E. Lagerspetz, P. Hui, S. Tarkoma", "Paper");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

Today the Internet Web Service is the main way we access any kind of information from fixed or mobile terminals. Some of the information is stored in the Internet Cloud, where computing, communication, and storage services are main services provided for Internet users. In a non-distant future many of our queries will be beyond current Internet scope and will be about the people, the physical environments that surround us, and virtual environments that we will be involved. Having witnessed the phenomenal burst of research in cloud computing, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is to extend cloud computing functions, services and results to the world of future mobile applications. MCC will address issues that current Internet Clouds or Mobile Computing Technologies alone cannot effectively or efficiently address.

예제 #6
파일: nasg.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev

tprog_add_session("10:30-11:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("11:00-11:20", "Similarities and Differences Between the Internet and the Smart Grid", "");

tprog_add_session("11:20-11:30", "Survey of Current Work, Open Issues and Challenges", "");
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Smart home</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Demand response</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Electric vehicles</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t<p>Storage sizing and operation</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("12:30-14:00", "Lunch Break", "");

<h2 class="hcls">Motivation</h2>
Several factors have come together to make the Smart Grid a topic of great interest not just to researchers in power systems, but also to researchers in computer science and engineering, industry, policy makers, and the general public. These factors include:

<ol type="a">
<li>problems with the existing grid: unreliability, dependence on expensive or dirty energy sources, and aging infrastructure </li>
예제 #7
파일: hci.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev
tprog_add_session("10:30-11:00", "Coffee Break");

tprog_add_session("11:00-11:45", "Evaluation Techniques");
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n<p>\t<b>Summative &amp; Formative Evaluation:</b> Goals of each approach, and interpreting the results. </p>\n<p>\t<b>In the lab:</b> Basics of experimental design, heuristic evaluation, and usability testing. </p>\n<p>\t<b>In the field:</b> Gaining access to research sites, field study design, and timeframes.</p>\n<p>\t<b>Analysis:</b> Making sense of data collected, basics of qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques.</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("11:45-12:30", "Ethics consent and privacy");
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n<p>\t<b>Ethical Foundations and History:</b> Key principles of ethics, how they have emerged, and why they are important. </p>\n<p>\t<b>Consent and user approval:</b> Basics of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) process, what constitutes human subjects research, and how to gain consent and user approval.</p>\n<p>\t<b>Privacy of data:</b> Protecting user data, anonymization and publishing results.</p>\n<p>\t<b>Legal restrictions:</b> Legal issues surrounding different types of user research. </p>\n<p>\t<b>Responsibilities of researchers:</b> Ethical conduct and setting expectations for users.</p>\n<p>\t<b>International differences and perspectives:</b> How ethics process and legal issues vary and what are the various ethical and legal issues in undertaking research in different countries.</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("12:30-14:00", "Lunch Break");

<h2 class="hcls">Motivation</h2>

<p>As the Internet has grown to underpin many aspects of modern life, the challenges in understanding the network and developing new network mechanisms have changed. Recent predictions by Cisco suggest that there will be 15 Billion network devices by 2015 and more than 3 billion Internet users.  Today, the network has become interwoven with human activities to the extent that broadband access has already become critical for many countries. For example, Finland made broadband access a legal right in July 2010 and has vowed to connect everyone to a 100Mbps connection by 2015.
As the network is made available to an increasingly diverse set of users each exploiting the infrastructure for a broad set of activities, the need to understand what people do with the network and how they do it becomes critical. Equally important, network systems not only need to be presented to a diverse set of non-expert users, they need to be understood and often managed by users who are not skilled network operators. The need to combine human and systems understanding of the network has already been recognized by the SIGCOMM community with the establishment of dedicated workshops such as Homenets (2010, 2011) and W-MUST (2011, 2012).
예제 #8
tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("16:00-16:50", "Session 4: Think Before You Post", "James Salter (GCHQ)");

tprog_add_item("Inferring Who-is-Who in the Twitter Social Network", "paper/wosn/p55.pdf", "Saptarshi Ghosh and Naveen Sharma (IIT Kharagpur), Fabricio Benevenuto (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil), Niloy Ganguly, IIT Kharagpur, and Krishna P. Gummadi (MPI-SWS)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Why Watching Movie Tweets Won't Tell the Whole Story", "paper/wosn/p61.pdf", "Felix Ming Fai Wong, Soumya Sen, and Mung Chiang (Princeton University)", "Paper");

tprog_add_session("16:50-17:30", "Panel: Future of Social Networking Research", "");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

With nearly half the world's population with access to the Internet
예제 #9
파일: gaia.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev
tprog_add_session("14:00-15:30", "Session 3", "", "a");
tprog_add_item("Zebra RFO: Open and Regionalised Spectrum Repositories for the developing world?", "", "Andres Arcia Moret (University of Cambridge)", "", "", "");
tprog_add_item("Localizing communication for an affordable Internet - demo of recent EU activities", "", "Dirk Trossen (InterDigital)", "", "", "");
tprog_add_item("Intelligent service caching for developing regions", "", "Liang Wang (University of Cambridge)", "", "", "");
tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");
tprog_add_session("16:00-17:30", "Session: Socio-economics in delivering the \"Global Internet Access for All\" (GAIA) vision (lessons, obstacles, models) (Chair: Leandro Navarro (UPC))", "", "a");
tprog_add_session("18:00-", "The Great British Pub Experience (Chair: Gareth Tyson)", "");
예제 #10

tprog_add_session("", "Panel 2: Bridging the Gap between Industry and Academia", "");

tprog_add_item("Christoph Th&uuml;r (Ovelin)", "", "<img alt=\"Christoph Th&uuml;r (Ovelin)\" src=\"images/people_image006.jpg\" class=\"bio_img\" /> Chris is co-founder and CEO of Ovelin, a Finnish company that is taking an exciting approach to gamification of music instrument learning. Ovelin's first title WildChords is an iPad game that makes learning to play the guitar fun, addictive and motivating. It is played with a real guitar, and requires no additional equipment (sound picked up through the iPad microphone). Prior to Ovelin, Chris was a Laser Scientist and guitar drop-out. Originally from Switzerland, Chris now lives in Finland where he co-founded Ovelin, and enjoys swimming in the Avanto (hole in the ice).", "");

tprog_add_item("Aki J&auml;rvinen, Ph.D., (Creative Director, Digital Chocolate)", "", "<img alt=\"Aki J&auml;rvinen, Ph.D., (Creative Director, Digital Chocolate)\" src=\"images/people_image011.jpg\" class=\"bio_img\" /> Aki J&auml;rvinen works as the Creative Director at Digital Chocolate's Helsinki studio in Finland. He has more than a decade of experience from designing and producing mobile games, online gambling, and browser-based games. Aki has also written a Ph.D. on academic methods of analyzing games from the perspectives of design and psychology. He has been involved in multiple game related research projects, and given numerous talks in both academic and industry conferences. Currently he is leading a team developing a next generation social game. You can follow his blog at: http://games4networks.posterous.com", "");

tprog_add_item("Fabi&aacute;n E. Bustamante (Northwestern University)", "", "<img alt=\"Fabi&aacute;n E. Bustamante (Northwestern University)\" src=\"images/people_image010.jpg\" class=\"bio_img\" /> Fabi&aacute;n E. Bustamante is an associate professor of computer science in the EECS Department at Northwestern University. He joined Northwestern in 2002, after receiving his M.S. and Ph.D. from the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He leads the AquaLab group investigating networking and systems issues with Internet-scale distributed computing. Fabi&aacute;n is a recipient of the US National Science Foundation CAREER award and the E.T.S. Watson Fellowship Award from the Science Foundation of Ireland, and a senior member of both the ACM and the IEEE.", "");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

While they are a relatively new phenomenon, games on smartphones have become wildly popular with users. Games consistently dominate the top purchases on mobile app marketplaces. With the intense competition that has ensued in this industry, games are now rapidly incorporating sophisticated technologies that have been adapted to the mobile computing environment, many of which are of growing importance to researchers. There are many research challenges across graphics, energy consumption, network latency, HCI, security, and sensor networking. While this field is interdisciplinary by nature, many proposed ideas have direct impact on how networking protocols and infrastructures are designed and managed.</p>
In this first Mobile Gaming workshop at SIGCOMM, we will bring together practitioners as well as interested researchers to discuss the latest developments in this growing field. We will identify what we have already achieved, the challenges that lie ahead, and promising avenues forward.

<a href="workshops/MobiGames2012CFP.pdf" data-role="button" class="button" rel="external">PDF version</a>
예제 #11
파일: pwn.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev
tprog_add_session("10:30-11:00", "Coffee Break");

tprog_add_session("11:00-11:30", "Demonstration of WMP Concepts");
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n\t<p>Insight on a packet jammer</p>\n\t<p>Implementation of new MACs on commodity hardware</p>\n\t<p>Time-Division-Multiple-Access</p>\n\t<p>Multi-Channel MAC</p>\n\t<p>Piggybacking (e.g., for TCP speed up)</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("11:30-12:30", "Hands-on Experimentation by Attendees");
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n\t<p>Participants implement their own MAC</p>\n\t<p>Behaviors of designed MAC verified by tracing throughputs from the userspace</p>\n\t<p>More tests capturing and displaying signals with USRP hardware</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("12:30-14:00", "Lunch Break");

<h2 class="hcls">Motivation</h2>
<p>Wireless networks importance for the future Internet is raising at a fast pace
as mobile devices increasingly become its entry point. However, today
wireless networks are unable to rapidly adapt to evolving contexts and service
needs due to their rigid architectural design.
Programmability of wireless networks is a promising key solution that could
예제 #12
tprog_add_session("12:30-14:00", "Lunch Break", "");

tprog_add_session("14:00-15:30", "Session 3: Co-Design, Considering the Network Stack and the End-User", "");

tprog_add_item("User-driven Dynamic Prioritisation In the Home", "paper/w-must/p19.pdf", "Jake Martin (Georgia Tech); Nick Feamster (University of Maryland)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Bridging the HCI and Networking Communities to Create User-Centered Systems", "", "", "Panel");

tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("16:00-16:30", "Reflect and Wrap-Up", "");

예제 #13
파일: icn.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev

tprog_add_item("Caesar: a Content Router for High Speed Forwarding", "paper/icn/p73.pdf", "Matteo Varvello (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent), Diego Perino (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent) and Jairo Esteban (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Information-Centric Networking Architecture for Data Centers", "paper/icn/p79.pdf", "Bong Jun Ko (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) , Vasileios Pappas (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Ramya Raghavendra (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Yang Song (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Raheleh B. Dilmaghani (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Kang-Won Lee and Dinesh Verma (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Access Control Enforcement Delegation for Information-Centric Networking Architectures", "paper/icn/p85.pdf", "Nikos Fotiou (Athens University of Economics and Business), Giannis Marias (Athens University of Economics and Business) and George Polyzos (Athens University of Economics and Business)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("ICN-RE: Redundancy Elimination for Information-Centric Networking", "paper/icn/p91.pdf", "Diego Perino (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent), Matteo Varvello (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent) and Krishna P. N. Puttaswamy (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent)", "Paper");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

	  The rapid development of Information-Centric Networking
	  (ICN) concepts in the last few years is one of the
	  significant results from multiple international Future
	  Internet research activities. Based on the ICN concepts, the
	  principal communication paradigm is no longer end-to-end
예제 #14
파일: sora.php 프로젝트: pombredanne/acmdev
tprog_add_item("", "", "\n\t\t\t<p>Sora hardware configuration and tuning</p>\n\t\t\t<p>Spectrum analysis using Sora</p>\n\t\t\t", "");

tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("16:00-17:30", "Sora lab II - build a complete communication system: PHY and MAC", "");

tprog_add_item("", "", "\n\t\t\t<p>A simple communication system: physical layer</p>\n\t\t\t<p>A complete communication system: MAC and networking</p>\n\t\t\t", "");


<h2 class="hcls">Motivation</h2>

Wireless networking is ubiquitous and has become an essential part of the global Internet. Evidently, the general networking community is increasingly interested in wireless research, especially in broadband wireless communication and networking. More and more research works are crossing into the lower layer wireless primitives, instead of only higher layers (MAC and above) on existing standards (notably WiFi).
To facilitate the experiment and evaluation of new research ideas, Microsoft Research Asia has developed a high-speed software radio platform, called Sora. Fully utilizing the state-of-the-art multi-core CPU, Sora combines the performance and fidelity of hardware SDR platforms with the programmability and flexibility of general-purpose processor (GPP) SDR platforms.
Sora is highly capable to implement and experiment state-of-the-art broadband wireless technologies, like WiFi and LTE.
예제 #15
tprog_add_session("15:30-16:00", "Coffee Break", "");

tprog_add_session("16:00-16:45", "Coverage and Location", "Suman Banerjee (University of Wisconsin)");

tprog_add_item("Improving Coverage Estimation for Cellular Networks with Spatial Bayesian Prediction based on Measurements", "paper/cellnet/p43.pdf", "Berna Sayrac (Orange Labs), Janne Riihij&auml;rvi (RWTH Aachen University), Petri M&auml;h&ouml;nen (RWTH Aachen University), Sana Ben Jemaa (Orange Labs), Eric Moulines (Ecole Nationale Sup&eacute;rieure des T&eacute;l&eacute;communications), S&eacute;bastien Grimoud (France Telecom R&amp;D)", "Paper");

tprog_add_item("Invited Talk: When Assistance Becomes Dependence: An Analysis of AGPS performance", "", "Konstantina Papagiannaki (T&eacute;l&eacute;fonica Research)", "Paper");

tprog_add_session("16:45-17:45", "Panel: Cellular Networks: Challenges and Future Design", "");


<h2 class="hcls">Introduction</h2>

With the popularity of smart phones and tablets, we are living in an
increasingly mobile world. Third-party mobile applications such as