예제 #1
function importPageMod($hPage)
    global $pagesTable, $requestsTable;
    $t_CVSNO = time();
    $pageid = $hPage['pageid'];
    $wptid = $hPage['wptid'];
    $wptrun = $hPage['wptrun'];
    if (!$wptid || !$wptrun) {
        tprint("ERROR: importPageMod({$pageid}): failed to find wptid and wptrun: {$wptid}, {$wptrun}");
    // lifted from importWptResults
    $wptServer = wptServer();
    $request = $wptServer . "export.php?test={$wptid}&run={$wptrun}&cached=0&php=1";
    $response = fetchUrl($request);
    //tprint("after fetchUrl", $t_CVSNO);
    if (!strlen($response)) {
        tprint("ERROR: importPageMod({$pageid}): URL failed: {$request}");
    // lifted from importHarJson
    $json_text = $response;
    $HAR = json_decode($json_text);
    if (NULL == $HAR) {
        tprint("ERROR: importPageMod({$pageid}): JSON decode failed");
    $log = $HAR->{'log'};
    $pages = $log->{'pages'};
    $pagecount = count($pages);
    if (0 == $pagecount) {
        tprint("ERROR: importPageMod({$pageid}): No pages found");
    // lifted from importPage
    $page = $pages[0];
    if (array_key_exists('_TTFB', $page)) {
        $hPage['TTFB'] = $page->{'_TTFB'};
    if (array_key_exists('_fullyLoaded', $page)) {
        $hPage['fullyLoaded'] = $page->{'_fullyLoaded'};
    if (array_key_exists('_visualComplete', $page)) {
        $hPage['visualComplete'] = $page->{'_visualComplete'};
    if (array_key_exists('_gzip_total', $page)) {
        $hPage['gzipTotal'] = $page->{'_gzip_total'};
        $hPage['gzipSavings'] = $page->{'_gzip_savings'};
    if (array_key_exists('_domElements', $page)) {
        $hPage['numDomElements'] = $page->{'_domElements'};
    if (array_key_exists('_domContentLoadedEventStart', $page)) {
        $hPage['onContentLoaded'] = $page->{'_domContentLoadedEventStart'};
    if (array_key_exists('_base_page_cdn', $page)) {
        $hPage['cdn'] = $page->{'_base_page_cdn'};
    if (array_key_exists('_SpeedIndex', $page)) {
        $hPage['SpeedIndex'] = $page->{'_SpeedIndex'};
    // lifted from aggregateStats
    // initialize variables for counting the page's stats
    $hPage['bytesTotal'] = 0;
    $hPage['reqTotal'] = 0;
    $typeMap = array("flash" => "Flash", "css" => "CSS", "image" => "Img", "script" => "JS", "html" => "Html", "font" => "Font", "other" => "Other", "gif" => "Gif", "jpg" => "Jpg", "png" => "Png");
    foreach (array_keys($typeMap) as $type) {
        // initialize the hashes
        $hPage['req' . $typeMap[$type]] = 0;
        $hPage['bytes' . $typeMap[$type]] = 0;
    $hDomains = array();
    $hPage['maxageNull'] = $hPage['maxage0'] = $hPage['maxage1'] = $hPage['maxage30'] = $hPage['maxage365'] = $hPage['maxageMore'] = 0;
    $hPage['bytesHtmlDoc'] = $hPage['numRedirects'] = $hPage['numErrors'] = $hPage['numGlibs'] = $hPage['numHttps'] = $hPage['numCompressed'] = $hPage['maxDomainReqs'] = 0;
    $result = doQuery("select mimeType, urlShort, resp_content_type, respSize, expAge, firstHtml, status, resp_content_encoding, req_host from {$requestsTable} where pageid = {$pageid};");
    //tprint("after query", $t_CVSNO);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $reqUrl = $row['urlShort'];
        $mimeType = prettyType($row['mimeType'], $reqUrl);
        $respSize = intval($row['respSize']);
        $hPage['bytesTotal'] += $respSize;
        $hPage['req' . $typeMap[$mimeType]]++;
        $hPage['bytes' . $typeMap[$mimeType]] += $respSize;
        if ("image" === $mimeType) {
            $content_type = $row['resp_content_type'];
            $imgformat = false !== stripos($content_type, "image/gif") ? "gif" : (false !== stripos($content_type, "image/jpg") || false !== stripos($content_type, "image/jpeg") ? "jpg" : (false !== stripos($content_type, "image/png") ? "png" : ""));
            if ($imgformat) {
                $hPage['req' . $typeMap[$imgformat]]++;
                $hPage['bytes' . $typeMap[$imgformat]] += $respSize;
        // count unique domains (really hostnames)
        $aMatches = array();
        if ($reqUrl && preg_match('/http[s]*:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)/', $reqUrl, $aMatches)) {
            $hostname = $aMatches[1];
            if (!array_key_exists($hostname, $hDomains)) {
                $hDomains[$hostname] = 0;
            // count hostnames
        } else {
            tprint("ERROR: importPageMod({$pageid}): No hostname found in URL: {$reqUrl}");
        // count expiration windows
        $expAge = $row['expAge'];
        $daySecs = 24 * 60 * 60;
        if (NULL === $expAge) {
        } else {
            if (0 === intval($expAge)) {
            } else {
                if ($expAge <= 1 * $daySecs) {
                } else {
                    if ($expAge <= 30 * $daySecs) {
                    } else {
                        if ($expAge <= 365 * $daySecs) {
                        } else {
        if ($row['firstHtml']) {
            $hPage['bytesHtmlDoc'] = $respSize;
        // CVSNO - can we get this UNgzipped?!
        $status = $row['status'];
        if (300 <= $status && $status < 400 && 304 != $status) {
        } else {
            if (400 <= $status && $status < 600) {
        if (0 === stripos($reqUrl, "https://")) {
        if (FALSE !== stripos($row['req_host'], "googleapis.com")) {
        if ("gzip" == $row['resp_content_encoding'] || "deflate" == $row['resp_content_encoding']) {
    $hPage['numDomains'] = count(array_keys($hDomains));
    foreach (array_keys($hDomains) as $domain) {
        $hPage['maxDomainReqs'] = max($hPage['maxDomainReqs'], $hDomains[$domain]);
    //$cmd = "UPDATE $pagesTable SET reqTotal = $reqTotal, bytesTotal = $bytesTotal" .
    $cmd = "insert into pagestmp SET " . hashImplode(", ", "=", $hPage) . ";";
    //tprint("before insert", $t_CVSNO);
    //tprint("after insert\n", $t_CVSNO);
예제 #2
 } else {
     // start this task
     lprint("Starting task \"{$task}\"...");
     // fork the child process
     // return:
     //   -1 - error
     //    0 - we're the forked child process
     //   >0 - we're the parent process and this is the process ID of the child process
     $pid = pcntl_fork();
     if (-1 === $pid) {
         die("ERROR: failed to fork child process.\n");
     if ($pid) {
         // parent process - save the child process ID
         $aChildPids[] = $pid;
         tprint("{$task} pid = {$pid}");
     } else {
         // child process
         if ("submit" === $task) {
             // Submit the jobs to WebPagetest.
         } else {
             if ("status" === $task) {
                 // Check the test status with WPT server
             } else {
                 if ("obtain" === $task) {
                     // Obtain XML result
                 } else {
                     if (0 === strpos($task, "parse")) {