<div class="hide"> <meta content="<?php echo blog_title(); ?> " itemprop="name"/> <meta content="<?php echo blog_description(); ?> " itemprop="description"/> </div> <?php if (facebook()) { echo facebook(); } if (login()) { toolbar(); } ?> <!-- ******HEADER****** --> <header class="header"> <div class="container"> <div class="logo pull-left"><img class="logo-image" src="<?php echo site_url(); ?> themes/blog/images/logo.png"/></div> <div class="branding pull-left"> <?php if (is_index()) { ?> <h1 class="name"><a href="<?php echo site_url();
function make_navigation() { global $p, $privileges; $menu = array(); $pages = array("news" => news_title(), "user_meetings" => meetings_title(), "user_shifts" => shifts_title(), "angeltypes" => angeltypes_title(), "user_questions" => questions_title()); foreach ($pages as $page => $title) { if (in_array($page, $privileges)) { $menu[] = toolbar_item_link(page_link_to($page), '', $title, $page == $p); } } $admin_menu = array(); $admin_pages = array("admin_arrive" => admin_arrive_title(), "admin_active" => admin_active_title(), "admin_user" => admin_user_title(), "admin_free" => admin_free_title(), "admin_questions" => admin_questions_title(), "shifttypes" => shifttypes_title(), "admin_shifts" => admin_shifts_title(), "admin_rooms" => admin_rooms_title(), "admin_groups" => admin_groups_title(), "admin_import" => admin_import_title(), "admin_log" => admin_log_title()); foreach ($admin_pages as $page => $title) { if (in_array($page, $privileges)) { $admin_menu[] = toolbar_item_link(page_link_to($page), '', $title, $page == $p); } } if (count($admin_menu) > 0) { $menu[] = toolbar_dropdown('', _("Admin"), $admin_menu); } return toolbar($menu); }
function template($content_tile_name, $data) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tiles/' . $content_tile_name . '.php'; before($content_tile_name); ?> <div id="header" class="right"><div class="right-inner"> <?php top(); ?> </div></div> <div id="content" class="right"><div class="right-inner" style="float:_left"> <?php content($content_tile_name, $data); ?> </div></div> <div id="homelink" class="left"><div class="left-inner"> <a href="./" title="на главную" id="home"></a> </div></div> <div id="timeleft" class="left"><div class="left-inner"> <?php timeleft($content_tile_name); ?> </div></div> <?php if ('standing' != $content_tile_name && 'table' != $content_tile_name) { ?> <div id="control" class="left"><div class="left-inner"> <?php menu($content_tile_name); ?> </div></div> <?php } ?> <div id="stuff" class="right"><div class="right-inner"> <?php stuff($content_tile_name); ?> </div></div> <div id="toolbar"> <?php toolbar($content_tile_name); ?> </div> <div id="support" class="left"><div class="left-inner"> <?php support(); ?> </div></div> <div id="contacts" class="right"><div class="right-inner"> <?php contacts(); ?> </div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { var menuWidth = $('#menu').width() , on = false ; $(document.body).mousemove(function(e) { if ($(document.body).hasClass('noleft')) { if (!on) { defMargin(true); } if ($(e.target).closest('#control').size() && !on) { on = true; $('#control').animate( { 'marginLeft': defMargin() + menuWidth + 'px' } , 200 ); } if (!$(e.target).closest('#control').size() && on) { on = false; $('#control').animate( { 'marginLeft': defMargin() + 'px' } , 200 ); } } else { defMargin(true); } }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php after(); die; }
function template_common_epilogue($args) { global $AdditionalFooter, $AllowAnonymousPosts, $EmailSuffix; global $EnableSubscriptions, $EnableCaptcha, $HomePage, $NickName, $page; global $pagestore, $PageTooLongLen, $PrefsScript, $UserName; $pg = $pagestore->page($page); $pagetext = $pg->text; if (isset($args["toolbar"])) { ?> <div class="toolbar" id="toolbar-bottom"><?php toolbar($page, $args); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <NOINDEX> <div id="footer" class="printhide"> <div id="logininfo"> <?php if ($UserName) { print "Logged in as " . html_ref($UserName, $UserName); } else { print "Not <a href=\"login/?{$page}\">logged in</a>"; } if ($EnableSubscriptions && isset($EmailSuffix) && $UserName != '' && isset($args['subscribe']) && !empty($args['subscribe'])) { if ($pg->isSubscribed($UserName)) { $caption = 'Unsubscribe'; } else { $caption = 'Subscribe'; } print ' | <a href="' . pageSubscribeURL($args['subscribe']) . '">' . $caption . '</a>'; } if (!$UserName) { print ' | <a href="' . viewURL($page) . '&view_source=1">View source</a>'; } print "<br>"; print html_ref('RecentChanges', 'RecentChanges') . ', ' . '<a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">UserOptions</a>'; $help_page = $pagestore->page('HelpPage'); if ($help_page->exists()) { print ', ' . html_ref('HelpPage', 'HelpPage'); } ?> </div> <div id="comment"> <?php if (!in_array($page, array($HomePage, 'RecentChanges')) && ($UserName || $AllowAnonymousPosts)) { ?> <script language="javascript"> <!-- function epilogue_quickadd_validate(form) { if (form.quickadd.value == '') { alert('Please provide content for the text field.'); return false; } else if (form.validationcode && form.validationcode.value == '') { alert('The validation code is required.'); return false; } else { return true; } } //--> </script> <?php if ($args['edit']) { if ($args['page_length'] > $PageTooLongLen) { print '<div style="color:red;font-weight:bold">' . 'This page is too long. Comments are disabled.</div>'; } else { global $document; $document = $pg->read(); $document = str_replace('"', "\\\\'", $document); ?> <form method="post" action="<?php print saveURL($page); ?> "> <div class="form"> <input type="hidden" name="Save" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="appending" value="1"> <?php if (!strcasecmp($page, 'annoyingquote') || !strcasecmp($page, 'accumulatedwisdom')) { // Tweaked "Add a Comment" for AnnoyingQuote page ?> <input type="hidden" name="comment" value="Add a Quote"> <input type="hidden" name="appendingQuote" value="1"> <table width="100%"> <tr valign="bottom"> <td align="right">Quote: </td> <td nowrap><textarea name="quickadd" rows="2" wrap="virtual"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td width="1%" align="right">Author: </td> <td width="99%" nowrap><input class="fullWidth" type="text" name="quoteAuthor" size="20" value=""></td> </tr> </table> <?php if (!$UserName && $EnableCaptcha) { print_captcha_box(); } ?> <input type="submit" name="append" value="Add a Quote" onClick="return epilogue_quickadd_validate(this.form)"> <?php } else { // Standard Add a Comment print '<input type="hidden" name="comment" value="Comment">'; print '<textarea name="quickadd" rows="4" cols="20">'; print "----\n'''"; if ($UserName) { print "[{$UserName}]"; } else { if ($NickName) { print htmlspecialchars($NickName); } else { print "Anonymous@" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } print " (" . date('Y/m/d') . ")''': "; print "</textarea>\n"; if (!$UserName) { if ($EnableCaptcha) { print_captcha_box(); } if (!$NickName) { print '(Anonymous users, see <a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">UserOptions</a> to set a nickname.) '; } } print '<input type="submit" name="append" value="Add a Comment" onClick="return epilogue_quickadd_validate(this.form)">'; } ?> </div> </form> <?php } } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="timestamp"> <?php if (isset($args['timestamp'])) { print '<i>Last edited ' . html_time($args['timestamp']); if ($args['timestamp'] != '') { if (isset($args['euser']) && $args['euser']) { print ' by ' . $args['euser']; } else { print ' anonymously'; } } } if (isset($args['twin']) && $args['twin'] != '') { if (count($twin = $pagestore->twinpages($args['twin']))) { print '<br>See twins of this page: '; for ($i = 0; $i < count($twin); $i++) { print html_twin($twin[$i][0], $twin[$i][1]) . ' '; } } } ?> </div> <?php if ($AdditionalFooter) { include $AdditionalFooter; } ?> </div> </NOINDEX> </body> </html> <?php }
<?php // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // 本模組由 prolin 製作 // 製作日期:2014-03-01 // $Id:$ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // include_once "common/tool.php"; include_once "function.php"; //判斷是否對該模組有管理權限 $isAdmin = isAdmin(); //ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); $interface_menu['首頁'] = "index.php"; if ($isAdmin) { $interface_menu[_TO_ADMIN_PAGE] = "admin/index.php"; } //給獨立模組用的登出按鈕 $interface_menu = logout_button($interface_menu); //模組前台選單 $module_menu = toolbar($interface_menu); //引入CSS樣式表檔案 $module_css = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='module.css' />";