예제 #1
function describe_period_span($starts, $ends)
    list($start_period, $start_date) = period_date_string($starts);
    list(, $end_date) = period_date_string($ends, -1);
    $duration = $ends - $starts;
    toPeriodString($start_period, $duration, $dur_units);
    return $start_date . " - " . $duration . " " . $dur_units;
예제 #2
# If we have not been provided with starting time
if (empty($start_hour) && $morningstarts < 10) {
    $start_hour = "0{$morningstarts}";
if (empty($start_hour)) {
    $start_hour = "{$morningstarts}";
if (empty($start_min)) {
    $start_min = "00";
// Remove "Undefined variable" notice
if (!isset($rep_num_weeks)) {
    $rep_num_weeks = "";
$enable_periods ? toPeriodString($start_min, $duration, $dur_units) : toTimeString($duration, $dur_units);
#now that we know all the data to fill the form with we start drawing it
if (!getWritable($create_by, getUserName())) {
    showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area);
print_header($day, $month, $year, $area);

// do a little form verifying
function validate_and_submit ()
  // null strings and spaces only strings not allowed
예제 #3
function describe_period_span($starts, $ends)
    global $enable_periods, $periods_name, $vocab, $duration;
    list($start_period, $start_date) = period_date_string($starts);
    list(, $end_date) = period_date_string($ends, -1);
    $duration = $ends - $starts;
    toPeriodString($start_period, $duration, $dur_units);
    if ($duration > 1) {
        list(, $start_date) = period_date_string($starts);
        list(, $end_date) = period_date_string($ends, -1);
        $temp = $start_date . " ==> " . $end_date;
    } else {
        $temp = $start_date . " - " . $duration . " " . $dur_units;
    return $temp;
예제 #4
                            echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_rep_day').'</b> '.$opt.'</td></tr>'."\n";
                        } else {
                            echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_rep_days').'</b> '.$opt.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        } else {
            $tplArrayEditEntry['pasPeriode']['opt'] = false;
        if ($enable_periods == 'y') {
            list($start_period, $start_date) = period_date_string($start_time);
        } else {
            $start_date = time_date_string($start_time, $dformat);
        $duration = $end_time - $start_time;
        if ($enable_periods == 'y') {
            toPeriodString($start_period, $duration, $dur_units);
        } else {
            toTimeString($duration, $dur_units, true);
        $tplArrayEditEntry['pasPeriode']['startDate'] = $start_date;
        $tplArrayEditEntry['pasPeriode']['duration'] = $duration;
        $tplArrayEditEntry['pasPeriode']['durUnits'] = $dur_units;
        $tplArrayEditEntry['pasPeriode']['repEndDate'] = $rep_end_date;
        /*echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('date').get_vocab('deux_points').'</b> '.$start_date.'</td></tr>'."\n";
          echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('duration').'</b> '.$duration.' '.$dur_units.'</td></tr>'."\n";
          echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_end_date').'</b> '.$rep_end_date.'</td></tr>'."\n";*/
/*    echo '</table>',PHP_EOL;
    echo '</td>',PHP_EOL,'</tr>',PHP_EOL,'</table>',PHP_EOL;*/
$tplArrayEditEntry['vocab']['cancel'] = get_vocab('cancel');
// on slot boundaries, but is left in for good measure).
$am7 = mktime($morningstarts, $morningstarts_minutes, 0, $month, $day, $year, is_dst($month, $day, $year, $morningstarts));
$starttime = round_t_down($starttime, $resolution, $am7);
$endtime = round_t_up($endtime, $resolution, $am7);
// If they asked for 0 minutes, and even after the rounding the slot length is still
// 0 minutes, push that up to 1 resolution unit.
if ($endtime == $starttime) {
    $endtime += $resolution;
// Now get the duration, which will be needed for email notifications
// (We do this before we adjust for DST so that the user sees what they expect to see)
$duration = $endtime - $starttime;
$date = getdate($starttime);
if ($enable_periods) {
    $period = ($date['hours'] - 12) * 60 + $date['minutes'];
    toPeriodString($period, $duration, $dur_units, FALSE);
} else {
    toTimeString($duration, $dur_units, FALSE);
// Adjust the endtime for DST
$endtime += cross_dst($starttime, $endtime);
if (isset($rep_type) && $rep_type != REP_NONE && isset($rep_end_month) && isset($rep_end_day) && isset($rep_end_year)) {
    // Get the repeat entry settings
    $end_date = $start_seconds + mktime(0, 0, 0, $rep_end_month, $rep_end_day, $rep_end_year);
} else {
    $rep_type = REP_NONE;
    $end_date = 0;
    // to avoid an undefined variable notice
if (!isset($rep_day)) {
    $rep_day = array();
예제 #6
파일: edit_entry.php 프로젝트: rhertzog/lcs
        if ($rep_type == 6) {
            $nb = 1;
            //Affiche le jour cycle.
      			$opt .= get_vocab('jour_cycle').' '.$jours_c;
            if ($nb == 1)
                echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_rep_day').'</b> '.$opt.'</td></tr>'."\n";
                echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_rep_days').'</b> '.$opt.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        if($enable_periods=='y') list( $start_period, $start_date) =  period_date_string($start_time);
        else $start_date = time_date_string($start_time,$dformat);
        $duration = $end_time - $start_time;
        if ($enable_periods=='y') toPeriodString($start_period, $duration, $dur_units);
        else toTimeString($duration, $dur_units, true);

        echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab("date").get_vocab("deux_points").'</b> '.$start_date.'</td></tr>'."\n";
        echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab("duration").'</b> '.$duration .' '. $dur_units.'</td></tr>'."\n";

        echo '<tr><td class="E"><b>'.get_vocab('rep_end_date').'</b> '.$rep_end_date.'</td></tr>'."\n";
// Fin du tableau de la colonne de droite
echo "\n</table>\n";
// Fin de la colonne de droite et fin du tableau
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
<div id="fixe">
<input type="button" value="<?php echo get_vocab("cancel")?>" onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo $page.".php?year=".$year."&amp;month=".$month."&amp;day=".$day."&amp;area=".$area."&amp;room=".$room; ?>'" />
예제 #7
     $rep_opt = isset($row['rep_opt']) ? $row['rep_opt'] : NULL;
     $rep_num_weeks = isset($row['rep_num_weeks']) ? $row['rep_num_weeks'] : NULL;
     if ($enable_periods) {
         list($start_period, $start_date) = period_date_string($row['start_time']);
     } else {
         $start_date = time_date_string($row['start_time']);
     if ($enable_periods) {
         list(, $end_date) = period_date_string($row['end_time'], -1);
     } else {
         $end_date = time_date_string($row['end_time']);
     // The optional last parameters below are set to FALSE because we don't want the units
     // translated - otherwise they will end up getting translated twice, resulting
     // in an undefined index error.
     $enable_periods ? toPeriodString($start_period, $duration, $dur_units, FALSE) : toTimeString($duration, $dur_units, FALSE);
 // Now that we know the room, check that we have confirm rights for it if necessary
 if (($action == "accept" || $action == "reject") && !auth_book_admin($user, $room_id)) {
     showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area, isset($room) ? $room : "");
 if ($action == "accept") {
     if (!mrbsConfirmEntry($id, $series)) {
         $returl .= "&error=accept_failed";
     } elseif ($need_to_send_mail) {
         $result = notifyAdminOnBooking(TRUE, $id, $series, $action);
예제 #8
 * Gather all fields values for an entry. Used for emails to get previous
 * entry state.
 * @param int     $id       entry id to get data
 * @param int     $series   1 if this is a serie or 0
 * @return bool             TRUE or PEAR error object if fails
function getPreviousEntryData($id, $series)
    global $tbl_area, $tbl_entry, $tbl_repeat, $tbl_room, $enable_periods;
    $sql = "\n    SELECT  e.name,\n            e.description,\n            e.create_by,\n            r.room_name,\n            a.area_name,\n            e.type,\n            e.room_id,\n            e.repeat_id,\n            e.timestamp,\n            (e.end_time - e.start_time) AS tbl_e_duration,\n            e.start_time AS tbl_e_start_time,\n            e.end_time AS tbl_e_end_time,\n            a.area_admin_email,\n            r.room_admin_email";
    // Here we could just use $tbl_repeat.start_time, and not use alias,
    // as the last column will take precedence using mysql_fetch_array,
    // but for portability purpose I will not use it.
    if (1 == $series) {
        $sql .= ", re.rep_type, re.rep_opt, re.rep_num_weeks,\n            (re.end_time - re.start_time) AS tbl_r_duration,\n            re.start_time AS tbl_r_start_time,\n            re.end_time AS tbl_r_end_time,\n            re.end_date AS tbl_r_end_date";
    $sql .= "\n    FROM {$tbl_entry} e, {$tbl_room} r, {$tbl_area} a ";
    1 == $series ? $sql .= ', ' . $tbl_repeat . ' re ' : '';
    $sql .= "\n    WHERE e.room_id = r.id\n    AND r.area_id = a.id\n    AND e.id={$id}";
    1 == $series ? $sql .= " AND e.repeat_id = re.id" : '';
    $res = sql_query($sql);
    !$res ? fatal_error(0, sql_error()) : '';
    sql_count($res) < 1 ? fatal_error(0, get_string('invalid_entry_id', 'block_mrbs')) : '';
    $row = sql_row_keyed($res, 0);
    // Store all needed values in $mail_previous array to pass to
    // notifyAdminOnDelete function (shorter than individual variables -:) )
    $mail_previous['namebooker'] = $row['name'];
    $mail_previous['description'] = $row['description'];
    $mail_previous['createdby'] = $row['create_by'];
    $mail_previous['room_name'] = $row['room_name'];
    $mail_previous['area_name'] = $row['area_name'];
    $mail_previous['type'] = $row['type'];
    $mail_previous['room_id'] = $row['room_id'];
    $mail_previous['repeat_id'] = $row['repeat_id'];
    $mail_previous['updated'] = getMailTimeDateString($row[8]);
    $mail_previous['area_admin_email'] = $row['area_admin_email'];
    $mail_previous['room_admin_email'] = $row['room_admin_email'];
    // If we use periods
    if ($enable_periods) {
        // If we delete a serie, start_time and end_time must
        // come from $tbl_repeat, not $tbl_entry.
        // This is not a serie
        if (1 != $series) {
            list($mail_previous['start_period'], $mail_previous['start_date']) = getMailPeriodDateString($row['tbl_e_start_time']);
            list($mail_previous['end_period'], $mail_previous['end_date']) = getMailPeriodDateString($row['tbl_e_end_time'], -1);
            // need to make DST correct in opposite direction to entry creation
            // so that user see what he expects to see
            $mail_previous['duration'] = $row['tbl_e_duration'] - cross_dst($row['tbl_e_start_time'], $row['tbl_e_end_time']);
        } else {
            list($mail_previous['start_period'], $mail_previous['start_date']) = getMailPeriodDateString($row['tbl_r_start_time']);
            list($mail_previous['end_period'], $mail_previous['end_date']) = getMailPeriodDateString($row['tbl_r_end_time'], 0);
            // use getMailTimeDateString as all I want is the date
            $mail_previous['rep_end_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_r_end_date'], FALSE);
            // need to make DST correct in opposite direction to entry creation
            // so that user see what he expects to see
            $mail_previous['duration'] = $row['tbl_r_duration'] - cross_dst($row['tbl_r_start_time'], $row['tbl_r_end_time']);
            $mail_previous['rep_opt'] = "";
            switch ($row['rep_type']) {
                case 2:
                case 6:
                    $rep_day[0] = $row['rep_opt'][0] != "0";
                    $rep_day[1] = $row['rep_opt'][1] != "0";
                    $rep_day[2] = $row['rep_opt'][2] != "0";
                    $rep_day[3] = $row['rep_opt'][3] != "0";
                    $rep_day[4] = $row['rep_opt'][4] != "0";
                    $rep_day[5] = $row['rep_opt'][5] != "0";
                    $rep_day[6] = $row['rep_opt'][6] != "0";
                    if ($row['rep_type'] == 6) {
                        $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = $row['rep_num_weeks'];
                    } else {
                        $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = "";
                    $rep_day = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $wday = ($i + $weekstarts) % 7;
                if ($rep_day[$wday]) {
                    $mail_previous['rep_opt'] .= day_name($wday) . " ";
            $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = $row['rep_num_weeks'];
        toPeriodString($mail_previous['start_period'], $mail_previous['duration'], $mail_previous['dur_units']);
    } else {
        // This is not a serie
        if (1 != $series) {
            $mail_previous['start_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_e_start_time']);
            $mail_previous['end_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_e_end_time']);
            // need to make DST correct in opposite direction to entry creation
            // so that user see what he expects to see
            $mail_previous['duration'] = $row['tbl_e_duration'] - cross_dst($row['tbl_e_start_time'], $row['tbl_e_end_time']);
        } else {
            $mail_previous['start_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_r_start_time']);
            $mail_previous['end_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_r_end_time']);
            // use getMailTimeDateString as all I want is the date
            $mail_previous['rep_end_date'] = getMailTimeDateString($row['tbl_r_end_date'], FALSE);
            // need to make DST correct in opposite direction to entry creation
            // so that user see what he expects to see
            $mail_previous['duration'] = $row['tbl_r_duration'] - cross_dst($row['tbl_r_start_time'], $row['tbl_r_end_time']);
            $mail_previous['rep_opt'] = "";
            switch ($row['rep_type']) {
                case 2:
                case 6:
                    $rep_day[0] = $row['rep_opt'][0] != "0";
                    $rep_day[1] = $row['rep_opt'][1] != "0";
                    $rep_day[2] = $row['rep_opt'][2] != "0";
                    $rep_day[3] = $row['rep_opt'][3] != "0";
                    $rep_day[4] = $row['rep_opt'][4] != "0";
                    $rep_day[5] = $row['rep_opt'][5] != "0";
                    $rep_day[6] = $row['rep_opt'][6] != "0";
                    if ($row['rep_type'] == 6) {
                        $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = $row['rep_num_weeks'];
                    } else {
                        $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = "";
                    $rep_day = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
                $wday = ($i + $weekstarts) % 7;
                if ($rep_day[$wday]) {
                    $mail_previous['rep_opt'] .= day_name($wday) . " ";
            $mail_previous['rep_num_weeks'] = $row['rep_num_weeks'];
        toTimeString($mail_previous['duration'], $mail_previous['dur_units']);
    1 == $series ? $mail_previous['rep_type'] = $row['rep_type'] : ($mail_previous['rep_type'] = 0);
    // return entry previous data as an array
    return $mail_previous;