function snitch_read($owner, $threshhold) { if (!$threshhold) { $threshhold = '2dr'; } $writer = $_SERVER['USER']; if ($_SERVER['USER'] == $owner) { if ($threshhold == 'r' . $_SERVER['USERINFO_ARRAY']['snitch_default_days'] . 'd') { $mode = 'NORMAL'; } if ($threshhold == 'r2h') { $mode = 'BRIEF'; } $last_plan_update = plan_get_last_update($_SERVER['USER']); if (strpos($threshhold, 'r') !== FALSE) { $newest_first = 'SELECTED'; } else { $oldest_first = 'SELECTED'; } if (strpos($threshhold, 'w') !== FALSE) { $weeks_selected = 'SELECTED'; } elseif (strpos($threshhold, 'h') !== FALSE) { $hours_selected = 'SELECTED'; } elseif (strpos($threshhold, 'm') !== FALSE) { $minutes_selected = 'SELECTED'; } else { $days_selected = 'SELECTED'; } $threshvalue = str_replace(array('d', 'r', 'w', 'd', 'h', 'm'), '', $threshhold); if ($threshhold == 'sidebar') { $threshhold = '1d'; $reverse = 'true'; $sidebar = 1; } if (strstr($threshhold, 'r')) { $reverse = 'true'; $threshhold = str_replace('r', '', $threshhold); } $threshhold = time_calculate_threshhold($threshhold); $threshhold = time() - $threshhold; profile('snitch_read'); $snitch_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/stats/planlog.txt"; if (file_exists($snitch_fn)) { if ($mode == 'NORMAL') { exec("tail -n 200 {$snitch_fn}", $snitch_array); } if ($mode == 'BRIEF') { exec("tail -n 30 {$snitch_fn}", $snitch_array); } else { $snitch_array = explode("\n", file_get_contents($snitch_fn)); } } else { $snitch_array = array(); } profile('snitch_read'); if ($reverse) { $snitch_array = array_reverse($snitch_array); } foreach ($snitch_array as $k => $snitch_entry) { list($blah, $snitch_user, $blah) = explode(',', $snitch_entry); $snitch_users[] = $snitch_user; } if (is_array($snitch_users)) { $snitch_users = array_unique($snitch_users); } else { $snitch_users = 'No snitch'; } if ($mode) { $lastview = plan_get_last_view($snitch_users); } if ($mode) { $lastupdate = plan_get_last_update($snitch_users); } profile('snitch_format_begin'); foreach ($snitch_array as $k => $snitch_entry) { unset($style); unset($class); $snitch_entry = explode(',', $snitch_entry); if ($snitch_entry[0] > $threshhold) { if ($snitch_entry[0] < $last_plan_update) { $content .= "<li style='margin: 15px;'>" . str_replace(' ', ' ', formattime($last_plan_update)) . " Last Plan Update</li>"; $last_plan_update = 0; } $su_key = array_search($snitch_entry[1], $snitch_users); $snitchday = date('d', $snitch_entry[0]); if ($last_snitchday && $snitchday != $last_snitchday) { $style = "margin-top: 15px;"; } $time_string = str_replace(' ', ' ', formattime($snitch_entry[0])); if (strlen(date('g', $snitch_entry[0])) == 1) { $time_string .= " "; } if ($lastupdate[$su_key] > 0 && $lastupdate[$su_key] > $lastview[$su_key]) { $class = "unread"; } else { $class = 'read'; } if (strpos($snitch_entry[1], 'Anon') !== FALSE) { $snitch_ip = str_replace("Anonymous Coward from ", '', $snitch_entry[1]); if ($snitch_ip == '') { $snitch_entry[1] = "LiveJournal"; } elseif (strstr($snitch_ip, '')) { $snitch_entry[1] = "Facebook"; } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/snitch') === 0 && $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] != 'IPHONE') { $ac = "Anonymous Coward "; } else { $ac = "AC "; } $numerical_ip = gethostbyname($snitch_ip); $snitch_entry[1] = "{$ac} from {$snitch_ip}"; if ($ac != 'AC ') { $snitch_entry[1] .= " <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/trace/{$snitch_ip}'>trace</a> | <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/blocked/{$numerical_ip}'>block</a>\n"; } } } if (strpos($snitch_entry[2], 'archives') !== FALSE) { preg_match("|archives \\( (r.*d) 3(.*) \\)|", $snitch_entry[2], $matches); $length = $matches[1]; $timecode = $matches[2]; $url = date("Y/m/d/h:i", $timecode); $snitch_entry[2] = str_replace($matches[0], "<a href='/read/{$_SERVER['USER']}/{$length}/{$url}'>archives ({$length} from " . date("F jS Y g:ia", $timecode) . ")</a>", $snitch_entry[2]); } if (strpos($snitch_entry[1], 'RSS') !== FALSE) { $snitch_ip = str_replace("RSS Reader from ", '', $snitch_entry[1]); if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'snitch')) { $rr = "RSS Reader "; } else { $rr = "RSS "; } $snitch_entry[1] = "{$rr} <span class='edit_links'>from {$snitch_ip}"; if ($rr != 'RSS ') { $snitch_entry[1] .= "[ <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/trace/{$snitch_ip}'>trace</a> | <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/blocked/{$ip}'>block</a> ]</span>\n"; } } if (!strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'AC ') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'Anon') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'RSS') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'LiveJournal') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'Facebook')) { $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'><a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$snitch_entry['1']}'>{$time_string} {$snitch_entry['1']}</a> {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>"; } elseif ($sidebar != 1) { $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'>{$time_string} {$snitch_entry['1']} {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>\n"; } else { $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'>{$time_string} AC {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>\n"; } $last_snitchday = $snitchday; } else { $k += 10000; } } profile('snitch_format_end'); } else { $content = "<li class='alert'>you are not the owner of {$owner}'s plan. you are {$user}. please re-login if this is an error.</li>"; } return $content; }
function list_format_iphone($list = FALSE, $sortby = FALSE) { profile('list_format_html', 'begin'); profile("prelist"); if ($_SERVER['USER_ROOT'] && is_dir("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends/")) { // echo $_SERVER['USER_ROOT']; $new_sends = files_list("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends/", "*"); } if ($new_sends) { $watchlist .= "<option value='/send'>sends</option>"; foreach ($new_sends as $new_send) { $sender = files_decode_safe_name(str_replace("", '', $new_send)); $watchlist .= "<option value='/send/{$sender}'>{$sender}</option>\n"; } } if (!$list) { $list_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/watchedlist.txt"; // reads in the user's watched list if (file_exists($list_fn)) { $list = file($list_fn); if ($list[0] == "sort by time\n") { $sortby = 'time'; } elseif ($list[0] == "sort by name\n") { $sortby = 'name'; } elseif ($list[0] == "sort by none\n") { $sortby = 'inorder'; } else { $sortby = 'inorder'; } if (strpos($list[0], 'sort by ') !== FALSE) { unset($list[0]); } } else { $list = array(); } $list = array_merge(array("#Watched Plans"), $list); } profile("prelist"); profile('list_format_html_prep', 'begin'); $ptime = plan_get_last_update($list); $lastview = plan_get_last_view($list); $ordinal = 0; foreach ($list as $z => $plan) { $plan = urldecode($plan); if (strstr($plan, '!!!')) { $prune = TRUE; $plan = ''; } if (strstr($plan, '!prune')) { // $prune=TRUE; $threshhold = str_replace('!prune', '', $plan); $threshhold = time_calculate_threshhold($threshhold); $threshhold = time() - $threshhold; $plan = ''; } if (trim($plan) == '!onlynew') { $onlynew = TRUE; } if (trim($plan) == '!alwaysnew') { $alwaysnew = TRUE; } $plan = str_replace(array('!alwaysnew', '!onlynew'), '', $plan); $alias_array = explode(':', str_replace('!', '', $plan)); $displayname = end($alias_array); $url = $alias_array[0]; if ($alias_array[1][0] == '/') { $url .= ":{$alias_array['1']}"; } if (!is_string($displayname) || $displayname == $url) { if (strstr($url, '@')) { list($username, $host) = explode("@", $url); $displayname = "{$username} <span style='font-size: smaller;'>@{$host}</span>"; } else { $displayname = $url; } } // else echo $displayname; if ($displayname[0] == '#') { $groupname = htmlentities(str_replace('#', '', $displayname)); $grouplist[] = $groupname; } if (trim($plan)) { if ($plan[0] != '#') { if (file_exists("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/send/" . files_encode_safe_name($url) . "")) { $send = "<a href='/send/{$url}'>SEND</a>"; } else { $send = ''; } $biglist[$ordinal] = array("group" => $groupname, "url" => trim($url), "name" => $displayname, "updated" => $ptime[$z], "viewed" => $lastview[$z], "send" => $send); $timelist[$ordinal] = $ptime[$z]; $namelist[$ordinal] = $displayname; $ordinal++; } } if (!is_array($grouplist)) { $grouplist = array(''); } } profile('list_format_html_prep', 'end'); if (!$prune) { $onlynew = FALSE; $alwaysnew = FALSE; $threshhold = 0; } profile("buildlist"); if ($sortby == 'inorder') { foreach ($biglist as $i => $plan_details) { $plan_details = $biglist[$i]; if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) { $class = '* '; } else { $class = ''; } if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') { $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']); $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n"; } } } if ($sortby == 'name') { asort($namelist); foreach ($namelist as $i => $name) { $plan_details = $biglist[$i]; if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) { $class = '* '; } else { $class = ''; } if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') { $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']); $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n"; } } } if ($sortby == 'time') { arsort($timelist); foreach ($timelist as $i => $time) { $plan_details = $biglist[$i]; if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) { $class = '* '; } else { $class = ''; } if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') { $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']); $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n"; } } } foreach ($grouplist as $groupname) { $jsgroupname = trim(str_replace(" ", "_", $groupname)); if ($outputlist[$groupname] || strtolower($groupname) == 'watched plans') { $watchlist .= "\n\t\t<option value=''>---</option><option value='/look/group/" . urlencode(trim($groupname)) . "'>[{$groupname}]</option>\n{$outputlist[$groupname]}"; } } profile("buildlist"); profile('list_format_html', 'end'); return $watchlist; }
function plan_read_local($planowner, $threshhold = FALSE, $begindate = '', $source = FALSE) { $prl_rand = rand(); profile("plan_read_local_{$prl_rand}"); profile('plan_read_local_head'); $reader = $_SERVER['USER']; if (!$threshhold) { $threshhold = $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO_ARRAY']['defaultdays'] . 'd'; } // this also appears in caching if (user_is_authorized($planowner, $reader)) { $private = "*"; $private_cache_fn = 'private'; } // css has to be here so it can be placed properly even when the plan is cached. // this is especially important for offnode readers for some reason. $css_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/plancss.txt"; if (file_exists($css_filename)) { $plan_dressing['css'] = stripslashes(file_get_contents($css_filename)); $plan_dressing['css'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), " ", $plan_dressing['css']); $plan_dressing['css'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), " ", $plan_dressing['css']); $plan_dressing['css'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), " ", $plan_dressing['css']); $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO']['css'] = strip_tags(trim($plan_dressing['css'])); } // if ($_SERVER['USER']=='jwdavidson') return "got css $css_filename $plan_dressing[css]"; // CACHING // this tests to see if there's a cached version. if not, it will write // one when it's done getting the plan together. //---------------------------------------------- // first figure out the appropriate cache filename if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'RSS') { $feed = 'feed'; } if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'ATOM') { $feed = 'atomfeed'; } if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'ATOM_PRIVATE') { $feed = rand(100, 999); } if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'IPHONE') { $feed = 'phonefeed'; } profile('plan_read_local_uia'); if (user_is_authorized($planowner, $reader)) { $private = "*"; $private_cache_fn = 'private'; } profile('plan_read_local_uia'); profile('plan_read_local_utp'); if (!plan_test_privacy($reader, $planowner)) { $blocked_cache_fn = 'blocked'; } profile('plan_read_local_utp'); $fn_username = base64_encode($planowner); if ($planowner == $reader) { $self = 'self'; } if ($remoteuser == 'rss reader') { $feed = 'feed'; } if ($source) { $source = "source"; } $cache_fn = "{$_SERVER['FILE_ROOT']}/temp/{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO_ARRAY']['salt']}.{$self}{$private_cache_fn}{$blocked_cache_fn}{$remote}{$feed}.{$threshhold}.{$begindate}.{$source}.cache"; // then, if the file exists, read it if (file_exists($cache_fn) && plan_get_last_update($planowner) < filemtime($cache_fn) && filesize($cache_fn) > 256) { profile('plan_read_local_pis'); if (plan_is_local($reader)) { user_update_lastread($planowner); } profile('plan_read_local_pis'); return file_get_contents($cache_fn); } // END CACHING // if no valid cache is found, on with the show if ($threshhold[0] != '.') { if (strstr($threshhold, 'r')) { $threshhold = str_replace('r', '', $threshhold); $reverse = 1; } $threshhold = time_calculate_threshhold($threshhold); $threshhold = time() - $threshhold; if (!$begindate || $begindate < 100) { $begindate = $threshhold; $enddate = time(); $default_view = TRUE; } else { $enddate = $begindate + (time() - $threshhold); } } profile('plan_read_local_head'); profile('plan_read_local_styles'); // if the user has local pref stuff, read it in if ($_SERVER['USER_ROOT']) { $styles_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/styles.txt"; $skin_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/skin.txt"; $colors_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/colors.txt"; $fonts_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/fonts.txt"; $css_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/user_css.txt"; if (file_exists($styles_fn) && !file_exists($skin_fn) && !file_exists($colors_fn)) { parse_str(file_get_contents($styles_fn)); if ($skin && file_exists("{$_SERVER['FILE_ROOT']}/resources/skins/{$skin}")) { @(include $skin); } } if (file_exists($skin_fn)) { parse_str(file_get_contents($skin_fn)); if ($skin) { include $skin; } } if (file_exists($colors_fn)) { parse_str(file_get_contents($colors_fn)); } if (file_exists($fonts_fn)) { parse_str(file_get_contents($fonts_fn)); } if (file_exists($css_fn)) { eval(file_get_contents($css_fn)); } } profile('plan_read_local_styles'); // screen out blocked readers, readers that fall below // privacy levels set by planowner if (!plan_test_privacy($reader, $planowner)) { $blocked_fn = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/blockedmessage.txt"; if (file_exists($blocked_fn)) { $plan = stripslashes(file_get_contents($blocked_fn)); $plan = str_replace('MYUSER', $planowner, $plan); $plan = str_replace('READER', $reader, $plan); $plan .= " <!--planowner: {$planowner} | reader: {$reader}-->"; } else { $plan = "{$planowner} has no plan... <!-- reader: {$reader} --- planowner: {$planowner} -->"; } } else { // if there's a series of entries listed, break out that list if (strstr($threshhold, ',')) { $threshhold_array = explode(',', $threshhold); } else { $threshhold_array = array($threshhold); } $plan_array = array(); // this either reads in all the files from the list of entries passed // OR it just gets a list of all the entries that pass privacy muster foreach ($threshhold_array as $threshholdline) { // if the first character of the threshhold is a '.' we // want to show the entry indicated by the remainder of the line if ($threshholdline[0] == '.') { $limiter = $threshholdline; } else { $limiter = '.'; } //sets dir for reading $plan_dir = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/"; // gets the entries indicated by $limiter // if $limiter is unset, fills the array with all available entries $plan_array = array_merge($plan_array, files_list($plan_dir, "plan{$limiter}*.txt{$private}")); if (is_array($plan_array) && $threshholdline[0] == '.') { $begindate = 1; $enddate = time() + 1; } } // get all the plan 'dressing' -- sidebars, header, footer, etc. /* CSS taken care of outside of caching. $css_filename="$_SERVER[PLANOWNER_ROOT]/plan/plancss.txt"; if (file_exists($css_filename)) { $plan_dressing['css']=stripslashes(file_get_contents($css_filename)); $plan_dressing['css']=str_replace(array("\r","\n")," ",$plan_dressing['css']); $plan_dressing['css']=str_replace(array("\r","\n")," ",$plan_dressing['css']); $plan_dressing['css']=str_replace(array("\r","\n")," ",$plan_dressing['css']); $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO']['css']=strip_tags(trim($plan_dressing['css'])); } */ $header_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/planheader.txt"; if (file_exists($header_filename)) { $plan_dressing['header'] = stripslashes(file_get_contents($header_filename)); if (strstr($plan_dressing['header'], 'nolinebreaks')) { $plan_dressing['header'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['header']); $plan_dressing['header'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['header']); $plan_dressing['header'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['header']); } if (strpos($plan_dressing['header'], '<!--markdown-->')) { include_once 'markdown.php'; $plan_dressing['header'] = Markdown(str_replace('<!--markdown-->', '', $plan_dressing['header'])); } $plan_dressing['header'] = "<div id='plan_header_{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' class='plan_header'>{$plan_dressing['header']}</div>"; } $footer_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/planfooter.txt"; if (file_exists($footer_filename)) { $plan_dressing['footer'] = stripslashes(file_get_contents($footer_filename)); if (strstr($plan_dressing['footer'], 'nolinebreaks')) { $plan_dressing['footer'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['footer']); $plan_dressing['footer'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['footer']); $plan_dressing['footer'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $plan_dressing['footer']); } if (strpos($plan_dressing['footer'], '<!--markdown-->')) { include_once 'markdown.php'; $plan_dressing['footer'] = Markdown($plan_dressing['footer']); } $plan_dressing['footer'] = "<div id='plan_footer_{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}' class='plan_footer'>{$plan_dressing['footer']}</div>"; } $divider_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/plandivider.txt"; if (file_exists($divider_filename)) { $plan_dressing['divider'] = stripslashes(file_get_contents($divider_filename)); } if ($plan_dressing) { foreach ($plan_dressing as $area => $content) { $content = stripslashes($content); if (strpos($content, 'nolinebreaks') !== FALSE) { $content = str_replace('#nolinebreaks#', '', $content); } else { $content = smart_nl2br($content); } $plan_dressing[$area] = $content; } } if (plan_is_journaling($planowner)) { $plan_array[] = "plan.{$begindate}.fake"; $plan_array[] = "plan.{$enddate}.fake"; sort($plan_array); $plan_array = array_values($plan_array); // extract the update time for all the plan entries foreach ($plan_array as $z => $planfn) { $planfn_a = explode(".", $planfn); $nextplanfn_a = explode(".", $plan_array[$z + 1]); $lastplanfn_a = explode(".", $plan_array[$z - 1]); if (($planfn_a[1] >= $begindate && $planfn_a[1] <= $enddate || $nextplanfn_a[1] >= $begindate && $nextplanfn_a[1] <= $enddate || $lastplanfn_a[1] >= $begindate && $lastplanfn_a[1] <= $enddate) && !strstr($planfn, 'fake')) { $plan_index_array[$planfn_a[1]] = $planfn; } } // if we don't have any entries, give up now if (!is_array($plan_index_array)) { return "no plan entries found."; } // sort the plan list in order of update time newest to oldest. // we'll account for $reverse later, when we're // actually writing the entries to strings. krsort($plan_index_array); foreach ($plan_index_array as $entry_timecode => $entry_filename) { if ($entry_timecode >= $begindate && $entry_timecode <= $enddate) { $entry_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/{$entry_filename}"; if (file_exists($entry_filename)) { $plan_entries[$entry_timecode] = file_get_contents($entry_filename); } } } // if there were no entries within the threshhold // and the threshhold was near now, show the most recent entry if (!is_array($plan_entries) && $enddate > time() - 15) { // the most recent entry will be just after the beginning of the array // because the first two entries will be the $enddate test entry reset($plan_index_array); while (strpos(current($plan_index_array), 'FAKE')) { next($plan_index_array); } $entry_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/" . current($plan_index_array); $entry_timecode = key($plan_index_array); if (file_exists($entry_filename)) { $plan_entries[$entry_timecode] = file_get_contents($entry_filename); } } // if there's still no plan, and we're considering an archival view // find the nearest-neighbor plan entry if (!is_array($plan_entries) && $enddate < time() - 15) { // get the distance to the prev entry array_set_current($plan_index_array, $enddate); $previous_entry_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/" . prev($plan_index_array); $previous_entry_timecode = key($plan_index_array); if (file_exists($previous_entry_filename)) { $plan_entries[$previous_entry_timecode] = file_get_contents($previous_entry_filename); } // get the distance to the next entry array_set_current($plan_index_array, $begindate); $next_entry_filename = "{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/" . next($plan_index_array); $next_entry_timecode = key($plan_index_array); if (file_exists($next_entry_filename)) { $plan_entries[$next_entry_timecode] = file_get_contents($next_entry_filename); } $plan_entries[1000000000000000] = "Nothing In Range"; } if ($reverse) { ksort($plan_entries); } else { krsort($plan_entries); } // if we're ouputting to HTML, put it all together in tasty DIVs. if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'HTML' || $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'IPHONE' || $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'MOBILE' || $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'AJAX') { foreach ($plan_entries as $entry_time => $entry_text) { $entry_text = trim(stripslashes($entry_text)); if (strpos($entry_text, 'nolinebreaks') || strpos($entry_text, '<!--markdown-->')) { $entry_nolinebreaks = 1; $entry_text = str_replace('#nolinebreaks#', '', $entry_text); } else { $entry_nolinebreaks = ''; $entry_text = smart_nl2br($entry_text); } if (strpos($entry_text, '<!--markdown-->')) { include_once 'markdown.php'; $entry_text = Markdown(str_replace('<!--markdown-->', '', $entry_text)); } // pretty up the divider (erm... entry header) $entry_header = plan_prepare_divider($planowner, $reader, $plan_dressing['divider'], $entry_time, $plan_index_array[$entry_time], $entry_text, $entry_nolinebreaks); $plan_content .= plan_prepare_entry($entry_time, $entry_header, $entry_text); } $plan .= $plan_dressing['header'] . "\n{$new_entry_link}\n<div class='plan_body' id='plan_body_{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}'>\n{$plan_content}\n</div>" . $plan_dressing['footer']; } // if we're building a feed, we want to do valid XML goodness if ($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] == 'RSS') { foreach ($plan_entries as $entry_time => $entry_text) { $entry_text = trim(stripslashes($entry_text)); if (strpos($entry_text, 'nolinebreaks')) { $entry_text = str_replace('#nolinebreaks#', '', $entry_text); } else { $entry_text = smart_nl2br($entry_text); } $rss_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$planowner}"; $entry_text = plan_add_user_links(plan_add_alias_links($entry_text, $planowner)); list($entry, $li) = plan_encapsulate_rss($planowner, $entry_time, $entry_text); $plan .= $entry; $items .= $li; } $plan = "{$items}\n<!-- FEED_DIVIDER -->\n{$plan}"; } if (strstr($_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'], 'ATOM')) { foreach ($plan_entries as $entry_time => $entry_text) { $entry_text = trim(stripslashes($entry_text)); if (strpos($entry_text, 'nolinebreaks')) { $entry_text = str_replace('#nolinebreaks#', '', $entry_text); } else { $entry_text = smart_nl2br($entry_text); } $rss_link = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$planowner}"; $entry_text = plan_add_user_links(plan_add_alias_links($entry_text, $planowner)); $entry = plan_encapsulate_atom($planowner, $entry_time, $entry_text); $plan .= $entry; } $plan = "{$items}\n<!-- FEED_DIVIDER -->\n{$plan}"; } } else { // TODO:(v4.5) RSS for traditional plans //if ($_SERVER['USER']=='dskatz04') echo "$threshhold ".(time()-21*24*3600)." this is a traditional plan\n<br />"; if (strlen($threshhold) < 9) { $threshhold = ''; } elseif (strpos($threshhold, ',')) { $threshhold_array = explode(',', $threshhold); } else { $threshhold_array = array($threshhold); } if (is_array($threshhold_array)) { $threshhold_array = array_reverse($threshhold_array); } else { $threshhold_array = array("1" => ""); } foreach ($threshhold_array as $z => $threshhold) { if ($threshhold != time() - $_SERVER['PLANOWNER_INFO_ARRAY']['defaultdays'] * 24 * 3600) { $plan_filenames = files_list("{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan", "*{$threshhold}*"); } else { $plan_filenames = array('plan.txt'); } $entry_time = $threshhold; if (count($threshhold_array) > 1) { $plan .= "<hr/>" . date('F jS Y, g:ia', $threshhold_array[$z]) . "<hr/>"; $entry_header = plan_prepare_divider($planowner, $reader, $plan_dressing['divider'], $entry_time, $plan_filenames[0], $entry_text, $entry_nolinebreaks); } if (is_array($plan_filenames)) { foreach ($plan_filenames as $filename) { if (file_exists("{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/{$filename}")) { if (strstr($filename, '.gz')) { $plan .= stripslashes(file_get_contents("compress.zlib://{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/" . basename($filename))); } else { $plan .= stripslashes(file_get_contents("{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER_ROOT']}/plan/" . basename($filename))); } } } } } if (strlen(trim($plan)) > 10) { if (!strstr($plan, 'nolinebreaks')) { $plan = smart_nl2br($plan); } $plan = "{$plan_dressing['header']}<div class='plan_body' id='plan_body_{$_SERVER['PLANOWNER']}'>{$plan}</div>\n{$plan_dressing['footer']}"; } } } // MORE CACHING if (!file_exists($cache_fn) || plan_get_last_update($planowner) > filemtime($cache_fn) && $remoteuser != 'rss reader') { file_put_contents($cache_fn, $plan); } profile("plan_read_local_{$prl_rand}"); return "<!-- since " . formattime($threshhold) . " " . formattime($begindate) . " -->\n" . $plan; }