function thinkup_input_headerlocation() { global $post; global $thinkup_header_styleswitch; global $thinkup_header_socialswitchmain; // Assign meta data variable if (!empty($post->ID)) { $_thinkup_meta_headerstyle = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_thinkup_meta_headerstyle', true); } // Reset variable values $class_header1_socialshow = NULL; $class_header2_socialshow = NULL; $class_header2_socialstart = NULL; $class_header2_socialend = NULL; // Assign variables to add #header social media icons next to logo for header style 1 if (empty($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle) or $_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option1') { if ($thinkup_header_styleswitch == 'option2' and $thinkup_header_socialswitchmain == '1') { $class_header1_socialshow = '1'; } } else { if ($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option2') { $class_header1_socialshow = '1'; } } // Assign variables to add #header social media icons next to logo for header style 2 if (empty($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle) or $_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option1') { if ($thinkup_header_styleswitch == 'option2' and $thinkup_header_socialswitchmain == '1') { $class_header2_socialstart = '<div id="header-container">'; $class_header2_socialend = '</div>'; $class_header2_socialshow = '1'; } } else { if ($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option3') { $class_header2_socialstart = '<div id="header-container">'; $class_header2_socialend = '</div>'; $class_header2_socialshow = '1'; } } ?> <div id="header"> <div id="header-core"> <?php echo $class_header2_socialstart; ?> <div id="logo"> <a rel="home" href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> "><?php /* Custom Logo */ thinkup_custom_logo(); ?> </a> </div> <?php echo $class_header2_socialend; ?> <div id="header-links" class="main-navigation"> <div id="header-links-inner" class="header-links"> <?php $walker = new thinkup_menudescription(); wp_nav_menu(array('container' => false, 'theme_location' => 'header_menu', 'walker' => new thinkup_menudescription())); ?> <?php /* Header Search */ thinkup_input_headersearch(); ?> </div> </div> <!-- #header-links .main-navigation --> <?php /* Add responsive header menu */ thinkup_input_responsivehtml1(); ?> </div> </div> <!-- #header --> <?php }
?> " alt=""></div> <?php } // End header image check. ?> <div id="header-core"> <div id="logo"> <a rel="home" href="<?php echo esc_url(home_url('/')); ?> "><?php /* Custom Logo */ thinkup_custom_logo(); ?> </a> </div> <div id="header-links" class="main-navigation"> <div id="header-links-inner" class="header-links"> <?php wp_nav_menu(array('container' => false, 'theme_location' => 'header_menu')); ?> </div> </div> <!-- #header-links .main-navigation --> <?php /* Add responsive header menu */