/** * Smarty {theme_path} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: str<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Fetch the image according to the theme hierarchy * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 * @param array * @param Smarty * @return Internationalized string */ function smarty_function_theme_path($params, &$smarty) { if (!isset($params['pluginlocation'])) { $params['pluginlocation'] = ''; } return theme_get_url($params['location'], $params['pluginlocation']); }
function export_form_cell_html($element) { $strclicktopreview = get_string('clicktopreview', 'export'); $previewimg = theme_get_url('images/icon-display.png'); $strpreview = get_string('Preview'); $element['description'] = clean_html($element['description']); return <<<EOF <td> {$element['html']} {$element['labelhtml']} <div>{$element['description']}</div> <div><a href="{$element['viewlink']}" class="viewlink nojs-hidden-inline" target="_blank">{$strclicktopreview}</a></div> </td> EOF; }
/** * Builds HTML that represents all of the messages and returns it. * * This is designed to let smarty templates hook in any session messages. * * Calling this function will destroy the session messages that were * rendered, so they do not inadvertently get displayed again. * * @return string The HTML representing all of the session messages. */ public function render_messages() { $result = '<div id="messages">'; if (isset($_SESSION['messages'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['messages'] as $data) { $result .= '<div class="' . $data['type'] . '">'; $result .= '<div class="fr"><a href="" onclick="removeElement(this.parentNode.parentNode);return false;">'; $result .= '<img src="' . theme_get_url('images/icon_close.gif') . '" alt="[X]"></a></div>'; $result .= $data['msg'] . '</div>'; } $_SESSION['messages'] = array(); } $result .= '</div>'; return $result; }
public static function get_icon($options = null) { return theme_get_url('images/folder.gif'); }
$count = count_records_select('notification_internal_activity', 'usr = ? AND type IN ( SELECT id FROM {activity_type} WHERE admin = ?)', array($userid, 1)); $sql = 'SELECT a.*, at.name AS type,at.plugintype, at.pluginname FROM {notification_internal_activity} a JOIN {activity_type} at ON a.type = at.id WHERE a.usr = ? AND at.admin = ? ORDER BY ctime DESC'; $records = get_records_sql_array($sql, array($userid, 1), $offset, $limit); } else { $count = count_records_select('notification_internal_activity', 'usr = ? AND type = ?', array($userid, $type)); $sql = 'SELECT a.*, at.name AS type,at.plugintype, at.pluginname FROM {notification_internal_activity} a JOIN {activity_type} at ON a.type = at.id WHERE a.usr = ? AND a.type = ?'; $records = get_records_sql_array($sql, array($userid, $type), $offset, $limit); } } if (empty($records)) { $records = array(); } $data = array(); $star = theme_get_url('images/star.png'); $unread = get_string('unread', 'activity'); foreach ($records as &$r) { $r->date = format_date(strtotime($r->ctime)); $section = 'activity'; if (!empty($r->plugintype)) { $section = $r->plugintype . '.' . $r->pluginname; } $r->type = get_string('type' . $r->type, $section); $r->message = format_whitespace($r->message); } $activity = array('count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'data' => $records, 'star' => $star, 'unread' => $unread); echo json_encode($activity);
define('TITLE', get_string('notifications')); $types = get_records_assoc('activity_type', 'admin', 0, 'plugintype,pluginname,name', 'id,name,plugintype,pluginname'); $types = array_map(create_function('$a', ' if (!empty($a->plugintype)) { $section = "{$a->plugintype}.{$a->pluginname}"; } else { $section = "activity"; } return get_string("type" . $a->name, $section); '), $types); if ($USER->get('admin')) { $types['adminmessages'] = get_string('typeadminmessages', 'activity'); } $morestr = get_string('more...'); $star = json_encode(theme_get_url('images/star.png')); $unread = json_encode(get_string('unread', 'activity')); $javascript = <<<JAVASCRIPT var activitylist = new TableRenderer( 'activitylist', 'index.json.php', [ function(r) { if (r.message) { var messagemore = DIV({'id' : 'message-' + r.id, 'style': 'display:none'}); messagemore.innerHTML = r.message; if (r.url) { appendChildNodes(messagemore, BR(null), A({'href' : r.url, 'class': 's'}, '{$morestr}')); } return TD(null, A({'href': '', 'onclick': 'showHideMessage(' + r.id + '); return false;'}, r.subject), messagemore);
// Remove all files in the smarty cache require_once 'file.php'; $basedir = get_config('dataroot') . 'smarty/compile/'; $dh = new DirectoryIterator($basedir); foreach ($dh as $themedir) { if ($themedir->isDot()) { continue; } $themedirname = $basedir . $themedir->getFilename(); rmdirr($themedirname); clearstatcache(); check_dir_exists($themedirname); } $loadingicon = theme_get_url('images/loading.gif'); $successicon = theme_get_url('images/success.gif'); $failureicon = theme_get_url('images/failure.gif'); $loadingstring = json_encode(get_string('upgradeloading', 'admin')); $installsuccessstring = json_encode(get_string('installsuccess', 'admin')); $successstring = json_encode(get_string('upgradesuccesstoversion', 'admin')); $failurestring = json_encode(get_string('upgradefailure', 'admin')); $coresuccess = json_encode(get_string('coredatasuccess', 'admin')); // Check if Mahara is being installed. An extra hook is required to insert core // data if so. if (!empty($upgrades['core']->install)) { $upgrades['firstcoredata'] = true; $upgrades['lastcoredata'] = true; if (!db_is_utf8()) { global $SESSION; $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('databasenotutf8', 'admin')); } $smarty->assign('install', true);
/** * */ function get_help_icon($plugintype, $pluginname, $form, $element, $page = '', $section = '') { // I see no reason why IE has to drag the quality of the interwebs down with it $imageext = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && false !== stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'msie 6.0') ? 'gif' : 'png'; return ' <span class="help"><a href="" onclick="' . hsc('contextualHelp(' . json_encode($form) . ',' . json_encode($element) . ',' . json_encode($plugintype) . ',' . json_encode($pluginname) . ',' . json_encode($page) . ',' . json_encode($section) . ',this); return false;') . '"><img src="' . theme_get_url('images/icon_help.' . $imageext) . '" alt="?"></a></span>'; }
function pieform_element_calendar_configure($element) { $element['jsroot'] = get_config('wwwroot') . 'js/jscalendar/'; $element['themefile'] = theme_get_url('style/calendar.css'); $element['imagefile'] = theme_get_url('images/calendar.gif'); $language = substr(current_language(), 0, 2); $element['language'] = $language; return $element; }
}); }); EOF; $smarty = smarty(); $smarty->assign('heading', $forum->groupname); $smarty->assign('subheading', $forum->title); $smarty->assign('forum', $forum); $smarty->assign('membership', $membership); $smarty->assign('moderator', $moderator); $smarty->assign('admin', $admin); $smarty->assign('groupadmins', group_get_admin_ids($forum->groupid)); $smarty->assign('stickytopics', $stickytopics); $smarty->assign('regulartopics', $regulartopics); $smarty->assign('moderators', $moderators); $smarty->assign('closedicon', theme_get_url('images/closed.gif', 'interaction/forum/')); $smarty->assign('subscribedicon', theme_get_url('images/subscribed.gif', 'interaction/forum/')); $smarty->assign('pagination', $pagination['html']); $smarty->assign('INLINEJAVASCRIPT', $inlinejavascript); $smarty->display('interaction:forum:view.tpl'); /** * format body * format lastposttime */ function setup_topics(&$topics) { if ($topics) { foreach ($topics as $topic) { $topic->body = str_shorten_html($topic->body, 50, true, false); $topic->lastposttime = relative_date(get_string('strftimerecentrelative', 'interaction.forum'), get_string('strftimerecent'), $topic->lastposttime); } }
*/ define('INTERNAL', 1); require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php'; // Download the export file if it's been generated if ($exportfile = $SESSION->get('exportfile')) { $SESSION->set('exportdata', ''); $SESSION->set('exportfile', ''); require_once 'file.php'; serve_file($exportfile, basename($exportfile), 'application/x-zip', array('lifetime' => 0, 'forcedownload' => true)); exit; } if (!($exportdata = $SESSION->get('exportdata'))) { redirect('/export/'); } $SESSION->set('exportdata', ''); $stylesheets = array_reverse(theme_get_url('style/style.css', null, true)); ?> <html> <head> <title></title> <?php foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo hsc($stylesheet); ?> "> <?php } ?> <style type="text/css">
$interest = artefact_instance_from_type('interest'); } catch (Exception $e) { } $contactinformation_value = $contactinformation->render_self(array('editing' => true)); $contactinformation_value = $contactinformation_value['html']; $coverletterform = pieform(array('name' => 'coverletter', 'jsform' => true, 'plugintype' => 'artefact', 'pluginname' => 'resume', 'jsform' => true, 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('coverletterfs' => array('type' => 'fieldset', 'legend' => get_string('coverletter', 'artefact.resume'), 'elements' => array('coverletter' => array('type' => 'wysiwyg', 'cols' => 70, 'rows' => 10, 'defaultvalue' => !empty($coverletter) ? $coverletter->get('description') : null, 'help' => true), 'save' => array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => get_string('save'))))))); $interestsform = pieform(array('name' => 'interests', 'jsform' => true, 'plugintype' => 'artefact', 'pluginname' => 'resume', 'jsform' => true, 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('interestsfs' => array('type' => 'fieldset', 'legend' => get_string('interest', 'artefact.resume'), 'elements' => array('interest' => array('type' => 'wysiwyg', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($interest) ? $interest->get('description') : null, 'cols' => 70, 'rows' => 10, 'help' => true), 'save' => array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => get_string('save'))))))); $contactinformationform = pieform(array('name' => 'contactinformation', 'jsform' => true, 'plugintype' => 'artefact', 'pluginname' => 'resume', 'jsform' => true, 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('contactinformationfs' => array('type' => 'fieldset', 'legend' => get_string('contactinformation', 'artefact.resume'), 'elements' => array('contactinformation' => array('type' => 'html', 'value' => $contactinformation_value, 'help' => true)))))); $personalinformationform = pieform(array('name' => 'personalinformation', 'jsform' => true, 'plugintype' => 'artefact', 'pluginname' => 'resume', 'jsform' => true, 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('personalinformation' => array('type' => 'fieldset', 'legend' => get_string('personalinformation', 'artefact.resume'), 'elements' => array('dateofbirth' => array('type' => 'calendar', 'caloptions' => array('showsTime' => false, 'ifFormat' => '%Y/%m/%d'), 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('dateofbirth') : null, 'title' => get_string('dateofbirth', 'artefact.resume'), 'help' => true), 'placeofbirth' => array('type' => 'text', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('placeofbirth') : null, 'title' => get_string('placeofbirth', 'artefact.resume')), 'citizenship' => array('type' => 'text', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('citizenship') : null, 'title' => get_string('citizenship', 'artefact.resume')), 'visastatus' => array('type' => 'text', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('visastatus') : null, 'title' => get_string('visastatus', 'artefact.resume'), 'help' => true), 'gender' => array('type' => 'radio', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('gender') : null, 'options' => array('female' => get_string('female', 'artefact.resume'), 'male' => get_string('male', 'artefact.resume')), 'title' => get_string('gender', 'artefact.resume')), 'maritalstatus' => array('type' => 'text', 'defaultvalue' => !empty($personalinformation) ? $personalinformation->get_composite('maritalstatus') : null, 'title' => get_string('maritalstatus', 'artefact.resume')), 'save' => array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => get_string('save'))))))); $cancelstr = get_string('cancel'); $addstr = get_string('add'); $editstr = get_string('edit'); $delstr = get_string('delete'); $confirmdelstr = get_string('compositedeleteconfirm', 'artefact.resume'); $imagemoveblockup = json_encode(theme_get_url('images/move-block-up.png')); $imagemoveblockdown = json_encode(theme_get_url('images/move-block-down.png')); $upstr = get_string('moveup', 'artefact.resume'); $downstr = get_string('movedown', 'artefact.resume'); $wwwroot = get_config('wwwroot'); $smarty = smarty(array('tablerenderer')); $smarty->assign('coverletterform', $coverletterform); $smarty->assign('interestsform', $interestsform); $smarty->assign('contactinformationform', $contactinformationform); $smarty->assign('personalinformationform', $personalinformationform); $inlinejs = <<<EOF var tableRenderers = {}; function toggleCompositeForm(type) { var elemName = ''; elemName = type + 'form'; if (hasElementClass(elemName, 'hidden')) {