예제 #1
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// tests whether command-line arg passing works
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("standard concat application");
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host($user);
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host->add_user($user, $project);
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "concat_wu";
$work->result_template = "concat_result";
$work->redundancy = 2;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
$host->run("-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks");
$result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER;
$project->check_results(2, $result);
$project->compare_file("concat_wu_0_0", "concat_correct_output");
$project->compare_file("concat_wu_1_0", "concat_correct_output");
예제 #2
  * 更新資料
  * 如果有設定ID,則會進行更新(update),否則會進行新增(insert)
  * @return Generic_object
 public function update()
     $pk = self::_get_pk($this->primary_key, $this->table_name);
     $id = $this->get_id();
     $table_name = $this->table_name;
     if (FALSE === isset($id)) {
         $this->loaded = FALSE;
     $data = self::_get_table_data($this->database_fields, $this->table_fields);
     $data = $this->_pre_update($data);
     if (count($data) > 0) {
         if (FALSE === $this->loaded) {
             $data = $this->_pre_insert($data);
             if (self::_has_unique_restriction($this->unique_restriction) && (FALSE === self::_check_unique($this) or FALSE === self::_check_not_null($data, $this->not_null_field))) {
                 test_msg('約束沒過 [' . get_class($this) . '] (_check_unique=' . self::_check_unique($this) . '; _check_not_null=' . self::_check_not_null($data, $this->not_null_field) . ')', $data);
                 return $this;
             $this->_do_insert($data, $table_name);
             $select_last_insert_data = $this->_filter_except_bind_fields($data);
             $query = $this->db->select_max($pk, 'count')->where($select_last_insert_data)->get($table_name);
             if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                 $result = $query->row_array();
                 //$query->first_row('array', 0);
                 $proposed_id = $result['count'];
                 if ($proposed_id > 0) {
                     $this->loaded = TRUE;
                     $this->id = $proposed_id;
                 if ($this->use_cache) {
                     $cache_cond = $this->_get_cache_cond();
                     set_cache($this, $cache_cond);
         } else {
             $this->_do_update($data, $table_name, $pk, $id);
         foreach ($this->table_fields as $field) {
             if (FALSE === isset($this->database_fields[$field])) {
     //if (count($data) > 0)
     $this->deleted = FALSE;
     return $this;
예제 #3
 protected function _display_jsonp($object, $callback = NULL)
     if (is_null($callback)) {
         return $object;
     $json = kals_json_encode($object);
     $pos = stripos($callback, '=');
     // 取得 = 號的位置
     //test_msg("_display_jsonp", gettype($callback));
     if ($callback !== NULL && $callback !== "") {
         $callback_hash = $pos === false ? '' : substr($callback, $pos + 1);
         // 擷取 = 後面的字串
         //echo "{$jsonp}({$json})"; // 輸出
         $vars = array('callback_hash' => $callback_hash, 'json' => $json);
     } else {
         test_msg("_display_jsonp", "send_text_header");
         $vars = array('callback_hash' => NULL, 'json' => $json);
     $this->load->view($this->dir . 'display_jsonp', $vars);
예제 #4
  * 過濾CSS,把view的CSS處理掉
  * @param String $path
  * @return String 過濾過的CSS檔案
 private function _initialize_css($path)
     $style = $this->load->view($this->dir . $path, NULL, TRUE);
     if (strpos($path, 'view/') !== FALSE) {
         $classname = $path;
         $classname = substr($classname, 0, -4);
         $classname = preg_replace('/[\\W|\\_]/', "-", $classname);
                     $class_array1 = explode('}', $classname);
                     foreach ($class_array1 AS $c_ary1) {
            $class_ary2 = explode('{', $c_ary1);
            if (count($class_ary2) > 0) {
                $selectors_list = $class_ary2[0];
            else {
                $selectors_list = $c_ary1;
            $selectors = explode(',', $selectors_list);
         $classname = strtolower($classname);
         $classname = '.kals-view.' . $classname . ' ';
         // 如果是樣板的話
         //preg_replace($style, $path, $style);
         //$style = preg_replace('/[\}|\,]*[\{|\,]/', "" .$classname+"\$0", $style);
         $parts = explode('}', $style);
         foreach ($parts as &$part) {
             if (empty($part) || strlen($part) === 0 || strpos($part, '{') === FALSE) {
             $part = trim($part);
             if (substr($part, 0, 1) == '@') {
                 $media_parts = explode('{', $part);
                 foreach ($media_parts as $media_index => $media_part) {
                     $media_part = trim($media_part);
                     if ($media_index > 0 && $media_index < count($media_parts) - 1 && substr($media_part, 0, 1) != '@') {
                         $media_part = $classname . $media_part;
                         $media_part = trim($media_part);
                     $media_parts[$media_index] = $media_part;
                 $part = implode("{", $media_parts);
                 $part = trim($part);
             $subParts = explode(',', $part);
             foreach ($subParts as &$subPart) {
                 $subPart = trim($subPart);
                 if (substr($part, 0, 1) != '@') {
                     $subPart = $classname . ' ' . $subPart;
                     $subPart = trim($subPart);
             $part = implode(', ', $subParts);
             $part = trim($part);
         $style = implode("}\n", $parts);
         $style = trim($style);
         $style = str_replace('  ', ' ', $style);
         //if ($style != '') {
         //    $style = $classname . $style;
     return $style;
예제 #5
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// This tests whether upload resuming works correctly.
$use_proxy_cgi = 1;
include_once "test_uc.inc";
test_msg("upload resumes");
$project = new ProjectUC();
// start_proxy('exit 1 if ($nconnections ==1 && $bytes_transferred==ZZZ); if_done_kill(); if_done_ping();');
예제 #6
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// This tests whether the client handles multiple projects,
// and whether CPU time is divided correctly between projects
// The client should do work for project 2 5 times faster
// than for project 1
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("multiple projects with resource share");
$project1 = new Project();
$project2 = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host($user);
$work = new Work();
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
$work->redundancy = 5;
$work->delay_bound = 60;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
$project1->resource_share = 1;
$project1->shmem_key = "0x12344321";
$project1->short_name = "Project1";
$project1->long_name = "Project1";
// must install projects before adding to hosts
예제 #7
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// This tests whether the result abort mechanism is working
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("result abort mechanism (disk space limit)");
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host = new Host();
$host->add_user($user, $project);
$work = new Work();
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "abort_result";
$work->redundancy = 2;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
$host->run("-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks -sched_retry_delay_min 1 >& /dev/null");
$result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER;
$project->check_results(2, $result);
예제 #8
     * Action範例
     * @param Array $data 由KALS_controller傳入的資料,組成是關連式的陣列
     * [Controller的JSON格式]
     * _data = {
     *  "field": "value"
     * };
     * //取用範例
     * _data["field];   //回傳value
     * [Model的Array格式]
     * $data = array(
     *  "field" => "value"
     * );
     * $data["field"];  //回傳value
     * @return Array 要回傳給KALS_controller的資料
     * 一樣是以關聯式陣列組成
     * 取得各階級的USER 名單
    public function get_stamps_list($stamps)
        //$stamps = $stamps["stamps"];
        //return array("test" => 1212);
        // -----------------------
        // 取得現在的網頁ID, user_id
        $webpage = $this->get_current_webpage();
        $webpage_id = $webpage->get_id();
        //test_msg('web_id = ', $webpage_id);
        $user = $this->get_current_user();
        $user_id = $user->get_id();
        //return array("id"=>$webpage_id);
        //$webpage_id = 1573
        $qualifier_tables = array();
        $stamps_result = array();
        foreach ($stamps as $stamp_index => $stamp) {
            $qualifier = $stamp["qualifier"];
            //var_dump($qualifier); //show qualifer data
            // 查詢
            foreach ($qualifier as $type => $rule) {
                //test_msg("key = ",$type);
                //test_msg("value = ",$rule);
                //  type類型
                if ($type === "topic_annotation_count") {
                    foreach ($rule as $rule_type => $rule_value) {
                        // 取到最底層的count值
                        test_msg("rule_type = ", $rule_type);
                        test_msg("rule_value =", $rule_value["count"]);
                        $rule_count = $rule_value["count"];
                        if ($rule_type === "_total") {
                            $table = 'SELECT annotation.user_id
FROM annotation JOIN webpage2annotation ON ( annotation.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id ) JOIN type ON (annotation.annotation_type_id = type.type_id)
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . ' AND annotation.topic_id IS NULL AND annotation.deleted = false
GROUP BY annotation.user_id
HAVING COUNT(annotation.annotation_id) >=' . $rule_count;
                        } else {
                            $table = "SELECT annotation.user_id\nFROM annotation JOIN webpage2annotation ON ( annotation.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id ) JOIN type ON (annotation.annotation_type_id = type.type_id)\nWHERE webpage_id = '{$webpage_id}' AND annotation.topic_id IS NULL AND annotation.deleted = false AND type.name = '{$rule_type}'\n    GROUP BY annotation.user_id\nHAVING COUNT(annotation.annotation_id) >='{$rule_count}'";
                        array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                } else {
                    if ($type === "respond_annotation_count") {
                        foreach ($rule as $rule_type => $rule_value) {
                            // 取到最底層的count值
                            test_msg("rule_type = ", $rule_type);
                            test_msg("rule_value =", $rule_value["count"]);
                            $rule_count = $rule_value["count"];
                            $table = "SELECT annotation.user_id\nFROM annotation JOIN webpage2annotation ON ( annotation.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id ) JOIN type ON (annotation.annotation_type_id = type.type_id)\nWHERE webpage_id = '{$webpage_id}'\nAND annotation.topic_id IS NOT NULL \nAND annotation.deleted = false \nAND type.name = '{$rule_type}'\nGROUP BY annotation.user_id\nHAVING COUNT(annotation.annotation_id) >='{$rule_count}'";
                            array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                        //foreach ($rule AS $rule_type => $rule_value ){
                    } else {
                        if ($type === "respond_to_user_count") {
                            $respond_to_user_count = $rule["count"];
                            $table = 'SELECT respond_to.user_id
FROM user_respond_to_count AS respond_to JOIN webpage ON (webpage.webpage_id = respond_to.webpage_id)
WHERE respond_to.webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . ' AND respond_to.count >= ' . $respond_to_user_count;
                            //test_msg("user_count =", $user_count );
                            array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                        } else {
                            if ($type === "responded_user_count") {
                                $responded_user_count = $rule["count"];
                                //test_msg("responded_user_count =", $rule["count"] );
                                $table = 'SELECT responded.user_id
FROM user_responded_count AS responded JOIN webpage ON (webpage.webpage_id = responded.webpage_id)
WHERE responded.webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . 'AND responded.count >= ' . $responded_user_count;
                                array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                            } else {
                                if ($type === "liked_count") {
                                    $liked_count = $rule["count"];
                                    $table = 'SELECT annotation.user_id
FROM annotation JOIN annotation2like_count ON ( annotation.annotation_id = annotation2like_count.annotation_id) JOIN webpage2annotation ON (annotation.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id)
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . 'AND like_count >=' . $liked_count;
                                    array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                                } else {
                                    if ($type === "like_count") {
                                        $like_count = $rule["count"];
                                        $table = 'SELECT annotation2like.user_id
FROM annotation2like JOIN webpage2annotation ON (annotation2like.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id)
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . '
AND annotation2like.canceled = false
GROUP BY annotation2like.user_id
HAVING count(user_id) >=' . $like_count;
                                        array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($type === "like_to_users_count") {
                                            $like_to_user_count = $rule["count"];
                                            $table = 'SELECT like_to.me AS user_id
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_like_to.me, user_like_to.like_to_user
FROM user_like_to JOIN webpage2annotation ON (user_like_to.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id) 
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . '
ORDER BY user_like_to.me) AS like_to
GROUP BY like_to.me
HAVING count(like_to.me) >=' . $like_to_user_count;
                                            array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                                        } else {
                                            if ($type === "liked_users_count") {
                                                $liked_user_count = $rule["count"];
                                                $table = 'SELECT liked.me AS user_id
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT user_liked.me, user_liked.liked_user
FROM user_liked JOIN webpage2annotation ON (user_liked.annotation_id = webpage2annotation.annotation_id)
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . '
ORDER BY user_liked.me) AS liked
GROUP BY liked.me
HAVING count(liked.me) >=' . $liked_user_count;
                                                array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($type === "annotation_count_ranking") {
                                                    $annotation_count_rank = $rule["count"];
                                                    $table = 'SELECT user_id
FROM user_annotation_count_ranking
WHERE webpage_id = ' . $webpage_id . ' and rank <=' . $annotation_count_rank;
                                                    array_push($qualifier_tables, $table);
                //else if ($type === "annotation_count_rank"){
            //foreach ($qualifier AS $type => $rule){
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // 把所有條件查好的表合併,找出都符合條件的user_id
            $this->db->select('user.user_id, user.name')->from("user");
            //var_dump($qualifier_tables); //show qualifer data
            foreach ($qualifier_tables as $key => $table) {
                $cond = 'user.user_id = T' . $key . '.user_id';
                $this->db->join('(' . $table . ' ) AS "T' . $key . '"', $cond);
                //test_msg("table = ",$cond);
            $query = $this->db->get();
            // var_dump($query);
            /*foreach ($query->result() as $row){ 
                      echo $row->user_id;
                      echo '+';
                      echo $row->name;  
                      echo '||';
              }   */
            $user_name_list = array();
            foreach ($query->result() as $key => $row) {
                $user_name_list[$key] = $row->name;
            // 20141007 不顯示沒有名單的階級
            if (count($user_name_list) === 0) {
            //$stamp_name = $stamp["name"]; //stamp name
            $stamps_result[] = array("stamp_index" => $stamp_index, "user_name_list" => $user_name_list);
        //foreach ($stamps AS $stamp )
        // 反轉陣列順序
        $stamps_result = array_reverse($stamps_result);
        //20141015 將階級名單中重複的對象刪除
        $stamps_result2 = array();
        $added_user_list = array();
        foreach ($stamps_result as $value) {
            $new_user_name_list = array();
            $user_name_list = $value['user_name_list'];
            //$stamp_name = $value['stamp_name'];
            foreach ($user_name_list as $user_name) {
                if (in_array($user_name, $added_user_list) === FALSE) {
                    $added_user_list[] = $user_name;
                    $new_user_name_list[] = $user_name;
                    //test_msg("user_name " . $user_name, $added_user_list);
            if (count($new_user_name_list) > 0) {
                //test_msg("new user name list", $new_user_name_list);
                $stamps_result2[] = array("stamp_index" => $value['stamp_index'], "user_name_list" => $new_user_name_list);
                //$stamp1_result2[$stamp_name]["stamp_name"] = $stamp_name;
                //$stamp1_result2[$stamp_name]["user_name_list"] = $new_user_name_list;
        //return array();
        return $stamps_result2;
예제 #9
 function index()
     $url = $this->url;
     $annotation = $this->annotation;
     $webpage = $this->webpage->create($url);
     $langvar_coll = $webpage->get_langvar_coll();
     $defuzzy_array = $langvar_coll->get_defuzzy_array();
     $test_defuzzy_array = array(1 => 1.2, 2 => 1, 3 => 3, 4 => 3, 5 => 1, 6 => 2);
     for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
         $this->unit->run($defuzzy_array[$i] . '', $test_defuzzy_array[$i] . '', 'langvar_coll,get_defuzzy_array(),測試第' . $i . '個');
     $matrix = $langvar_coll->get_membership_matrix();
     $this->unit->run(count($matrix), 6, 'langvar_coll,get_membership_matrix(),count第一層');
     $this->unit->run(count($matrix[0]), 3, 'langvar_coll,get_membership_matrix(),count第二層');
     $this->unit->run($langvar_coll->get_inference_result()->get_membership_array(), array(0.24, 0.2, 0.15), 'Fuzzy_inference_engine get_inference_result()');
     $this->unit->run($langvar_coll->get_integrated_score() . "", 1.84745762712 . "", 'Fuzzy_inference_engine get_integrated_score()');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_consensus_count(), 2, '看一下標註是否有共識');
     $langvar = $this->langvar;
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_consensus->find_langvar($url);
     $membership = $langvar->get_membership($annotation);
     $ms_array = $membership->get_membership_array();
     $this->unit->run($ms_array, array(0.8, 0.2, 0), 'language_variable_consensus是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array(), array(0.8, 0.2, 0), '再取得一次,language_variable_consensus是否有記錄membership?');
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_record(), 2, 'language_variable_consensus是否有正確set_record?');
     $langvar->set_field('function_variables', '1,3,5');
     $membership = $langvar->get_membership($annotation);
     $ms_array = $membership->get_membership_array();
     $this->unit->run($ms_array, array(0.5, 0.5, 0), 'language_variable_consensus設定function_variables之後,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_like_count(), 2, '看一下標註喜愛是否如預期的');
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_like->find_langvar($url);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(1, 0, 0), 'language_variable_like,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_type()->get_type_id(), 1, '看一下標註類型是否如預期的');
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_type->find_langvar($url);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(0, 0, 1), 'language_variable_type,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_scopes()->get_anchor_speech(), 'is_array', '看一下標註範圍詞性是否為陣列');
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_speech->find_langvar($url);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(0, 0, 1), 'language_variable_speech,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_scopes()->get_scope_length(), 33, '看一下標註範圍長度是否符合預期');
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_length->find_langvar($url);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(1, 0, 0), 'language_variable_length,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $this->unit->run($annotation->get_feature(1)->get_value(), NULL, '看一下標註特徵位置是否符合預期');
     $langvar = $this->language_variable_location->find_langvar($url);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(1, 0, 0), 'language_variable_location,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     $annotation->set_feature(1, 1);
     $this->unit->run($langvar->get_membership_array($annotation), array(0, 1, 0), 'language_variable_location,重新設定featrue為1,是否有取得到正確的membership?');
     //        $this->unit->run($test_result
     //                , $expected_result
     //                , $test_name);
     unit_test_report($this, __METHOD__);
예제 #10
파일: test_uc.php 프로젝트: CalvinZhu/boinc
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// This tests whether the most basic mechanisms are working
// Also whether stderr output is reported correctly
// Also tests if water levels are working correctly
include_once "test_uc.inc";
test_msg("standard upper_case application");
$project = new ProjectUC();
  * 更新前動作
  * @abstract 將更新的資料插入$type_id跟$name。
  * 注意:子類別覆寫時請務必引用此方法。
  * @param array $data 原本要更新的資料
  * @return array 更新後的資料
 protected function _pre_update($data)
     if (isset($this->type_field) && FALSE === isset($data[$this->type_field])) {
         $type_id = $this->get_type_id();
         if (is_class($this, 'Annotation_like')) {
             test_msg('Generic_attribute_object::_pre_update() ', $type_id . '?');
         if (isset($type_id)) {
             $data[$this->type_field] = $type_id;
             $this->set_field($this->type_field, $type_id);
     if (isset($this->name_field) && FALSE === isset($data[$this->name_field])) {
         $name = $this->get_name();
         $data[$this->name_field] = $name;
         $this->set_field($this->name_field, $name);
     return $data;
예제 #12
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// test whether the scheduling server filters out work units too big for
// client
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("resource filtering for large work units");
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host($user);
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host->add_user($user, $project);
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
$work->redundancy = 1;
$work->rsc_disk = 1000000000000;
// 1 TB
$work->rsc_fpops = 0;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
$host->run("-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks");
$result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_UNSENT;
$project->check_results(1, $result);
예제 #13
  * 顯示偵錯訊息
  * @param String $header
  * @param Object $message
  * @return \KALS_model
 protected function debug($header, $message)
     if ($this->enable_debug === TRUE) {
         test_msg($header, $message);
     return $this;
예제 #14
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
// End to end test.  Tests make_work, feeder, scheduling server, client,
// file_upload_handler, validator, assimilator, timeout_check, and
// file_deleter on a large batch of workunits.  Confirms that credit
// is correctly granted and that unneeded files are deleted
include_once "test.inc";
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host($user);
$app = new App("upper_case");
$app_version = new App_Version($app);
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
$work->redundancy = 5;
$work->delay_bound = 70;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$project->install_make_work($work, 499, 5);
$host->log_flags = "log_flags.xml";
$host->add_user($user, $project);
예제 #15
  * @return Scope_anchor_text
 public function get_anchor_text()
     if (is_null($this->anchor_text)) {
         $anchor_text_id = $this->get_field('anchor_text_id');
         if (NULL != $anchor_text_id) {
             $this->_CI_load('library', 'scope/Scope_anchor_text', 'scope_anchor_text');
             $this->anchor_text = new Scope_anchor_text($anchor_text_id);
         } else {
             test_msg('沒有$anchor_text_id到底是?', $this->database_fields);
     return $this->anchor_text;
예제 #16
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
$use_proxy_cgi = 1;
include_once "test_uc.inc";
test_msg("upload backoff");
start_proxy('print "#$nconnections url=$url time=$time\\n"; exit 1 if ($nconnections < 4); if_done_kill(); if_done_ping();');
$project = new ProjectUC();
// $pid = $host->run_asynch("-exit_when_idle");
예제 #17
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("client checkpoint/restart mechanism");
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host();
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host->add_user($user, $project);
$work = new Work();
$work->wu_template = "ucs_wu";
$work->result_template = "uc_result";
array_push($work->input_files, "small_input");
verbose_echo(0, "Now run the client manually; start and stop it a few times");
//compare_file("ucs_wu_0_0", "uc_small_correct_output");
예제 #18
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
$use_proxy_html = 1;
include_once "test_uc.inc";
test_msg("master url failure");
$project = new ProjectUC();
start_proxy('exit 1 if $nconnections < 4; if_done_kill(); if_done_ping();');
// TODO: verify it took ??? seconds
// TODO: time out after ??? seconds and fail this test
예제 #19
#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
// $Id$
include_once "test.inc";
test_msg("sticky file mechanism");
$project = new Project();
$user = new User();
$host = new Host($user);
// must install projects before adding to hosts
$host->add_user($user, $project);
$work = new Work($app);
$work->wu_template = "uc_wu_sticky";
$work->result_template = "uc_result_sticky";
$work->redundancy = 2;
array_push($work->input_files, "input");
$host->run("-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks");
$result->server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER;
$project->check_results(2, $result);
$project->compare_file("uc_wu_sticky_0_0", "uc_correct_output");
$project->compare_file("uc_wu_sticky_1_0", "uc_correct_output");
// make sure result files are still there
$host->check_file_present($project, "uc_wu_sticky_0_0");
$host->check_file_present($project, "uc_wu_sticky_1_0");