예제 #1
 * The lower icons and jump to.
function template_topic_listing_below()
    global $context, $txt, $options;
    if ($context['no_topic_listing']) {
    template_pagesection('normal_buttons', 'right');
    // Show breadcrumbs at the bottom too.
    echo '
	<div id="topic_icons" class="description">
		<div class="floatright" id="message_index_jump_to">&nbsp;</div>';
    if (!$context['no_topic_listing']) {
    echo '
			<script><!-- // --><![CDATA[';
    if (!empty($context['using_relative_time'])) {
        echo '
    if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && !empty($context['topics']) && $context['can_move']) {
        echo '
				aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
					sContainerId: "quick_mod_jump_to",
					sClassName: "qaction",
					sJumpToTemplate: "%dropdown_list%",
					iCurBoardId: ', $context['current_board'], ',
					iCurBoardChildLevel: ', $context['jump_to']['child_level'], ',
					sCurBoardName: "', $context['jump_to']['board_name'], '",
					sBoardChildLevelIndicator: "&#8195;",
					sBoardPrefix: "', isBrowser('ie8') ? '&#187; ' : '&#10148; ', '",
					sCatClass: "jump_to_header",
					sCatPrefix: "",
					bNoRedirect: true,
					bDisabled: true,
					sCustomName: "move_to"
    echo '
				aJumpTo[aJumpTo.length] = new JumpTo({
					sContainerId: "message_index_jump_to",
					sJumpToTemplate: "<label class=\\"smalltext\\" for=\\"%select_id%\\">', $context['jump_to']['label'], ':<" + "/label> %dropdown_list%",
					iCurBoardId: ', $context['current_board'], ',
					iCurBoardChildLevel: ', $context['jump_to']['child_level'], ',
					sCurBoardName: "', $context['jump_to']['board_name'], '",
					sBoardChildLevelIndicator: "&#8195;",
					sBoardPrefix: "', isBrowser('ie8') ? '&#187; ' : '&#10148; ', '",
					sCatPrefix: "",
					sCatClass: "jump_to_header",
					sGoButtonLabel: "', $txt['quick_mod_go'], '"
			// ]]></script>
    // Javascript for inline editing.
    echo '
	<script><!-- // --><![CDATA[
		var oQuickModifyTopic = new QuickModifyTopic({
			aHidePrefixes: Array("lockicon", "stickyicon", "pages", "newicon"),
			bMouseOnDiv: false,
	// ]]></script>';
function template_unread_below()
    global $context;
    if (!empty($context['topics'])) {
        template_pagesection('recent_buttons', 'right');
        echo '
		<div id="topic_icons" class="description">';
        if (!empty($context['using_relative_time'])) {
            echo '
			<script><!-- // --><![CDATA[
			// ]]></script>';
        echo '
예제 #3
 * Interface to show unread replies to your posts.
function template_replies()
    global $context, $txt, $scripturl;
    $message_icon_sprite = array('clip' => '', 'lamp' => '', 'poll' => '', 'question' => '', 'xx' => '', 'moved' => '', 'exclamation' => '', 'thumbup' => '', 'thumbdown' => '');
    if (!empty($context['topics'])) {
        template_pagesection('recent_buttons', 'right');
        if ($context['showCheckboxes']) {
            echo '
					<form action="', $scripturl, '?action=quickmod" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" name="quickModForm" id="quickModForm" style="margin: 0;">
						<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />
						<input type="hidden" name="qaction" value="markread" />
						<input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="action=unreadreplies', !empty($context['showing_all_topics']) ? ';all' : '', $context['querystring_board_limits'], '" />';
        // [WIP] There is trial code here to hide the topic icon column. Colspan can be cleaned up later.
        echo '
						<h2 class="category_header" id="unread_header">
							', $txt['unread_replies'], '
						<ul id="sort_by" class="topic_sorting topic_sorting_recent">';
        if ($context['showCheckboxes']) {
            echo '
							<li class="listlevel1 quickmod_select_all">
								<input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, document.getElementById(\'quickModForm\'), \'topics[]\');" class="input_check" />
        $current_header = $context['topics_headers'][$context['sort_by']];
        echo '
							<li class="listlevel1 topic_sorting_row">
								<a class="sort topicicon img_sort', $context['sort_direction'], '" href="', $current_header['url'], '" title="', $context['sort_title'], '"></a>
        echo '
							<li class="listlevel1 topic_sorting_row">', $txt['sort_by'], ': <a href="', $current_header['url'], '">', $txt[$context['sort_by']], '</a>
								<ul class="menulevel2" id="sortby">';
        foreach ($context['topics_headers'] as $key => $value) {
            echo '
									<li class="listlevel2 sort_by_item" id="sort_by_item_', $key, '"><a href="', $value['url'], '" class="linklevel2">', $txt[$key], ' ', $value['sort_dir_img'], '</a></li>';
        echo '
        // Show a "select all" box for quick moderation?
        echo '
						<ul class="topic_listing" id="unread">';
        foreach ($context['topics'] as $topic) {
            // Calculate the color class of the topic.
            if ($topic['is_sticky'] && $topic['is_locked']) {
                $color_class = 'locked_row sticky_row';
            } elseif ($topic['is_sticky']) {
                $color_class = 'sticky_row';
            } elseif ($topic['is_locked']) {
                $color_class = 'locked_row';
            } else {
                $color_class = 'basic_row';
            echo '
							<li class="', $color_class, '">
								<div class="topic_info">
									<p class="topic_icons', isset($message_icon_sprite[$topic['first_post']['icon']]) ? ' topicicon img_' . $topic['first_post']['icon'] : '', '">';
            if (!isset($message_icon_sprite[$topic['first_post']['icon']])) {
                echo '
										<img src="', $topic['first_post']['icon_url'], '" alt="" />';
            echo '
										', $topic['is_posted_in'] ? '<span class="fred topicicon img_profile"></span>' : '', '
									<div class="topic_name">';
            // The new icons look better if they aren't all over the page.
            echo '
											<a class="new_posts" href="', $topic['new_href'], '" id="newicon', $topic['first_post']['id'], '">' . $txt['new'] . '</a>
											', $topic['is_sticky'] ? '<strong>' : '', '<span class="preview" title="', $topic['default_preview'], '"><span id="msg_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '">', $topic['first_post']['link'], '</span></span>', $topic['is_sticky'] ? '</strong>' : '', '
									<div class="topic_starter">
										', $topic['first_post']['started_by'], !empty($topic['pages']) ? '
										<ul class="small_pagelinks" id="pages' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '" role="menubar">' . $topic['pages'] . '</ul>' : '', '
								<div class="topic_latest">
									<p class="topic_stats">
										', $topic['replies'], ' ', $txt['replies'], '
										<br />
										', $topic['views'], ' ', $txt['views'], '
									<p class="topic_lastpost">
										<a class="topicicon img_last_post" href="', $topic['last_post']['href'], ' title="', $txt['last_post'], '"></a>
										', $topic['last_post']['html_time'], '<br />
										', $txt['by'], ' ', $topic['last_post']['member']['link'], '
            if ($context['showCheckboxes']) {
                echo '
								<p class="topic_moderation">
									<input type="checkbox" name="topics[]" value="', $topic['id'], '" class="input_check" />
            echo '
        echo '
        if ($context['showCheckboxes']) {
            echo '
        template_pagesection('recent_buttons', 'right');
        echo '
					<div id="topic_icons" class="description">', template_basicicons_legend(), '
    } else {
        echo '
					<div class="forum_category">
						<h2 class="category_header">
							', $txt['topic_alert_none'], '
						<div class="board_row centertext">
							', $context['showing_all_topics'] ? '<strong>' . $txt['find_no_results'] . '</strong>' : $txt['unread_topics_visit_none'], '