<?php include "../api.php"; //change every 10 seconds your name to a random name $names = array("I am Stupid", "I am not Stupid", "Whatever"); $lastname = ""; $ts3query = teamspeak_socket_init(); while (1) { $name = $names[rand(0, count($names) - 1)]; while ($lastname == $name) { $name = $names[rand(0, count($names) - 1)]; } echo teamspeak_socket_send($ts3query, "clientupdate client_nickname=" . teamspeak_escape($name)); $lastname = $name; sleep(10); } fclose($ts3query);
<?php include "../api.php"; //Get Names and change randomly this names after 10s $names = explode("↵", teamspeak_escape(file_get_contents("conf_files/names.txt"))); $ts3query = teamspeak_socket_init(); $lasti = 0; while (1) { $i = rand(0, count($names) - 1); while ($i == $lasti) { $i = rand(0, count($names) - 1); } $name = $names[$i]; teamspeak_socket_send($ts3query, "clientupdate client_nickname=" . $name . "\n"); sleep(10); $lasti = $i; } fclose($ts3query);