$log_data = array("to_id" => td_trim(getusernamebyid($TO_ID_STR)), "to_wid" => td_trim($TO_WEBMAIL), "subject" => $SUBJECT, "content" => $CONTENT, "select" => $SECRET_LEVEL_DESC, "auitstr" => td_trim(getusernamebyid($Audit_STR)), "attachmentname" => $ATTACHMENT_NAME, "body_id" => $BODY_ID); $AuditLog = 80; if ($free_falg) { $AuditLog = 81; } addemailauditlog($AuditLog, $_SESSION['LOGIN_UID'], $log_data); } $query = "SELECT UID,EMAIL_RECENT_LINKMAN from USER_EXT where UID='" . $_SESSION['LOGIN_UID'] . "'"; $cursor = exequery(TD::conn(), $query); if ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) { $UID_EXT = $ROW['UID']; $RECENT_LINKMAN = $ROW['EMAIL_RECENT_LINKMAN']; } $TO_ID_STR_ADD = ""; $TO_ID_STR_RECENT = $TO_ID_STR . td_trim($RECENT_LINKMAN); $TO_ID_STR_RECENT_ARRAY = explode(",", td_trim($TO_ID_STR_RECENT)); $TO_ID_STR_RECENT_COUNT = count($TO_ID_STR_RECENT_ARRAY); $I = 0; for (; $I < $TO_ID_STR_RECENT_COUNT; ++$I) { if (!find_id($TO_ID_STR_ADD, $TO_ID_STR_RECENT_ARRAY[$I])) { $TO_ID_STR_ADD .= $TO_ID_STR_RECENT_ARRAY[$I] . ","; } } if (isset($UID_EXT)) { $query = "update USER_EXT set EMAIL_RECENT_LINKMAN='" . $TO_ID_STR_ADD . "' where UID='" . $_SESSION['LOGIN_UID'] . "'"; } else { $query = "insert into USER_EXT (UID,USER_ID,EMAIL_RECENT_LINKMAN) values ('" . $_SESSION['LOGIN_UID'] . "','" . $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'] . ("','" . $TO_ID_STR_ADD . "')"); } exequery(TD::conn(), $query); echo $NEW_SMS_HTML; }
function mobile_push_notification($uid_sent, $content, $module, $options = NULL) { $org_content = $content; $PARA_ARRAY = get_sys_para("MOBILE_PUSH_OPTION,PCONLINE_MOBILE_PUSH", FALSE); while (list($PARA_NAME, $PARA_VALUE) = each(&$PARA_ARRAY)) { ${$PARA_NAME} = $PARA_VALUE; } if ($MOBILE_PUSH_OPTION == "1") { if ($uid_sent == "") { return; } if (substr($uid_sent, -1) != ",") { $uid_sent .= ","; } $module = strtolower($module); $mp_to_uids = td_trim($uid_sent); $a_uid_sent = $a_unpush_uid = array(); $a_uid_sent = explode(",", $mp_to_uids); if ($PCONLINE_MOBILE_PUSH == "0") { $query = "select DISTINCT(UID) from user_online where UID in(" . $mp_to_uids . ") and CLIENT!=5 and CLIENT!=6"; $cursor = exequery(TD::conn(), $query); while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) { $a_unpush_uid[] = $ROW['UID']; } foreach ($a_uid_sent as $k => $v) { if (!($PCONLINE_MOBILE_PUSH == "0") && !is_array($a_unpush_uid) && !in_array($v, $a_unpush_uid)) { unset($a_uid_sent[$k]); } } $a_uid_sent = array_filter($a_uid_sent); $uid_sent = implode(",", $a_uid_sent); $uid_sent .= ","; } if ($module == "message") { include_once "task/message_push/funcs.php"; $C_MOBILE_DEVICES = TD::get_cache("C_MOBILE_DEVICES"); if ($C_MOBILE_DEVICES === FALSE) { rebuildmobilecache(); $C_MOBILE_DEVICES = TD::get_cache("C_MOBILE_DEVICES"); } if ($C_MOBILE_DEVICES && 0 < count($C_MOBILE_DEVICES)) { $M_STA = $M_ENT = array(); foreach ($a_uid_sent as $k => $v) { if ($C_MOBILE_DEVICES[$v]) { if ($C_MOBILE_DEVICES[$v]['client_ver'] == 1) { $M_STA[$v][] = array("content" => $content, "module" => "message"); } else { if ($C_MOBILE_DEVICES[$v]['client_ver'] == 2) { $M_ENT[$v][] = array("content" => $content, "module" => "message"); } } } } } tdmobilepush(array("sta" => $M_STA, "ent" => $M_ENT)); } $content = $org_content = strip_tags($content); if (strtolower(MYOA_CHARSET) != "utf-8") { $content = td_iconv($content, MYOA_CHARSET, "UTF-8"); } imtask("C^m^n^" . $uid_sent . "^" . $module . "^" . $content); if (!$MYOA_WEIXINQY_PUSH_ACTIVE) { $useble_module = array("email", "news", "notify"); if (!in_array($module, $useble_module)) { $uid_sents = td_trim($uid_sent); $query = "SELECT USER_ID FROM USER WHERE UID IN (" . $uid_sents . ")"; $cursor = exequery(TD::conn(), $query); while ($ROW = mysql_fetch_array($cursor)) { $user_id_arr[] = $ROW['USER_ID']; } wxqy_sms(array("user" => $user_id_arr, "module" => $module, "content" => $org_content)); } } } }