function trustcommerce_refund($params) { if (!extension_loaded("tclink")) { $extfname = ""; if (!dl($extfname)) { $msg = "Please check to make sure the module TCLink is properly built"; return array("status" => "error", "rawdata" => array("error" => $msg)); } } $tc_params = array("action" => "credit"); $tc_params['custid'] = $params['username']; $tc_params['password'] = $params['password']; $tc_params['demo'] = $params['testmode'] ? "y" : "n"; $tc_params['transid'] = $params['transid']; $tc_params['amount'] = $params['amount'] * 100; $tc_result = tclink_send($tc_params); if ($tc_result['status'] == "approved" || $tc_result['status'] == "accepted") { $result = array("status" => "success", "transid" => $tc_result['transid'], "rawdata" => $tc_result); } else { if ($tc_result['status'] == "decline" || $tc_result['status'] == "rejected") { $result = array("status" => "declined", "rawdata" => $tc_result); } else { if ($tc_result['status'] == "baddata") { $result = array("status" => "baddata", "rawdata" => $tc_result); } else { $result = array("status" => "error", "rawdata" => $tc_result); } } } return $result; }
public function process() { if ($this->test_mode) { $this->fields['demo'] = 'y'; } $this->fields['name'] = $this->fields['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->fields['last_name']; $this->fields['shipto_name'] = $this->fields['ship_to_first_name'] . ' ' . $this->fields['ship_to_last_name']; unset($this->fields['first_name'], $this->fields['last_name'], $this->fields['ship_to_first_name'], $this->fields['ship_to_last_name']); // Check for required fields if (in_array(FALSE, $this->required_fields)) { $fields = array(); foreach ($this->required_fields as $key => $field) { if (!$field) { $fields[] = $key; } } throw new Kohana_Exception('payment.required', implode(', ', $fields)); } $result = tclink_send($this->fields); // Report status if ($result['status'] == 'approved') { return TRUE; } elseif ($result['status'] == 'decline') { return Kohana::lang('payment.error', 'payment_Trustcommerce.decline.' . $result[$result['status'] . 'type']); } else { return Kohana::lang('payment.error', Kohana::lang('payment_Trustcommerce.' . $result['status'] . '.' . $result['error'])); } }
/** * Process the transaction. * * @return mixed Payment_Process_Result on success, PEAR_Error on failure */ function &process() { // Sanity check $result = $this->validate(); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } // Prepare the data $result = $this->_prepare(); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } // Don't die partway through PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $fields = $this->_prepareQueryString(); if (function_exists('tclink_send')) { /** USE TCLINK **/ $result = tclink_send($fields); $r_keys = array_keys($result); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($r_keys); $i++) { $key = $r_keys[$i]; $value = $result[$key]; $result_string .= $key . '=' . $value . "\n"; } if (PEAR::isError($result_string)) { PEAR::popErrorHandling(); return $result_string; } else { $result = $result_string; } } else { /** USE CURL **/ $curl = new Net_Curl(''); if (PEAR::isError($curl)) { PEAR::popErrorHandling(); return $curl; } $curl->type = 'PUT'; $curl->fields = $fields; $curl->userAgent = 'PEAR Payment_Process_TrustCommerce 0.1a'; $result =& $curl->execute(); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { PEAR::popErrorHandling(); return $result; } else { $curl->close(); } } /** END TCLINK/CURL CASE STATEMENT **/ $this->_responseBody = trim($result); $this->_processed = true; // Restore error handling PEAR::popErrorHandling(); $response = Payment_Process_Result::factory($this->_driver, $this->_responseBody, $this); if (!PEAR::isError($response)) { $response->parse(); } return $response; }
if (!dl($extfname)) { echo "FAILED!\nAborting this test script, please check to make sure the module is properly built.\n"; exit(1); } echo "success.\n"; } print "\nTCLink version " . tclink_getversion() . "\n"; print "Sending transaction..."; // Build a hash containing our parameters $params['custid'] = 'TestMerchant'; $params['password'] = '******'; $params['action'] = 'sale'; $params['media'] = 'cc'; $params['cc'] = '4111111111111111'; $params['exp'] = '0110'; $params['amount'] = '100'; $params['name'] = 'Joe PHP'; // Send the hash to TrustCommerce for processing $result = tclink_send($params); print "done!\n\nTransaction results:\n"; // Print out all parameters returned while (list($key, $val) = each($result)) print "\t$key=$val\n"; ?>
$tclink['action'] = $action; if (is_numeric($amount)) $tclink['amount'] = $amount; if ($action == 'sale' || $action == 'preauth') { $tclink['name'] = $name; $tclink['cc'] = $cc; $tclink['exp'] = $mm . $yy; } else if ($action == 'credit' || $action == 'postauth') { $tclink['transid'] = $transid; } $result = tclink_send($tclink); print "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>"; print "<tr bgcolor=blue><th colspan=2 align=center><font color=white>Transaction Results:</font></td></tr>"; if ($result['transid']) printf("<tr><th>Transaction ID:</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $result['transid']); printf("<tr><th>Status:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $result['status']); switch($result['status']) { case 'accepted': case 'approved': break; case 'decline':