private static function _get_voter_id() { if (!sys_is_guest($_SESSION["username"])) { return $_SESSION["username"]; } return $_SESSION["ip"]; }
<h1 class="pagetitle"><?php echo q($this->page["title"] ? $this->page["title"] : $this->page["name"]); ?> </h1> <div id="wikitext"><?php echo $this->cms->render($this->page["pagename"]); ?> </div> </td> </tr></table> <div id="wikifoot"> <div class="footnav"> <span style="float:right;">{t}Page last modified on{/t} <?php echo modify::localdateformat($this->page["lastmodified"], "{t}F j, Y{/t}"); ?> </span> <?php if (!sys_is_guest($_SESSION["username"])) { ?> <a href="?logout" accesskey="l">{t}Logout{/t}</a> - <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo SELF; ?> /rss">{t}Recent changes{/t}</a> - <a href="?source">{t}Source{/t}</a> </div> </div> </body> </html>
function output() { if ($this->pagename == "rss") { $this->_output_rss(); } if ($this->pagename == "sitemap") { $this->_output_sitemap(); } $this->template->cms = $this; $this->template->page = $this->page; $template = sys_custom("templates/cms/" . basename($this->page["template"])); if (!file_exists($template)) { $template = sys_custom("templates/cms/pmwiki.php"); } $output = $this->template->render($template); echo $output; if (self::$cache_file != "" and $output != "" and $this->page["staticcache"] == "1" and sys_is_guest($_SESSION["username"]) and strpos($this->page["rread_users"], "|anonymous|") !== false) { sys_mkdir(dirname(self::$cache_file)); file_put_contents(self::$cache_file, $output, LOCK_EX); if ($this->page["attachment"] == "") { return; } $files = explode("|", trim($this->page["attachment"], "|")); foreach ($files as $file) { copy($file, dirname(self::$cache_file) . "/" . modify::basename($file)); } } }
function _login_session_destroy($id) { if (APC_SESSION) { return apc_delete("sess" . $id); } if (sys_is_guest($_SESSION["username"]) or isset($_REQUEST["session_clean"])) { db_delete("simple_sys_session", array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $id)); } else { db_update("simple_sys_session", array("expiry" => NOW - 10), array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $id)); } return true; }
static function process_logout() { trigger::logout(); if (!sys_is_guest($_SESSION["username"])) { sys_log_message_log("login", sprintf("{t}logout %s{/t}", $_SESSION["username"])); } session_destroy(); }