private static function _url_base() { return "http" . (sys_https() ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) . "/"; }
private static function _message($id, $data, $fields, $table) { $sgsml = new sgsml($data["folder"], "display", array($id), false); $message = $sgsml->att["MODULENAME"] . "\n"; $message .= str_repeat("-", strlen($message) - 1) . "\n\n"; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) == 0 or !in_array($key, $fields)) { continue; } $value = trim(asset::build_history($sgsml->fields[$key]["SIMPLE_TYPE"], $value, "")); if ($value != "") { $message .= $sgsml->fields[$key]["DISPLAYNAME"] . ": " . $value . "\n"; } } $url = "http" . (sys_https() ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) . "/index.php?view=details&find=" . $table . "|" . $id; return $message . "\n{t}Details{/t}: " . $url; }
static function build_notification($module, $fields, $data_full, $data, $id, $data_row = array()) { if (!is_numeric($data_full["folder"])) { $folder_title = basename($data_full["folder"]); } else { $folder_title = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "ftitle", array("id=@id@"), array("id" => $data_full["folder"])); } if (!empty($data_full["folder"])) { $details = "http" . (sys_https() ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); $details .= "/index.php?view=details&folder=" . $data_full["folder"] . "&item%5B%5D=" . $id; } else { $details = ""; } $message = substr($data["history"], 0, strpos($data["history"], "\n")) . "\n\n"; if (!empty($data_full["notification_summary"])) { $message .= "{t}Summary{/t}: " . trim($data_full["notification_summary"]) . "\n\n"; } $title = ""; foreach ($data_full as $key => $value) { if (!isset($data[$key]) and !isset($fields[$key]["REQUIRED"])) { continue; } if (!isset($fields[$key]["DISPLAYNAME"]) or !empty($fields[$key]["NO_SEARCH_INDEX"])) { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode("|", $value); } if ($key != "notification_summary" and strlen($value) > 0) { if (!isset($data_row[$key])) { $data_row[$key] = ""; } $value = trim(self::build_history($fields[$key]["SIMPLE_TYPE"], $value, $data_row[$key])); if ($value != "") { $message .= $fields[$key]["DISPLAYNAME"] . ": " . $value . "\n"; if ($title == "") { $title = $fields[$key]["DISPLAYNAME"] . ": " . $value; } } } } if ($details) { $message .= "\n{t}Details{/t}:\n" . $details; } $attachment = ""; if ($module == "simple_calendar" and !empty($GLOBALS["t"])) { $attachment = implode("", sys_build_filename("invite.ics")); $ical_data = array(); foreach ($data_full as $key => $val) { $ical_data[$key] = array("data" => (array) $val, "filter" => (array) $val); } $ical_data["_id"] = $id; file_put_contents($attachment, export::icalendar_data($ical_data), LOCK_EX); } $smtp_data = array("efrom" => "", "eto" => $data_full["notification"], "subject" => SMTP_NOTIFICATION . " - " . $folder_title . " - " . $title, "message" => $message, "attachment" => $attachment, "folder" => $data_full["folder"]); return $smtp_data; }
private function _set_base_url() { $base_url = "http" . (sys_https() ? "s" : "") . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if (CMS_REAL_URL == "") { $this->page["url"] = $base_url . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; } else { $this->page["url"] = $base_url . CMS_REAL_URL; } }