} if (!validate_heartrate($max_hr[$i])) { $error[$i] = true; } if ($i == 1) { if (!validate_rpms($avg_rpms)) { $error[$i] = true; } } if (!validate_calories($calsburned[$i])) { $error[$i] = true; } } // Calculate the correct pace if (!empty($distance[0]) && !empty($duration[0])) { $pace[0] = swimpace($second[0], $distance[0]); } if (!empty($distance[1]) && !empty($duration[1])) { $pace[1] = bikepace($seconds[1], $distance[1]); } if (!empty($distance[2]) && !empty($duration[2])) { $pace[2] = runpace($seconds[2], $distance[2]); } // If we don't have any errors then go ahead and insert the new record(s) into the table. for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { switch ($i) { case 0: if (!$error[0]) { if ($updatingswim) { $query = "UPDATE flmain" . " SET plan_type='" . $plan_type . "', sbr_type='" . $activity[$i] . "', duration='" . $duration[$i] . "', seconds=" . $seconds[$i] . ", distance='" . $distance[$i] . "', pace='" . $pace[$i] . "', min_hr=" . $min_hr[$i] . ", avg_hr=" . $avg_hr[$i] . ", max_hr=" . $max_hr[$i] . ", notes='" . $notes[$i] . "', user_id={$userID}, cals_burned=" . $calsburned[$i] . " WHERE workout_date='" . $workout_date[$i] . "' AND time_of_day='" . $workout_time[$i] . "'"; } else {
// formate the duration for now in hh:mm:ss $duration = format_time(intval($row[SECONDS])); // Convert all the strings into the appropriate int or float value. $seconds = intval($row[SECONDS]); $distance = floatval($row[DISTANCE]); $min_hr = intval($row[MIN_HR]); $avg_hr = intval($row[AVG_HR]); $max_hr = intval($row[MAX_HR]); // Get the string values from the array. $workout_date = $row[WORKOUT_DATE]; $sbr_type = $row[SBR_TYPE]; $notes = $row[NOTES]; // Calculate the pace inforamtion. switch ($row[SBR_TYPE]) { case "s": $pace = swimpace($seconds, $distance); break; case "b": $pace = bikepace($seconds, $distance); break; case "r": $pace = runpace($seconds, $distance); break; default: $pace = 0; break; } $query = "INSERT INTO flmain (plan_type, sbr_type, duration, seconds, distance, pace, workout_date, time_of_day, min_hr, avg_hr, max_hr, notes, user_id, cals_burned) VALUES ('{$plan_type}', '{$sbr_type}', '{$duration}', {$seconds}, {$distance}, {$pace}, '{$workout_date}', '00:00:00', {$min_hr}, {$avg_hr}, {$max_hr}, '{$notes}', {$userID}, 0)"; var_dump($query); // Run the query $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection);
<?php require 'fitlogfunc.php'; // Get time, distance and activity $strtime = strval($_GET['time']); $distance = floatval($_GET['distance']); $activity = strval($_GET['activity']); // convert the parsed time into seconds and put that into the $time variable $time = convert_time_seconds($strtime); switch ($activity) { case "swim": $pace = swimpace($time, $distance); break; case "bike": $pace = bikepace($time, $distance); break; case "run": $pace = runpace($time, $distance); break; default: $pace = 0; break; } echo $pace;