예제 #1
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nikosv/openeclass
$require_current_course = true;
$require_course_admin = true;
define('STATIC_MODULE', 1);
require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php';
$pageName = $langCourseMetadata;
require_once 'modules/course_metadata/CourseXML.php';

// exit if feature disabled
if (!get_config('course_metadata')) {
    header("Location: {$urlServer}courses/$course_code/index.php");

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $tool_content .= submitForm();

// display Form
list($displayHtml, $xml) = displayForm();
$tool_content .= $displayHtml;

$naturalKeys = array('othernatural', 'maths', 'cis', 'phys', 'chem', 'environ', 'biology');
$naturalJSON = generateJSON($naturalKeys);
$agriKeys = array('otheragri', 'agrifor', 'animal', 'agribio', 'rural');
$agriJSON = generateJSON($agriKeys);
$engKeys = array('othereng', 'civil', 'eeeeie', 'mcec', 'mechan', 'chemic', 'mateng', 'medeng', 'enveng', 'architects', 'engecon');
$engJSON = generateJSON($engKeys);
$socKeys = array('othersoc', 'psych', 'edusoc', 'sociology', 'law', 'political', 'ecobi', 'ecogeosoc', 'mediacomm', 'infoscie', 'anthro');
$socJSON = generateJSON($socKeys);
$medKeys = array('othermed', 'basicmed', 'clinicalmed', 'healthsci', 'veterin', 'hcare', 'medbio', 'physedu', 'fnscie');
$params = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true );

if($params['data']['fn'] == 'movies'){
if($params['data']['fn'] == 'single_movie'){

if($params['data']['fn'] == 'submit_form'){

if($params['data']['fn'] == 'nasapic'){
if($params['data']['fn'] == 'pass_submit'){
function nasaPic(){
  $apikey = 'Yw2XghQ0bP5YaF10rz8bsRCTD7pBBXSOKSyZxhuz';
  $endpoint = 'https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key='.$apikey.'&format=JSON';
  // setup curl to make a call to the endpoint
  $session = curl_init($endpoint);
  // indicates that we want the response back
  curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  // exec curl and get the data back
  $data = curl_exec($session);
  // close curl session once finished retrieveing data
예제 #3
function showLastSubmits()
    global $table, $search;
    $by = (int) get($_GET, 'by');
    $aby = (int) get($_GET, 'aby');
    $res = "";
    if ($search) {
        $head = "<h2>Search results</h2>";
    } else {
        if ($by || $aby) {
            $head = "<h2>User submissions</h2>";
    $res = "";
    $max_id = (int) queryGetString("select max(id) from {$table['translation']}");
    $skip = (int) get($_GET, 'skip');
    if ($skip < 0) {
        $skip = 0;
    $perpage = (int) get($_GET, 'perpage');
    if ($perpage <= 0 || $perpage > 100) {
        $perpage = 20;
    $to = $max_id - $skip;
    $from = $to - $perpage * 2;
    $qq = "select t1.id as id, t1.source_id as source_id, t2.source as source, t1.translation as translation, t1.revision as revision, t1.revert_to as revert_to, t1.comment as comment, t1.user_id as user_id, if(t1.user_id = 0, ip.id, u1.name) as name, unix_timestamp(t1.date) as _date\r\n           from {$table['translation']} t1 left join {$table['ip_data']} ip on t1.user_ip = ip.ip left join {$table['user']} u1 on t1.user_id = u1.id inner join {$table['source']} t2 on t1.source_id = t2.id";
    $num_rows = $max_id;
    if ($search) {
        $q = query("{$qq} where t2.source like ? order by t1.id desc limit {$perpage}", $search);
    } else {
        if ($by || $aby) {
            if ($aby) {
                $num_rows = (int) queryGetString("select count(*) from {$table['translation']} t1, {$table['ip_data']} ip where ip.id = ? and t1.user_id = 0 and t1.user_ip = ip.ip", $aby);
                $q = query("{$qq} where t1.user_id = 0 and ip.id = ? order by t1.id desc limit {$skip}, {$perpage}", $aby);
            } else {
                $num_rows = (int) queryGetString("select count(*) from {$table['translation']} where user_id = ?", $by);
                $q = query("{$qq} where t1.user_id = ? order by t1.id desc limit {$skip}, {$perpage}", $by);
        } else {
            $q = query("{$qq} where t1.id > {$from} and t1.id <= {$to} order by t1.id desc limit {$perpage}");
            if ($q->num_rows < $perpage && $to - $perpage >= 0) {
                $q = query("{$qq} where t1.id > {$from} order by t1.id desc limit {$perpage}");
    if (!$search && $num_rows > 0) {
        $res .= "<p>Pages: ";
        $pages_num = (int) (($num_rows + $perpage - 1) / $perpage);
        $ct = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $pages_num; ++$i) {
            $num = $i + 1;
            if ($skip >= $ct && $skip < $ct + $perpage) {
                $num = "<b>{$num}</b>";
            $link = "<a href='index.php?{$qs}skip={$ct}&perpage={$perpage}'>{$num}</a>";
            $res .= $link . ' ';
            $ct += $perpage;
        $res .= '</p>';
    $res .= "<table id='submissions'>";
    $i = 0;
    while ($row = $q->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $comment = "<span class='comment'>" . e($row['comment']) . "</span>";
        if ($row['revert_to']) {
            if ($row['revert_to'] == '-1') {
                $comment = "Deleted. {$comment}";
            } else {
                $comment = "Reverted to revision {$row['revert_to']}. {$comment}";
        $name = constructName($row['user_id'], $row['name']);
        $cl = $i++ % 2 ? 'c2' : 'c1';
        $res .= "<tr class='{$cl}'>";
        $res .= "<td><a href='index.php?p=view&id={$row['source_id']}'>" . e($row['source']) . "</a></td>";
        $res .= "<td>" . e($row['translation']) . "</td>";
        $res .= "<td>{$comment}</td>";
        $res .= "<td>{$name}</td>";
        $res .= "<td>{$row['revision']}</td>";
        $res .= "<td>" . formatDate($row['_date']) . "</td>";
        $res .= "</tr>";
    $res .= "</table>";
    if (!$search) {
        if ($num_rows > 0) {
            $res .= "<p>Pages: ";
            $pages_num = (int) (($num_rows + $perpage - 1) / $perpage);
            $ct = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $pages_num; ++$i) {
                $num = $i + 1;
                if ($skip >= $ct && $skip < $ct + $perpage) {
                    $num = "<b>{$num}</b>";
                $link = "<a href='index.php?{$qs}skip={$ct}&perpage={$perpage}'>{$num}</a>";
                $res .= $link . ' ';
                $ct += $perpage;
            $res .= '</p>';
    } else {
        if ($q->num_rows == 0) {
            return $head . submitForm();
    return $head . $res;