function getUserDn($username) { if ($this->send_utf8_credentials) { $username = studip_utf8encode($username); $reader_password = studip_utf8encode($this->reader_password); } $user_dn = ""; if (!($r = @ldap_bind($this->conn, $this->reader_dn, $this->reader_password))) { $this->error_msg = sprintf(_("Anmeldung von %s fehlgeschlagen."), $this->reader_dn) . $this->getLdapError(); return false; } if (!($result = @ldap_search($this->conn, $this->base_dn, $this->getLdapFilter($username), array('dn')))) { $this->error_msg = _("Durchsuchen des LDAP Baumes fehlgeschlagen.") . $this->getLdapError(); return false; } if (!ldap_count_entries($this->conn, $result)) { $this->error_msg = sprintf(_("%s wurde nicht unterhalb von %s gefunden."), $username, $this->base_dn); return false; } if (!($entry = @ldap_first_entry($this->conn, $result))) { $this->error_msg = $this->getLdapError(); return false; } if (!($user_dn = @ldap_get_dn($this->conn, $entry))) { $this->error_msg = $this->getLdapError(); return false; } return $user_dn; }
/** * Converts a given string to our xml friendly text. * This step involves purifying the string * * @param String $string Input string to reformat * @return String Reformatted string (optional HTML -> Markdown, UTF-8) */ public function xml_ready($string, $convert_to_markdown = true) { static $purifier = null; static $fixer = null; static $markdown = null; if ($purifier === null) { $purifier_config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $purifier_config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', realpath($GLOBALS['TMP_PATH'])); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($purifier_config); $markdown = new HTML_To_Markdown(); $markdown->set_option('strip_tags', true); } $string = studip_utf8encode($string); $string = $purifier->purify($string); if ($convert_to_markdown) { $string = $markdown->convert($string); $string = preg_replace('/\\[\\]\\((\\w+:\\/\\/.*?)\\)/', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\\[(\\w+:\\/\\/.*?)\\/?\\]\\(\\1\\/?\\s+"(.*?)"\\)/isxm', '$2: $1', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\\[(\\w+:\\/\\/.*?)\\/?\\]\\(\\1\\/?\\)/isxm', '$1', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\\[(.*?)\\]\\((\\w+:\\/\\/.*?)\\)/', '$1: $2', $string); } $string = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]/', '', $string); $string = trim($string); $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return $string; }
public function toJSON() { $json_array = array(); foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $name => $value) { $json_array[$name] = studip_utf8encode($value); } return json_encode($json_array); }
public function configuration_action() { $template_factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory(__DIR__ . '/templates'); $template = $template_factory->open('edit'); $template->links = Navigation::getItem('/start'); $template->config = WidgetHelper::getWidgetUserConfig($GLOBALS['user']->id, 'QUICK_SELECTION'); $template->plugin = $this; header('X-Title: ' . _('Schnellzugriff konfigurieren')); echo studip_utf8encode($template->render()); }
/** * Export of a single user * * @param User $user Userobject * @return String vCard export string */ private static function exportUser(User $user) { // If user is not visible export nothing if (!get_visibility_by_id($user->id)) { return ""; } // vCard exportheader $vCard['BEGIN'] = 'VCARD'; $vCard['VERSION'] = '3.0'; $vCard['PRODID'] = 'Stud.IP//' . $GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN'] . '//DE'; $vCard['REV'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $vCard['TZ'] = date('O'); // User specific data //Fullname $vCard['FN'] = studip_utf8encode($user->getFullname()); //Name $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->Nachname); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->Vorname); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->title_rear); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->title_front); // Adress if (Visibility::verify('privadr', $user->id)) { $vCard['ADR;TYPE=HOME'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privadr); } // Tel if (Visibility::verify('private_phone', $user->id)) { $vCard['TEL;TYPE=HOME'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privatnr); } if (Visibility::verify('private_cell', $user->id)) { $vCard['TEL;TYPE=CELL'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privatcell); } // Email if (get_local_visibility_by_id($user->id, 'email')) { $vCard['EMAIL'] = studip_utf8encode($user->email); } // Photo if (Visibility::verify('picture', $user->id)) { // Fetch avatar $avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($user->id); // Only export if if ($avatar->is_customized()) { $vCard['PHOTO;JPEG;ENCODING=BASE64'] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($avatar->getFilename(Avatar::NORMAL))); } } // vCard end $vCard['END'] = 'VCARD'; // Produce string foreach ($vCard as $index => $value) { $exportString .= $value ? $index . ':' . (is_array($value) ? join(';', $value) : $value) . "\r\n" : ""; } return $exportString; }
function up() { DBManager::get()->exec("ALTER TABLE `config` MODIFY `type` enum('boolean','integer','string','array') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'boolean'"); DBManager::get()->exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_online` (\n `user_id` char(32) NOT NULL,\n `last_lifesign` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),\n KEY `last_lifesign` (`last_lifesign`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM"); DBManager::get()->exec("INSERT INTO user_online (user_id,last_lifesign) SELECT sid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(changed) FROM user_data INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 ON sid = user_id"); $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n REPLACE INTO config\n (config_id, field, value, is_default, `type`, `range`, mkdate, chdate, description, comment)\n VALUES\n (MD5(:name), :name, :value, 1, :type, :range, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), :description, '')\n "); foreach ($this->new_configs as $values) { $stmt->execute($values); } $check = DBManager::get()->prepare("DELETE FROM user_config WHERE field=? AND user_id=?"); $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n REPLACE INTO user_config (userconfig_id, user_id, field, value, mkdate, chdate, comment)\n VALUES (?,?,?,?,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'')"); //for all users: $db = DBManager::get()->query("SELECT sid,val FROM user_data INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 ON sid = user_id"); while ($rs = $db->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $user_id = $rs['sid']; $vars = @unserialize($rs['val']); if (is_array($vars)) { foreach (array('my_messaging_settings', 'forum', 'my_schedule_settings', 'calendar_user_control_data') as $key) { $option = $this->new_configs[$key]; $defaults = json_decode($option['value'], true); if (is_array($vars[$key])) { $old_values = array_intersect_key((array) $vars[$key], $defaults); $new_values = array_merge($defaults, $old_values); $check->execute(array($option['name'], $user_id)); $stmt->execute(array(md5($option['name'] . $user_id), $user_id, $option['name'], json_encode(studip_utf8encode($new_values)))); } } foreach (array('homepage_cache_own', 'CurrentLogin', 'LastLogin', '_my_sem_group_field', '_my_admin_inst_id') as $key) { $option = $this->new_configs[$key]; if (isset($vars[$key])) { $check->execute(array($option['name'], $user_id)); $stmt->execute(array(md5($option['name'] . $user_id), $user_id, $option['name'], (string) $vars[$key])); } } if (isset($vars['my_studip_settings']['startpage_redirect'])) { $option = $this->new_configs['my_studip_settings']; $check->execute(array($option['name'], $user_id)); $stmt->execute(array(md5($option['name'] . $user_id), $user_id, $option['name'], (int) $vars['my_studip_settings']['startpage_redirect'])); } if (isset($vars['_my_sem_open'])) { $option = $this->new_configs['_my_sem_open']; $check->execute(array($option['name'], $user_id)); $stmt->execute(array(md5($option['name'] . $user_id), $user_id, $option['name'], json_encode($vars['_my_sem_open']))); } } } DBManager::get()->exec("DROP TABLE `user_data`"); }
public function tablemapping_action($table_id) { PageLayout::setTitle(_("Datenmapping einstellen")); $this->table = new FleximportTable($table_id); Navigation::activateItem("/fleximport/process_" . $this->table['process_id']); if (Request::isPost()) { $tabledata = Request::getArray("tabledata"); $tabledata = array_merge($this->table['tabledata'], $tabledata); $this->table['tabledata'] = $tabledata; $this->table->store(); PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Daten wurden gespeichert."))); } $datafield_object_types = array('User' => "user", 'Course' => "sem", 'CourseMember' => "usersemdata"); $this->datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = :object_type", array('object_type' => $datafield_object_types[$this->table['import_type']])); if (Request::isAjax() && Request::isPost()) { $output = array('func' => "STUDIP.Fleximport.updateTable", 'payload' => array('table_id' => $table_id, 'name' => $this->table['name'], 'html' => $this->render_template_as_string("import/_table.php"))); $this->response->add_header("X-Dialog-Execute", json_encode(studip_utf8encode($output))); } }
/** * Toggles whether a certain smiley is favored for the current user * * @param int $id Id of the smiley to favor/disfavor * @param String $view View to return to */ function favor_action($id, $view) { try { $state = $this->favorites->toggle($id); $message = $state ? _('Der Smiley wurde zu Ihren Favoriten hinzugefügt.') : _('Der Smiley gehört nicht mehr zu Ihren Favoriten.'); $msg_box = MessageBox::success($message); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { $state = $this->favorites->contain($id); $message = _('Maximale Favoritenzahl erreicht. Vielleicht sollten Sie mal ausmisten? :)'); $msg_box = MessageBox::error($message); } if (Request::isXhr()) { $this->response->add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); $this->render_text(json_encode(array('state' => $state, 'message' => studip_utf8encode($msg_box)))); } else { PageLayout::postMessage($msg_box); $this->redirect('smileys/index/' . $view . '#smiley' . $id); } }
public static function triggerFollowingStudips($eventname, $release) { $output = array(); $payload = json_encode(studip_utf8encode($output)); foreach ($release->followers as $follower) { $header = array(); if ($follower['security_token']) { $calculatedHash = hash_hmac("sha1", $payload, $follower['security_token']); $header[] = "X_HUB_SIGNATURE: sha1=" . $calculatedHash; } $header[] = "Content-Type: application/json"; $r = curl_init(); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_URL, $follower['url']); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($r, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); $result = curl_exec($r); curl_close($r); } }
/** * Prepares a string for use in .po file. * * @param String $string String to use in .po file * @return String Processed string */ function po_stringify($string) { $string = studip_utf8encode($string); $string = str_replace("\r", '', $string); $chunks = explode("\n", $string); if (count($chunks) === 1 && strlen($chunks[0]) < MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { return '"' . po_escape($chunks[0]) . '"'; } $result = '""' . "\n"; foreach ($chunks as $index => $chunk) { $chunk = wordwrap($chunk, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); $parts = explode("\n", $chunk); foreach ($parts as $idx => $line) { $current_last = $idx === count($parts) - 1; $last = $current_last && $index === count($chunks) - 1; $result .= '"' . po_escape($line) . ($last ? '' : ($current_last ? '\\n' : ' ')) . '"' . "\n"; } } return rtrim($result, "\n"); }
/** * This function tries to encode data of any type from Windows-1252 to * UTF-8, and returns the encoded version. * * If the argument `$data` is an array or an object that implements * `Traversable`, this function returns an associative array. Its keys * are encoded to UTF-8 and its values are send to this function * again. * * If the argument `$data` is a string or an object that responds to * `__toString`, this function casts it to a string and encodes it to * UTF-8. * * If the argument `$data` is of another scalar type (integer, float * or boolean) or is null, this function just returns that value * unchanged. * * If neither of these criteria match, this functions throws an * InvalidArgumentException. * * @param $data mixed some data of any type that shall be encoded to * UTF-8 in the aforementioned manner * * @return mixed that data encoded to UTF-8 as far as possible, see above * * @throws InvalidArgumentException This exception is thrown if there * is no way to encode such an object to UTF-8, e.g. database * connections, file handles etc. */ private static function utf8encodeRecursive($data) { // array-artiges wird rekursiv durchlaufen if (is_array($data) || $data instanceof \Traversable) { $new_data = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $key = studip_utf8encode((string) $key); $new_data[$key] = self::utf8encodeRecursive($value); } return $new_data; } else { if (is_string($data) || is_callable(array($data, '__toString'))) { return studip_utf8encode((string) $data); } elseif (is_null($data) || is_scalar($data)) { return $data; } } // alles andere ist ungültig throw new \InvalidArgumentException(); }
/** * Common actions before any other action * * @param String $action Action to be executed * @param Array $args Arguments passed to the action * @throws Trails_Exception when either no course was found or the user * may not access this area */ public function before_filter(&$action, &$args) { parent::before_filter($action, $args); // Try to find a valid course if (Course::findCurrent()) { $course_id = Course::findCurrent()->id; } else { throw new Trails_Exception(404, _('Es wurde keine Veranstaltung ausgewählt!')); } if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('tutor', $course_id)) { throw new Trails_Exception(400); } // Get seminar instance $this->course = Seminar::getInstance($course_id); if (Navigation::hasItem('course/admin/dates')) { Navigation::activateItem('course/admin/dates'); } $this->show = array('regular' => true, 'irregular' => true, 'roomRequest' => true); PageLayout::setHelpKeyword('Basis.Veranstaltungen'); PageLayout::addSqueezePackage('raumzeit'); $title = _('Verwaltung von Zeiten und Räumen'); $title = $this->course->getFullname() . ' - ' . $title; PageLayout::setTitle($title); $_SESSION['raumzeitFilter'] = Request::get('newFilter'); // bind linkParams for chosen semester and opened dates URLHelper::bindLinkParam('raumzeitFilter', $_SESSION['raumzeitFilter']); $this->checkFilter(); $this->selection = $this->getSemestersForCourse($this->course, $_SESSION['raumzeitFilter']); if (!Request::isXhr()) { $this->setSidebar(); } elseif (Request::isXhr() && $this->flash['update-times']) { $semester_id = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->MY_COURSES_SELECTED_CYCLE; if ($semester_id === 'all') { $semester_id = ''; } $this->response->add_header('X-Raumzeit-Update-Times', json_encode(studip_utf8encode(array('course_id' => $this->course->id, 'html' => Seminar::GetInstance($this->course->id)->getDatesHTML(array('semester_id' => $semester_id, 'show_room' => true)) ?: _('nicht angegeben'))))); } }
/** * Call HTMLPurifier to create safe HTML. * * @param string $dirty_html Unsafe or 'uncleaned' HTML code. * @return string Clean and safe HTML code. */ public static function purify($dirty_html) { // remember created purifier so it doesn't have to be created again static $purifier = NULL; if ($purifier === NULL) { $purifier = self::createPurifier(); } return studip_utf8decode($purifier->purify(studip_utf8encode($dirty_html))); }
/** * store new value for existing config entry in database * posts notification ConfigValueChanged if entry is changed * @param string $field * @param string $data * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @return boolean */ function store($field, $data) { if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['value'])) { $values['value'] = $data; } else { $values = $data; } switch ($this->metadata[$field]['type']) { case 'boolean': $values['value'] = (bool) $values['value']; break; case 'integer': $values['value'] = (int) $values['value']; break; case 'array': $values['value'] = json_encode(studip_utf8encode($values['value'])); break; default: $values['value'] = (string) $values['value']; } $entries = ConfigEntry::findByField($field); if (count($entries) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($field . " not found in config table"); } if (isset($values['value'])) { if (count($entries) == 1 && $entries[0]->is_default == 1) { $entries[1] = clone $entries[0]; $entries[1]->setId($entries[1]->getNewId()); $entries[1]->setNew(true); $entries[1]->is_default = 0; } $value_entry = $entries[0]->is_default == 1 ? $entries[1] : $entries[0]; $old_value = $value_entry->value; $value_entry->value = $values['value']; } foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (isset($values['section'])) { $entry->section = $values['section']; } if (isset($values['comment'])) { $entry->comment = $values['comment']; } // store the default-type for the modified entry $entry->type = $this->metadata[$field]['type']; if (count($entries) > 1 && !$entry->is_default && $entry->value == $entries[0]->value) { $ret += $entry->delete(); } else { $ret += $entry->store(); } } if ($ret) { $this->fetchData(); if (isset($value_entry)) { NotificationCenter::postNotification('ConfigValueDidChange', $this, array('field' => $field, 'old_value' => $old_value, 'new_value' => $value_entry->value)); } } return $ret > 0; }
<? foreach ($items as $id => $item): ?> <item> <title><?php echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($item['topic'])); ?> </title> <link><?php echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode(sprintf($item_url_fmt, $studip_url, $id))); ?> </link> <description><![CDATA[<?php echo studip_utf8encode(formatready($item['body'], 1, 1)); ?> ]]></description> <dc:contributor><![CDATA[<?php echo studip_utf8encode($item['author']); ?> ]]></dc:contributor> <dc:date><?php echo gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ', $item['date']); ?> </dc:date> <pubDate><?php echo date('r', $item['date']); ?> </pubDate> </item> <? endforeach; ?> </channel> </rss>
public function context_action($questionnaire_id) { $this->questionnaire = new Questionnaire($questionnaire_id); if (!$this->questionnaire->isEditable()) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Der Fragebogen ist nicht bearbeitbar."); } foreach ($this->questionnaire->assignments as $relation) { if ($relation['range_type'] === "user") { $this->profile = $relation; } if ($relation['range_id'] === "public") { $this->public = $relation; } if ($relation['range_id'] === "start") { $this->start = $relation; } } if (Request::isPost()) { if (Request::get("user")) { if (!$this->profile) { $this->profile = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $this->profile['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId(); $this->profile['range_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $this->profile['range_type'] = "user"; $this->profile['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $this->profile->store(); } } else { if ($this->profile) { $this->profile->delete(); } } if (Request::get("public")) { if (!$this->public) { $this->public = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $this->public['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId(); $this->public['range_id'] = "public"; $this->public['range_type'] = "static"; $this->public['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $this->public->store(); } } else { if ($this->public) { $this->public->delete(); } } if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("root")) { if (Request::get("start")) { if (!$this->start) { $this->start = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $this->start['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId(); $this->start['range_id'] = "start"; $this->start['range_type'] = "static"; $this->start['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $this->start->store(); } } else { if ($this->start) { $this->start->delete(); } } } if (Request::option("add_seminar_id") && $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("tutor", Request::option("add_seminar_id"))) { $course_assignment = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $course_assignment['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId(); $course_assignment['range_id'] = Request::option("add_seminar_id"); $course_assignment['range_type'] = "course"; $course_assignment['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $course_assignment->store(); } if (Request::option("add_institut_id") && $GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("admin", Request::option("add_institut_id"))) { $course_assignment = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $course_assignment['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId(); $course_assignment['range_id'] = Request::option("add_institut_id"); $course_assignment['range_type'] = "institute"; $course_assignment['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $course_assignment->store(); } foreach (Request::getArray("remove_sem") as $seminar_id) { if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("tutor", $seminar_id)) { $course_assignment = QuestionnaireAssignment::findBySeminarAndQuestionnaire($seminar_id, $this->questionnaire->getId()); $course_assignment->delete(); } } PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Die Bereichszuweisungen wurden gespeichert."))); $this->questionnaire->restore(); $this->questionnaire->resetRelation("assignments"); $output = array('func' => "STUDIP.Questionnaire.updateOverviewQuestionnaire", 'payload' => array('questionnaire_id' => $this->questionnaire->getId(), 'html' => $this->render_template_as_string("questionnaire/_overview_questionnaire.php"))); $this->response->add_header("X-Dialog-Execute", json_encode(studip_utf8encode($output))); } PageLayout::setTitle(sprintf(_("Bereiche für Fragebogen: %s"), $this->questionnaire->title)); }
/** * render given data as json, data is converted to utf-8 * * @param unknown $data */ function render_json($data) { $this->set_content_type('application/json;charset=utf-8'); return $this->render_text(json_encode(studip_utf8encode($data))); }
/** * TODO */ function toJSON($with_counter = true) { $answers = array(); foreach ($this->answerArray as $answer) { $ary = array( 'id' => studip_utf8encode($answer['answer_id']), 'text' => studip_utf8encode($answer['text'])); if ($with_counter) { $ary['counter'] = (int)$answer['counter']; } $answers[] = $ary; } return array( 'id' => $this->objectID, //'range_id' => studip_utf8encode($this->rangeID), 'question' => studip_utf8encode($this->question), 'question_html' => studip_utf8encode(formatReady($this->question)), 'startdate' => (int)$this->getStartdate(), 'stopdate' => (int)$this->getStopdate(), 'state' => $this->getState(), 'answers' => $answers ); }
/** * escapes special characters for xml use * optinally encodes to utf8 * * @param string $string the string to escape * @param bool $utf8encode encode the string as utf-8 * @return string */ function xml_escape($string, $utf8encode = true) { $string = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/', '', $string); if ($utf8encode) { return htmlspecialchars(studip_utf8encode($string), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } else { return htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'cp1252'), ENT_QUOTES, 'cp1252', false); } }
<? if (count($vote->answers) > 0 && count($data['options']) > 0) : ?> <div style="max-height: none; opacity: 1;" id="questionnaire_<?php echo $vote->getId(); ?> _chart" class="ct-chart"></div> <script> <?php echo Request::isAjax() ? 'jQuery(document).add(".questionnaire_results").one("dialog-open", function () {' : 'jQuery(function () {'; ?> var data = { labels: <?php echo json_encode(studip_utf8encode($ordered_options)); ?> , series: [<?php echo json_encode(studip_utf8encode($ordered_results)); ?> ] }; <? if ($vote['questiondata']['multiplechoice']) : ?> new Chartist.Bar('#questionnaire_<?php echo $vote->getId(); ?> _chart', data, { onlyInteger: true, axisY: { onlyInteger: true } }); <? else : ?> data.series = data.series[0]; new Chartist.Pie('#questionnaire_<?php echo $vote->getId(); ?> _chart', data, { labelPosition: 'outside' }); <? endif ?>
/** * sends tour object as json data * * @param string $tour_id id of tour object * @param String $step_nr number of step to start with */ function get_data_action($tour_id, $step_nr = 1) { $this->route = get_route(Request::get('route')); $this->tour = new HelpTour($tour_id); if (!$this->tour->isVisible() or !$this->route) { return $this->render_nothing(); } $this->user_visit = new HelpTourUser(array($tour_id, $GLOBALS['user']->user_id)); if ($this->user_visit->step_nr > 1 and !$_SESSION['active_tour']['step_nr'] and $this->tour->type == 'tour') { $data['last_run'] = sprintf(_('Wollen Sie die Tour "%s" an der letzten Position fortsetzen?'), $this->tour->name); $data['last_run_step'] = $this->user_visit->step_nr; $data['last_run_href'] = URLHelper::getURL($this->tour->steps[$this->user_visit->step_nr - 1]->route, NULL, true); } else { $_SESSION['active_tour'] = array('tour_id' => $tour_id, 'step_nr' => $step_nr, 'last_route' => $this->tour->steps[$step_nr - 1]->route, 'previous_route' => '', 'next_route' => ''); $this->user_visit->step_nr = $step_nr; $this->user_visit->store(); } $first_step = $step_nr; while ($first_step > 1 and $this->route == $this->tour->steps[$first_step - 2]->route) { $first_step--; } if ($first_step > 1 and $this->tour->type == 'tour') { $data['back_link'] = URLHelper::getURL($this->tour->steps[$first_step - 2]->route, NULL, true); $_SESSION['active_tour']['previous_route'] = $this->tour->steps[$first_step - 2]->route; } $data['route_step_nr'] = $first_step; $next_first_step = $first_step; while ($this->route == $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->route) { $data['data'][] = array('step_nr' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->step, 'element' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->css_selector, 'title' => htmlReady($this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->title), 'tip' => formatReady($this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->tip), 'route' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->route, 'action_next' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->action_next, 'action_prev' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->action_prev, 'interactive' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->interactive ? '1' : '', 'orientation' => $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->orientation); $next_first_step++; } if ($this->tour->steps[$step_nr - 1]->route != $this->route) { $data['redirect'] = URLHelper::getURL($this->tour->steps[$step_nr - 1]->route, NULL, true); } elseif (!count($data['data'])) { return $this->render_nothing(); } if ($next_first_step <= count($this->tour->steps)) { if ($this->tour->type == 'tour') { $data['proceed_link'] = URLHelper::getURL($this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->route, NULL, true); } $_SESSION['active_tour']['next_route'] = $this->tour->steps[$next_first_step - 1]->route; } $data['edit_mode'] = $this->help_admin; $data['step_count'] = count($this->tour->steps); $data['controls_position'] = 'BR'; $data['tour_type'] = $this->tour->type; $data['tour_title'] = htmlReady($this->tour->name); $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('tour/tour.php'); $template->set_layout(null); $data['tour_html'] = $template->render(); $this->set_content_type('application/json; charset=UTF-8'); return $this->render_text(json_encode(studip_utf8encode($data))); }
* * @author Jan-Hendrik Willms <*****@*****.**> * @license GPL version 2 * @category Stud.IP * @since 3.1 * @todo Parameter handling! */ require_once ''; $argc = $_SERVER['argc']; $argv = $_SERVER['argv']; $opts = getopt('hl', array('help', 'list')); if (isset($opts['l']) || isset($opts['list'])) { $tasks = CronjobTask::findBySql('1'); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $description = call_user_func(array($task->class, 'getDescription')); fwrite(STDOUT, sprintf('%s %s' . PHP_EOL, $task->id, studip_utf8encode($description))); } exit(0); } if ($argc < 2 || isset($opts['h']) || isset($opts['help'])) { fwrite(STDOUT, 'Usage: ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' [--help] [--list] <task_id> [last_result]' . PHP_EOL); exit(0); } $id = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $last_result = $argc > 2 ? $_SERVER['argv'][2] : null; $task = CronjobTask::find($id); if (!$task) { fwrite(STDOUT, 'Unknown task id' . PHP_EOL); exit(0); } if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['STUDIP_BASE_PATH'] . '/' . $task->filename)) {
/** * @see lib/classes/Config::store() */ function store($field, $value) { $entry = UserConfigEntry::findByFieldAndUser($field, $this->user_id); if ($entry === null) { $entry = new UserConfigEntry(); $entry->user_id = $this->user_id; $entry->field = $field; $entry->comment = ''; } $metadata = Config::get()->getMetadata($field); switch ($metadata['type']) { case 'integer': case 'boolean': $value = (int) $value; break; case 'array': $value = json_encode(studip_utf8encode($value)); break; default: $value = (string) $value; } $entry->value = $value; $ret = $entry->store(); if ($ret) { $this->fetchData(); } return $ret; }
public function load_action() { $db = DBManager::get(); if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("root")) { $range_ids = $db->query("SELECT Seminar_id FROM seminar_user WHERE user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . " ")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); $range_ids[] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; } else { $range_ids = array(); } $searchstring = $_SESSION['search_parameter']['search']; $filter = array(); if ($_SESSION['search_parameter']['study_area']) { //Auf Studienbereich einschränken: $study_areas = TreeAbstract::getInstance('StudipSemTree', false); $path = $study_areas->getParents($_SESSION['search_parameter']['study_area']); $filter[] = "sem_tree_" . implode("_", $path); } $output = array('more' => 0); $results = Globalsearch::get()->search($searchstring, $range_ids, null, $filter, Request::int("offset") * $this->maximum_results, $this->maximum_results + 1); if (count($results) > $this->maximum_results) { array_pop($results); $output['more'] = 1; } //Ergebnisse nochmal prozessieren: foreach ($results as $key => $result) { $result = (object) $result; $result->tools = array(); NotificationCenter::postNotification("WillDisplaySearchResultItem", $result); if (!$result->forbidden) { $results[$key] = $result; } else { //Wenn Rechte fehlen, sollte das Objekt nicht angezeigt werden. //Der Observer der Notification schreibt dann: $result->forbidden = true; unset($results[$key]); } $template = $this->getTemplate("result.php", null); $template->set_attribute('result', $result); $output['results'][] = studip_utf8encode($template->render()); } echo json_encode($output); }
public function save_action() { if (count($_POST) === 0) { throw new Exception("Kein Zugriff über GET"); } $sem_class = $GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][Request::int("sem_class_id")]; foreach (Request::getArray("core_module_slots") as $slot => $module) { $sem_class->setSlotModule($slot, studip_utf8decode($module)); } $sem_class->setModules(Request::getArray("modules")); $sem_class->set('name', Request::get("sem_class_name")); $sem_class->set('description', studip_utf8decode(Request::get("sem_class_description"))); $sem_class->set('title_dozent', Request::get("title_dozent") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_dozent")) : null); $sem_class->set('title_dozent_plural', Request::get("title_dozent_plural") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_dozent_plural")) : null); $sem_class->set('title_tutor', Request::get("title_tutor") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_tutor")) : null); $sem_class->set('title_tutor_plural', Request::get("title_tutor_plural") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_tutor_plural")) : null); $sem_class->set('title_autor', Request::get("title_autor") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_autor")) : null); $sem_class->set('title_autor_plural', Request::get("title_autor_plural") ? studip_utf8decode(Request::get("title_autor_plural")) : null); $sem_class->set('compact_mode', Request::int("compact_mode")); $sem_class->set('workgroup_mode', Request::int("workgroup_mode")); $sem_class->set('studygroup_mode', Request::int("studygroup_mode")); $sem_class->set('only_inst_user', Request::int("only_inst_user")); $sem_class->set('turnus_default', Request::int("turnus_default")); $sem_class->set('default_read_level', Request::int("default_read_level")); $sem_class->set('default_write_level', Request::int("default_write_level")); $sem_class->set('bereiche', Request::int("bereiche")); $sem_class->set('show_browse', Request::int("show_browse")); $sem_class->set('write_access_nobody', Request::int("write_access_nobody")); $sem_class->set('topic_create_autor', Request::int("topic_create_autor")); $sem_class->set('visible', Request::int("visible")); $sem_class->set('course_creation_forbidden', Request::int("course_creation_forbidden")); $sem_class->set('create_description', studip_utf8decode(Request::get("create_description"))); $sem_class->set('admission_prelim_default', Request::int("admission_prelim_default")); $sem_class->set('admission_type_default', Request::int("admission_type_default")); $sem_class->store(); if (!count($sem_class->getSemTypes())) { $notice = "<br>" . _("Beachten Sie, dass es noch keine Veranstaltungstypen gibt!"); } $output = array('html' => studip_utf8encode((string) MessageBox::success(_("Änderungen wurden gespeichert." . " " . '<a href="' . URLHelper::getLink("dispatch.php/admin/sem_classes/overview") . '">' . _("Zurück zur Übersichtsseite.") . '</a>') . $notice))); echo json_encode($output); $this->render_nothing(); }
/** * edit one room requests in a dialog */ public function edit_dialog_action() { if (Request::isXhr()) { $request = Request::getInstance(); foreach ($request as $key => $value) { $request[$key] = studip_utf8decode($value); } if ($this->course_id != '-') { $this->edit_action(); $title = PageLayout::getTitle(); } else { $sem_create_data =& $_SESSION['sem_create_data']; if (Request::option('new_room_request_type')) { if ($sem_create_data['room_requests'][Request::option('new_room_request_type')] instanceof RoomRequest) { $request = clone $sem_create_data['room_requests'][Request::option('new_room_request_type')]; } else { $request = new RoomRequest(); $request->seminar_id = '-'; $request->user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id; list($new_type, $id) = explode('_', Request::option('new_room_request_type')); if ($new_type == 'date') { $request->termin_id = Request::option('new_room_request_type'); } elseif ($new_type == 'cycle') { $request->metadate_id = Request::option('new_room_request_type'); } } $room_request_form_attributes = self::process_form($request, $sem_create_data['sem_turnout']); $this->search_result = $room_request_form_attributes['search_result']; $this->search_by_properties = $room_request_form_attributes['search_by_properties']; $this->admission_turnout = $sem_create_data['sem_turnout']; $this->request = $request; $room_categories = array_values(array_filter(getResourcesCategories(), create_function('$a', 'return $a["is_room"] == 1;'))); if (!$request->getCategoryId() && count($room_categories) == 1) { $request->setCategoryId($room_categories[0]['category_id']); } $this->room_categories = $room_categories; $this->new_room_request_type = Request::option('new_room_request_type'); $this->is_resources_admin = getGlobalPerms($GLOBALS['user']->id); $title = _("Verwaltung von Raumanfragen"); if (Request::submitted('save') || Request::submitted('save_close')) { if ($request->getSettedPropertiesCount() || $request->getResourceId()) { $sem_create_data['room_requests'][Request::option('new_room_request_type')] = $request; $this->request_stored = true; if (Request::submitted('save')) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Die Raumanfrage und gewünschte Raumeigenschaften wurden gespeichert"))); } } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_("Die Anfrage kann noch nicht gespeichert werden, da Sie mindestens einen Raum oder mindestens eine Eigenschaft (z.B. Anzahl der Sitzplätze) angeben müssen!"))); } } $old_request = $sem_create_data['room_requests'][Request::option('new_room_request_type')]; if (!is_object($old_request) || $request->category_id != $old_request->category_id || $request->resource_id != $old_request->resource_id || $request->getProperties() != $old_request->getProperties() || $request->comment != $old_request->comment) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_("Die Änderungen an der Raumanfrage wurden noch nicht gespeichert!"))); } } } if (Request::submitted('save_close') && isset($this->request_stored)) { return $this->render_json(array('auto_close' => true, 'auto_reload' => $this->request_stored)); } else { $this->render_template('course/room_requests/edit_dialog.php', null); $this->flash->discard(); $content = $this->get_response()->body; $this->erase_response(); return $this->render_json(array('title' => studip_utf8encode($title), 'content' => studip_utf8encode($content))); } } else { return $this->render_text(''); } }
/** * check reference by title * * gets reference-id by object-title * @access public * @param string key keyword * @param string type object-type * @return string reference-id */ function checkReferenceById($id) { $param = array('sid' => $this->getSID(), 'reference_id' => studip_utf8encode($id)); $result = $this->call('getObjectByReference', $param); if ($result != false) { $objects = $this->parseXML($result); //echo "<pre><hr>".print_r($objects,1); //echo "\n</pre><hr>"; if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $index => $object_data) { if (is_array($object_data['references'])) { foreach ($object_data['references'] as $reference) { if ($reference['ref_id'] == $id && $reference['accessInfo'] != 'object_deleted') { return $object_data['obj_id']; } } } } } } return false; }
public function post_files_action() { $context = Request::option("context") ? Request::get("context") : $GLOBALS['user']->id; $context_type = Request::option("context_type"); if (!Request::isPost() || $context_type === "course" && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("autor", $context)) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Kein Zugriff"); } //check folders $db = DBManager::get(); $folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context . "_" . $GLOBALS['user']->id); $parent_folder_id = md5("Blubber_" . $context); if ($context_type !== "course") { $folder_id = $parent_folder_id; } $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $folder = $db->query("SELECT * " . "FROM folder " . "WHERE folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . " " . "")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); if (!$folder) { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($context) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote("BlubberDateien") . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } if ($context_type === "course") { $db->exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO folder " . "SET folder_id = " . $db->quote($folder_id) . ", " . "range_id = " . $db->quote($parent_folder_id) . ", " . "user_id = " . $db->quote($GLOBALS['user']->id) . ", " . "name = " . $db->quote(get_fullname()) . ", " . "permission = '7', " . "mkdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . ", " . "chdate = " . $db->quote(time()) . " " . ""); } } $output = array(); foreach ($_FILES as $file) { $GLOBALS['msg'] = ''; if ($context_type === "course") { validate_upload($file); if ($GLOBALS['msg']) { $output['errors'][] = $file['name'] . ': ' . studip_utf8encode(html_entity_decode(trim(substr($GLOBALS['msg'], 6), '§'))); continue; } } if ($file['size']) { $document['name'] = $document['filename'] = studip_utf8decode(strtolower($file['name'])); $document['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; $document['author_name'] = get_fullname(); $document['seminar_id'] = $context; $document['range_id'] = $context_type === "course" ? $folder_id : $parent_folder_id; $document['filesize'] = $file['size']; if ($newfile = StudipDocument::createWithFile($file['tmp_name'], $document)) { $type = null; strpos($file['type'], 'image') === false || ($type = "img"); strpos($file['type'], 'video') === false || ($type = "video"); if (strpos($file['type'], 'audio') !== false || strpos($document['filename'], '.ogg') !== false) { $type = "audio"; } $url = GetDownloadLink($newfile->getId(), $newfile['filename']); if ($type) { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $type . "]" . $url; } else { $output['inserts'][] = "[" . $newfile['filename'] . "]" . $url; } } } } $this->render_json($output); }
/** * Converts all strings within an array (except for indexes) * from windows 1252 to utf8. PHP-objects are ignored. * @param array $data: any array with strings in windows-1252 encoded * @return array: almost the same array but strings are now utf8-encoded */ protected function recursive_studip_utf8encode(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $component) { if (is_array($component)) { $data[$key] = $this->recursive_studip_utf8encode($component); } elseif (is_string($component)) { $data[$key] = studip_utf8encode($component); } } return $data; }
public static function correctText($text) { return Helper::url_to_link(studip_utf8encode($text)); }