if (!empty($_POST['username']) && $_POST['username'] != 'username') { $username_form = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); } else { $error['username'] = "******"; } if (!empty($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password'] != '********') { $password = get_pass($_POST['password']); } else { $error['password'] = "******"; } // No errors? All arrranged? Bring back the userdata at $arrUser if that guy exists if (empty($error)) { /* START OLD PASSWORD PATCH */ require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/admin/isOldUser.php'; // The faulty strtohex function in use... So that it produces the results of 1.0 $oldPassword = strtohex(hash_hmac('sha256', $_POST['password'], 'c#haRl891', true)); if ($arrUser = isOldUser($username_form, $oldPassword, $dbConn)) { // Update the table with the new password $idUser = $arrUser['idUser']; // turn 0 the oldPass & update the new pass $query = "UPDATE users SET pass = '******', oldPass='******' WHERE idUser = '******'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn); } /* END OLD PASWORD PATCH */ // Mount the user array (or false) if ($arrUser = isUser($username_form, $password, $dbConn)) { if (empty($error)) { // $error means user is in limbo (Panda check this. Could it be from other reasons?) // and update last seen users (date_modify) $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $query = "UPDATE users SET date_modified = '{$d}' WHERE idUser = {$arrUser['idUser']}";
<?php function strtohex($x) { $s = ''; foreach (str_split($x) as $c) { $s .= sprintf("%02X", ord($c)); } return $s; } $AES_PADDING_CHAR = '0'; $source = '{"apid":"b8:09:8a:c9:92:c1","version":"NBOS-","checksum":"4072f042c0ccb83181bd24a6149553ef","files":[{"checksum":"aec2c358a81be33852eb013ee8ece06d","timestamp":1453689516,"filename":"/etc/hosts"},{"checksum":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e","timestamp":1453689607,"filename":"/etc/kisslink"}]}'; $source = "{\"result\":\"nothingtodo\"}"; $source = "{\"result\":\"apupdate\",\"files\":[{\"/etc/kisslink\":\"c3NzMjIyMnNzcwo=\"}]}"; $iv = str_repeat($AES_PADDING_CHAR, 16); $key = 'kisslinkkisslink'; $method = 'aes-128-cbc'; echo "iv in hex: " . strtohex($iv) . "\n"; echo "key in hex: " . strtohex($key) . "\n"; $out = "out.txt"; $content = openssl_encrypt($source, $method, $key, true, $iv); echo "source:" . $source . "\n"; echo "encrypted:" . strtohex($content) . "\n"; file_put_contents($out, $content); $exec = "openssl enc -" . $method . " -d -in out.txt -nosalt -nopad -K " . strtohex($key) . " -iv " . strtohex($iv); echo $exec . "\n"; echo "decrypted:"; echo exec($exec) . "\n"; unlink($out);
function filters() { $user = $_SESSION['sUser']; $mode = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['mode']); switch ($mode) { case "query": $query = "SELECT type, UNHEX(name) AS name, alias, filter, UNHEX(notes) as notes, age, global, username\n FROM filters \n ORDER BY global,name ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $rows = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } $theJSON = json_encode($rows); break; case "update": $data = hextostr($_REQUEST['data']); list($type, $alias, $name, $notes, $filter) = explode("||", $data); $name = strtohex($name); $notes = strtohex($notes); $remove = array("DELETE", "UPDATE", "INSERT", "SELECT", "CONCAT", "REVERSE", "REPLACE", "RLIKE", "SUBSTR", "SUBSTRING"); $filter = str_ireplace($remove, "", $filter); $filter = strtohex($filter); $query = "INSERT INTO filters (type,name,alias,username,filter,notes)\n VALUES ('{$type}','{$name}','{$alias}','{$user}','{$filter}','{$notes}')\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \n type='{$type}',name='{$name}',alias='{$alias}',filter='{$filter}',notes='{$notes}'"; mysql_query($query); $result = mysql_error(); $return = array("msg" => $result); $theJSON = json_encode($return); break; case "remove": $alias = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['data']); $query = "DELETE FROM filters WHERE username = '******' AND (alias = '{$alias}' AND global = 0)"; mysql_query($query); $result = mysql_error(); $return = array("msg" => $result); $theJSON = json_encode($return); break; } echo $theJSON; }
} return $hex; } function exit_message($code, $msg) { error_log($msg); exit($code); } if ('cli' !== php_sapi_name() || 4 !== count($argv)) { exit_message(1, './exp-o-decrypt.php <PASSWORD> <IV> <PRIVATE-KEY-FILE>' . PHP_EOL); } if (empty($argv[1]) || empty($argv[2]) || !file_exists($argv[3])) { exit_message(2, 'Invalid parameters.' . PHP_EOL); } # Base64 encoded password from the "X-Password" header $password64 = $argv[1]; # Initialization Vector $iv = $argv[2]; # Private key file $private_key = file_get_contents($argv[3]); $enc_password = base64_decode($password64); if (false === $enc_password) { exit_message(3, 'Invalid password. It has to be base64 encoded.' . PHP_EOL); } $decryption = openssl_private_decrypt($enc_password, $decrypted, $private_key); if (false === $decryption) { exit_message(4, 'Decryption failed.' . PHP_EOL); } # Removed "-nopad" printf("openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -d -nosalt -K %s -iv %s -in " . PHP_EOL, strtohex($decrypted), strtohex($iv));
} else { $portactres[$pdport] = 'Fail'; } } } // Для 3028G/3200-28 подписываем дополнительно порты 25(F), 26(F), 27(F) и 28(F) if ($ModelType == 'DES-3028G' || $ModelType == 'DES-3200-28') { for ($mm = 25; $mm < 29; $mm++) { $pdport = $mm . '(F)'; $actres = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['pd' . $pdport])) { ${'pd' . $pdport} = $_REQUEST['pd' . $pdport]; } else { ${'pd' . $pdport} = ""; } $pdportval[$mm] = strtohex(${'pd' . $pdport}); $actres = @snmpset($ip, $wcomm, "." . $p_oid[$ModelType] . "." . $mm . ".101", "x", $pdportval[$mm], $timeout, $retries); if ($actres == 1) { $portactres[$pdport] = 'OK'; } else { $portactres[$pdport] = 'Fail'; } } } // Сохранение результатов подписи портов для DES-3028, 3028, 3026, 3200-28 if ($ModelType == 'DES-3028' || $ModelType == 'DES-3028G' || $ModelType == 'DES-3026' || $ModelType == 'DES-3028P' || $ModelType == 'DES-3200-28') { if (@snmpset($ip, $wcomm, ".", "i", "5", $timeout * 100, 0) != false) { $saveres = "<font color=#00ff00>Конфигурация успешно сохранена!</font>"; } else { $saveres = "<font color=#ff0000>Ошибка сохранения конфигурации!</font>"; }
$dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = @snmpwalkoid($ip, $rcomm, ".", $timeout, $retries); // Оставляем в ключе массива только нужную информацию $dot1qTpVlanStaticName = keyscut($dot1qTpVlanStaticName); // Оставляем в ключе массива только нужную информацию $dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = keyscut($dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts); // Заполняем массив с vlan'ами пустотой, иначе array_splice глючит безбожно $untag_vlan = array_fill(0, $uniqueportscount[$ModelType], ''); for ($t = 0; $t < count($dot1qTpVlanStaticName); $t++) { $vlan_name = $dot1qTpVlanStaticName[key($dot1qTpVlanStaticName)]; $vlan_name = str_ireplace('"', "", $vlan_name); $vid = key($dot1qTpVlanStaticName); $uports = $dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts[$vid]; $uports = stripstr($uports); // Чит для 3526, когда вместо hex-строки возвращается string if (strlen($uports) == 4) { $uports = strtohex($uports); } $uports = decbin(hexdec($uports)); while (strlen($uports) < 32) { $uports = "0" . $uports; } for ($tt = 1; $tt < $uniqueportscount[$ModelType] + 1; $tt++) { if ($uports[$tt - 1] == 1) { $untag_vlan[$tt - 1] = $vlan_name . ': ' . $vid; } } next($dot1qTpVlanStaticName); } if ($ModelType == 'DES-3028' || $ModelType == 'DES-3028P') { array_splice($untag_vlan, 25, 0, 'n\\a'); array_splice($untag_vlan, 27, 0, 'n\\a');