public function init($values = array()) { foreach ($this as $key => &$value) { // if it is not cpform property if (strposa($key, $this->cpform_exclude_prefix) === false) { // check if fieldType exists if (file_exists($this->cpform_path . 'Fields/' . $value['fieldType'] . '.php')) { // load field type class require_once $this->cpform_path . 'Fields/' . $value['fieldType'] . '.php'; // set values from parameter to config if (isset($values[$key])) { $value['config']['value'] = htmlentities($values[$key]); } // create field type object $fieldtype = new $value['fieldType']($key, $value); $this->cpform_output[$key] = $fieldtype; unset($fieldtype); // set validation rules if (isset($value['rules'])) { $this->cpform_CI->form_validation->set_rules($key, $value['label'], $value['rules'], isset($value['rule_messages']) ? $value['rule_messages'] : array()); } } else { show_error('Field type ' . $value['fieldType'] . ' is not available.'); } } } }
function add_defer_to_scripts($url) { $scripts = array('stage.slider.min', 'group.slider.min', 'jquery.fancybox.min', 'content.animator.min', 'jwplayer', 'reflection', 'jw-player.init.min', 'jquery.tooltips', 'contact.form', 'jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js', 'jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js'); if (FALSE === strposa($url, $scripts, 1)) { return $url; } return "{$url}' defer='defer' async='async"; }
function saveChanges() { $_REQUEST->setType('fname', 'string'); if ($_REQUEST['fname'] && strposa($_REQUEST['fname'], array('..', '/', '\\')) === false && $this->that->mayI(EDIT)) { if (@mkdir($this->path . '/' . $_REQUEST['fname'], 0700)) { Flash::queue(__('The folder was created successfully')); } else { Flash::queue(__('There was a problem creating the directory. Check permissions and the name')); } } }
<?php } ?> <?php if (theme_get_setting('sidebar_position') == 'no') { ?> <div class="span12"> <?php print render($page['content']); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (strposa(current_path(), array('taxonomy', 'comment', 'user', 'search')) !== false) { print '</div>'; } ?> </div> <?php if ($page['sidebar']) { ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
} ?> <section class="flx-entry-box"> <div class="flx-entry-thumb"> <?php if (isset($count) && $count > 1 && isset($file_type) && $file_type == 'image') { ?> <div class="flexslider" id="bp-flex"> <ul class="slides"> <?php print $slide_content; ?> </ul> </div><!--bp-flex--> <?php } elseif (strposa(current_path(), array('taxonomy')) !== false) { ?> <?php print render($content['field_blog_multimedia'][0]); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php print render($content['field_blog_multimedia']); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (isset($count) && $count == 1 && isset($file_type) && $file_type == 'image') {
[ServerName] => HYDMEDIA [job_name] => Verteilungscleanup: distribution [job_status] => Enabled [last_run_status] => Succeeded [last_run_date] => May 7 2014 02:25:00:000PM [run_duration] => 00:00:00 [next_scheduled_run_date] => May 7 2014 02:34:59:997PM [step_description] => Der Auftrag war erfolgreich. Der Auftrag wurde von Zeitplan 105 (Plan für den Replikations-Agent.) aufgerufen. Als Letztes wurde Schritt 1 (Führt den Agent aus.) ausgeführt. ) */ // init array $succeeded_jobArray = array(); $failed_jobArray = array(); while ($job = mssql_fetch_array($query, MSSQL_ASSOC)) { // proceed if job is not excluded if (strposa(trim($job['job_name']), $excludeList) === false) { if ($job['last_run_status'] != 'Succeeded') { $failed_jobArray[] = $job; } else { $succeeded_jobArray[] = $job; } } } # $count_failed_jobs = count($failed_jobArray); $succeeded_jobs = !empty($succeeded_jobArray) ? max(array_keys($succeeded_jobArray)) + 1 : 0; $failed_jobs = !empty($failed_jobArray) ? max(array_keys($failed_jobArray)) + 1 : 0; if ($failed_jobs > 0) { $return_code = 2; $return_msg = $failed_jobs . " fehlerhafte jobs gefunden, {$succeeded_jobs} erfolgreiche Jobs gefunden\n"; foreach ($failed_jobArray as $failed_job) { $return_msg = $return_msg . "Job-Name: " . $failed_job['job_name'] . "\tJob-Status: " . $failed_job['last_run_status'] . "\tBeschreibung: " . $failed_job['step_description'] . "\tLetzter Lauf: " . $failed_job['last_run_date'] . "\n";
function num_word_search($string) { $array = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'); if (strposa($string, $array) !== FALSE) { return true; } else { return false; } }
private function modification_record($extref = '', $section = 0) { $array = array(); // array('LOC' => $_OPTB['LOC'], $extra = false; $index = 0; $type = 'STORAGE'; $storageTypeArr = array('RESW', 'RESB', 'BYTE', 'WORD'); $operatorArr = array('+', '-', '*', '/'); foreach ($this->OPTB_WOC as $_OPTB) { // if (!empty($_OPTB['LOC']) && isset($_OPTB['LOC']) && $_OPTB['SECTION'] == $section && strposa($_OPTB['OPERAND'], $extref)) { $pos = strpos($_OPTB['OPERAND'], $extref); if ($pos == 0) { $operator = '+'; } else { if (in_array($_OPTB['OPERAND'][$pos - 1], $operatorArr)) { $operator = $_OPTB['OPERAND'][$pos - 1]; } else { if ($_OPTB['OPERAND'][$pos] == '@' || $_OPTB['OPERAND'][$pos] == '#') { $operator = '+'; } } } if (count(preg_split("/[+\\/*-]/", $_OPTB['OPERAND'])) > 1) { $size = '06'; } else { $size = '05'; } if (!in_array($_OPTB['OPCODE'], $storageTypeArr)) { $_OPTB['LOC'] = hexdec($_OPTB['LOC']) + 1; $_OPTB['LOC'] = sprintf("%04X", $_OPTB['LOC']); $type = 'OPCODE'; } //array_push($array, array('SYMBOL' => $extref, 'LOC' => $_OPTB['LOC'], 'EXTRA' => $extra, 'operator' => $operator)); $arrayTmp = array('SYMBOL' => $extref, 'SECTION' => $section, 'LOC' => sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB['LOC'])), 'DECLOC' => hexdec($_OPTB['LOC']), 'TYPE' => $type, 'EXTRA' => $extra, 'SIZE' => $size, 'OPERATOR' => $operator, 'INDEX' => $index); array_push($array, $arrayTmp); } ++$index; } return $array; }
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Will return the response, if false it print the response curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Setting the URL // Set the URL where is allocated the JSON file $url = ""; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // Execute $result = curl_exec($ch); // Closing curl_close($ch); $test = json_decode($result, true); $output = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-Business Name//Product Name//EN\n"; foreach ($test["upcoming"] as $key => $value) { // If the url have the extension output the string completed if (strposa($value["assetUrl"], array("jpg", "png", "jpeg"))) { $attachment = $value["assetUrl"]; } else { $attachment = substr($value["assetUrl"], 0, strlen($value["assetUrl"]) - 1) . ".jpg"; } if ($value["body"] != "") { // Format description, add the link to read more and only take the first 100 characters. $description = substr(strip_tags(str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", "\\u2022", "•", " "), '', preg_replace('/([\\,;])/', '\\\\$1', $value["body"]))), 0, 100) . "...<a href='" . $value["urlId"] . "?webview=1'>Read more</a>"; } else { $description = ""; } $output .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\nSUMMARY:" . addcslashes($value["title"], ",\\;") . "\nUID:" . $value["id"] . "\nDTSTART:" . date('Ymd\\THis\\Z', $value["startDate"] / 1000) . "\nDTEND:" . date('Ymd\\THis\\Z', $value["endDate"] / 1000) . "\nDESCRIPTION: " . $description . "\nLOCATION:" . addcslashes($value["location"]["addressTitle"], ",\\;") . " " . addcslashes($value["location"]["addressLine1"], ",\\;") . " " . addcslashes($value["location"]["addressLine2"], ",\\;") . " " . addcslashes($value["location"]["addressCountry"], ",\\;") . "\nGEO:" . $value["location"]["mapLat"] . ";" . $value["location"]["mapLng"] . "\nATTACH:" . $attachment . "\nEND:VEVENT\n"; } // close calendar $output .= "END:VCALENDAR"; // Output to .ics file
} // Load all claim types. $types = array(array('title' => 'Accident and Emergency Claims', 'keywords' => 'accident,and,emergency,claims,999,a&e,failure,xray,x-ray,misdiagnose', 'icon' => 'ambulance', 'location' => '15'), array('title' => 'Anaesthetic Related Claims', 'keywords' => 'anaesthetic,related,claims,administered,agents,damage,nerves,brain,damage,strokes', 'icon' => 'syringe', 'location' => '16'), array('title' => 'Bariatric Surgery Claims', 'keywords' => 'bariatric,surgery,claims,gastric,bypass,band,weight,loss,gain,stomach,tummy', 'icon' => 'surgeon', 'location' => '17'), array('title' => 'Cancer Treatment Claims', 'keywords' => 'cancer,treatment,claims,misdiagnose,misdiagnosis,delay', 'icon' => 'virus', 'location' => '18'), array('title' => 'Consent Claims', 'keywords' => 'consent,claims,operation,procedure,permission,informed', 'icon' => 'prescription', 'location' => '19'), array('title' => 'Cosmetic Claims', 'keywords' => 'eye,cosmetic,claims,botox,dermal,filler,breast,implants,uplifts,chin,cheek,procedures,ear,surgery,face,lift,laser,skin,resurfacing,liposuction,nose,reshaping,tummy,tucks,stomach,rhinoplasty', 'icon' => 'scalpel', 'location' => '20'), array('title' => 'Dental Negligence Claims', 'keywords' => 'dental,negligence,claims,teeth,tooth,ache,dentist,gums,oral,orthodontic,implants,crown,bridge,root,canal,extraction,removal', 'icon' => 'tooth', 'location' => '21'), array('title' => 'General Practice Claims', 'keywords' => 'general,practice,claims,gp,practictioner,surgery,office,doctor,misdiagnose,misdiagnosis,prescription,prescribe,specialist', 'icon' => 'steth', 'location' => '22'), array('title' => 'Gynaecology Claims', 'keywords' => 'gynaecology,gynaecologist,claims,fertility,abortion,laparoscopic,coil,contraception,contraceptive,pregant,pregnancy,hysterectomy,pelvic,pelvis,cancer', 'icon' => 'nurse', 'location' => '23'), array('title' => 'Pressure Sore Negligence Claims', 'keywords' => 'pressure,sore,negligence,claims,bed,ulcers,diabetic,diabetes,elderly,skin,discolouration,blister,subcutaneous,necrosis,tissue', 'icon' => 'bandaid', 'location' => '24'), array('title' => 'Laser Hair Removal Claims', 'keywords' => 'laser,hair,removal,claims,hirsutism,eczema,psoriasis,chemical,peels,skin,burning,burns,texture', 'icon' => 'clipboard', 'location' => '25'), array('title' => 'Neurological/surgical Claims', 'keywords' => 'neuro,surgical,claims,surgery,procedure,removal,negligence,neurological,neurosurgical', 'icon' => 'ecg', 'location' => '27'), array('title' => 'Ophthalmic Claims', 'keywords' => 'surgical,claims,glasses,eyes,sight,vision,blindness', 'icon' => 'microscope', 'location' => '28'), array('title' => 'Orthopaedic Claims', 'keywords' => 'claims,bones,surgery,joints,ligaments,tendons,fracture,broken', 'icon' => 'bone', 'location' => '29'), array('title' => 'Prescription Errors', 'keywords' => 'allergic,reactions,health,problems,medication,syringe,needle,anaesthetic,digestive,reactions,ulcers,internal,bleeding,blindness,brain,injuries,psychological,damage', 'icon' => 'bottle', 'location' => '30'), array('title' => 'Surgical Error Claims', 'keywords' => 'surgical,error,claims,surgery,procedure,instrument,removal,negligence', 'icon' => 'scalpel', 'location' => '26')); $colour = array("red", "pink", "purple", "blue", "teal", "green", "orange", "brown"); $icon = array("", "", "", "", ""); if (isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) { // Explode the search by spaces $search = explode(" ", $_GET['search']); // Init results variable as an array $results = array(); // Loop through all claim types foreach ($types as $key => $value) { // Assign keywords to a static variable $keywords = $value['keywords']; // Search the keywords for each word in the search string if (strposa($keywords, $search)) { // If found, assign the parent key to the results array // so we can return all child keys related to the result $results[$key] = $value; } } // If any results were found... if (count($results) > 0) { echo '<div class="row"><div class="col s12 center-align"><p>Currently displaying <strong>' . count($results) . '</strong> claim types related to "' . $_GET['search'] . '"</p></div></div>'; // Spit out the title's of each claim type // echo '<h2>Found the following:</h2>'; $colourSelector = 1; $i = 1; $opp = "odd"; foreach ($results as $t) { if ($i == 1) {
$tooMuchFilesCrit = $options['c']; // current timestamp $now = time(); // nagios stuff $return_code = 0; $return_msg = "Everything's fine"; $perf_msg = ""; // check every subfolder for .zip.aes $fileArray = glob($path . "/*/*" . $ext); // helper $i = 0; $j = 0; $filesTooOldArray = array(); foreach ($fileArray as $file) { // break if file matches exclude pattern if (!strposa($file, $excludeList)) { // get file modification time $fileMTime = fileatime($file); // calculate file age in seconds if ($now - $fileMTime > $tooOldSecondsCrit) { // remove path $file = str_replace(array($path . "/", $ext), "", $file); // split too gutachter and filename $file = explode("/", $file); // build Array if (array_key_exists($file[0], $filesTooOldArray)) { $filesTooOldArray[$file[0]] .= ", " . $file[1]; } else { $filesTooOldArray[$file[0]] = $file[1]; } unset($file);
// end db connect // build query string $query = "SELECT \n\t\n\t( COUNT(*) * 100) / LIC.LIC_SOFT_LIMIT AS lic_usage_percent,\n\tCOUNT(*) \t\tAS lic_usage,\n\tIIF.IIF_FEATURE \tAS feature_name,\n\tLIC.LIC_FEATURE_NAME \tAS lic_feature_name,\n\tLIC.LIC_SOFT_LIMIT \tAS lic_soft_limit\nFROM \n\tIVT_INST_FEATURES IIF\nLEFT JOIN\n\tLICENCES LIC\n\t\tON LIC.LIC_FEATURE = IIF.IIF_FEATURE\nGROUP BY \n\tIIF.IIF_FEATURE, LIC.LIC_SOFT_LIMIT, LIC.LIC_FEATURE_NAME\n"; try { // prepare + execute db query $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); $result = $sth->fetchAll(); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo "UNKNOWN: query execution failed: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit(3); } // end db foreach ($result as $line) { // exclude list if (strposa(trim($line['lic_feature_name']), $excludeList) === false) { if ($line['lic_usage_percent'] >= $crit) { // critical > all $exitCode = 2; $tempCode = 2; } else { if ($line['lic_usage_percent'] >= $warn) { // raise exit code if below warning $exitCode = $exitCode == 0 ? 1 : $exitCode; $tempCode = 1; } else { $tempCode = 0; } } // end if percentage // calculate perfdata values, round float values
/** * Renames the file * @param string $newName New name * @return void */ function rename($newName) { if (preg_match("#" . self::rootDir() . '/UserDirectory/([^/]+)$#', $this->path)) { return false; } global $USER, $DB; if (!$this->may($USER, EDIT)) { return false; } if (!$newName) { return false; } if (strposa($newName, array('/', '\\'))) { return false; } $newPath = $this->dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $newName; if (file_exists($newPath)) { return false; } if (!rename($this->path, $newPath)) { return false; } $this->path = $newPath; $this->expandPath(); $DB->files->{(string) $this->ID} = array('name' => $newName); }
function getTweetInformation($tweet) { // an information array global $preferences; $contents = strtolower($tweet->text); $information = new stdClass(); // first get the type $information->contenttype = strposa($contents, $preferences->TAGS['book']) ? 'book' : (strposa($contents, $preferences->TAGS['film']) ? 'film' : ''); // then other properties updateTweetInformation($tweet, $information); // done return $information; }
foreach ($needles as $needle) { $res = strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); if ($res !== false) { $chr[$needle] = $res; } } if (empty($chr)) { return false; } return min($chr); } $string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns=""> '; foreach ($files1 as $file) { if (stripos($file, '.php') !== false) { if (strposa($file, $not_pages, 1)) { } else { $string .= '<url> <loc>' . $url . $file . '</loc> </url>' . "\n\r"; } } } foreach ($books as $book) { $nbook = ${$book}; foreach ($nbook as $k => $v) { $string .= '<url> <loc>' . $url . $book . '_chapters.php?ch=' . $k . '</loc> </url>' . "\n\r"; } }
function var_debug($inputvar, $strlen = STRLEN, $width = WIDTH, $depth = DEPTH, $i = 0, &$objects = []) { static $iterations, $init, $skip, $nkey, $j, $objcloned, $objids, $objids, $aKeys; if (!$iterations) { $iterations = 0; } $iterations++; if (isset($_ENV['a']['kill']) || $iterations > MAXIT || ($x = globalTimeLimit())) { return; } if ($x = timelimit()) { timelimit(1); return $x; } if (memory_get_usage(1) / 1000000 > MAXRAM) { $_ENV['a']['MAXRAM'] = 1; return '-- ram limit exceeded : ' . MAXRAM . 'Mo'; } $parentKeys = ''; if (is_array($strlen)) { extract($strlen); $strlen = STRLEN; } if (!$init || !$i) { init(); $init = 1; $objids = $aKeys = []; $skip = explode(',', $_SESSION['filter']); gt1('var_debug:0'); } $type = gettype($inputvar); #if($type=='object' && \ReflectionClass::isCloneable($inputvar))die(get_class($inputvar).'clonable'); #if(!in_Array($type,['array','object']))return $inputvar;#retourne simple string if (!$objcloned && $type == 'object') { $var = clone $inputvar; $objcloned = 1; } else { $var = $inputvar; } #,'Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder' $search = ["*", "", "\\a", "\\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v"]; $replace = ['', '', '\\a', '\\b', '\\f', '\\n', '\\r', '\\t', '\\v']; #'\0' $string = $s2 = ''; switch (gettype($var)) { case 'NULL': return null; break; #$string.='null'; #$string.='null'; case 'boolean': $string .= $var ? 'true' : 'false'; break; case 'integer': $string .= $var; break; case 'double': $string .= $var; break; case 'resource': $string .= '[resource]'; break; case 'string': if (substr($var, 0, 2) == '#!') { return null; } if (substr($var, 0, 1) == '#') { if (in_array(trim($var, '#*'), $aKeys)) { return "<a class='hash' href='#" . trim($var, '#*') . "'>" . $var . '</a>' . (strpos($var, $parentKeys) !== false ? ' *' : ''); #£:marquer recursions par le dessous avec une étoile * } #die(__line__.$var);##[proposition0][logstatut][102][statut] } ##[proposition0][taches] $len = strlen($var); $var = str_replace($search, $replace, substr($var, 0, $strlen), $count); $var = substr($var, 0, $strlen); $var = htmlspecialchars(str_replace('""', '', $var)); if ($len < $strlen) { $string .= $var; } else { $string .= 'string(' . $len . '): ' . $var . '...'; } //('.$len.') #if(substr_count($string,'"')%2)$string.='"';#fermeture #if(preg_match('~\.{3}\n?$~',$string))$string.='"';#correcteur break; case 'array': $len = count($var); if ($i == $depth) { $string .= 'array(' . $len . ') #depth'; } elseif (!$len && CLEANULL) { $string = ''; } elseif (!$len) { $string .= 'a:null'; } else { $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $i * 2); $j++; $closin = $j; #J Shall remain the same uh ? Nahhh :( $count = 0; #$keys = array_keys($var);foreach $keys as $key foreach ($var as $key => $value2) { if (isset($_ENV['a']['MAXRAM'])) { break; } if (is_string($value2) && substr($value2, 0, 2) == '#!') { continue; } #if (CLEANULL && (!isset($value2) || !$value2)) {continue;} if ($count === $width) { $s2 .= "\n" . $spaces . " ..."; break; } $currentKey = $parentKeys . "[{$key}]"; $aKeys[] = $currentKey; $s2 .= "\n" . $spaces . " <a href='#{$parentKeys}'><</a><c id='" . $currentKey . "' title='{$currentKey}'>[{$key}]</c> => "; if ($key === 'HomeRh' && 0) { //&& stripos($var,'div class')>-1||stripos($var,'sur notre page recrutement')||stripos($var,'"') fpco(R1 . '1.php', gettype($value2) . $value2 . print_r($value2, 1)); $_ENV['break'] = 1; var_debug($value2); $_ENV['break'] = 0; } $s2 .= var_debug($value2, compact('objects') + ['i' => $i + 1, 'parentKeys' => $currentKey]); $count++; } if (CLEANEMPTYARRAYS && !$s2) { return null; $string = ''; break; } $string .= "<a id='o{$j}' href='#c{$j}' class='open'>array({$len})</a>\n" . $spaces . "{" . $s2; #<b class='".($i*2)."'> $string .= "\n" . $spaces . "<a id='c{$closin}' href='#o{$closin}' title='{$closin}' class='close'>}--</a></b>"; } break; #Salomon\DatabaseBundle\Entity\Subsidiary:advancedProductPages] => Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection #Salomon\DatabaseBundle\Entity\Subsidiary:advancedProductPages] => Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection case 'object': #n'est plus utilisé si déjà passé dans l'anti-recursion primaire timelimit(1); $id = $objid = null; $classname = get_class($var); $cn = shortClass($var); if (strposa($classname, $skip)) { $_ENV['skipped'][] = $classname; return $classname . '#skip'; } if (method_exists($var, 'getId')) { $objid = $var->getId(); } elseif (isset($var->id) && is_integer($var->id)) { $objid = $var->id; } if (isset($objid) && isset($objids[$cn]) && array_key_exists($objid, $objids[$cn])) { return '<a class=obj href="#' . $cn . $objid . '">' . $cn . '#listed as ' . $objid . "</a>"; } $hash = spl_object_hash($var); $id = array_search($hash, $objects, true); if ($id !== false) { return '<a class=obj href="#' . $cn . ($id + 1) . '">' . $cn . '#listed as ' . ($id + 1) . "</a>"; } else { if ($i == $depth) { $string .= $cn . ' #!depth'; } else { if ($objid && $cn != 'stdclass') { $id = $objid; $objids[$cn][$objid] = 1; } else { $id = array_push($objects, $hash); } $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $i * 2); $j++; $closin = $j; $cast = castAction($var); if ($cast === 'unset') { continue; } if ($cast !== false && in_array(gettype($cast), ['array', 'object'])) { $string .= var_debug($cast, compact('objects') + ['i' => $i + 1]); #$string .= var_debug($cast, compact('objects')+['i'=>$i+1,'parentKeys'=>$currentKey]); continue; } elseif ($cast !== false) { $string .= $cast; } elseif (PERSISTENTCOLL && $cn === 'persistentcollection') { # && !in_array($var->get('backRefFieldName'),['subsidiary']) && $var->getValues() && count($var->getValues())>0 $next = $var->getValues(); $count = count($next); if ($count === 0 && CLEANULL) { return; } if ($count === 0) { $string .= " pc => 0"; } elseif ($count > 1000) { $string .= " pc + 1000"; } else { $string .= 'pc'; $type = shortClass($next[0]); if (0 && method_exists($next[0], 'getId')) { #is_integer($next[0]->id)){ $tids = []; foreach ($next as $t) { $tids[] = $t->getId(); } $string .= " pc:ids => " . implode(',', $tids); } else { if ($x = timelimit()) { $string .= $x; break; } $string .= var_debug($next, compact('objects') + ['i' => $i + 1]); #$string .= var_debug($next,compact('objects')+['i'=>$i+1,'parentKeys'=>$currentKey]); } } unset($next); #die('<pre>'.print_r($var->getValues(),1));die(var_debug($var->getValues())); } else { $methods = get_class_methods($var); foreach ($methods as &$method) { if (substr($method, 0, 2) == '__') { $method = null; } } unset($method); $methods = array_filter($methods); $methods = implode(', ', $methods); $string .= "<a title=\"{$classname}\" class=i id='" . $cn . $id . "' href='#c{$j}'>#" . $cn . "#{$id}</a>"; $string .= "\n" . $spaces . "{" . $spaces; if ($methods) { $string .= "\n" . $spaces . " [*] => " . $methods; } $array = (array) $var; #$properties = array_keys($array); foreach ($array as $property => $value2) { if (isset($_ENV['a']['MAXRAM'])) { break; } if (is_string($value2) && substr($value2, 0, 2) == '#!') { continue; } if (substr($property, 0, 2) === '__') { continue; } #initialize,cloner if (CLEANULL && !$value2) { continue; } $currentKey = $parentKeys . "[{$property}]"; $aKeys[] = $currentKey; $name = str_ireplace([STRIPNAMESPACE, $classname, $cn, "", '*'], ['', '', '', '', ''], trim($property)); $cast = castAction($value2, $name); if ($cast === 'unset') { continue; } if ($cast !== false && in_array(gettype($cast), ['array', 'object'])) { $value2 = $cast; } elseif (!isset($_ENV['a']['nr']) && $cast !== false && $cn != 'stdclass') { $string .= "\n" . $spaces . " [{$name}] => " . $cast; #$e=error_get_last();if(strpos($e['message'],'ndefined index'));else{$_ENV['a']['nr']=1;dbe(['nr'=>1,$e]);die;} continue; } if (strposa($name, $skip)) { $_ENV['skipped'][] = $name; $string .= '#s'; } else { $x = var_debug($value2, compact('objects') + ['i' => $i + 1, 'parentKeys' => $currentKey]); if ($x) { $string .= "\n" . $spaces . " [{$name}] => " . $x; } } } $string .= "\n" . $spaces . "<a id='c{$closin}' href='#" . $cn . $id . "' title='{$closin}'>}--</a></b>"; } } } break; default: $string .= '???#unknow type'; break; } #if ($i > 0)return $string;#do not returns first index return $string; }
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " id="varnishpurge"> <p>Enter the URL to purge</p> <p>Use * as wildcard for multiple purges</p> <input type="text" value="<?php isset($_POST['txtURL']) ? $_POST['txtURL'] : ''; ?> " name="txtURL" class="defaultText" title="http://yourhost/some-url.html" /> </form> <button type="submit" name="cmdSubmit" form="varnishpurge" value="Purge URL" class="clean-gray">Purge URL</button> <?php if (isset($_POST['cmdSubmit'])) { $txtUrl = $_POST['txtURL']; $protocols = array('http://', 'https://'); $strpos = strposa($txtUrl, $protocols); if ($strpos === false) { die("<p><span class='error'>Sorry, this doesn't seem like a valid URL, make sure you include the http:// at the start</span></p>"); } elseif (!isset($_POST['txtURL']) || empty($_POST['txtURL']) || $_POST['txtURL'] === "http://yourhost/some-url.html") { die("<p><span class='error'>Please enter a URL</span></p>"); } varnishPurge($txtUrl); } ?> </div> </body> </html>
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$image->delete(); error($config['error']['maxsize']); } $post['width'] = $image->size->width; $post['height'] = $image->size->height; if ($config['minimum_copy_resize'] && $image->size->width <= $config['thumb_width'] && $image->size->height <= $config['thumb_height'] && $post['extension'] == ($config['thumb_ext'] ? $config['thumb_ext'] : $post['extension'])) { // Copy, because there's nothing to resize copy($upload, $post['thumb']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $image->size->width; $post['thumbheight'] = $image->size->height; } else { $thumb = $image->resize($config['thumb_ext'] ? $config['thumb_ext'] : $post['extension'], $post['op'] ? $config['thumb_op_width'] : $config['thumb_width'], $post['op'] ? $config['thumb_op_height'] : $config['thumb_height']); $thumb->to($post['thumb']); $post['thumbwidth'] = $thumb->width; $post['thumbheight'] = $thumb->height; if ($config['spoiler_images'] && isset($_POST['spoiler']) || $config['spoiler_images'] && $config['autospoiler_images'] && strposa($post['filename'], $config['autospoiler_tags'])) { $post['thumb'] = 'spoiler'; } $thumb->_destroy(); } if ($config['redraw_image'] || !@$post['exif_stripped'] && $config['strip_exif'] && ($post['extension'] == 'jpg' || $post['extension'] == 'jpeg')) { if (!$config['redraw_image'] && $config['use_exiftool']) { if ($error = shell_exec_error('exiftool -overwrite_original -ignoreMinorErrors -q -q -all= ' . escapeshellarg($upload))) { error('Could not strip EXIF metadata!', null, $error); } } else { $image->to($post['file']); $dont_copy_file = true; } } $image->destroy();