function output_HotlinksList() { global $application; $html_code = ''; foreach ($this->PFHotlinks as $k => $hl_info) { $finfo = modApiFunc('Product_Files', 'getPFileInfo', $hl_info['file_id']); $template_contents = array('FileName' => ($finfo != null and file_exists($finfo['file_path']) and is_file($finfo['file_path'])) ? $finfo['file_name'] : '<span style="color: red;">' . getMsg('PF', 'FILE_WAS_DELETED') . '</span>', 'HotlinkKey' => str_rev_pad($hl_info['hotlink_value'], 90), 'HotlinkValue' => $hl_info['hotlink_value'], 'HotlinkExpireDate' => date("d M Y, H:i", $hl_info['expire_date']), 'jsHotlinkED' => date("Y/m/d/H/i", $hl_info['expire_date']), 'HotlinkTries' => $hl_info['was_try'] . '/' . $hl_info['max_try'], 'HotlinkStatus' => $hl_info['status'], 'ZeroTriesButton' => '<a class="btn btn-default green' . ($hl_info['was_try'] == 0 ? ' button_disabled' : '') . '" onClick="' . ($hl_info['was_try'] == 0 ? '' : 'go(\'popup_window.php?asc_action=zero_hotlink_tries&opid=' . $this->opid . '&hl_id=' . $hl_info['hotlink_id'] . '\')') . '">' . getMsg('PF', 'BTN_ZERO_TRIES') . '</a>', 'HotlinkID' => $hl_info['hotlink_id'], 'OPID' => $this->opid); $this->_Template_Contents = $template_contents; $application->registerAttributes($this->_Template_Contents); $this->mTmplFiller =& $application->getInstance('TmplFiller'); $html_code .= $this->mTmplFiller->fill("product_files/order_hotlinks/", "one-hotlink.tpl.html", array()); } return $html_code; }
function __formatAsVisibleRow($row) { # REVERSE_NUMBER $row['reverse_number'] .= '.'; $row['reverse_number'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['reverse_number'], $row['online_status']); # SEANCE_TIME $row['seance_time'] = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $row['creation_time']); //.'<br>'.modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_time_format", $row['creation_time']); $row['seance_time'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['seance_time'], $row['online_status']); # REFERER //: "referer" field name should be used instead of "referrer". if (empty($row['referrer'])) { $row['referer'] = getMsg('RPTS', 'DIRECT_ACCESS'); $row['referer'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['referer'], $row['online_status']); } else { $u = @parse_url($row['referrer']); if (count($u) == 1) { $u = @parse_url("http://" . $row['referrer']); $row['referrer'] = "http://" . $row['referrer']; } $host = $u['host']; $hint = '<span onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $row['referrer'] . '\');" onmouseout="return nd();">'; $row['referer_host'] = $this->__colorizeValue(getMsg('RPTS', 'GO') . ' ' . $host, $row['online_status']); $row['referer'] = $hint . '<A target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;" href="' . $row['referrer'] . '">' . $row['referer_host'] . '</A></span>'; } # ENTRY_PAGE $parsed = @parse_url($row['entry_page']); if (isset($parsed['path']) and !empty($parsed['path'])) { $row['entry_page'] = $parsed['path']; } // , $cut_entry_page = str_rev_pad($row['entry_page'], 40); if ($cut_entry_page != $row['entry_page']) { // , $hint = '<span onmouseover="return overlib(\'<nobr>' . $row['entry_page'] . '</nobr>\');" onmouseout="return nd();">'; $row['entry_page'] = $this->__colorizeValue($cut_entry_page, $row['online_status']); $row['entry_page'] = $hint . $row['entry_page'] . '</span>'; } else { $row['entry_page'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['entry_page'], $row['online_status']); } # DEPTH_OF_VISIT $c = 1; $restr = intval(modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'REPORTS_AND_STATISTICS', 'VIEWED_PAGES_TO_SHOW')); $cr = count($row['click_path']) - 1; if ($cr > $restr) { for ($ii = $restr; $ii <= $cr; $ii++) { unset($row['click_path'][$ii]); } } foreach ($row['click_path'] as $k => $v) { $row['click_path'][$k] = '<nobr><b>' . $c++ . ':</b> ' . $v . '</nobr>'; } $msg = implode('<br>', $row['click_path']); if ($cr > $restr) { $msg .= "<br>..."; } $p = $row['visit_depth'] > 1 ? getMsg('RPTS', 'PAGES') : getMsg('RPTS', 'PAGE'); $hint = '<span onmouseover="return overlib(\'' . $msg . '\');" onmouseout="return nd();">'; $row['visit_depth'] = $this->__colorizeValue(getMsg('RPTS', 'GO') . ' ' . $row['visit_depth'] . ' ' . $p, $row['online_status']); $href = 'javascript:void(0)'; $onclick = "javascript:openURLinNewWindow('reports_click_path.php?type=robot&id=" . $row['visitor_id'] . "', 'ReportsClickPath');"; $row['depth_of_visit'] = $hint . '<A onclick="' . $onclick . '" href="' . $href . '" style="text-decoration: none;">' . $row['visit_depth'] . '</A></span>'; # REMOTE_IP && REMOTE_ADDR $row['remote_ip'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['remote_ip'], $row['online_status']); $row['remote_addr'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['remote_addr'], $row['online_status']); #CRAWLER_ID $row['name'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['name'], $row['online_status']); # VISITOR_OS_BROWSER /*$row['visitor_os_browser'] = $row['visitor_browser']; $row['visitor_os_browser'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['visitor_os_browser'], $row['online_status']); # ONLINE_FLAG if ($row['online_status'] == true) { $row['online_flag'] = getMsg('RPTS','VISITOR_STATUS_ONLINE'); } else { $row['online_flag'] = getMsg('RPTS','VISITOR_STATUS_OFFLINE'); } $row['online_flag'] = $this->__colorizeValue($row['online_flag'], $row['online_status']);*/ return $row; }
function __prepareLongString($str, $len = 40, $add_hint = true) { $cut_str = str_rev_pad($str, $len); if ($add_hint and $cut_str != $str) { // , $cut_str = $this->__getHint($cut_str, $str); } return $cut_str; }
function getTag($tag) { $value = null; if (preg_match("/^local_(.+)\$/i", $tag, $matches)) { switch (_ml_strtolower($matches[1])) { case 'orderinfolink': $r = new Request(); $r->setView('CustomerOrderInfo'); $r->setKey('order_id', $this->order_id); $value = $r->getURL(); break; case 'orderid': $value = sprintf("%05d", $this->order_id); break; case 'orderedproductname': $value = $this->ordered_product_info['order_product_name']; break; case 'hotlinkslist': $value = $this->out_HotlinksList(); break; case 'filename': $finfo = modApiFunc('Product_Files', 'getPFileInfo', $this->current_hotlink_info['file_id']); $value = $finfo != null ? $finfo['file_name'] : '<span style="color: red;">' . getMsg('PF', 'FILE_WAS_DELETED') . '</span>'; break; case 'hotlinkstatus': $value = $this->current_hotlink_info['status']; break; case 'hotlinkvalue': $value = $this->current_hotlink_info['hotlink_value']; break; case 'hotlinkkey': $value = str_rev_pad($this->current_hotlink_info['hotlink_value'], 90); break; case 'hotlinkexpiredate': $value = modApiFunc('Localization', 'timestamp_date_format', $this->current_hotlink_info['expire_date']) . ' ' . modApiFunc('Localization', 'timestamp_time_format', $this->current_hotlink_info['expire_date']); break; case 'hotlinktries': $value = $this->current_hotlink_info['was_try'] . '/' . $this->current_hotlink_info['max_try']; break; } } return $value; }