function showHours($clsRpt, $attributes, $lMonth, $lYear, $sngHrsMins, $sngNonPVHrs) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $attributes->bCloseDiv = false; $attributes->divID = 'hrsDiv'; $attributes->divImageID = 'hrsDivImg'; openBlock('Volunteer Hours', '', $attributes); echoT($clsRpt->openReport()); // patient visit hours echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Patient Visit Hours:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($sngHrsMins, 2) . ' hours ' . strLinkView_VMgrRptVolHrsPVViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View details', true)) . $clsRpt->closeRow()); // non-patient visit hours echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Other Volunteer Hours:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(number_format($sngNonPVHrs, 2) . ' hours' . strLinkView_VMgrRptVolHrsNonPVViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View details', true)) . $clsRpt->closeRow()); // total volunteer hours echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Total Volunteer Hours:') . $clsRpt->writeCell('<b>' . number_format($sngNonPVHrs + $sngHrsMins, 2) . ' hours</b>') . $clsRpt->closeRow()); echoT($clsRpt->closeReport()); $attributes->bCloseDiv = true; closeBlock($attributes); }
function strHTMLCalendar($lYear, $bPatientVisit, $strTitle, &$calYear) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $lMoPerRow = 3; $strOut = '<table style="" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="' . $lMoPerRow . '" style="text-align:center; font-size: 16pt;">' . $strTitle . ' </td> </tr>'; $colIDX = 1; for ($lMonth = 1; $lMonth <= 12; ++$lMonth) { $calMonth =& $calYear[$lMonth]; $lNumVol = $this->lCountInMonth($calMonth); if ($lNumVol > 0) { if ($bPatientVisit) { $strLink = ' ' . strLinkView_VMgrRptVolHrsPVViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View', true); } else { $strLink = ' ' . strLinkView_VMgrRptVolHrsNonPVViaMonth($lMonth, $lYear, 'View', true); } } else { $strLink = ''; } if ($lMonth % $lMoPerRow == 1) { $strOut .= '<tr>' . "\n"; } $strOut .= '<td style="padding: 10px; vertical-align: top;"> <table class="enpRpt" style="margin-bottom: 25pt;"> <tr> <td colspan="7" style="text-align: center; background-color: #9aa; font-size: 15pt;"><b>' . $calMonth->strMonth . ' ' . $lYear . $strLink . ' </td> </tr>'; $lDayWidth = '34px'; $strOut .= '<tr> <td class="calendarLabel">Sun</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Mon</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Tue</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Wed</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Thu</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Fri</td> <td class="calendarLabel">Sat</td> </tr>'; // blanks for the empty days on first row $lDOWIDX = 1; if ($calMonth->lFirstDayOfMonth > 0) { for ($blkIdx = 0; $blkIdx < $calMonth->lFirstDayOfMonth; ++$blkIdx) { $strOut .= '<td style="background-color: #e3e8ef;"> </td>' . "\n"; ++$lDOWIDX; } } // the monthly days for ($dIdx = 1; $dIdx <= $calMonth->daysInMonth; ++$dIdx) { $lNumActivity = $calMonth->dayCount[$dIdx]; if ($lNumActivity > 0) { $strAct = '<br><span style="font-size: 11pt; color: red;"><b>(' . $lNumActivity . ')</span>'; } else { $strAct = ''; } $strOut .= '<td class="calendarDay">' . $dIdx . $strAct . '</td>' . "\n"; if ($lDOWIDX == 7) { $strOut .= '</tr>' . "\n"; if ($dIdx != $calMonth->daysInMonth) { $strOut .= '<tr>' . "\n"; } $lDOWIDX = 0; } ++$lDOWIDX; } // blanks for the empty days at the end if ($lDOWIDX != 1) { for ($blkIdx = $lDOWIDX; $blkIdx <= 7; ++$blkIdx) { $strOut .= '<td style="background-color: #e3e8ef;"> </td>' . "\n"; } } $strOut .= "</table>\n</td>\n"; ++$colIDX; if ($lMonth % $lMoPerRow == 0) { $strOut .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } } $strOut .= '</table>' . "\n"; return $strOut; }