function storeData($response) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($response); $i++) { // echo "This is pid : ".$response[$i]->pid."<br></br>" ; // echo "This is aid : ".$response[$i]->aid."<br></br>" ; // echo "This is owner_id : ".$response[$i]->owner_id."<br></br>" ; // storeImages($response[$i]->sizes, $response[$i]->pid); // echo "This is likes : ".$response[$i]->likes->count."<br></br>" ; // echo "************** <br></br>" ; $sql = "INSERT INTO PHOTOS (PID, AID, OWNER_ID, LIKES) \n VALUES ('" . $response[$i]->pid . "','" . $response[$i]->aid . "','" . $response[$i]->owner_id . "','" . $response[$i]->likes->count . "')"; $res = mysql_query($sql); $msg = $res ? successMessage("Uploaded and saved to Photos.") : errorMessage("Problem in saving to photos"); echo $response[$i]->pid . " : " . $msg . " <br>"; if ($res) { storeImages($response[$i]->sizes, $response[$i]->pid); } echo "item :" . $i . "<br></br>"; } echo "=== count : " . count($response) . "<br></br>"; }
session_start(); include './sharedkeys.php'; $loc = PROJECT_URL . 'login.php'; if(!isset($_SESSION["fname"])){ header( 'Location: '.$loc); die(); } */ if (isset($_POST["title"]) && isset($_POST["description"])) { print "data Received <br>"; $title = $_POST["title"]; $description = $_POST["description"]; print "Storing The title<br>"; $images = storeImages(); print "image stored<br>"; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<data/>'); $xml->addChild('title', $title); $xml->addChild('description', $description); $image = $xml->addChild('images'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($images); $i++) { $link = $image->addChild('link'); $link->addChild('image', PROJECT_URL . $images[$i][0]); $link->addChild('thum', PROJECT_URL . $images[$i][1]); } include_once './db_functions.php'; $con = new DB_Functions(); $registatoin_ids = getReceivers($con); if (count($registatoin_ids) == 0) { print "No users <br>";