function display_customer_summary($customer_record) { global $table_style; $past1 = get_company_pref('past_due_days'); $past2 = 2 * $past1; if ($customer_record["dissallow_invoices"] != 0) { echo "<center><font color=red size=4><b>" . tr("CUSTOMER ACCOUNT IS ON HOLD") . "</font></b></center>"; } $nowdue = "1-" . $past1 . " " . tr('Days'); $pastdue1 = $past1 + 1 . "-" . $past2 . " " . tr('Days'); $pastdue2 = tr('Over') . " " . $past2 . " " . tr('Days'); start_table("width=80% {$table_style}"); $th = array(tr("Currency"), tr("Terms"), tr("Current"), $nowdue, $pastdue1, $pastdue2, tr("Total Balance")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($customer_record["curr_code"]); label_cell($customer_record["terms"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Balance"] - $customer_record["Due"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Due"] - $customer_record["Overdue1"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Overdue1"] - $customer_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($customer_record["Balance"]); end_row(); end_table(); }
function display_po_receive_items() { div_start('grn_items'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "colspan=7 width=90%"); $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Description"), _("Ordered"), _("Units"), _("Received"), _("Outstanding"), _("This Delivery"), _("Price"), _("Total")); table_header($th); /*show the line items on the order with the quantity being received for modification */ $total = 0; $k = 0; //row colour counter if (count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $ln_itm) { alt_table_row_color($k); $qty_outstanding = $ln_itm->quantity - $ln_itm->qty_received; if (!isset($_POST['Update']) && !isset($_POST['ProcessGoodsReceived']) && $ln_itm->receive_qty == 0) { //If no quantites yet input default the balance to be received $ln_itm->receive_qty = $qty_outstanding; } $line_total = $ln_itm->receive_qty * $ln_itm->price; $total += $line_total; label_cell($ln_itm->stock_id); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { text_cells(null, $ln_itm->stock_id . "Desc", $ln_itm->item_description, 30, 50); } else { label_cell($ln_itm->item_description); } $dec = get_qty_dec($ln_itm->stock_id); qty_cell($ln_itm->quantity, false, $dec); label_cell($ln_itm->units); qty_cell($ln_itm->qty_received, false, $dec); qty_cell($qty_outstanding, false, $dec); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { qty_cells(null, $ln_itm->line_no, number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right", null, $dec); } else { label_cell(number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right"); } amount_decimal_cell($ln_itm->price); amount_cell($line_total); end_row(); } } $colspan = count($th) - 1; $display_sub_total = price_format($total); label_row(_("Sub-total"), $display_sub_total, "colspan={$colspan} align=right", "align=right"); $taxes = $_SESSION['PO']->get_taxes(input_num('freight_cost'), true); $tax_total = display_edit_tax_items($taxes, $colspan, $_SESSION['PO']->tax_included); $display_total = price_format($total + input_num('freight_cost') + $tax_total); start_row(); label_cells(_("Amount Total"), $display_total, "colspan={$colspan} align='right'", "align='right'"); end_row(); end_table(); div_end(); }
function tax_inquiry_controls() { start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE_NOBORDER); start_row(); date_cells(_("from:"), 'TransFromDate', '', null, -30); date_cells(_("to:"), 'TransToDate'); submit_cells('Show', _("Show"), '', '', 'default'); end_row(); end_table(); end_form(); }
function display_gl_heading($myrow) { global $table_style; $trans_name = systypes::name($_GET['type_id']); start_table("{$table_style} width=95%"); $th = array(tr("General Ledger Transaction Details"), tr("Date"), tr("Person/Item")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell("{$trans_name} #" . $_GET['trans_no']); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); label_cell(payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); end_row(); comments_display_row($_GET['type_id'], $_GET['trans_no']); end_table(1); }
function display_gl_heading($myrow) { global $systypes_array; $trans_name = $systypes_array[$_GET['type_id']]; start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='95%'"); $th = array(_("General Ledger Transaction Details"), _("Reference"), _("Date"), _("Person/Item")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell("{$trans_name} #" . $_GET['trans_no']); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); label_cell(payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); end_row(); comments_display_row($_GET['type_id'], $_GET['trans_no']); end_table(1); }
function viewing_controls() { display_note(_("Only documents can be printed.")); start_table(TABLESTYLE_NOBORDER); start_row(); systypes_list_cells(_("Type:"), 'filterType', null, true); if (!isset($_POST['FromTransNo'])) { $_POST['FromTransNo'] = "1"; } if (!isset($_POST['ToTransNo'])) { $_POST['ToTransNo'] = "999999"; } ref_cells(_("from #:"), 'FromTransNo'); ref_cells(_("to #:"), 'ToTransNo'); submit_cells('ProcessSearch', _("Search"), '', '', 'default'); end_row(); end_table(1); }
function display_wo_production($prod_id) { $myrow = get_work_order_produce($prod_id); br(1); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Production #"), _("Reference"), _("For Work Order #"), _("Item"), _("Quantity Manufactured"), _("Date")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["id"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(ST_WORKORDER, $myrow["workorder_id"])); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["StockDescription"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"], false, get_qty_dec($myrow["stock_id"])); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(ST_MANURECEIVE, $prod_id); end_table(1); is_voided_display(ST_MANURECEIVE, $prod_id, _("This production has been voided.")); }
function display_gl_heading($myrow) { global $systypes_array; $title = ""; //moodlearning if ($myrow['type'] == 55 || $myrow['type'] == 1) { if ($myrow['type'] == 0) { $title = "JV No."; $num = substr($ser['year'], 2); } if ($myrow['type'] == 55) { $voucher_type = "Check Voucher"; $title = "CV No."; $myDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $myrow['tran_date']); $newDateString = $myDateTime->format('d-m-Y'); $year = substr($newDateString, 8) . "-"; } } $trans_name = $systypes_array[$_GET['type_id']]; start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=95%"); if ($myrow['type'] == 0 || $myrow['type'] == 1 || $myrow['type'] == 55) { $th = array(_("General Ledger Transaction Details"), _("Reference"), _("Date"), _("Person/Item"), $title); } else { $th = array(_("General Ledger Transaction Details"), _("Reference"), _("Date"), _("Person/Item")); } table_header($th); start_row(); if ($custom == 0) { label_cell("{$trans_name} #" . $_GET['type_id']); } else { label_cell("{$trans_name} #" . get_customized_no($myrow['type'], $myrow['type_no'])); } label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); label_cell(payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); if ($myrow['type'] == 0 || $myrow['type'] == 1 || $myrow['type'] == 55) { label_cell($year . str_pad(get_customized_no($myrow['type'], $myrow['type_no']), 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT)); } //moodlearning end_row(); comments_display_row($_GET['type_id'], $_GET['trans_no']); end_table(1); }
function display_wo_production($prod_id) { global $table_style; $myrow = get_work_order_produce($prod_id); start_table($table_style); $th = array(tr("Production #"), tr("Reference"), tr("For Work Order #"), tr("Item"), tr("Quantity Manufactured"), tr("Date")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["id"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::work_order(), $myrow["workorder_id"])); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["StockDescription"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(29, $prod_id); end_table(1); is_voided_display(29, $prod_id, tr("This production has been voided.")); }
function display_wo_issue($issue_no) { $myrow = get_work_order_issue($issue_no); br(1); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Issue #"), _("Reference"), _("For Work Order #"), _("Item"), _("From Location"), _("To Work Centre"), _("Date of Issue")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($myrow["issue_no"]); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(ST_WORKORDER, $myrow["workorder_id"])); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"] . " - " . $myrow["description"]); label_cell($myrow["location_name"]); label_cell($myrow["WorkCentreName"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["issue_date"])); end_row(); comments_display_row(28, $issue_no); end_table(1); is_voided_display(28, $issue_no, _("This issue has been voided.")); }
function viewing_controls() { display_note(tr("Only documents can be printed.")); start_form(false, true); start_table("class='tablestyle_noborder'"); start_row(); systypes_list_cells(tr("Type:"), 'filterType', null, true); if (!isset($_POST['FromTransNo'])) { $_POST['FromTransNo'] = "1"; } if (!isset($_POST['ToTransNo'])) { $_POST['ToTransNo'] = "999999"; } ref_cells(tr("from #:"), 'FromTransNo'); ref_cells(tr("to #:"), 'ToTransNo'); submit_cells('ProcessSearch', tr("Search")); end_row(); end_table(1); end_form(); }
function display_supplier_summary($supplier_record) { $past1 = get_company_pref('past_due_days'); $past2 = 2 * $past1; $nowdue = "1-" . $past1 . " " . _('Days'); $pastdue1 = $past1 + 1 . "-" . $past2 . " " . _('Days'); $pastdue2 = _('Over') . " " . $past2 . " " . _('Days'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='80%'"); $th = array(_("Currency"), _("Terms"), _("Current"), $nowdue, $pastdue1, $pastdue2, _("Total Balance")); table_header($th); start_row(); label_cell($supplier_record["curr_code"]); label_cell($supplier_record["terms"]); amount_cell($supplier_record["Balance"] - $supplier_record["Due"]); amount_cell($supplier_record["Due"] - $supplier_record["Overdue1"]); amount_cell($supplier_record["Overdue1"] - $supplier_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($supplier_record["Overdue2"]); amount_cell($supplier_record["Balance"]); end_row(); end_table(1); }
function display_balance_sheet() { global $path_to_root; $from = begin_fiscalyear(); $to = $_POST['TransToDate']; if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $dimension = $_POST['Dimension']; $dimension2 = $_POST['Dimension2']; $lconvert = $econvert = 1; if (isset($_POST["AccGrp"]) && strlen($_POST['AccGrp']) > 0) { $drilldown = 1; } else { $drilldown = 0; } // Root level div_start('balance_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='30%'"); if (!$drilldown) { $equityclose = 0.0; $lclose = 0.0; $calculateclose = 0.0; $parent = -1; //Get classes for BS $classresult = get_account_classes(false, 1); while ($class = db_fetch($classresult)) { $classclose = 0.0; $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); $ctype = $class["ctype"]; $classname = $class["class_name"]; //Print Class Name table_section_title($class["class_name"]); //Get Account groups/types under this group/type $typeresult = get_account_types(false, $class['cid'], -1); while ($accounttype = db_fetch($typeresult)) { $TypeTotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $convert, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); //Print Summary if ($TypeTotal != 0) { $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/balance_sheet.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&AccGrp=" . $accounttype['id'] . "'>" . $accounttype['id'] . " " . $accounttype['name'] . "</a>"; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($url); amount_cell($TypeTotal * $convert); end_row(); } $classclose += $TypeTotal; } //Print Class Summary start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . $class["class_name"]); amount_cell($classclose * $convert); end_row(); if ($ctype == CL_EQUITY) { $equityclose += $classclose; $econvert = $convert; } if ($ctype == CL_LIABILITIES) { $lclose += $classclose; $lconvert = $convert; } $calculateclose += $classclose; } if ($lconvert == 1) { $calculateclose *= -1; } //Final Report Summary $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/profit_loss.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&Compare=0'>" . _('Calculated Return') . "</a>"; start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell($url); amount_cell($calculateclose); end_row(); start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . _('Liabilities') . _(' and ') . _('Equities')); amount_cell($lclose * $lconvert + $equityclose * $econvert + $calculateclose); end_row(); } else { //Level Pointer : Global variable defined in order to control display of root global $levelptr; $levelptr = 0; $accounttype = get_account_type($_POST["AccGrp"]); $classid = $accounttype["class_id"]; $class = get_account_class($classid); $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($_POST["AccGrp"] . " " . get_account_type_name($_POST["AccGrp"])); $classclose = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $convert, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); } end_table(1); // outer table div_end(); }
function voiding_controls() { global $selected_id; $not_implemented = array(ST_PURCHORDER, ST_SALESORDER, ST_SALESQUOTE, ST_COSTUPDATE); start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE_NOBORDER); start_row(); systypes_list_cells(_("Type:"), 'filterType', null, true, $not_implemented); if (list_updated('filterType')) { $selected_id = -1; } if (!isset($_POST['FromTransNo'])) { $_POST['FromTransNo'] = "1"; } if (!isset($_POST['ToTransNo'])) { $_POST['ToTransNo'] = "999999"; } ref_cells(_("from #:"), 'FromTransNo'); ref_cells(_("to #:"), 'ToTransNo'); submit_cells('ProcessSearch', _("Search"), '', '', 'default'); end_row(); end_table(1); $trans_ref = false; $sql = get_sql_for_view_transactions($_POST['filterType'], $_POST['FromTransNo'], $_POST['ToTransNo'], $trans_ref); if ($sql == "") { return; } $cols = array(_("#") => array('insert' => true, 'fun' => 'view_link'), _("Reference") => array('fun' => 'ref_view'), _("Date") => array('type' => 'date', 'fun' => 'date_view'), _("GL") => array('insert' => true, 'fun' => 'gl_view'), _("Select") => array('insert' => true, 'fun' => 'select_link')); $table =& new_db_pager('transactions', $sql, $cols); $table->width = "40%"; display_db_pager($table); start_table(TABLESTYLE2); if ($selected_id != -1) { hidden('trans_no', $selected_id); hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); } else { hidden('trans_no', ''); $_POST['memo_'] = ''; } label_row(_("Transaction #:"), $selected_id == -1 ? '' : $selected_id); date_row(_("Voiding Date:"), 'date_'); textarea_row(_("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 30, 4); end_table(1); if (!isset($_POST['ProcessVoiding'])) { submit_center('ProcessVoiding', _("Void Transaction"), true, '', 'default'); } else { if (!exist_transaction($_POST['filterType'], $_POST['trans_no'])) { display_error(_("The entered transaction does not exist or cannot be voided.")); unset($_POST['trans_no']); unset($_POST['memo_']); unset($_POST['date_']); submit_center('ProcessVoiding', _("Void Transaction"), true, '', 'default'); } else { display_warning(_("Are you sure you want to void this transaction ? This action cannot be undone."), 0, 1); br(); submit_center_first('ConfirmVoiding', _("Proceed"), '', true); submit_center_last('CancelVoiding', _("Cancel"), '', 'cancel'); } } end_form(); }
while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM gl_trans WHERE tran_date >= '" . date2sql($_POST['FromDate']) . "' AND \n\t\ttran_date <= '" . date2sql($_POST['ToDate']) . "' AND dimension_id = " . $myrow['id']; $res = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated"); $row = db_fetch_row($res); if ($k == 1) { $row_text = "class='oddrow'"; $k = 0; } else { $row_text = "class='evenrow'"; $k++; } // check if it's an overdue work order if (date_diff(Today(), sql2date($myrow["due_date"]), "d") > 0) { $row_text = "class='overduebg'"; } start_row($row_text); $mpage = $path_to_root . "/dimensions/dimension_entry.php?" . SID . "trans_no=" . $myrow["id"]; label_cell(get_dimensions_trans_view_str(systypes::dimension(), $myrow["id"])); label_cell(get_dimensions_trans_view_str(systypes::dimension(), $myrow["id"], $myrow["reference"])); label_cell($myrow["name"]); label_cell($myrow["type_"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["date_"])); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["due_date"])); if (!$outstanding_only) { label_cell($myrow["closed"] ? tr("Yes") : tr("No")); } amount_cell($row[0]); if ($myrow["closed"] == 0) { label_cell("<a href='{$mpage}'>" . tr("Edit") . "</a>"); } end_row();
function show_results() { global $path_to_root, $table_style; if (!isset($_POST["account"]) || $_POST["account"] == "") { return; } $act_name = get_gl_account_name($_POST["account"]); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); /*Now get the transactions */ if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $result = get_gl_transactions($_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST['TransToDate'], -1, $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2']); $colspan = $dim == 2 ? "6" : ($dim == 1 ? "5" : "4"); //echo "\nDimension =". $_POST['Dimension']; display_heading($_POST["account"] . " " . $act_name); start_table($table_style); if ($dim == 2) { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Dimension") . " 1", tr("Dimension") . " 2", tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } else { if ($dim == 1) { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Dimension"), tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } else { $th = array(tr("Type"), tr("#"), tr("Date"), tr("Person/Item"), tr("Debit"), tr("Credit"), tr("Balance"), tr("Memo")); } } table_header($th); if (is_account_balancesheet($_POST["account"])) { $begin = ""; } else { $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); if ($_POST['TransFromDate'] < $begin) { $begin = $_POST['TransFromDate']; } $begin = add_days($begin, -1); } $bfw = get_gl_balance_from_to($begin, $_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2']); start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . tr("Opening Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransFromDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($bfw); label_cell(""); end_row(); //$running_total =0; $running_total = $bfw; $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $running_total += $myrow["amount"]; $trandate = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]); label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"])); label_cell(get_gl_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["type_no"], $myrow["type_no"], true)); label_cell($trandate); if ($dim >= 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id'], true)); } if ($dim > 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id'], true)); } label_cell(payment_person_types::person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); display_debit_or_credit_cells($myrow["amount"]); amount_cell($running_total); label_cell($myrow['memo_']); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } } //end of while loop start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . tr("Ending Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransToDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($running_total); label_cell(""); end_row(); end_table(2); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { display_note(tr("No general ledger transactions have been created for this account on the selected dates."), 0, 1); } }
function render($id, $title) { global $path_to_root, $systypes_array; include_once $path_to_root . "/includes/"; $start_date = add_days(Today(), -$this->days_past); $end_date = add_days(Today(), $this->days_future); $result = get_bank_trans_for_bank_account($this->bank_act, $start_date, $end_date); start_table(TABLESTYLE, 'width=98%'); $th = array(_("#"), _("Date"), _("Receipt"), _("Payment"), _("Balance"), _("Person/Item"), _("Memo"), ""); table_header($th); $bfw = get_balance_before_for_bank_account($this->bank_act, $start_date); $credit = $debit = 0; start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_("Opening Balance") . " - " . $start_date, "colspan=4"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($bfw); label_cell(""); label_cell("", "colspan=2"); end_row(); $running_total = $bfw; if ($bfw > 0) { $debit += $bfw; } else { $credit += $bfw; } $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $running_total += $myrow["amount"]; label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); $trandate = sql2date($myrow["trans_date"]); label_cell($trandate); display_debit_or_credit_cells($myrow["amount"]); amount_cell($running_total); label_cell(payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); label_cell(get_comments_string($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); label_cell(get_gl_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); end_row(); if ($myrow["amount"] > 0) { $debit += $myrow["amount"]; } else { $credit += $myrow["amount"]; } if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } $j++; } //end of while loop start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_("Ending Balance") . " - " . $end_date, "colspan=4"); amount_cell($debit + $credit); label_cell(""); label_cell("", "colspan=2"); end_row(); end_table(2); }
function display_companies() { global $def_coy, $db_connections; $coyno = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company; echo "\n\t\t<script language='javascript'>\n\t\tfunction deleteCompany(id, name) {\n\t\t\tif (!confirm('" . _("Are you sure you want to delete company no. ") . "'+id+' '+name+'?'))\n\t\t\t\treturn\n\t\t\tdocument.location.replace('create_coy.php?c=df&id='+id)\n\t\t}\n\t\t</script>"; start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Company"), _("Database Host"), _("Database User"), _("Database Name"), _("Table Pref"), _("Default"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $conn = $db_connections; $n = count($conn); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i == $def_coy) { $what = _("Yes"); } else { $what = _("No"); } if ($i == $coyno) { start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } label_cell($conn[$i]['name']); label_cell($conn[$i]['host']); label_cell($conn[$i]['dbuser']); label_cell($conn[$i]['dbname']); label_cell($conn[$i]['tbpref']); label_cell($what); $edit = _("Edit"); $delete = _("Delete"); if (user_graphic_links()) { $edit = set_icon(ICON_EDIT, $edit); $delete = set_icon(ICON_DELETE, $delete); } label_cell("<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?selected_id={$i}'>{$edit}</a>"); $name = "\"" . $conn[$i]['name'] . "\""; label_cell($i == $coyno ? '' : "<a href='javascript:deleteCompany({$i}, {$name})'>{$delete}</a>"); end_row(); } end_table(); display_note(_("The marked company is the current company which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); display_note(_("If no Admin Password is entered, the new Admin Password will be '<b>password</b>' by default "), 1, 0, "class='currentfg'"); }
function show_results() { global $path_to_root, $systypes_array; if (!isset($_POST["account"])) { $_POST["account"] = null; } $act_name = $_POST["account"] ? get_gl_account_name($_POST["account"]) : ""; $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); /*Now get the transactions */ if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $result = get_gl_transactions($_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST['TransToDate'], -1, $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2'], null, input_num('amount_min'), input_num('amount_max')); $colspan = $dim == 2 ? "6" : ($dim == 1 ? "5" : "4"); if ($_POST["account"] != null) { display_heading($_POST["account"] . " " . $act_name); } // Only show balances if an account is specified AND we're not filtering by amounts $show_balances = $_POST["account"] != null && input_num("amount_min") == 0 && input_num("amount_max") == 0; start_table(TABLESTYLE); $first_cols = array(_("Type"), _("#"), _("Date")); if ($_POST["account"] == null) { $account_col = array(_("Account")); } else { $account_col = array(); } if ($dim == 2) { $dim_cols = array(_("Dimension") . " 1", _("Dimension") . " 2"); } else { if ($dim == 1) { $dim_cols = array(_("Dimension")); } else { $dim_cols = array(); } } if ($show_balances) { $remaining_cols = array(_("Person/Item"), _("Debit"), _("Credit"), _("Balance"), _("Memo")); } else { $remaining_cols = array(_("Person/Item"), _("Debit"), _("Credit"), _("Memo")); } $th = array_merge($first_cols, $account_col, $dim_cols, $remaining_cols); table_header($th); if ($_POST["account"] != null && is_account_balancesheet($_POST["account"])) { $begin = ""; } else { $begin = get_fiscalyear_begin_for_date($_POST['TransFromDate']); if (date1_greater_date2($begin, $_POST['TransFromDate'])) { $begin = $_POST['TransFromDate']; } $begin = add_days($begin, -1); } $bfw = 0; if ($show_balances) { $bfw = get_gl_balance_from_to($begin, $_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST["account"], $_POST['Dimension'], $_POST['Dimension2']); start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . _("Opening Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransFromDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($bfw, true); label_cell(""); label_cell(""); end_row(); } $running_total = $bfw; $j = 1; $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); $running_total += $myrow["amount"]; $trandate = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]); label_cell($systypes_array[$myrow["type"]]); label_cell(get_gl_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["type_no"], $myrow["type_no"], true)); label_cell($trandate); if ($_POST["account"] == null) { label_cell($myrow["account"] . ' ' . get_gl_account_name($myrow["account"])); } if ($dim >= 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension_id'], true)); } if ($dim > 1) { label_cell(get_dimension_string($myrow['dimension2_id'], true)); } label_cell(payment_person_name($myrow["person_type_id"], $myrow["person_id"])); display_debit_or_credit_cells($myrow["amount"]); if ($show_balances) { amount_cell($running_total); } if ($myrow['memo_'] == "") { $myrow['memo_'] = get_comments_string($myrow['type'], $myrow['type_no']); } label_cell($myrow['memo_']); end_row(); $j++; if ($j == 12) { $j = 1; table_header($th); } } //end of while loop if ($show_balances) { start_row("class='inquirybg'"); label_cell("<b>" . _("Ending Balance") . " - " . $_POST['TransToDate'] . "</b>", "colspan={$colspan}"); display_debit_or_credit_cells($running_total, true); label_cell(""); label_cell(""); end_row(); } end_table(2); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { display_note(_("No general ledger transactions have been created for the specified criteria."), 0, 1); } }
function pager(&$pager) { global $use_popup_windows, $use_date_picker, $path_to_root; $pager->select_records(); div_start("_{$pager->name}_span"); $headers = array(); foreach ($pager->columns as $num_col => $col) { // record status control column is displayed only when control checkbox is on if (isset($col['head']) && ($col['type'] != 'inactive' || get_post('show_inactive'))) { if (!isset($col['ord'])) { $headers[] = $col['head']; } else { $icon = $col['ord'] == 'desc' ? 'sort_desc.gif' : ($col['ord'] == 'asc' ? 'sort_asc.gif' : 'sort_none.gif'); $headers[] = navi_button($pager->name . '_sort_' . $num_col, $col['head'], true, $icon); } } } /* show a table of records returned by the sql */ start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width={$pager->width}"); table_header($headers); if ($pager->header_fun) { // if set header handler start_row("class='{$pager->header_class}'"); $fun = $pager->header_fun; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $h = $pager->{$fun}($pager); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $h = $fun($pager); } foreach ($h as $c) { // draw header columns $pars = isset($c[1]) ? $c[1] : ''; label_cell($c[0], $pars); } end_row(); } $cc = 0; // row colour counter foreach ($pager->data as $line_no => $row) { $marker = $pager->marker; if ($marker && $marker($row)) { start_row("class='{$pager->marker_class}'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($cc); } foreach ($pager->columns as $k => $col) { $coltype = $col['type']; $cell = isset($col['name']) ? $row[$col['name']] : ''; if (isset($col['fun'])) { // use data input function if defined $fun = $col['fun']; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $cell = $pager->{$fun}($row, $cell); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $cell = $fun($row, $cell); } else { $cell = ''; } } switch ($coltype) { // format column case 'time': label_cell($cell, "width=40"); break; case 'date': label_cell(sql2date($cell), "align='center' nowrap"); break; case 'dstamp': // time stamp displayed as date label_cell(sql2date(substr($cell, 0, 10)), "align='center' nowrap"); break; case 'tstamp': // time stamp - FIX user format label_cell(sql2date(substr($cell, 0, 10)) . ' ' . substr($cell, 10), "align='center'"); break; case 'percent': percent_cell($cell); break; case 'amount': if ($cell == '') { label_cell(''); } else { amount_cell($cell, false); } break; case 'qty': if ($cell == '') { label_cell(''); } else { qty_cell($cell, false, isset($col['dec']) ? $col['dec'] : null); } break; case 'email': email_cell($cell, isset($col['align']) ? "align='" . $col['align'] . "'" : null); break; case 'rate': label_cell(number_format2($cell, user_exrate_dec()), "align=center"); break; case 'inactive': if (get_post('show_inactive')) { $pager->inactive_control_cell($row); } break; default: // case 'text': if (isset($col['align'])) { label_cell($cell, "align='" . $col['align'] . "'"); } else { label_cell($cell); } case 'skip': // column not displayed } } end_row(); } // end of while loop if ($pager->footer_fun) { // if set footer handler start_row("class='{$pager->footer_class}'"); $fun = $pager->footer_fun; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $h = $pager->{$fun}($pager); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $h = $fun($pager); } foreach ($h as $c) { // draw footer columns $pars = isset($c[1]) ? $c[1] : ''; label_cell($c[0], $pars); } end_row(); } start_row("class='navibar'"); $colspan = count($pager->columns); $inact = @$pager->inactive_ctrl == true ? ' ' . checkbox(null, 'show_inactive', null, true) . _("Show also Inactive") : ''; end_row(); end_table(); $but_pref = $pager->name . '_page_'; // if (@$pager->inactive_ctrl) // submit('Update', _('Update'), true, '', null); // inactive update $context = array('first' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'first', _('«'), $pager->first_page), 'previous' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'prev', _('‹'), $pager->prev_page), 'next' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'next', _('›'), $pager->next_page), 'last' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'last', _('»'), $pager->last_page)); $from = ($pager->curr_page - 1) * $pager->page_len + 1; $to = $from + $pager->page_len - 1; if ($to > $pager->rec_count) { $to = $pager->rec_count; } $all = $pager->rec_count; // echo sprintf(_('Records %d-%d of %d'), $from, $to, $all); // echo $inact; // echo "</td>"; echo ThemeBootstrap::get()->renderBlock('controls.twig.html', 'pager', $context); /* if ($pager->rec_count) { echo "<td colspan=$colspan class='navibar' style='border:none;padding:3px;'>"; echo "<div style='float:right;'>"; $but_pref = $pager->name . '_page_'; start_table(); start_row(); if (@$pager->inactive_ctrl) submit('Update', _('Update'), true, '', null); // inactive update echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'first', _('First'), $pager->first_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'prev', _('Prev'), $pager->prev_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'next', _('Next'), $pager->next_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'last', _('Last'), $pager->last_page, 'right'); end_row(); end_table(); echo "</div>"; $from = ($pager->curr_page - 1) * $pager->page_len + 1; $to = $from + $pager->page_len - 1; if ($to > $pager->rec_count) $to = $pager->rec_count; $all = $pager->rec_count; echo sprintf(_('Records %d-%d of %d'), $from, $to, $all); echo $inact; echo "</td>"; } else { label_cell(_('No records') . $inact, "colspan=$colspan class='navibar'"); } */ if (isset($pager->marker_txt)) { display_note($pager->marker_txt, 0, 1, "class='{$pager->notice_class}'"); } div_end(); return true; }
function display_credit_items() { start_form(); hidden('cart_id'); start_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width=80%", 5); echo "<tr><td>"; // outer table start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=100%"); start_row(); label_cells(_("Customer"), $_SESSION['Items']->customer_name, "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(_("Branch"), get_branch_name($_SESSION['Items']->Branch), "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(_("Currency"), $_SESSION['Items']->customer_currency, "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); // if (!isset($_POST['ref'])) // $_POST['ref'] = $Refs->get_next(11); if ($_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0) { ref_cells(_("Reference"), 'ref', '', null, "class='tableheader2'"); } else { label_cells(_("Reference"), $_SESSION['Items']->reference, "class='tableheader2'"); } label_cells(_("Crediting Invoice"), get_customer_trans_view_str(ST_SALESINVOICE, array_keys($_SESSION['Items']->src_docs)), "class='tableheader2'"); if (!isset($_POST['ShipperID'])) { $_POST['ShipperID'] = $_SESSION['Items']->ship_via; } label_cell(_("Shipping Company"), "class='tableheader2'"); shippers_list_cells(null, 'ShipperID', $_POST['ShipperID']); // if (!isset($_POST['sales_type_id'])) // $_POST['sales_type_id'] = $_SESSION['Items']->sales_type; // label_cell(_("Sales Type"), "class='tableheader2'"); // sales_types_list_cells(null, 'sales_type_id', $_POST['sales_type_id']); end_row(); end_table(); echo "</td><td>"; // outer table start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=100%"); if ($_SESSION['Items']->custom_num != '') { text_row(_("Credit Memo No."), 'custom_num', $_SESSION['Items']->custom_num, null, "class='tableheader2'"); } else { text_row(_("Credit Memo No."), 'custom_num', '', null, "class='tableheader2'"); } //moodlearning label_row(_("Invoice Date"), $_SESSION['Items']->src_date, "class='tableheader2'"); date_row(_("Credit Note Date"), 'CreditDate', '', $_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0, 0, 0, 0, "class='tableheader2'"); end_table(); echo "</td></tr>"; end_table(1); // outer table div_start('credit_items'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=80%"); $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Invoiced Quantity"), _("Units"), _("Credited"), _("Credit Quantity"), _("Price"), _("Discount %"), _("Total")); //Karen edited Credited table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter foreach ($_SESSION['Items']->line_items as $line_no => $ln_itm) { if ($ln_itm->quantity == $ln_itm->qty_done) { continue; // this line was fully credited/removed } alt_table_row_color($k); // view_stock_status_cell($ln_itm->stock_id); alternative view label_cell($ln_itm->stock_id); text_cells(null, 'Line' . $line_no . 'Desc', $ln_itm->item_description, 30, 50); $dec = get_qty_dec($ln_itm->stock_id); qty_cell($ln_itm->quantity, false, $dec); label_cell($ln_itm->units); label_cell($ln_itm->qty_done); //Karen edited amount_cells(null, 'Line' . $line_no, number_format2($ln_itm->qty_dispatched, $dec), null, null, $dec); $line_total = $ln_itm->qty_dispatched * $ln_itm->price * (1 - $ln_itm->discount_percent); amount_cell($ln_itm->price); percent_cell($ln_itm->discount_percent * 100); amount_cell($line_total); end_row(); } if (!check_num('ChargeFreightCost')) { $_POST['ChargeFreightCost'] = price_format($_SESSION['Items']->freight_cost); } $colspan = 8; //Karen edited 7 start_row(); label_cell(_("Credit Shipping Cost"), "colspan={$colspan} align=right"); small_amount_cells(null, "ChargeFreightCost", price_format(get_post('ChargeFreightCost', 0))); end_row(); /*moodlearning*/ start_row(); label_cell(_("Bulk Discount"), "colspan={$colspan} align=right"); small_amount_cells(null, "bulk_dis", $_SESSION['Items']->bulk_discount); end_row(); /* */ $inv_items_total = $_SESSION['Items']->get_items_total_dispatch(); $discount = input_num('bulk_dis') / 100; $display_sub_total = price_format($inv_items_total + input_num($_POST['ChargeFreightCost'])); label_row(_("Sub-total"), $display_sub_total, "colspan={$colspan} align=right", "align=right"); $taxes = $_SESSION['Items']->get_taxes(input_num($_POST['ChargeFreightCost'])); $tax_total = display_edit_tax_items($taxes, $colspan, $_SESSION['Items']->tax_included); /*moodlearning*/ $total = $inv_items_total + input_num('ChargeFreightCost') + $tax_total; $tot = price_format($total - $total * $discount); /* */ $display_total = price_format($inv_items_total + input_num('ChargeFreightCost') + $tax_total); label_row(_("Credit Note Total"), $tot, "colspan={$colspan} align=right", "align=right"); //moodlearning edit $tot end_table(); div_end(); }
function display_gl_info() { global $path_to_root; $pg = new graph(); $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); $today = Today(); $begin1 = date2sql($begin); $today1 = date2sql($today); $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS total, c.class_name, c.ctype FROM\n\t\t\t" . TB_PREF . "gl_trans," . TB_PREF . "chart_master AS a, " . TB_PREF . "chart_types AS t, \n\t\t\t" . TB_PREF . "chart_class AS c WHERE\n\t\t\taccount = a.account_code AND a.account_type = AND t.class_id = c.cid\n\t\t\tAND IF(c.ctype > 3, tran_date >= '{$begin1}', tran_date >= '0000-00-00') \n\t\t\tAND tran_date <= '{$today1}' GROUP BY c.cid ORDER BY c.cid"; $result = db_query($sql, "Transactions could not be calculated"); $title = _("Class Balances"); br(2); display_heading($title); br(); start_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width=30%"); $i = 0; $total = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow['ctype'] > 3) { $total += $myrow['total']; $myrow['total'] = -$myrow['total']; $pg->x[$i] = $myrow['class_name']; $pg->y[$i] = abs($myrow['total']); $i++; } label_row($myrow['class_name'], number_format2($myrow['total'], user_price_dec()), "class='label' style='font-weight:bold;'", "style='font-weight:bold;' align=right"); } $calculated = _("Calculated Return"); label_row(" ", ""); label_row($calculated, number_format2(-$total, user_price_dec()), "class='label' style='font-weight:bold;'", "style='font-weight:bold;' align=right"); $pg->x[$i] = $calculated; $pg->y[$i] = -$total; end_table(2); $pg->title = $title; $pg->axis_x = _("Class"); $pg->axis_y = _("Amount"); $pg->graphic_1 = $today; $pg->type = 5; $pg->skin = 1; $pg->built_in = false; $filename = company_path() . "/pdf_files/" . uniqid("") . ".png"; $pg->display($filename, true); start_table(TABLESTYLE); start_row(); echo "<td>"; echo "<img src='{$filename}' border='0' alt='{$title}'>"; echo "</td>"; end_row(); end_table(1); }
function display_profit_and_loss() { global $path_to_root, $sel; if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $dimension = $_POST['Dimension']; $dimension2 = $_POST['Dimension2']; $from = $_POST['TransFromDate']; $to = $_POST['TransToDate']; $compare = $_POST['Compare']; if (isset($_POST["AccGrp"]) && strlen($_POST['AccGrp']) > 0) { $drilldown = 1; } else { $drilldown = 0; } // Root level $dec = 0; $pdec = user_percent_dec(); if ($compare == 0 || $compare == 2) { $end = $to; if ($compare == 2) { $begin = $from; } else { $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); } } elseif ($compare == 1) { $begin = add_months($from, -12); $end = add_months($to, -12); } div_start('pl_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=50%"); $tableheader = "<tr>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . _("Group/Account Name") . "</td>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . _("Period") . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . $sel[$compare] . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . _("Achieved %") . "</td>\n </tr>"; if (!$drilldown) { $parent = -1; $classper = 0.0; $classacc = 0.0; $salesper = 0.0; $salesacc = 0.0; //Get classes for PL $classresult = get_account_classes(false, 0); while ($class = db_fetch($classresult)) { $class_per_total = 0; $class_acc_total = 0; $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($class["class_name"], 4); echo $tableheader; //Get Account groups/types under this group/type $typeresult = get_account_types(false, $class['cid'], -1); while ($accounttype = db_fetch($typeresult)) { $TypeTotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert, $dec, $pdec, $rep, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); $class_per_total += $TypeTotal[0]; $class_acc_total += $TypeTotal[1]; if ($TypeTotal[0] != 0 || $TypeTotal[1] != 0) { $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/profit_loss.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Compare=" . $compare . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&AccGrp=" . $accounttype['id'] . "'>" . $accounttype['id'] . " " . $accounttype['name'] . "</a>"; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($url); amount_cell($TypeTotal[0] * $convert); amount_cell($TypeTotal[1] * $convert); amount_cell(Achieve($TypeTotal[0], $TypeTotal[1])); end_row(); } } //Print Class Summary start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . $class["class_name"]); amount_cell($class_per_total * $convert); amount_cell($class_acc_total * $convert); amount_cell(Achieve($class_per_total, $class_acc_total)); end_row(); $salesper += $class_per_total; $salesacc += $class_acc_total; } start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Calculated Return')); amount_cell($salesper * -1); amount_cell($salesacc * -1); amount_cell(achieve($salesper, $salesacc)); end_row(); } else { //Level Pointer : Global variable defined in order to control display of root global $levelptr; $levelptr = 0; $accounttype = get_account_type($_POST["AccGrp"]); $classid = $accounttype["class_id"]; $class = get_account_class($classid); $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($_POST["AccGrp"] . " " . get_account_type_name($_POST["AccGrp"]), 4); echo $tableheader; $classtotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert, $dec, $pdec, $rep, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); } end_table(1); // outer table div_end(); }
function display_allocatable_transactions() { global $table_style, $path_to_root; start_form(); /* show all outstanding receipts and credits to be allocated */ /*Clear any previous allocation records */ if (isset($_SESSION['alloc'])) { unset($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs); unset($_SESSION['alloc']); } if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $_POST['supplier_id'] = get_global_supplier(); } echo "<center>" . tr("Select a Supplier: ") . " "; supplier_list('supplier_id', $_POST['supplier_id'], true, true); echo "<br>"; check(tr("Show Settled Items:"), 'ShowSettled', null, true); echo "</center><br><br>"; set_global_supplier($_POST['supplier_id']); if (isset($_POST['supplier_id']) && $_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all()) { unset($_POST['supplier_id']); } $settled = false; if (check_value('ShowSettled')) { $settled = true; } $supplier_id = null; if (isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $supplier_id = $_POST['supplier_id']; } $trans_items = get_allocatable_from_supp_transactions($supplier_id, $settled); start_table($table_style); if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Date"), tr("Supplier"), tr("Currency"), tr("Total"), tr("Left To Allocate")); } else { $th = array(tr("Transaction Type"), tr("#"), tr("Reference"), tr("Date"), tr("Total"), tr("Left To Allocate")); } table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter $has_settled_items = false; while ($myrow = db_fetch($trans_items)) { if ($myrow["settled"] == 1) { start_row("class='settledbg'"); $has_settled_items = true; } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"])); label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"])); label_cell($myrow["reference"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["tran_date"])); if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id'])) { label_cell($myrow["supp_name"]); label_cell($myrow["curr_code"]); } amount_cell(-$myrow["Total"]); amount_cell(-$myrow["Total"] - $myrow["alloc"]); label_cell("<a href='{$path_to_root}/purchasing/allocations/supplier_allocate.php?trans_no=" . $myrow["trans_no"] . "&trans_type=" . $myrow["type"] . "'>" . tr("Allocate") . "</a>"); end_row(); } end_table(); if ($has_settled_items) { display_note(tr("Marked items are settled."), 0, 1, "class='settledfg'"); } if (db_num_rows($trans_items) == 0) { display_note(tr("There are no allocations to be done."), 1, 2); } end_form(); }
end_table(); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=70%"); $th = array(_("Description"), _("Template No"), _("Customer"), _("Branch") . "/" . _("Group"), _("Days"), _("Monthly"), _("Begin"), _("End"), _("Last Created"), ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $today = add_days($_POST['date'], 1); $due = false; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $begin = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); $end = sql2date($myrow["end"]); $last_sent = calculate_from($myrow); $due_date = add_months($last_sent, $myrow['monthly']); $due_date = add_days($due_date, $myrow['days']); $overdue = date1_greater_date2($today, $due_date) && date1_greater_date2($today, $begin) && date1_greater_date2($end, $today); if ($overdue) { start_row("class='overduebg'"); $due = true; } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } label_cell($myrow["description"]); label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str(30, $myrow["order_no"])); if ($myrow["debtor_no"] == 0) { label_cell(""); label_cell(get_sales_group_name($myrow["group_no"])); } else { label_cell(get_customer_name($myrow["debtor_no"])); label_cell(get_branch_name($myrow['group_no'])); } label_cell($myrow["days"]); label_cell($myrow['monthly']);
function display_fiscalyears() { $company_year = get_company_pref('f_year'); $result = get_all_fiscalyears(); start_form(); display_note(_("Warning: Deleting a fiscal year all transactions \n\t\tare removed and converted into relevant balances. This process is irreversible!"), 0, 1, "class='currentfg'"); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Fiscal Year Begin"), _("Fiscal Year End"), _("Closed"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $row_cnt = 0; $can_close = true; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $row_cnt++; if ($myrow['id'] == $company_year) { start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } $from = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); $to = sql2date($myrow["end"]); $closed_text = yesno_value($myrow["closed"]); label_cell($from); label_cell($to); label_cell($closed_text); // can only close year if there are no earlier open years; can reopen year that is closed if ($can_close || $myrow["closed"] != 0) { edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow['id'], _("Closed?")); } else { label_cell(''); } // can only delete first year if it is closed and not current year if ($myrow["id"] != $company_year && $row_cnt == 1 && $myrow["closed"] != 0) { delete_button_cell("Delete" . $myrow['id'], _("Delete")); submit_js_confirm("Delete" . $myrow['id'], sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete fiscal year %s - %s? All transactions are deleted and converted into relevant balances. Do you want to continue ?"), $from, $to)); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); if ($myrow["closed"] == 0) { $can_close = false; } } end_table(); end_form(); display_note(_("The marked fiscal year is the current fiscal year which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); }
function customer_settings($selected_id) { global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $auto_create_branch; if (!$selected_id) { if (list_updated('customer_id') || !isset($_POST['CustName'])) { $_POST['CustName'] = $_POST['cust_ref'] = $_POST['address'] = $_POST['tax_id'] = ''; $_POST['dimension_id'] = 0; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = 0; $_POST['sales_type'] = -1; $_POST['curr_code'] = get_company_currency(); $_POST['credit_status'] = -1; $_POST['payment_terms'] = $_POST['notes'] = ''; $_POST['discount'] = $_POST['pymt_discount'] = percent_format(0); $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format($SysPrefs->default_credit_limit()); } } else { $myrow = get_customer($selected_id); $_POST['CustName'] = $myrow["name"]; $_POST['cust_ref'] = $myrow["debtor_ref"]; $_POST['address'] = $myrow["address"]; $_POST['tax_id'] = $myrow["tax_id"]; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow["dimension_id"]; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow["dimension2_id"]; $_POST['sales_type'] = $myrow["sales_type"]; $_POST['curr_code'] = $myrow["curr_code"]; $_POST['credit_status'] = $myrow["credit_status"]; $_POST['payment_terms'] = $myrow["payment_terms"]; $_POST['discount'] = percent_format($myrow["discount"] * 100); $_POST['pymt_discount'] = percent_format($myrow["pymt_discount"] * 100); $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format($myrow["credit_limit"]); $_POST['notes'] = $myrow["notes"]; $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"]; } start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); table_section_title(_("Name and Address")); text_row(_("Customer Name:"), 'CustName', $_POST['CustName'], 40, 80); text_row(_("Customer Short Name:"), 'cust_ref', null, 30, 30); textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'address', $_POST['address'], 35, 5); text_row(_("GSTNo:"), 'tax_id', null, 40, 40); if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id)) { currencies_list_row(_("Customer's Currency:"), 'curr_code', $_POST['curr_code']); } else { label_row(_("Customer's Currency:"), $_POST['curr_code']); hidden('curr_code', $_POST['curr_code']); } sales_types_list_row(_("Sales Type/Price List:"), 'sales_type', $_POST['sales_type']); if ($selected_id) { record_status_list_row(_("Customer status:"), 'inactive'); } elseif (isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) { table_section_title(_("Branch")); text_row(_("Phone:"), 'phone', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Secondary Phone Number:"), 'phone2', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Fax Number:"), 'fax', null, 32, 30); email_row(_("E-mail:"), 'email', null, 35, 55); sales_persons_list_row(_("Sales Person:"), 'salesman', null); } table_section(2); table_section_title(_("Sales")); percent_row(_("Discount Percent:"), 'discount', $_POST['discount']); percent_row(_("Prompt Payment Discount Percent:"), 'pymt_discount', $_POST['pymt_discount']); amount_row(_("Credit Limit:"), 'credit_limit', $_POST['credit_limit']); payment_terms_list_row(_("Payment Terms:"), 'payment_terms', $_POST['payment_terms']); credit_status_list_row(_("Credit Status:"), 'credit_status', $_POST['credit_status']); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim >= 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 1:", 'dimension_id', $_POST['dimension_id'], true, " ", false, 1); } if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 2:", 'dimension2_id', $_POST['dimension2_id'], true, " ", false, 2); } if ($dim < 1) { hidden('dimension_id', 0); } if ($dim < 2) { hidden('dimension2_id', 0); } if ($selected_id) { start_row(); echo '<td class="label">' . _('Customer branches') . ':</td>'; hyperlink_params_td($path_to_root . "/sales/manage/customer_branches.php", '<b>' . (@$_REQUEST['popup'] ? _("Select or &Add") : _("&Add or Edit ")) . '</b>', "debtor_no=" . $selected_id . (@$_REQUEST['popup'] ? '&popup=1' : '')); end_row(); } textarea_row(_("General Notes:"), 'notes', null, 35, 5); if (!$selected_id && isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) { table_section_title(_("Branch")); locations_list_row(_("Default Inventory Location:"), 'location'); shippers_list_row(_("Default Shipping Company:"), 'ship_via'); sales_areas_list_row(_("Sales Area:"), 'area', null); tax_groups_list_row(_("Tax Group:"), 'tax_group_id', null); } end_outer_table(1); div_start('controls'); if (!$selected_id) { submit_center('submit', _("Add New Customer"), true, '', 'default'); } else { submit_center_first('submit', _("Update Customer"), _('Update customer data'), @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default'); submit_return('select', $selected_id, _("Select this customer and return to document entry.")); submit_center_last('delete', _("Delete Customer"), _('Delete customer data if have been never used'), true); } div_end(); }
function display_company_edit($selected_id) { global $def_coy, $db_connections, $tb_pref_counter, $table_style2; if ($selected_id != -1) { $n = $selected_id; } else { $n = count($db_connections); } start_form(true, true); echo "\n\t\t<script language='javascript'>\n\t\tfunction updateCompany() {\n\t\t\tif (document.forms[0].uploadfile.value!='' && document.forms[0].dbname.value!='') {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.forms[0].action='create_coy.php?c=u&ul=1&id=" . $n . "&fn=' + document.forms[0].uploadfile.value\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.forms[0].action='create_coy.php?c=u&id=" . $n . "&fn=' + document.forms[0].uploadfile.value\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdocument.forms[0].submit()\n\t\t}\n\t\t</script>"; start_table($table_style2); if ($selected_id != -1) { $conn = $db_connections[$selected_id]; $_POST['name'] = $conn['name']; $_POST['host'] = $conn['host']; $_POST['dbuser'] = $conn['dbuser']; $_POST['dbpassword'] = $conn['dbpassword']; $_POST['dbname'] = $conn['dbname']; if ($selected_id == $def_coy) { $_POST['def'] = true; } else { $_POST['def'] = false; } $_POST['dbcreate'] = false; hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); hidden('dbpassword', $_POST['dbpassword']); } else { text_row_ex(tr("Company"), 'name', 30); } text_row_ex(tr("Host"), 'host', 30); text_row_ex(tr("Database User"), 'dbuser', 30); if ($selected_id == -1) { text_row_ex(tr("Database Password"), 'dbpassword', 30); } text_row_ex(tr("Database Name"), 'dbname', 30); yesno_list_row(tr("Default"), 'def', null, "", "", false); start_row(); label_cell(tr("Database Script")); label_cell("<input name='uploadfile' type='file'>"); end_row(); text_row_ex(tr("New script Admin Password"), 'admpassword', 20); end_table(); display_note(tr("Choose from Database scripts in SQL folder. No Datase is created without a script."), 0, 1); echo "<center><input onclick='javascript:updateCompany()' type='button' style='width:150' value='" . tr("Save") . "'>"; end_form(); }
label_cells(_("To Bank Account"), $to_trans['bank_account_name'], "class='tableheader2'"); if ($show_currencies) { label_cells(_("Currency"), $to_trans['bank_curr_code'], "class='tableheader2'"); } label_cells(_("Amount"), number_format2($to_trans['amount'], user_price_dec()), "class='tableheader2'", "align=right"); label_cells(_("Date"), sql2date($to_trans['trans_date']), "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(_("From"), payment_person_name($to_trans['person_type_id'], $to_trans['person_id']), "class='tableheader2'", "colspan={$colspan1}"); if ($show_currencies) { label_cells(_("Settle currency"), $to_trans['settle_curr'], "class='tableheader2'"); label_cells(_("Settled amount"), number_format2($to_trans['settled_amount'], user_price_dec()), "class='tableheader2'"); } label_cells(_("Deposit Type"), $bank_transfer_types[$to_trans['account_type']], "class='tableheader2'"); end_row(); start_row(); label_cells(_("Reference"), $to_trans['ref'], "class='tableheader2'", "colspan={$colspan2}"); end_row(); comments_display_row(ST_BANKDEPOSIT, $trans_no); end_table(1); is_voided_display(ST_BANKDEPOSIT, $trans_no, _("This deposit has been voided.")); $items = get_gl_trans(ST_BANKDEPOSIT, $trans_no); if (db_num_rows($items) == 0) { display_note(_("There are no items for this deposit.")); } else { display_heading2(_("Items for this Deposit")); if ($show_currencies) { display_heading2(_("Item Amounts are Shown in:") . " " . $company_currency); } start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=80%"); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');
function display_currencies() { $company_currency = get_company_currency(); $result = get_currencies(check_value('show_inactive')); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Abbreviation"), _("Symbol"), _("Currency Name"), _("Hundredths name"), _("Country"), _("Auto update"), "", ""); inactive_control_column($th); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow[1] == $company_currency) { start_row("class='currencybg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } label_cell($myrow["curr_abrev"]); label_cell($myrow["curr_symbol"]); label_cell($myrow["currency"]); label_cell($myrow["hundreds_name"]); label_cell($myrow["country"]); label_cell($myrow[1] == $company_currency ? '-' : ($myrow["auto_update"] ? _('Yes') : _('No')), "align='center'"); inactive_control_cell($myrow["curr_abrev"], $myrow["inactive"], 'currencies', 'curr_abrev'); edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow["curr_abrev"], _("Edit")); if ($myrow["curr_abrev"] != $company_currency) { delete_button_cell("Delete" . $myrow["curr_abrev"], _("Delete")); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP inactive_control_row($th); end_table(); display_note(_("The marked currency is the home currency which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); }