function __construct($w = 200, $h = 80) { /* create session to set word for verification */ startCMSSession(); $this->set_veriword(); $this->dir_font = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $this->dir_font; $this->im_width = $w; $this->im_height = $h; }
} // include the database configuration file include_once ""; // initiate the content manager class include_once ""; $modx = new DocumentParser(); $modx->loadExtension("ManagerAPI"); $modx->getSettings(); $etomite =& $modx; // for backward compatibility $modx->tstart = $tstart; $modx->mstart = $mstart; // connect to the database $modx->db->connect(); // start session startCMSSession(); // get the settings from the database include_once ""; // get the user settings from the database include_once ""; // include_once the language file if (!isset($manager_language) || !file_exists(MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/lang/" . $manager_language . ".inc.php")) { $manager_language = "english"; // if not set, get the english language file. } $_lang = array(); include_once "lang/"; $length_eng_lang = count($_lang); if ($manager_language != "english" && file_exists(MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "includes/lang/" . $manager_language . ".inc.php")) { include_once "lang/" . $manager_language . ".inc.php"; }
function startSession() { startCMSSession(); }
function modxWebLogout() { global $modx; $dbase = $modx->dbConfig['dbase']; $table_prefix = $modx->dbConfig['table_prefix']; $internalKey = $_SESSION['webInternalKey']; $username = $_SESSION['webShortname']; // invoke OnBeforeWebLogout event $modx->invokeEvent("OnBeforeWebLogout", array("userid" => $internalKey, "username" => $username)); // if we were launched from the manager // do NOT destroy session if (isset($_SESSION['mgrValidated'])) { unset($_SESSION['webShortname']); unset($_SESSION['webFullname']); unset($_SESSION['webEmail']); unset($_SESSION['webValidated']); unset($_SESSION['webInternalKey']); unset($_SESSION['webValid']); unset($_SESSION['webUser']); unset($_SESSION['webFailedlogins']); unset($_SESSION['webLastlogin']); unset($_SESSION['webnrlogins']); unset($_SESSION['webUsrConfigSet']); unset($_SESSION['webUserGroupNames']); unset($_SESSION['webDocgroups']); } else { // Unset all of the session variables. $_SESSION = array(); // destroy session cookie if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000, '/'); } session_destroy(); $sessionID = md5(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')); session_id($sessionID); startCMSSession(); session_destroy(); } // invoke OnWebLogout event $modx->invokeEvent("OnWebLogout", array("userid" => $internalKey, "username" => $username)); return; }