예제 #1
 * @brief display links of category
 * @global type $is_editor
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $urlview
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $urlServer
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $langLinkDelconfirm
 * @global type $langDelete
 * @global type $langUp
 * @global type $langDown
 * @global type $langModify
 * @global type $is_in_tinymce
 * @param type $catid
function showlinksofcategory($catid)
    global $is_editor, $course_id, $urlview, $tool_content, $urlServer, $course_code, $langLinkDelconfirm, $langDelete, $langUp, $langDown, $langModify, $is_in_tinymce;
    $tool_content .= "<tr>";
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM `link`\n                                   WHERE course_id = ?d AND category = ?d\n                                   ORDER BY `order`", $course_id, $catid);
    $numberoflinks = count($result);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($result as $myrow) {
        $title = empty($myrow->title) ? $myrow->url : $myrow->title;
        $num_merge_cols = 1;
        $aclass = $is_in_tinymce ? " class='fileURL' " : '';
        $tool_content .= "<td colspan='{$num_merge_cols}'><a href='" . $urlServer . "modules/link/go.php?course={$course_code}&amp;id={$myrow->id}&amp;url=" . urlencode($myrow->url) . "' {$aclass} target='_blank'>" . q($title) . "</a>";
        if (!empty($myrow->description)) {
            $tool_content .= "<br />" . standard_text_escape($myrow->description);
        $tool_content .= "</td>";
        $tool_content .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>";
        if ($is_editor && !$is_in_tinymce) {
            $editlink = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=editlink&amp;id={$myrow->id}&amp;urlview={$urlview}";
            if (isset($category)) {
                $editlink .= "&amp;category={$category}";
            $tool_content .= action_button(array(array('title' => $langDelete, 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=deletelink&amp;id={$myrow->id}&amp;urlview={$urlview}", 'confirm' => $langLinkDelconfirm), array('title' => $langModify, 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'url' => $editlink), array('title' => $langUp, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up', 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;urlview={$urlview}&amp;up={$myrow->id}", 'show' => $i != 1), array('title' => $langDown, 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down', 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;urlview={$urlview}&amp;down={$myrow->id}", 'show' => $i < $numberoflinks)));
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "&nbsp;";
        $tool_content .= "</td>";
        $tool_content .= "</tr>";
예제 #2
function add_question($node) {

	$objQuestion = new Question();

	*Exercice type 1 refers to single response multiple choice question. 
	*Exercice type 2 refers to multiple response multiple choice question. 
	*QTILite allows only single response multiple choice questions.

	if($node->num_of_correct_answers > 1 ) {
	} else {


	$questionId = $objQuestion->selectId();

	$objAnswer = new Answer($questionId);
	$tmp_answer = array();

	if($node->answers) {
		foreach ($node->answers as $answer) {
			$objAnswer->createAnswer($answer['answer'], $answer['correct'], $answer['feedback'], $answer['weight'], 1);
예제 #3
function list_videos()
    global $id, $tool_content, $themeimg, $course_id, $langTitle, $langDescr, $langDate, $langChoice, $langCatVideoDirectory, $langAddModulesButton, $langNoVideo, $course_code;
    $count = 0;
    $video_found = FALSE;
    $cnt1 = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM video WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->cnt;
    $cnt2 = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM videolink WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->cnt;
    $count = $cnt1 + $cnt2;
    if ($count > 0) {
        $video_found = TRUE;
        $tool_content .= "<form action='insert.php?course={$course_code}' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$id}' />";
        $tool_content .= "<table class='table-default'>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr>" . "<th width='200' class='text-left'>&nbsp;{$langTitle}</th>" . "<th class='text-left'>{$langDescr}</th>" . "<th width='100'>{$langDate}</th>" . "<th width='80'>{$langChoice}</th>" . "</tr>";
        foreach (array('video', 'videolink') as $table) {
            $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE (category IS NULL OR category = 0) AND course_id = ?d", $course_id);
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                $row->course_id = $course_id;
                if ($table == 'video') {
                    $vObj = MediaResourceFactory::initFromVideo($row);
                    $videolink = MultimediaHelper::chooseMediaAhref($vObj);
                } else {
                    $vObj = MediaResourceFactory::initFromVideoLink($row);
                    $videolink = MultimediaHelper::chooseMedialinkAhref($vObj);
                $tool_content .= "<td>&nbsp;" . icon('fa-film') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $videolink . "</td>" . "<td>" . q($row->description) . "</td>" . "<td class='text-center'>" . nice_format($row->date, true, true) . "</td>" . "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' name='video[]' value='{$table}:{$row->id}' /></td>" . "</tr>";
        $sql = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM video_category WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY name", $course_id);
        if ($sql) {
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td colspan='3' class='bold'>&nbsp;{$langCatVideoDirectory}</td></tr>";
            foreach ($sql as $videocat) {
                $tool_content .= "<tr>";
                $tool_content .= "<td>" . icon('fa-folder-o') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . q($videocat->name) . "</td>";
                $tool_content .= "<td colspan='2'>" . standard_text_escape($videocat->description) . "</td>";
                $tool_content .= "<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='videocatlink[]' value='{$videocat->id}' /></td>";
                $tool_content .= "</tr>";
                foreach (array('video', 'videolink') as $table) {
                    $sql2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE category = ?d", $videocat->id);
                    foreach ($sql2 as $linkvideocat) {
                        $tool_content .= "<tr>";
                        $tool_content .= "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src='{$themeimg}/links_on.png' />&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . q($linkvideocat->url) . "' target='_blank'>" . q($linkvideocat->title == '' ? $linkvideocat->url : $linkvideocat->title) . "</a></td>";
                        $tool_content .= "<td>" . standard_text_escape($linkvideocat->description) . "</td>";
                        $tool_content .= "<td class='text-center'>" . nice_format($linkvideocat->date, true, true) . "</td>";
                        $tool_content .= "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' name='video[]' value='{$table}:{$linkvideocat->id}' /></td>";
                        $tool_content .= "</tr>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr><th colspan='4'><div align='right'><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit_video' value='" . q($langAddModulesButton) . "' />&nbsp;&nbsp;</div></th></tr></table></form>";
    if (!$video_found) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoVideo}</div>";
예제 #4
function table_row($title, $content, $html = false)
    global $tool_content;
    if ($html) {
        $content = standard_text_escape($content);
    } else {
        $content = htmlspecialchars($content);
    if (strlen(trim($content))) {
        $tool_content .= "<tr><th class='left'>{$title}:</th><td>{$content}</td></tr>";
예제 #5
function table_row($title, $content, $html = false) {
    global $tool_content;

    if ($html) {
        $content = standard_text_escape($content);
    } else {
        $content = htmlspecialchars($content);
    if (strlen(trim($content))) {
        $tool_content .= "
                        <div class='row margin-bottom-fat'>
                            <div class='col-sm-3'>
                            <div class='col-sm-9'>$content
예제 #6
 * display available links (if any)
 * @global type $id
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $tool_content
 * @global type $langNoCategory
 * @global type $langCategorisedLinks
 * @global type $langComments
 * @global type $langAddModulesButton
 * @global type $langChoice
 * @global type $langNoLinksExist
 * @global type $langLinks
 * @global type $course_code
function list_links()
    global $id, $course_id, $course_code, $tool_content, $langNoCategory, $langCategorisedLinks, $langComments, $langAddModulesButton, $langChoice, $langNoLinksExist, $langLinks, $course_code;
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    if (count($result) == 0) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoLinksExist}</div>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "<form action='insert.php?course={$course_code}' method='post'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$id}' />" . "<table class='table-default'>" . "<tr>" . "<th class='text-left'>&nbsp;{$langLinks}</th>" . "<th class='text-left'>{$langComments}</th>" . "<th width='80'>{$langChoice}</th>" . "</tr>";
        $sql = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM link_category WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
        if (count($sql) > 0) {
            $tool_content .= "<tr>" . "<td colspan='3' class='bold'>&nbsp;{$langCategorisedLinks}</td>" . "</tr>";
            foreach ($sql as $catrow) {
                $tool_content .= "<tr>";
                $tool_content .= "<td>" . icon('fa-folder-o') . "&nbsp;" . q($catrow->name) . "</td>";
                $tool_content .= "<td>" . standard_text_escape($catrow->description) . "</td>";
                $tool_content .= "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' name='catlink[]' value='{$catrow->id}' /></td>";
                $tool_content .= "</tr>";
                $sql2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND category = ?d", $course_id, $catrow->id);
                foreach ($sql2 as $linkcatrow) {
                    $tool_content .= "<tr>";
                    $tool_content .= "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . icon('fa-link') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . q($linkcatrow->url) . "' target='_blank'>" . q($linkcatrow->title == '' ? $linkcatrow->url : $linkcatrow->title) . "</a></td>";
                    $tool_content .= "<td>" . standard_text_escape($linkcatrow->description) . "</td>";
                    $tool_content .= "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' name='link[]' value='{$linkcatrow->id}' /></td>";
                    $tool_content .= "</tr>";
        $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND category = 0", $course_id);
        $linkinfo = array();
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $linkinfo[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'url' => $row->url, 'title' => $row->title == '' ? $row->url : $row->title, 'comment' => $row->description, 'category' => $row->category);
        if (count($linkinfo) > 0) {
            $tool_content .= "<tr>" . "<td colspan='3' class='bold'>{$langNoCategory}</td>" . "</tr>";
            foreach ($linkinfo as $entry) {
                $tool_content .= "<tr>" . "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . icon('fa-link') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='" . q($entry['url']) . "' target=_blank>" . q($entry['title']) . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . standard_text_escape($entry['comment']) . "</td>" . "<td class='text-center'><input type='checkbox' name='link[]' value='{$entry['id']}' /></td>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr>" . "<th colspan='3'><div align='right'>" . "<input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit_link' value='{$langAddModulesButton}' /></div></th>" . "</tr></table></form>";
예제 #7
     * @brief display event list
     * @global type $course_code
     * @global type $is_editor
     * @global type $langEvents
     * @global type $langCalendar
     * @global type $langDateNow
     * @global type $dateFormatLong
     * @global type $langHour
     * @global type $langHours
     * @global type $langDuration
     * @global type $langAgendaNoTitle
     * @global type $langDelete
     * @global type $langConfirmDeleteEvent
     * @global type $langConfirmDeleteRecursive
     * @global type $langConfirmDeleteRecursiveEvents
     * @global type $langModify
     * @global type $langVisible
     * @param type $events
     * @param type $sens
     * @return string
    function event_list($events, $sens, $type = '') {
        global $course_code, $is_editor, $langDateNow, $dateFormatLong,
                $langHour, $langHours, $langDuration, $langAgendaNoTitle, $langDelete,
                $langConfirmDeleteEvent, $langConfirmDeleteRecursive, $langConfirmDeleteRecursiveEvents,
                $langEditChange, $langViewHide, $langViewShow, $id, $is_admin;

        $dateNow = date("j-n-Y / H:i", time());
        $barMonth = '';
        $nowBarShowed = false;
        $eventlist = "<div class='table-responsive'><table class='table-default'>";
        foreach ($events as $myrow) {
            $content = standard_text_escape($myrow->content);
            $d = strtotime($myrow->start);
            if (!$nowBarShowed) {
                // Following order
                if ((($d > time()) and ($sens == " ASC")) or ( ($d < time()) and ( $sens == " DESC "))) {
                    if ($barMonth != date("m", time())) {
                        $barMonth = date("m", time());
                        $eventlist .= "<tr>";
                        // current month
                        $eventlist .= "<td colspan='2' class='monthLabel list-header'><b>" . ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date("%B %Y", time())) . "</b></td>";
                        $eventlist .= "</tr>";
                    $nowBarShowed = TRUE;
                    $eventlist .= "<tr>";
                    $eventlist .= "<td colspan='2' class='today'>$langDateNow $dateNow</td>";
                    $eventlist .= "</tr>";
            if ($barMonth != date("m", $d)) {
                $barMonth = date("m", $d);
                // month LABEL
                $eventlist .= "<tr>";
                $eventlist .= "<td colspan='2' class='monthLabel list-header'>";
                $eventlist .= "<div align='center'><b>" . ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date("%B %Y", $d)) . "</b></div></td>";
                $eventlist .= "</tr>";

            $classvis = '';
            if ($is_editor) {
                if ($myrow->visible == 0) {
                    $classvis = 'class = "not_visible"';
            $eventlist .= "<tr $classvis>";
            if ($is_editor or $type == 'personal' or ($is_admin and $type == 'admin')) {
                $eventlist .= "<td style='padding:15px;'>";
            } else {
                $eventlist .= "<td style='padding:15px;' colspan='2'>";
            if (($myrow->duration != '0:00') and ($myrow->duration != '')) {
                if ($myrow->duration == 1) {
                    $message = $langHour;
                } else {
                    $message = $langHours;
                $msg = "($langDuration: " . q($myrow->duration) . " $message)";
            } else {
                $msg = '';
            if ($myrow->title == '') {
                $eventlist .= "<a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id'>$langAgendaNoTitle</a>";
            } else {
                $eventlist .= "<strong><a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id'>".q($myrow->title)."</a></strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;$msg";

            $eventlist .= "<div><span class='day'>" . ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, $d)) . "</span> ($langHour: " . ucfirst(date('H:i', $d)) . ")</div>";
            if (isset($id)) {
                $eventlist .= "<br>";
                $eventlist .= "<div class='text-muted'>$content</div>";
            $eventlist .= "</td>";
            if ($type == 'admin' and $is_admin == true) {
               $eventlist .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>";
               $eventlist .= action_button(array(
                        array('title' => $langEditChange,
                             'url' => "?admin=1&amp;modify=$myrow->id",
                             'icon' => 'fa-edit'),
                        array('title' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursive,
                                   'url' => "?delete=$myrow->id&et=admin&amp;rep=yes",
                                   'icon' => 'fa-times-circle-o',
                                   'class' => 'delete',
                                   'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursiveEvents,
                                   'show' => !(is_null($myrow->recursion_period) || is_null($myrow->recursion_end))),
                        array('title' => $langDelete,
                              'url' => "?delete=$myrow->id&et=admin",
                              'icon' => 'fa-times',
                              'class' => 'delete',
                              'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteEvent)
              $eventlist .= "</td>";
            } else {
               if ($is_editor) {
                    $eventlist .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>";
                    $eventlist .= action_button(array(
                        array('title' => $langEditChange,
                             'url' => "?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id&amp;edit=true",
                             'icon' => 'fa-edit'),
                        array('title' => $myrow->visible ?   $langViewHide : $langViewShow,
                             'url' => "?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id" . ($myrow->visible? "&amp;mkInvisibl=true" : "&amp;mkVisibl=true"),
                             'icon' => $myrow->visible ? 'fa-eye-slash' : 'fa-eye'),
                       array('title' => $langDelete,
                             'url' => "?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id&amp;delete=yes",
                             'icon' => 'fa-times',
                             'class' => 'delete',
                             'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteEvent),
                       array('title' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursive,
                             'url' => "?course=$course_code&amp;id=$myrow->id&amp;delete=yes&amp;rep=yes",
                             'icon' => 'fa-times-circle-o',
                             'class' => 'delete',
                             'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursiveEvents,
                             'show' => !(is_null($myrow->recursion_period) || is_null($myrow->recursion_end)))
                    $eventlist .= "</td>";
                } elseif ($type == 'personal') { // personal or admin event
                    $eventlist .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>";
                    $eventlist .= action_button(array(
                            array('title' => $langEditChange,
                                  'url' => "?modify=$myrow->id",
                                  'icon' => 'fa-edit'),
                            array('title' => $langDelete,
                                  'url' => "?delete=$myrow->id&et=$type",
                                  'icon' => 'fa-times',
                                  'class' => 'delete',
                                  'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteEvent),
                            array('title' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursive,
                                  'url' => "?delete=$myrow->id&et=$type&amp;rep=yes",
                                  'icon' => 'fa-times-circle-o',
                                  'class' => 'delete',
                                  'confirm' => $langConfirmDeleteRecursiveEvents,
                                  'show' => !(is_null($myrow->recursion_period) || is_null($myrow->recursion_end))),
                   $eventlist .= "</td>";
           $eventlist .= "</tr>";
       $eventlist .= "</table></div>";
       return $eventlist;
예제 #8
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nikosv/openeclass
                                                        AND lang=?s
                                                        AND (`begin` <= NOW() or `begin` IS null)
                                                        AND (NOW() <= `end` or `end` IS null)
                                                ORDER BY `order` DESC", $language);

    $ann_content = '';
    if ($announceArr && sizeof($announceArr) > 0) {
        $ann_content .= "<ul class='front-announcements'>";
        $numOfAnnouncements = sizeof($announceArr);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfAnnouncements; $i++) {
            $aid = $announceArr[$i]->id;
            $ann_content .= "
                    <div><a class='announcement-title' href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid=$aid'>" . q($announceArr[$i]->title) . "</a></div>
                    <span class='announcement-date'>- " . claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($announceArr[$i]->date)) . " -</span>
            " . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html("<div class='announcement-main'>".$announceArr[$i]->body."</div>", 500, "<div class='announcements-more'><a href='modules/announcements/main_ann.php?aid=$aid'>$langMore &hellip;</a></div>"))."</li>";

    $tool_content .= "<div class='row'>
        <div class='col-md-8'>";
        $tool_content .= "<div class='panel'>
            <div class='panel-body'>

        // display admin announcements
        if(!empty($ann_content)) {
            $tool_content .= "<h3 class='content-title'>$langAnnouncements <a href='${urlServer}rss.php' style='padding-left:5px;'>
                    <i class='fa fa-rss-square'></i>
예제 #9
        <link href="../../../template/<?php echo $theme ?>/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <title><?php echo $langCourseProgram ?></title>
    <body style="margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; height: 100%!important; height: auto; background-color: #ffffff;">
        <div id="content" style="width:800px; margin: 0 auto;">

            $q = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title, comments FROM course_description WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY `order`", $course_id);

            if ($q && count($q) > 0) {
                foreach ($q as $row) {
                    echo "
			<table class='table-default'>
			<td><strong>" . q($row->title) . "</strong></td>\n

                    if ($is_editor) {
                        echo "\n<td colspan='6'>" . standard_text_escape($row->comments) . "</td>";
                    } else {
                        echo "\n<td>" . standard_text_escape($row->comments) . "</td>";
                    echo "</tr></table><br />\n";
            } else {
                echo "   <div class='alert alert-warning'>$langThisCourseDescriptionIsEmpty</div>";

예제 #10
 $tool_content .= "<div class='table-responsive'><table class='table-default'>
                     <th colspan='2'><div align='center'>" . icon('fa-gears') . "</th>";
 foreach ($result as $myrow) {
     if ($myrow->visible == 1) {
         $visibility = 0;
         $classvis = '';
     } else {
         $visibility = 1;
         $classvis = 'not_visible';
     $myrow->date = claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($myrow->date));
     $tool_content .= "<tr class='$classvis'>
         <td width='200'><b>" . q($myrow->title) . "</b><br><span class='smaller'>$myrow->date</span></td>
         <td>" . standard_text_escape($myrow->body) . "</td>
         <td width='6'>" .
                 array('title' => $langEditChange,
                     'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?modify=$myrow->id",
                     'icon' => 'fa-edit'),
                 array('title' => $visibility == 0 ? $langViewHide : $langViewShow,
                     'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?id=$myrow->id&amp;vis=$visibility",
                     'icon' => $visibility == 0 ? 'fa-eye-slash' : 'fa-eye'),
                 array('title' => $langUp,
                     'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?up=$myrow->id",
                     'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up'),
                 array('title' => $langDown,
                     'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?down=$myrow->id",
                     'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down'),
                 array('title' => $langDelete,
예제 #11
                } else {
                    $tool_content .= " <span class='tag-value not_visible'> - $langProfileNotAvailable - </span>";

                $tool_content .= $providers;
                $tool_content .= "</div>
                        </div> <!-- end of col-xs-6 -->
                    </div> <!-- end of row -->
                </div> <!-- end of col-xs-12 profile-pers-info -->
            </div> <!-- end of pers_info row -->";
    if (!empty($userdata->description)) {
        $tool_content .= "<div id='profile-about-me' class='row'>
                            <div class='col-xs-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-2 profile-pers-info'>
        $tool_content .= "
    <div id='profile-departments' class='row'>
        <div class='col-xs-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-2 profile-pers-info'>            
            <div><span class='tag'>$langHierarchyNode : </span>";
            $departments = $user->getDepartmentIds($id);
                $i = 1;
                foreach ($departments as $dep) {
                    $br = ($i < count($departments)) ? '<br/>' : '';
                    $tool_content .= $tree->getFullPath($dep) . $br;
        $tool_content .= "</div>
                <span class='tag'>$langProfileMemberSince : </span><span class='tag-value'>$userdata->registered_at</span>
예제 #12
function showQuestion(&$objQuestionTmp, $exerciseResult = array())
    global $tool_content, $picturePath, $langNoAnswer, $langQuestion, $langColumnA, $langColumnB, $langMakeCorrespond, $langInfoGrades, $i, $exerciseType, $nbrQuestions, $langInfoGrade;
    $questionId = $objQuestionTmp->id;
    $questionWeight = $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting();
    $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();
    $message = $langInfoGrades;
    if (intval($questionWeight) == $questionWeight) {
        $questionWeight = intval($questionWeight);
    if ($questionWeight == 1) {
        $message = $langInfoGrade;
    $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
    $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
    $questionDescription_temp = $questionDescription;
    $questionTypeWord = $objQuestionTmp->selectTypeWord($answerType);
    $tool_content .= "\n            <div class='panel panel-success'>\n              <div class='panel-heading'>\n                <h3 class='panel-title'>{$langQuestion} : {$i} ({$questionWeight} {$message})" . ($exerciseType == 2 ? " / " . $nbrQuestions : "") . "</h3>\n              </div>\n              <div class='panel-body'>\n                    <h4>{$questionName} <br> \n                        <small>{$questionTypeWord}</small>\n                    </h4>\n                    {$questionDescription_temp}\n                    <div class='text-center'>\n                        " . (file_exists($picturePath . '/quiz-' . $questionId) ? "<img src='../../{$picturePath}/quiz-{$questionId}'>" : "") . "\n                    </div>";
    // construction of the Answer object
    $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId);
    $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
    if ($answerType == FREE_TEXT) {
        $text = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId]) ? $exerciseResult[$questionId] : '';
        $tool_content .= rich_text_editor('choice[' . $questionId . ']', 14, 90, $text);
    if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == TRUE_FALSE) {
        $tool_content .= "<input type='hidden' name='choice[{$questionId}]' value='0' />";
    // only used for the answer type "Matching"
    if ($answerType == MATCHING && $nbrAnswers > 0) {
        $cpt1 = 'A';
        $cpt2 = 1;
        $Select = array();
        $tool_content .= "\n                      <table class='table-default'>\n                      <tr>\n                        <th>{$langColumnA}</th>\n                        <th>{$langMakeCorrespond}</th>\n                        <th>{$langColumnB}</th>\n                      </tr>";
    if ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='form-inline'>";
    for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
        $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
        $answer = mathfilter($answer, 12, '../../courses/mathimg/');
        $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
        if ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
            // splits text and weightings that are joined with the character '::'
            list($answer) = explode('::', $answer);
            // replaces [blank] by an input field
            $replace_callback = function () use($questionId, $exerciseResult) {
                static $id = 0;
                $value = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId][$id]) ? 'value = ' . $exerciseResult[$questionId][$id] : '';
                return "<input type='text' name='choice[{$questionId}][{$id}]' {$value}>";
            $answer = preg_replace_callback('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', $replace_callback, standard_text_escape($answer));
        // unique answer
        if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER) {
            $checked = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId]) && $exerciseResult[$questionId] == $answerId ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $tool_content .= "\n                        <div class='radio'>\n                          <label>\n                            <input type='radio' name='choice[{$questionId}]' value='{$answerId}' {$checked}>\n                            " . standard_text_escape($answer) . "\n                          </label>\n                        </div>";
        } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER) {
            $checked = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId][$answerId]) && $exerciseResult[$questionId][$answerId] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $tool_content .= "\n                        <div class='checkbox'>\n                          <label>\n                            <input type='checkbox' name='choice[{$questionId}][{$answerId}]' value='1' {$checked}>\n                            " . standard_text_escape($answer) . "\n                          </label>\n                        </div>";
        } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
            $tool_content .= $answer;
        } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
            if (!$answerCorrect) {
                // options (A, B, C, ...) that will be put into the list-box
                $Select[$answerId]['Lettre'] = $cpt1++;
                // answers that will be shown at the right side
                $Select[$answerId]['Reponse'] = standard_text_escape($answer);
            } else {
                $tool_content .= "\n\t\t\t\t    <tr>\n\t\t\t\t      <td><b>{$cpt2}.</b> " . standard_text_escape($answer) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t      <td><div align='left'>\n\t\t\t\t       <select name='choice[{$questionId}][{$answerId}]'>\n\t\t\t\t\t <option value='0'>--</option>";
                // fills the list-box
                foreach ($Select as $key => $val) {
                    $selected = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId][$answerId]) && $exerciseResult[$questionId][$answerId] == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                    $tool_content .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"" . q($key) . "\" {$selected}>{$val['Lettre']}</option>";
                $tool_content .= "</select></div></td><td width='200'>";
                if (isset($Select[$cpt2])) {
                    $tool_content .= '<b>' . q($Select[$cpt2]['Lettre']) . '.</b> ' . $Select[$cpt2]['Reponse'];
                } else {
                    $tool_content .= '&nbsp;';
                $tool_content .= "</td></tr>";
                // if the left side of the "matching" has been completely shown
                if ($answerId == $nbrAnswers) {
                    // if it remains answers to shown at the right side
                    while (isset($Select[$cpt2])) {
                        $tool_content .= "\n                                              <tr class='even'>\n                                                <td colspan='2'>\n                                                  <table width='100%'>\n                                                  <tr>\n                                                  <td width='200'>&nbsp;</td>\n                                                  <td width='100'>&nbsp;</td>\n                                                  <td width='200' valign='top'>" . "<b>" . q($Select[$cpt2]['Lettre']) . ".</b> " . q($Select[$cpt2]['Reponse']) . "\n                                                  </td>\n                                                  </tr>\n                                                  </table>\n                                                </td>\n                                              </tr>";
                    // end while()
                // end if()
        } elseif ($answerType == TRUE_FALSE) {
            $checked = isset($exerciseResult[$questionId]) && $exerciseResult[$questionId] == $answerId ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $tool_content .= "\n                        <div class='radio'>\n                          <label>\n                            <input type='radio' name='choice[{$questionId}]' value='{$answerId}' {$checked}>\n                            " . standard_text_escape($answer) . "\n                          </label>\n                        </div>";
    // end for()
    if ($answerType == MATCHING && $nbrAnswers > 0) {
        $tool_content .= "</table>";
    if ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
    if (!$nbrAnswers && $answerType != FREE_TEXT) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langNoAnswer}</div>";
    $tool_content .= "          \n                </div>\n            </div>";
    // destruction of the Answer object
    // destruction of the Question object
    return $nbrAnswers;
예제 #13
if ($is_course_admin) {
    $link = "<a href='{$urlAppend}modules/user/?course=$course_code'>$numUsers $langRegistered</a>";
} else {
    $link = "<a href='{$urlAppend}modules/user/userslist.php?course=$course_code'>$numUsers $langRegistered</a>";
$bar_content_2 .= "<br><b>$langUsers:</b> $link";
$citation_text = "$professor.&nbsp;<i>$currentCourseName.</i>&nbsp;$langAccessed" . claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime('now')) . "&nbsp;$langFrom2 {$urlServer}courses/$course_code/";
$tool_content .= "<div class='modal fade' id='citation' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='myModalLabel' aria-hidden='true'>
                    <div class='modal-dialog'>
                        <div class='modal-content'>
                            <div class='modal-header'>
                                <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button>
                                <h4 class='modal-title' id='myModalLabel'>$langCitation</h4>
                            <div class='modal-body'>".
$bar_content_2 .= "<br><a data-modal='citation' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#citation' href='javascript:void(0);'>$langCitation</a>";

// display course license
if ($course_license) {
    $license_info_box = "<small>" . copyright_info($course_id) . "</small>";
} else {
    $license_info_box = '';

// display opencourses level in bar
$level = ($levres = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT level FROM course_review WHERE course_id =  ?d", $course_id)) ? CourseXMLElement::getLevel($levres->level) : false;
예제 #14
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nikosv/openeclass
 } else { // student view
     $tool_content .= "
             <th class='text-center'>$langStart / $langEnd</th>
             <th class='text-center'>$langExerciseConstrain</th>
             <th class='text-center'>$langExerciseAttemptsAllowed</th>
             <th class='text-center'>$langResults</th>
 // display exercise list
 $k = 0;
 foreach ($result as $row) {
     $tool_content .= "<tr ".($is_editor && !$row->active ? "class='not_visible'" : "").">";
     $row->description = standard_text_escape($row->description);
     $exclamation_icon = '';
     $lock_icon = '';
     $link_class = '';
     if (isset($row->password_lock) || isset($row->ip_lock)) {
         $lock_description = "<ul>";
         if ($row->password_lock) {
             $lock_description .= "<li>$langPasswordUnlock</li>";
             $link_class = " class='password_protected'";
         if ($row->ip_lock) {
             $lock_description .= "<li>$langIPUnlock</li>";
         $lock_description .= "</ul>";
         $exclamation_icon = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle space-after-icon' data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='right' data-html='true' data-title='$lock_description'><span>";
예제 #15
function show_assignment($id, $display_graph_results = false)
    global $tool_content, $m, $langBack, $langNoSubmissions, $langSubmissions, $langEndDeadline, $langWEndDeadline, $langNEndDeadline, $langDays, $langDaysLeft, $langGradeOk, $course_code, $webDir, $urlServer, $langGraphResults, $m, $course_code, $themeimg, $works_url, $course_id, $langDelWarnUserAssignment, $langAutoJudgeShowWorkResultRpt;
    $row = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT *, CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(deadline)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS SIGNED) AS time\n                                FROM assignment\n                                WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    $nav[] = $works_url;
    assignment_details($id, $row);
    $rev = @($_REQUEST['rev'] == 1) ? ' DESC' : '';
    if (isset($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
        if ($_REQUEST['sort'] == 'am') {
            $order = 'am';
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['sort'] == 'date') {
            $order = 'submission_date';
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['sort'] == 'grade') {
            $order = 'grade';
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['sort'] == 'filename') {
            $order = 'file_name';
        } else {
            $order = 'surname';
    } else {
        $order = 'surname';
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM assignment_submit AS assign, user\n                                 WHERE assign.assignment_id = ?d AND user.id = assign.uid\n                                 ORDER BY ?s ?s", $id, $order, $rev);
    $num_results = count($result);
    if ($num_results > 0) {
        if ($num_results == 1) {
            $num_of_submissions = $m['one_submission'];
        } else {
            $num_of_submissions = sprintf("{$m['more_submissions']}", $num_results);
        $gradeOccurances = array();
        // Named array to hold grade occurances/stats
        $gradesExists = 0;
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $theGrade = $row->grade;
            if ($theGrade) {
                $gradesExists = 1;
                if (!isset($gradeOccurances[$theGrade])) {
                    $gradeOccurances[$theGrade] = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($gradesExists) {
        if (!$display_graph_results) {
            $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT assign.id id, assign.file_name file_name,\n                                                   assign.uid uid, assign.group_id group_id,\n                                                   assign.submission_date submission_date,\n                                                   assign.grade_submission_date grade_submission_date,\n                                                   assign.grade grade, assign.comments comments,\n                                                   assign.grade_comments grade_comments,\n                                                   assignment.deadline deadline\n                                                   FROM assignment_submit AS assign, user, assignment\n                                                   WHERE assign.assignment_id = ?d AND assign.assignment_id = assignment.id AND user.id = assign.uid\n                                                   ORDER BY ?s ?s", $id, $order, $rev);
            $tool_content .= "\n                        <form action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}' method='post'>\n                        <input type='hidden' name='grades_id' value='{$id}' />\n                        <p><div class='sub_title1'>{$langSubmissions}:</div><p>\n                        <p>{$num_of_submissions}</p>\n                        <table width='100%' class='sortable'>\n                        <tr>\n                      <th width='3'>&nbsp;</th>";
            sort_link($m['username'], 'username');
            sort_link($m['am'], 'am');
            sort_link($m['filename'], 'filename');
            sort_link($m['sub_date'], 'date');
            sort_link($m['grade'], 'grade');
            $tool_content .= "</tr>";
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($result as $row) {
                //is it a group assignment?
                if (!empty($row->group_id)) {
                    $subContentGroup = "{$m['groupsubmit']} " . "<a href='../group/group_space.php?course={$course_code}&amp;group_id={$row->group_id}'>" . "{$m['ofgroup']} " . gid_to_name($row->group_id) . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $subContentGroup = '';
                $uid_2_name = display_user($row->uid);
                $stud_am = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT am FROM user WHERE id = ?d", $row->uid)->am;
                if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                    $row_color = "class='even'";
                } else {
                    $row_color = "class='odd'";
                $filelink = empty($row->file_name) ? '&nbsp;' : "<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;get={$row->id}'>" . q($row->file_name) . "</a>";
                $late_sub_text = (int) $row->deadline && $row->submission_date > $row->deadline ? '<div style="color:red;">$m[late_submission]</div>' : '';
                $tool_content .= "\n                                <tr {$row_color}>\n                                <td align='right' width='4' rowspan='2' valign='top'>{$i}.</td>\n                                <td>{$uid_2_name}</td>\n                                <td width='85'>" . q($stud_am) . "</td>\n                                <td width='180'>{$filelink}\n                                <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;id={$id}&amp;as_id={$row->id}' onClick='return confirmation(\"{$langDelWarnUserAssignment}\");'>\n                                 <img src='{$themeimg}/delete.png' title='{$m['WorkDelete']}' />\n                                </a>\n                                </td>\n                                <td width='100'>" . nice_format($row->submission_date, TRUE) . $late_sub_text . "</td>\n                                <td width='5'>\n                                <div align='center'><input type='text' value='{$row->grade}' maxlength='3' size='3' name='grades[{$row->id}]'></div>\n                                </td>\n                                </tr>\n                                <tr {$row_color}>\n                                <td colspan='5'>\n                                <div>{$subContentGroup}</div>";
                if (trim($row->comments != '')) {
                    $tool_content .= "<div style='margin-top: .5em;'><b>{$m['comments']}:</b> " . q($row->comments) . '</div>';
                //professor comments
                $gradelink = "grade_edit.php?course={$course_code}&amp;assignment={$id}&amp;submission={$row->id}";
                $reportlink = "work_result_rpt.php?course={$course_code}&amp;assignment={$id}&amp;submission={$row->id}";
                if (trim($row->grade_comments)) {
                    $label = $m['gradecomments'] . ':';
                    $icon = 'edit.png';
                    $comments = "<div class='smaller'>" . standard_text_escape($row->grade_comments) . "</div>";
                } else {
                    $label = $m['addgradecomments'];
                    $icon = 'add.png';
                    $comments = '';
                if ($row->grade_comments || $row->grade != '') {
                    $comments .= "<div class='smaller'><i>({$m['grade_comment_date']}: " . nice_format($row->grade_submission_date) . ")</i></div>";
                $tool_content .= "<div style='padding-top: .5em;'><a href='{$gradelink}'><b>{$label}</b></a>\n\t\t\t\t  <a href='{$gradelink}'><img src='{$themeimg}/{$icon}'></a>\n\t\t\t\t  {$comments}\n\t\t\t\t  <a href='{$reportlink}'><b>{$langAutoJudgeShowWorkResultRpt}</b></a>\n                                </td>\n                                </tr>";
            //END of Foreach
            $tool_content .= "</table>\n                        <p class='smaller right'><img src='{$themeimg}/email.png' alt='' >\n                                {$m['email_users']}: <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='email'></p>\n                        <p><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit_grades' value='{$langGradeOk}'></p>\n                        </form>";
        } else {
            // display pie chart with grades results
            if ($gradesExists) {
                // Used to display grades distribution chart
                $graded_submissions_count = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM assignment_submit AS assign, user\n                                                             WHERE assign.assignment_id = ?d AND user.id = assign.uid AND\n                                                             assign.grade <> ''", $id)->count;
                $chart = new Plotter();
                foreach ($gradeOccurances as $gradeValue => $gradeOccurance) {
                    $percentage = round(100.0 * $gradeOccurance / $graded_submissions_count, 2);
                    $chart->growWithPoint("{$gradeValue} ({$percentage}%)", $percentage);
                $tool_content .= $chart->plot();
    } else {
        $tool_content .= "\n                      <p class='sub_title1'>{$langSubmissions}:</p>\n                      <div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoSubmissions}</div>";
예제 #16
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nikosv/openeclass
                                         'title' => $langDelete,
                                         'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=delPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId(),
                                         'icon' => 'fa-times',
                                         'class' => 'delete',
                                         'confirm' => $langSureToDelBlogPost,
                                         'show' => $allow_to_edit
                             <h3 class='panel-title'>
                                 <a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId()."'>".q($post->getTitle())."</a>
                         <div class='panel-body'>
                             <div class='label label-success'>" . nice_format($post->getTime(), true). "</div><small>".$langBlogPostUser.display_user($post->getAuthor(), false, false)."</small><br><br>".standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($post->getContent(), $num_chars_teaser_break, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=".$post->getId()."'> <span class='smaller'>[$langMore]</span></a></strong>"))."
                         <div class='panel-footer'>
                             <div class='row'>
                                 <div class='col-sm-6'>$rating_content</div>
                                 <div class='col-sm-6 text-right'>$sharing_content</div>
 //display navigation links
 $tool_content .= $blog->navLinksHTML($page, $posts_per_page);
예제 #17
        draw($tool_content, 2);
    if (!$objExercise->selectScore() && !$is_editor) {
if (isset($_SESSION['objExercise'][$exerciseId])) {
    $objExercise = $_SESSION['objExercise'][$exerciseId];
$exerciseTitle = $objExercise->selectTitle();
$exerciseDescription = $objExercise->selectDescription();
$exerciseDescription_temp = nl2br(make_clickable($exerciseDescription));
$tool_content .= "\n<div class='table-responsive'>\n    <table class='table-default'>\n    <tr>\n    <th>" . q($exerciseTitle) . "</th>\n    </tr>";
if ($exerciseDescription_temp) {
    $tool_content .= "\n        <tr>\n            <td>" . standard_text_escape($exerciseDescription_temp) . "</td>\n        </tr>";
$tool_content .= "</table>\n</div><br>";
$status = isset($_GET['status']) ? intval($_GET['status']) : 0;
$tool_content .= "<select class='form-control' style='margin:0 0 12px 0;' id='status_filtering'>\n        <option value='results.php?course={$course_code}&exerciseId={$exerciseId}' " . ($status == 0 ? 'selected' : '') . ">--- {$langCurrentStatus} ---</option>\n        <option value='results.php?course={$course_code}&exerciseId={$exerciseId}&status=" . ATTEMPT_COMPLETED . "' " . ($status == 1 ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$langAttemptCompleted}</option>\n        <option value='results.php?course={$course_code}&exerciseId={$exerciseId}&status=" . ATTEMPT_PENDING . "' " . ($status == 2 ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$langAttemptPending}</option>\n        <option value='results.php?course={$course_code}&exerciseId={$exerciseId}&status=" . ATTEMPT_PAUSED . "' " . ($status == 3 ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$langAttemptPaused}</option>\n        <option value='results.php?course={$course_code}&exerciseId={$exerciseId}&status=" . ATTEMPT_CANCELED . "' " . ($status == 4 ? 'selected' : '') . ">{$langAttemptCanceled}</option>\n        </select>";
//This part of the code could be improved
if ($is_editor) {
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM `exercise_user_record` WHERE eid in (SELECT id FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d)", $course_id);
} else {
    $result[] = (object) array('uid' => $uid);
$extra_sql = $status != 0 ? 'AND attempt_status = ' . $status : '';
foreach ($result as $row) {
    $sid = $row->uid;
    $theStudent = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT surname, givenname, am FROM user WHERE id = ?d", $sid);
    $result2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(a.record_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d / %H:%i') AS record_start_date, a.record_end_date,\n                CASE b.time_constraint WHEN 0 THEN TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(a.record_end_date, a.record_start_date))\n                ELSE b.time_constraint*60-a.secs_remaining END AS time_duration, a.total_score, a.total_weighting, a.eurid, a.attempt_status\n                FROM `exercise_user_record` a, exercise b WHERE a.uid = ?d AND a.eid = ?d AND a.eid = b.id {$extra_sql}", $sid, $exerciseId);
예제 #18
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $sharing_content = '';
            $rating_content = '';
            if ($sharing_allowed) {
                $sharing_content = $sharing_enabled ? print_sharing_links($urlServer . "modules/blog/index.php?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), $post->getTitle()) : '';
            if ($ratings_enabled) {
                $rating = new Rating('up_down', 'blogpost', $post->getId());
                $rating_content = $rating->put($is_editor, $uid, $course_id);
            if ($comments_enabled) {
                $comm = new Commenting('blogpost', $post->getId());
                $comment_content = "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right' href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "#comments_title'>{$langComments} (" . $comm->getCommentsNum() . ")</a>";
            } else {
                $comment_content = "<div class=\"blog_post_empty_space\"></div>";
            $tool_content .= "<div class='panel panel-action-btn-default'>\r\n                                <div class='panel-heading'>\r\n                                    <div class='pull-right'>\r\n                                        " . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=editPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=delPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'confirm' => $langSureToDelBlogPost, 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)))) . "\r\n                                    </div>\r\n                                    <h3 class='panel-title'>\r\n                                        <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "'>" . q($post->getTitle()) . "</a>\r\n                                    </h3>                                    \r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class='panel-body'>\r\n                                    <div class='label label-success'>" . nice_format($post->getTime(), true) . "</div><small>" . $langBlogPostUser . display_user($post->getAuthor(), false, false) . "</small><br><br>" . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($post->getContent(), $num_chars_teaser_break, "<strong>&nbsp;...<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;action=showPost&amp;pId=" . $post->getId() . "'> <span class='smaller'>[{$langMore}]</span></a></strong>")) . "\r\n                                    {$comment_content}\r\n                                </div>\r\n                                <div class='panel-footer'>\r\n                                    <div class='row'>\r\n                                        <div class='col-sm-6'>{$rating_content}</div>\r\n                                        <div class='col-sm-6 text-right'>{$sharing_content}</div>\r\n                                    </div>                                    \r\n                                </div>\r\n                             </div>";
        //display navigation links
        $tool_content .= $blog->navLinksHTML($page, $posts_per_page);
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
        /***end of blog posts area***/
        /***sidebar area***/
        $tool_content .= "<div class='col-sm-3'>";
        $tool_content .= $blog->popularBlogPostsHTML($num_popular);
        $tool_content .= $blog->chronologicalTreeHTML(date('n', strtotime($posts[0]->getTime())), date('Y', strtotime($posts[0]->getTime())));
        $tool_content .= "</div></div>";
        /***end of sidebar area***/
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
예제 #19
파일: index.php 프로젝트: nikosv/openeclass
            if (!empty($g->url)) {
                $urllink = "<div><span class='term-url'><small><a href='" . q($g->url) .
                        "' target='_blank'>" . q($g->url) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class='fa fa-external-link' style='color:#444;'></i></a></small></span></div>";
            } else {
                $urllink = '';

            if (!empty($g->category_id)) {
                $cat_descr = "<span class='text-muted'>$langCategory: <a href='$base_url&amp;cat=" . getIndirectReference($g->category_id) . "'>" . q($categories[$g->category_id]) . "</a></span>";
            } else {
                $cat_descr = '';

            if (!empty($g->notes)) {
                $urllink .= "<br><u>$langComments:</u><div class='text-muted'>". standard_text_escape($g->notes)."</div>";

            if (!empty($g->definition)) {
                $definition_data = q($g->definition);
            } else {
                $definition_data = '-';

            $tool_content .= "<tr>
                     <td width='150'><strong><a href='$base_url&amp;id=" . getIndirectReference($g->id) . "'>" . q($g->term) . "</a></strong><br><span><small>$cat_descr</small></span></td>

            if ($is_editor) {
                $tool_content .= "<td class='option-btn-cell'>";
                $tool_content .= action_button(array(
예제 #20
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langAttendanceNoActMessage1} <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;addActivity=1'>{$langHere}</a> {$langAttendanceNoActMessage3}</div>";
} else {
    //============Student View==================
    $pageName = $langAttendance;
    $userID = $uid;
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM attendance_activities  WHERE attendance_id = ?d  ORDER BY `DATE` DESC", $attendance_id);
    $announcementNumber = count($result);
    if ($announcementNumber > 0) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>" . userAttendTotal($attendance_id, $userID) . " " . $langAttendanceAbsencesFrom . " " . q($attendance_limit) . " " . $langAttendanceAbsencesFrom2 . " </div>";
        $tool_content .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='../auth/sorttable.js'></script>\n                            <div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><div class='table-responsive'>\n                            <table class='table-default sortable' id='t2'>";
        $tool_content .= "<tr><th >{$langTitle}</th><th>{$langAttendanceActivityDate2}</th><th>{$langDescription}</th><th>{$langAttendanceAbsencesYes}</th></tr>";
        foreach ($result as $announce) {
            $content = standard_text_escape($announce->description);
            $d = strtotime($announce->date);
            $tool_content .= "<tr><td><b>";
            if (empty($announce->title)) {
                $tool_content .= $langAnnouncementNoTille;
            } else {
                $tool_content .= q($announce->title);
            $tool_content .= "</b>";
            $tool_content .= "</td>" . "<td><div class='smaller'><span class='day'>" . ucfirst(claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, $d)) . "</span> ({$langHour}: " . ucfirst(date('H:i', $d)) . ")</div></td>" . "<td>" . $content . "</td>";
            $tool_content .= "<td class='center'>";
            //check if the user has attend for this activity
            $userAttend = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT attend FROM attendance_book\n                                                        WHERE attendance_activity_id = ?d AND uid = ?d", $announce->id, $userID);
            if ($userAttend) {
                $attend = $userAttend->attend;
                if ($attend) {
예제 #21
  * display action details in dropbox
  * @param type $details
  * @return string
 private function dropbox_action_details($details)
     global $langFileName, $langSubject, $langMessage;
     $details = unserialize($details);
     $content = "{$langSubject} &laquo" . q($details['subject']) . "&raquo";
     if (!empty($details['filename'])) {
         $content .= "&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;{$langFileName} &laquo" . q($details['filename']) . "&raquo";
     if (!empty($details['body'])) {
         $content .= "&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp; {$langMessage} &laquo" . standard_text_escape($details['body']) . "&raquo";
     return $content;
예제 #22
            return true;
        // find the order
        if ($announcement->id == $thisAnnouncementId) {
            $thisAnnouncementOrder = $announcement->order;
            $thisAnnouncementOrderFound = true;
// display admin announcements
if ($displayAnnouncementList == true) {
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM admin_announcement ORDER BY `order` DESC");
    $bottomAnnouncement = $announcementNumber = count($result);
    if ($announcementNumber > 0) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='table-responsive'><table class='table-default'>\n                        <tr><th>{$langTitle}</th>\n                            <th>{$langAnnouncement}</th>\n                            <th colspan='2'><div align='center'>" . icon('fa-gears') . "</th>";
        foreach ($result as $myrow) {
            if ($myrow->visible == 1) {
                $visibility = 0;
                $classvis = '';
            } else {
                $visibility = 1;
                $classvis = 'not_visible';
            $myrow->date = claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($myrow->date));
            $tool_content .= "<tr class='{$classvis}'>\n                <td width='200'><b>" . q($myrow->title) . "</b><br><span class='smaller'>{$myrow->date}</span></td>\n                <td>" . standard_text_escape($myrow->body) . "</td>\n                <td width='6'>" . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?modify={$myrow->id}", 'icon' => 'fa-edit'), array('title' => $langDelete, 'class' => 'delete', 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?delete={$myrow->id}", 'confirm' => $langConfirmDelete, 'icon' => 'fa-times'), array('title' => $langVisibility, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?id={$myrow->id}&amp;vis={$visibility}", 'icon' => $visibility == 0 ? 'fa-eye' : 'fa-eye-slash'), array('title' => $langUp, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?up={$myrow->id}", 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up'), array('title' => $langDown, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?down={$myrow->id}", 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down'))) . "\n                </td></tr>";
        $tool_content .= "</table>";
        $tool_content .= "</div>";
draw($tool_content, 3, null, $head_content);
예제 #23
 * @brief display resource link
 * @global type $id
 * @global string $tool_content
 * @global type $mysqlMainDb
 * @global type $urlServer
 * @global type $is_editor
 * @global type $langWasDeleted
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $langInactiveModule
 * @param type $title
 * @param type $comments
 * @param type $resource_id
 * @param type $link_id
 * @param type $visibility
 * @return string
function show_link($title, $comments, $resource_id, $link_id, $visibility)
    global $urlServer, $is_editor, $langWasDeleted, $course_id, $course_code, $themeimg, $langInactiveModule;
    $module_visible = visible_module(MODULE_ID_LINKS);
    // checks module visibility
    if (!$module_visible and !$is_editor) {
        return '';
    $comment_box = $class_vis = $imagelink = $link = '';
    $class_vis = ($visibility == 0 or !$module_visible) ? ' class="not_visible"' : ' ';
    $title = q($title);
    $l = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $link_id);
    if (!$l) {
        // check if it was deleted
        if (!$is_editor) {
            return '';
        } else {
            $status = 'del';
            $imagelink = icon('fa-times');
            $exlink = "<span class='not_visible'>" . q($title) . " ({$langWasDeleted})</span>";
    } else {
        $eurl = urlencode($l->url);
        $link = "<a href='{$urlServer}modules/link/go.php?course={$course_code}&amp;id={$link_id}&amp;url={$eurl}' target='_blank'>";
        if ($title == '') {
            $title = q($l->url);
        $exlink = $link . "{$title}</a>";
        if (!$module_visible) {
            $exlink .= " <i>({$langInactiveModule})</i>";
        $imagelink = $link . "" . icon('fa-link') . "</a>";
    if (!empty($comments)) {
        $comment_box = '<br />' . standard_text_escape($comments);
    } else {
        $comment_box = '';
    return "\n        <tr{$class_vis}>\n          <td>{$imagelink}</td>\n          <td>{$exlink} {$comment_box}</td>" . actions('link', $resource_id, $visibility) . "\n        </tr>";
예제 #24
  * Clone an Exercise
 function duplicate()
     global $langCopy2, $course_id;
     $id = $this->id;
     $exercise = $this->exercise . " ({$langCopy2})";
     $description = standard_text_escape($this->description);
     $type = $this->type;
     $startDate = $this->startDate;
     $endDate = $this->endDate;
     $tempSave = $this->tempSave;
     $timeConstraint = $this->timeConstraint;
     $attemptsAllowed = $this->attemptsAllowed;
     $random = $this->random;
     $active = $this->active;
     $public = $this->public;
     $results = $this->results;
     $score = $this->score;
     $clone_id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `exercise` (course_id, title, description, type, start_date, \n                                    end_date, temp_save, time_constraint, attempts_allowed, random, active, results, score) \n                                    VALUES (?d, ?s, ?s, ?d, ?t, ?t, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d)", $course_id, $exercise, $description, $type, $startDate, $endDate, $tempSave, $timeConstraint, $attemptsAllowed, $random, $active, $results, $score)->lastInsertID;
     Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO `exercise_with_questions` (question_id, exercise_id)\n                                        SELECT question_id, ?d\n                                          FROM `exercise_with_questions`\n                                         WHERE exercise_id = ?d", $clone_id, $id);
예제 #25
$exerciseTitle = $objExercise->selectTitle();
$exerciseDescription = $objExercise->selectDescription();
$exerciseDescription_temp = nl2br(make_clickable($exerciseDescription));
$tool_content .= "
<div class='table-responsive'>
    <table class='table-default'>
    <th>" . q_math($exerciseTitle) . "</th>
if($exerciseDescription_temp) {
    $tool_content .= "
            <td>" . standard_text_escape($exerciseDescription_temp) . "</td>
$tool_content .= "</table>
$status = (isset($_GET['status'])) ? intval($_GET['status']) : 0; 
$tool_content .= "<select class='form-control' style='margin:0 0 12px 0;' id='status_filtering'>
        <option value='results.php?course=$course_code&exerciseId=$exerciseId' ".(($status == 0)? 'selected' : '').">--- $langCurrentStatus ---</option>
        <option value='results.php?course=$course_code&exerciseId=$exerciseId&status=".ATTEMPT_COMPLETED."' ".(($status == 1)? 'selected' : '').">$langAttemptCompleted</option>
        <option value='results.php?course=$course_code&exerciseId=$exerciseId&status=".ATTEMPT_PENDING."' ".(($status == 2)? 'selected' : '').">$langAttemptPending</option>
        <option value='results.php?course=$course_code&exerciseId=$exerciseId&status=".ATTEMPT_PAUSED."' ".(($status == 3)? 'selected' : '').">$langAttemptPaused</option>
        <option value='results.php?course=$course_code&exerciseId=$exerciseId&status=".ATTEMPT_CANCELED."' ".(($status == 4)? 'selected' : '').">$langAttemptCanceled</option>
//This part of the code could be improved
if ($is_editor) {
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM `exercise_user_record` WHERE eid in (SELECT id FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d)", $course_id);
예제 #26
 * This function displays the list of available exercises in this course
 * With the form to add a selected exercise in the learning path
 * @param string $dialogBox Error or confirmation text
 * @author Thanos Kyritsis <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Piraux Sebastien <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Lederer Guillaume <*****@*****.**>
function display_my_exercises($dialogBox, $style)
    global $langAddModulesButton, $langExercise, $langNoEx, $langSelection, $course_code, $course_id;
    $output = "";
    /* --------------------------------------
       -------------------------------------- */
    if (!empty($dialogBox)) {
        $output .= disp_message_box($dialogBox, $style) . '<br />' . "\n";
    $output .= '<form method="POST" name="addmodule" action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;cmdglobal=add">' . "\n";
    $output .= '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table-default">' . "\n" . '<tr class="list-header">' . "" . '<th><div align="left">' . $langExercise . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '<th width="10"><div align="center">' . $langSelection . '</div></th>' . "\n" . '</tr>';
    // Display available modules
    $atleastOne = FALSE;
    $sql = "SELECT `id`, `title`, `description`\n            FROM `exercise`\n            WHERE course_id = ?d\n            AND active = 1\n            ORDER BY `title`, `id`";
    $exercises = Database::get()->queryArray($sql, $course_id);
    if (is_array($exercises) && !empty($exercises)) {
        foreach ($exercises as $exercise) {
            $output .= '<tr>' . '<td align="left">' . '<label for="check_' . $exercise->id . '" >' . icon('fa-pencil-square-o', $langExercise) . '&nbsp;' . q($exercise->title) . '</label>' . '<br />';
            // COMMENT
            if (!empty($exercise->description)) {
                $output .= '<span class="comments">' . standard_text_escape($exercise->description) . '</span>' . '</td>';
            } else {
                $output .= '</td>';
            $output .= '<td align="center">' . '<input type="checkbox" name="check_' . $exercise->id . '" id="check_' . $exercise->id . '" value="' . $exercise->id . '" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>';
            $atleastOne = true;
        //end while another module to display
    if (!$atleastOne) {
        $output .= '<tr>' . '<td colspan="2" align="center">' . $langNoEx . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    // Display button to add selected modules
    if ($atleastOne) {
        $output .= '<tr>' . '<th colspan="2"><div class="pull-right">' . '<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="insertExercise" value="' . $langAddModulesButton . '">' . '</div></th>' . '</tr>';
    $output .= '</table></div></form>';
    return $output;
예제 #27
                 if ($studentChoice) {
                     echo standard_text_escape(nl2br(make_clickable($answerComment)));
                 } else {
                     echo ('&nbsp;');
                 echo ("</td></tr>");
             } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS || $answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS_TOLERANT) {
                 echo ("
                                     <tr class='even'>
                                       <td>" . standard_text_escape(nl2br($answer)) . "</td>
             } else {
                 echo ("
                                     <tr class='even'>
                                       <td>" . standard_text_escape($answer) . "</td>
                                       <td>${choice[$answerId]} / <font color='green'><b>${matching[$answerCorrect]}</b></font></td>
     } // end of if
 } // end for()
 if ($displayScore == 1) {
     echo ("
             <tr class='even'>
               <th colspan='$colspan' class='odd'><div align='right'>
                         $langQuestionScore: <b>$questionScore/$questionWeighting</b></div>
 echo ("</table>");
예제 #28
$pageName = $langPHPInfo;
$navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => $langAdmin);

// Display link to go back to index.php
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
    array('title' => $langBack,
        'url' => "index.php",
        'icon' => 'fa-reply',
        'level' => 'primary-label')));

// Display phpinfo
$tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>";
$tool_content .= standard_text_escape(ob_get_contents());
$tool_content .= '</div>';

$local_head_contents = '<style type="text/css">
        pre {margin: 0px; font-family: monospace;}
        table {border-collapse: collapse;}
        .center {text-align: center;}
        .center table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left;}
        .center th { text-align: center !important; }
        td, th { border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline;}
        h1 {font-size: 150%;}
        h2 {font-size: 125%;}
        .p {text-align: left;}
        .e {background-color: #ccccff; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;}
        .h {background-color: #9999cc; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;}
예제 #29
  * A function to generate event block in day calendar
  * @param object $event event to format
  * @param string $color event color
  * @return html formatted item
 public static function day_calendar_item($event, $class)
     global $urlServer, $is_admin, $langVisible, $dateFormatLong, $langDuration, $langAgendaNoTitle, $langModify, $langDelete, $langHour, $langConfirmDelete, $langReferencedObject;
     $formatted_calendar_item = "";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "<tr {$class}>";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "<td valign='top'><div class=\"legend_color\" style=\"float:left;margin:3px;height:16px;width:16px;background-color:" . Calendar_Events::$calsettings->{$event->event_group . "_color"} . "\"></div></td>";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "<td valign='top'>";
     $eventdate = strtotime($event->start);
     $formatted_calendar_item .= $langHour . ": " . ucfirst(date('H:i', $eventdate));
     if ($event->duration != '') {
         $msg = "({$langDuration}: " . q($event->duration) . ")";
     } else {
         $msg = '';
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "<br><b><div class='event'>";
     $link = str_replace('thisid', $event->id, $urlServer . Calendar_Events::$event_type_url[$event->event_type]);
     if ($event->event_type != 'personal' && $event->event_type != 'admin') {
         $link = str_replace('thiscourse', $event->course, $link);
     if ($event->title == '') {
         $formatted_calendar_item .= $langAgendaNoTitle;
     } else {
         if (!$is_admin && $event->event_type == 'admin') {
             $formatted_calendar_item .= q($event->title);
         } else {
             $formatted_calendar_item .= "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . q($event->title) . "</a>";
     if ($event->event_type == "personal") {
         $fullevent = Calendar_Events::get_event($event->id);
         if ($reflink = References::item_link($fullevent->reference_obj_module, $fullevent->reference_obj_type, $fullevent->reference_obj_id, $fullevent->reference_obj_course)) {
             $formatted_calendar_item .= "</b> {$msg} " . standard_text_escape($event->content) . "{$langReferencedObject}: " . $reflink . "</div></td>";
     } else {
         $formatted_calendar_item .= "</b> {$msg} " . standard_text_escape($event->content) . "</div></td>";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "<td class='right' width='70'>";
     if ($event->event_type == "personal" || $event->event_type == "admin" && $is_admin) {
         $formatted_calendar_item .= icon('fa-edit', $langModify, str_replace('thisid', $event->id, Calendar_Events::$event_type_url[$event->event_type])) . "&nbsp;\r\n                        " . icon('fa-times', $langDelete, "?delete={$event->id}&et={$event->event_type}", "onClick=\"return confirmation('{$langConfirmDelete}');\"") . "&nbsp;";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "</td>";
     $formatted_calendar_item .= "</tr>";
     return $formatted_calendar_item;
예제 #30
include '../../include/baseTheme.php';
require_once 'include/lib/textLib.inc.php';

$pageName = $langAnnouncements;

$isaid = isset($_GET['aid']);
$announceArr = Database::get()->queryArray($isaid ? "SELECT `date`, `title` , `body` FROM `admin_announcement` WHERE id = ?d" :
                "SELECT `date`, `title` , `body` FROM `admin_announcement`
	        WHERE `visible` = 1 AND lang = ?s ORDER BY `date` DESC", $isaid ? intval($_GET['aid']) : $language);

$numOfAnnouncements = count($announceArr);
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
                                array('title' => $langBack,
                                      'url' => $urlServer,
                                      'icon' => 'fa-reply',
                                      'level' => 'primary-label',
                                      'button-class' => 'btn-default')
if ($numOfAnnouncements > 0) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='row'><div class='col-xs-12'><div class='panel'><div class='panel-body'>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfAnnouncements; $i++) {
        $tool_content .= "<div class='single_announcement'><div class='announcement-title'>" . q($announceArr[$i]->title) . "</div>
		<span class='announcement-date'>- " . claro_format_locale_date($dateFormatLong, strtotime($announceArr[$i]->date)) . " -</span>
		<div class='announcement-main'>" . standard_text_escape($announceArr[$i]->body) . "</div>
    $tool_content .= "</div></div></div></div>";
draw($tool_content, 0);