예제 #1
function sssc_fileaway($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('type' => '', 'base' => '', 'sub' => '', 'name' => '', 'paginate' => '', 'pagesize' => '', 'search' => '', 'customdata' => '', 'sortfirst' => '', 's2skipconfirm' => '', 'mod' => '', 'size' => '', 'nolinks' => '', 'debug' => '', 'recursive' => '', 'directories' => '', 'manager' => '', 'password' => '', 'role_override' => '', 'user_override' => '', 'dirman_access' => '', 'drawericon' => '', 'drawerlabel' => '', 'playback' => false, 'playbackpath' => false, 'playbacklabel' => 'Type', 'onlyaudio' => '', 'loopaudio' => 'false', 'bulkdownload' => false, 'images' => '', 'code' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'only' => '', 'excludedirs' => false, 'onlydirs' => false, 'showto' => '', 'hidefrom' => '', 'style' => '', 'width' => '', 'perpx' => '', 'align' => '', 'textalign' => '', 'heading' => '', 'hcolor' => '', 'color' => '', 'accent' => '', 'iconcolor' => '', 'corners' => '', 'display' => '', 'icons' => '', 'thumbnails' => false, 'maxsrcbytes' => '1887436.8', 'maxsrcheight' => '2500', 'maxsrcwidth' => '3000', 'thumbstyle' => 'widerounded', 'graythumbs' => false), $atts));
    global $ssfa_abspath, $ssfa_install;
    $thefiles = null;
    $included = null;
    $excluded = null;
    $rawnames = null;
    $iconstyle = null;
    $icocol = null;
    $path = null;
    $ssh = null;
    $sh = null;
    $td = null;
    $bb = null;
    $fafl = null;
    $faui = null;
    $faun = null;
    $faur = null;
    $direxcluded = 0;
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $logged_in = is_user_logged_in();
    $showtothese = true;
    $getthumb = false;
    $type = $playback ? "table" : $type;
    $playback = !$playback ? false : ($playback === 'extended' ? 'extended' : 'compact');
    $color = $type === "table" && !$color ? "classic" : ($type === "table" && $color === "random" ? false : $color);
    $iconcolor = $type === "table" && !$iconcolor ? "classic" : ($type === "table" && $iconcolor === "random" ? false : $iconcolor);
    if ($hidefrom) {
        if (!$logged_in) {
            $showtothese = false;
        $hidelevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $hidefrom);
        foreach ($hidelevels as $hlevel) {
            if (current_user_can($hlevel)) {
                $showtothese = false;
    if ($showto) {
        $showtothese = false;
        $showlevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $showto);
        foreach ($showlevels as $slevel) {
            if (current_user_can($slevel)) {
                $showtothese = true;
    if ($showtothese == false) {
    $siteaddress = rtrim(get_bloginfo('url'), '/');
    $wpaddress = rtrim(get_bloginfo('wpurl'), '/');
    if ($siteaddress !== '' && $siteaddress !== null && $siteaddress !== $wpaddress) {
        $url = $siteaddress;
    } else {
        $url = get_site_url();
    $nietzsche = ssfa_hungary_v_denmark();
    $fa_userid = $logged_in ? get_current_user_id() : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_username = $logged_in ? strtolower($current_user->user_login) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_firstlast = $logged_in ? strtolower($current_user->user_firstname . $current_user->user_lastname) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $fa_userrole = $logged_in ? strtolower(ssfa_currentrole()) : 'fa-nulldirectory';
    $uid = rand(0, 9999);
    $randcolor = array("red", "green", "blue", "brown", "black", "orange", "silver", "purple", "pink");
    $tz = get_option('timezone_string');
    $timezone = $tz === '' ? 'UTC' : $tz;
    if (SSFA_JAVASCRIPT === 'footer') {
        $GLOBALS['ssfa_add_scripts'] = true;
    if (SSFA_STYLESHEET === 'footer') {
        $GLOBALS['ssfa_add_styles'] = true;
    $s2mem = $base === 's2member-files' && $GLOBALS['ssfa_s2member'] ? true : false;
    $base = $base === '1' ? SSFA_BASE1 : ($base === '2' ? SSFA_BASE2 : ($base === '3' ? SSFA_BASE3 : ($base === '4' ? SSFA_BASE4 : ($base === '5' ? SSFA_BASE5 : ($s2mem ? 'wp-content/plugins/s2member-files/' : SSFA_BASE1)))));
    $base = trim($base, '/');
    $base = trim($base, '/');
    if ($s2mem) {
        $sub = false;
        $directories = false;
        $recursive = false;
        $manager = false;
        $s2skip = $s2skipconfirm === 'yes' ? '&s2member_skip_confirmation' : '';
    $sub = $sub ? trim($sub, '/') : false;
    $dir = $sub ? $base . '/' . $sub : $base;
    include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'private-content.php';
    $dir = str_replace('//', '/', "{$dir}");
    $dir = SSFA_ROOT === 'siteurl' ? $dir : ($ssfa_install ? $ssfa_install . $dir : $dir);
    if ($private_content == true && !is_dir("{$dir}")) {
        return null;
    $name = $name ? $name : "ssfa-meta-container-{$uid}";
    $thefiles .= "<div id='{$name}' class='ssfa-meta-container'>";
    $manager = $playback ? false : $manager;
    if ($manager) {
        include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'manager-access.php';
    if ($manager) {
        $type = 'table';
        $directories = 1;
        $bulkdownload = false;
    $bulkclass = $bulkdownload ? 'bd-table' : ($manager ? 'mngr-table' : null);
    $start = "{$dir}";
    if ($type !== 'table') {
        $bulkdownload = false;
    if ($directories) {
        include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'directory-tree-navigation.php';
    include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'shortcode-options.php';
    if ($type === 'table') {
        if ($directories) {
            $sortfirst = 'filename';
        $typesort = null;
        $filenamesort = null;
        $customsort = null;
        $modsort = null;
        $sizesort = null;
        if ($sortfirst === 'type') {
            $typesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'type-desc') {
            $typesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'filename') {
            $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'filename-desc') {
            $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'custom') {
            $customsort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'custom-desc') {
            $customsort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'mod') {
            $modsort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'mod-desc') {
            $modsort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'size') {
            $sizesort = " data-sort-initial='true'";
        } elseif ($sortfirst === 'size-desc') {
            $sizesort = " data-sort-initial='descending'";
        } else {
            $filenamesort = " data-sort-initial='true' ";
        if ($directories) {
            $filename = $drawerlabel ? $drawerlabel : "File/Drawer";
        } else {
            $filename = "File Name";
        if ($manager) {
            $path = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-nomenclature" value="" />';
            $ss = explode('/', $start);
            $ss = end($ss);
            $ssh = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-whymenclature" data-path="' . $ss . '" value="' . $ss . '" />';
            $sh = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-yesmenclature" data-path="' . $start . '" value="' . $start . '" />';
            $td = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-bad-motivator" data-path="' . trim("{$dir}", '/') . '" value="' . trim("{$dir}", '/') . '" />';
            $bb = '<input type="hidden" id="ssfa-smooth-operator" data-path="' . $basebase . '" value="' . $basebase . '" />';
            if ($private_content) {
                $fafl = null;
                if ($fa_firstlast_used) {
                    $fafl = "<input type='hidden' id='ssfa-fafl' value=\"{$fa_firstlast}\" />";
                $faui = null;
                if ($fa_userid_used) {
                    $faui = "<input type='hidden' id='ssfa-faui' value=\"{$fa_userid}\" />";
                $faun = null;
                if ($fa_username_used) {
                    $faun = "<input type='hidden' id='ssfa-faun' value=\"{$fa_username}\" />";
                $faur = null;
                if ($fa_userrole_used) {
                    $faur = "<input type='hidden' id='ssfa-faur' value=\"{$fa_userrole}\" />";
        $typelabel = $playback ? $playbacklabel : "Type";
        $typesorter = $playback ? "data-sort-ignore='true'" : "title='Click to Sort' {$typesort}";
        $drawericon = $drawericon ? $drawericon : 'drawer';
        $data_atts = $manager ? "data-uid='" . $uid . "' data-pg='" . $GLOBALS['post']->ID . "' data-drw=\"{$drawericon}\" data-cls=\"{$style}\"" : null;
        $thefiles .= "<script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(function(){ jQuery('.footable').footable();});</script>{$searchfield2}" . "<table id='ssfa-table' data-filter='#filter-{$uid}' {$page} class='footable ssfa-sortable {$style} {$textalign} {$bulkclass}' {$data_atts}><thead><tr>" . "<th class='ssfa-sorttype {$style}-first-column' {$typesorter}>" . $typelabel . "</th>" . "<th class='ssfa-sortname' title='Click to Sort'" . $filenamesort . ">{$filename}{$path}{$ssh}{$sh}{$td}{$bb}{$fafl}{$faui}{$faun}{$faur}</th>";
        $cells = null;
        if ($mod !== 'no') {
            $cells .= '1,';
        if ($size !== 'no') {
            $cells .= '1,';
        if ($manager) {
            $cells .= '1,';
        if ($customdata) {
            $custom_sort = true;
            $customarray = explode(',', $customdata);
            foreach ($customarray as $customdatum) {
                if (preg_match('/[*]/', $customdatum)) {
                    $custom_sort = false;
            foreach ($customarray as $customdatum) {
                if ($customdatum !== '') {
                    $cells .= '1,';
                    if (preg_match('/[*]/', $customdatum)) {
                        $customdatum = str_replace('*', '', $customdatum);
                        $custom_sort = true;
                    if ($custom_sort == true) {
                        $custom_sort = $customsort;
                    $customdatum = trim($customdatum, ' ');
                    $thefiles .= "<th class='ssfa-sortcustomdata' title='Click to Sort'" . $custom_sort . ">{$customdatum}</th>";
        $cells = rtrim($cells, ',');
        $thefiles .= $mod !== 'no' ? "<th class='ssfa-sortdate' data-type='numeric' title='Click to Sort'" . $modsort . ">Date Modified</th>" : null;
        $thefiles .= $size !== 'no' ? "<th class='ssfa-sortsize' data-type='numeric' title='Click to Sort'" . $sizesort . ">Size</th>" : null;
        if ($manager) {
            $thefiles .= $size !== 'no' ? "<th style='width:90px!important;' class='ssfa-manager' data-sort-ignore='true'>Manage</th>" : null;
        $thefiles .= "</tr></thead><tfoot><tr><td colspan='100'>{$pagearea}</td></tr></tfoot><tbody>";
    if ($recursive || $directories) {
        $globaldirexes = array();
        $localdirexes = array();
        if ($excludedirs) {
            $localdirexes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $excludedirs);
        if (SSFA_DIR_EXCLUSIONS) {
            $globaldirexes = preg_split('/(, |,)/', SSFA_DIR_EXCLUSIONS);
        $direxes = array_unique(array_merge($localdirexes, $globaldirexes));
        $excludedirs = count($direxes) > 0 ? $direxes : false;
        $justthesedirs = $onlydirs ? preg_split('/(, |,)/', $onlydirs) : 0;
        $onlydirs = count($justthesedirs) > 0 ? $justthesedirs : 0;
    if ($directories) {
        $thecells = explode(',', $cells);
        $ccell = count($thecells);
        if ($manager && $dirman) {
            $thefiles .= "<tr id='row-ssfa-create-dir-{$uid}' class='ssfa-drawers'>" . "<td id='folder-ssfa-create-dir-{$uid}' data-value='0' class='ssfa-sorttype {$style}-first-column'>" . "<a id='ssfa-create-dir-{$uid}' href='javascript:'>" . "<span style='font-size:20px; margin-left:3px;' class='ssfa-icon-chart-alt' aria-hidden='true'></span>" . "<br>new" . "</a>" . "</td>" . "<td id='name-ssfa-create-dir-{$uid}' data-value='0' class='ssfa-sortname'>" . '<input id="input-ssfa-create-dir-' . $uid . '" type="text" placeholder="Name Your Sub-Directory" " value="" ' . 'style="width:90%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">' . "</td>";
            $icell = 0;
            foreach ($thecells as $cell) {
                if ($icell < $ccell) {
                    $thefiles .= "<td class='{$style}'> &nbsp; </td>";
                } else {
                    $thefiles .= "<td id='manager-ssfa-create-dir-{$uid}' class='{$style}'> &nbsp; </td>";
        $checksubdirs = array_filter(glob("{$dir}" . "/*"), 'is_dir');
        if (count($checksubdirs) > 0) {
            $f = 0;
            foreach (glob("{$dir}" . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $k => $folder) {
                if ($onlydirs) {
                    $direxcluded = 1;
                    foreach ($onlydirs as $onlydir) {
                        if (strripos("{$folder}", "{$onlydir}") !== false) {
                            $direxcluded = 0;
                if ($excludedirs) {
                    foreach ($excludedirs as $exclude) {
                        if (strripos("{$folder}", "{$exclude}") !== false) {
                            continue 2;
                if (!$direxcluded) {
                    $dlink = ssfa_replace_first("{$basebase}", '', "{$folder}");
                    $folder = str_replace("{$dir}" . '/', '', "{$folder}");
                    $prettyfolder = str_replace(array('~', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', "{$folder}");
                    $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}");
                    $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\d)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}");
                    $prettyfolder = preg_replace('/(?<=\\d)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$prettyfolder}");
                    $prettyfolder = ssfa_strtotitle($prettyfolder);
                    $dpath = ltrim("{$dlink}", '/');
                    $dlink = str_replace('/', '*', "{$dpath}");
                    $managedir = $manager && $dirman ? "<a href='' id='rename-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}'>Rename</a><br><a href='' id='delete-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}'>Delete</a></td>" : ' &nbsp; ';
                    $renamedir = $manager && $dirman ? '<input id="rename-ssfa-dir-' . $uid . '-' . $f . '" type="text" value="' . $folder . '" ' . 'style="width:90%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">' : null;
                    $thefiles .= "<tr id='ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}' class='ssfa-drawers'>" . "<td id='folder-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}' data-value='00-{$folder}' class='ssfa-sorttype {$style}-first-column'>" . "<a href=\"" . add_query_arg(array('drawer' => $dlink), get_permalink()) . "\" data-name=\"" . $folder . "\" data-path=\"" . $dpath . "\">" . "<span style='font-size:20px; margin-left:3px;' class='ssfa-icon-{$drawericon}' aria-hidden='true'></span>" . "<br>dir" . "</a>" . "</td>" . "<td id='name-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}' data-value='00-{$folder}' class='ssfa-sortname'>" . "<a href=\"" . add_query_arg(array('drawer' => $dlink), get_permalink()) . "\">" . "<span style='text-transform:uppercase;'>{$prettyfolder}</span>" . "</a>" . $renamedir . "</td>";
                    $icell = 0;
                    foreach ($thecells as $cell) {
                        if ($icell < $ccell) {
                            $thefiles .= "<td class='{$style}'> &nbsp; </td>";
                        } else {
                            $thefiles .= "<td id='manager-ssfa-dir-{$uid}-{$f}' class='{$style}'>{$managedir}</td>";
                    $thefiles .= "</tr>";
    if ($directories) {
        $recursive = 0;
    $files = $recursive ? ssfa_recursive_files($dir, $onlydirs, $excludedirs) : scandir($dir);
    $count = 0;
    $original_dir = $dir;
    if (is_array($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $link = $recursive ? "{$url}/{$file}" : "{$url}/{$dir}/{$file}";
            $slices = pathinfo($link);
            $extension = isset($slices['extension']) ? $slices['extension'] : false;
            include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'includes-excludes.php';
            if ($excluded == false) {
                $exts[] = $extension;
                $locs[] = $slices['dirname'];
                $fulls[] = $slices['basename'];
                $rawnames[] = $slices['filename'];
                $links[] = $recursive ? "{$url}/{$file}" : "{$url}/{$dir}/{$file}";
                $dirs[] = $recursive ? str_replace($slices['basename'], '', $file) : $dir;
    $fcount = count($rawnames);
    if ($fcount < 1) {
        if ($debug === 'on' && $logged_in) {
            include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'file-away-debug.php';
            return ssfa_debug($url, $original_dir);
        } elseif ($fcount < 1 && !$directories) {
    if ($playback) {
        $GLOBALS['ssfa_playback_script'] = true;
        $used = array();
        $sources = $GLOBALS['ssfa_audio'];
    $thumbnails = $thumbnails && $type === 'table' && extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info') ? $thumbnails : false;
    if ($thumbnails) {
        $graythumbs = $graythumbs ? ' ssfa-thumb-bw' : '';
        $thumbstyles = array('widerounded', 'widesharp', 'squarerounded', 'squaresharp', 'oval', 'circle');
        $thumbstyle = in_array($thumbstyle, $thumbstyles) ? $thumbstyle : 'widerounded';
        $thumbwidth = in_array($thumbstyle, array('widerounded', 'widesharp', 'oval')) ? 60 : 40;
        $thumbheight = 40;
        $thumbfix = $thumbwidth == 60 ? 'wd_' : 'sq_';
        if ($thumbnails !== 'permanent') {
            $maxsrcbytes = preg_replace('/[^\\d.]+/', '', $maxsrcbytes);
            $maxsrcwidth = preg_replace('/[^\\d.]+/', '', $maxsrcwidth);
            $maxsrcheight = preg_replace('/[^\\d.]+/', '', $maxsrcheight);
    if (is_array($rawnames)) {
        foreach ($rawnames as $k => $rawname) {
            if ($playback && in_array($rawname, $used) && in_array($exts[$k], $sources)) {
            $link = $links[$k];
            $loc = $locs[$k];
            $ext = $exts[$k];
            $oext = $ext;
            $extension = strtolower($ext);
            $full = $fulls[$k];
            $dir = $dirs[$k];
            $file = $full;
            if ($onlydirs) {
                foreach ($onlydirs as $only) {
                    $keeper = 0;
                    if (strpos("{$dir}", "{$only}") !== false) {
                        $keeper = 1;
                if (!$keeper) {
            if ($excludedirs) {
                foreach ($excludedirs as $ex) {
                    if (strpos("{$dir}", "{$ex}") !== false) {
                        continue 2;
            if (preg_match('/\\[([^\\]]+)\\]/', $rawname)) {
                $file_plus_custom = $rawname;
                list($salvaged_filename, $customvalue) = preg_split("/[\\[\\]]/", $file_plus_custom);
                $customvalue = str_replace(array('~', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', $customvalue);
                $customvalue = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$customvalue}");
                $customvalue = preg_replace('/(?<=\\d)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$customvalue}");
                $customvalue = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\d)/', ' ', "{$customvalue}");
                $thename = str_replace(array('~', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', $salvaged_filename);
            } else {
                $file_plus_custom = null;
                $customvalue = null;
                $thename = str_replace(array('~', '--', '_', '.', '*'), ' ', $rawname);
                $salvaged_filename = $rawname;
            $thename = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$thename}");
            $thename = preg_replace('/(?<=\\d)-(?=\\D)/', ' ', "{$thename}");
            $thename = preg_replace('/(?<=\\D)-(?=\\d)/', ' ', "{$thename}");
            $ext = !$ext ? '?' : $ext;
            $ext = substr($ext, 0, 4);
            $bytes = filesize($dir . '/' . $file);
            $sortdatekey = date("YmdHis", filemtime($dir . '/' . $file));
            $sortdate = SSFA_DAYMONTH === 'dm' ? date("g:i A d/m/Y", filemtime($dir . '/' . $file)) : date("g:i A m/d/Y", filemtime($dir . '/' . $file));
            $date = date("F d, Y", filemtime($dir . '/' . $file));
            $time = date("g:i A", filemtime($dir . '/' . $file));
            if (is_file($dir . '/' . $file) && $thename !== '') {
                if ($size !== 'no') {
                    $fsize = ssfa_formatBytes($bytes, 1);
                    $fsize = !preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $fsize) ? '1k' : ($fsize === 'NAN' ? '0' : $fsize);
                if ($thumbnails) {
                    $getthumb = in_array($extension, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')) ? true : false;
                if ($manager && $thumbnails && stripos($file, '_thumb_') !== false) {
                    $getthumb = false;
                if ($getthumb) {
                    $srcpath = SSFA_ROOT === 'siteurl' ? stripslashes($dir) : ($ssfa_install ? ssfa_replace_first($ssfa_install, '', stripslashes($dir)) : stripslashes($dir));
                    if ($thumbnails !== "permanent") {
                        $imgprop = getimagesize($ssfa_abspath . $srcpath . '/' . $file);
                        while ($getthumb) {
                            if (isset($imgprop[0]) && $maxsrcwidth && $imgprop[0] > $maxsrcwidth) {
                                $getthumb = false;
                            if (isset($imgprop[1]) && $maxsrcheight && $imgprop[1] > $maxsrcheight) {
                                $getthumb = false;
                            if ($maxsrcbytes && $bytes > $maxsrcbytes) {
                                $getthumb = false;
                    } elseif ($thumbnails === 'permanent') {
                        if (!is_file($ssfa_abspath . $srcpath . '/_thumb_' . $thumbfix . $file)) {
                            ssfa_createthumb($ssfa_abspath . $srcpath . '/' . $file, $ssfa_abspath . $srcpath . '/_thumb_' . $thumbfix . $file, $extension, $thumbwidth, $thumbheight);
                        $thumblink = is_file($ssfa_abspath . $srcpath . '/_thumb_' . $thumbfix . $file) ? str_replace($file, '_thumb_' . $thumbfix . $file, $link) : false;
                if ($iconcolor) {
                    $icocol = " ssfa-{$iconcolor}";
                if ($color && !$accent) {
                    $accent = $color;
                    $colors = " ssfa-{$color} accent-{$accent}";
                if ($color && $accent) {
                    $colors = " ssfa-{$color} accent-{$accent}";
                if ($color && !$iconcolor) {
                    $useIconColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                    $icocol = " ssfa-{$useIconColor}";
                if (!$color && $iconcolor) {
                    $useColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                    $colors = " ssfa-{$useColor} accent-{$useColor}";
                if (!$color && !$iconcolor) {
                    $useColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                    $colors = " ssfa-{$useColor} accent-{$useColor}";
                    $icocol = " ssfa-{$useColor}";
                $datemodified = $type !== 'table' && $mod === 'yes' ? "<div class='ssfa-datemodified'>Last modified {$date} at {$time}</div>" : null;
                $listfilesize = $type !== 'table' && $size !== 'no' ? $style === 'ssfa-minimal-list' ? "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'>({$fsize})</span>" : "<span class='ssfa-listfilesize'>{$fsize}</span>" : null;
                $audiocorrect = $playback === 'extended' ? "style='margin-right:10px;'" : ($playback ? "style='display:block; margin-bottom:5px;'" : null);
                $thename = "<span class='ssfa-filename' {$audiocorrect}>" . ssfa_strtotitle($thename) . "</span>";
                $link = $s2mem ? $url . '/?s2member_file_download=' . $file . $s2skip : $link;
                $fulllink = 'href="' . $link . '"';
                include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'file-type-icons.php';
                $linktype = $s2mem ? '' : $linktype;
                if ($playback) {
                    $skipthis = 0;
                    include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'playback.php';
                    if ($skipthis) {
                } else {
                    $player = null;
                    $players = null;
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                        $fileinput = '<input id="rawname-ssfa-file-' . $uid . '-' . $count . '" type="text" value="' . $rawname . '" ' . 'style="width:80%; height:26px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; display:none">';
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                        $fileinput = null;
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                            $thefinalname = $thename . $players . $player;
                            $players = null;
                        } elseif (!$has_sample && $has_multiple) {
                            $thefinalname = $thename;
                            $iconarea = "<br>{$nolinkstable}{$icon}</a>";
                        } elseif (!$has_sample && !$has_multiple) {
                            $iconarea = "{$nolinkstable}{$icon} {$ext}</a>";
                            $thefinalname = "{$nolinkstable}{$thename}</a>";
                            $players = null;
                    } else {
                        $iconarea = "{$nolinkstable}{$icon} {$ext}</a>";
                        $thefinalname = "{$nolinkstable}{$thename}</a>";
                        $players = null;
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                    $thefiles .= '</tr>';
    $thefiles .= $type === 'table' ? '</tbody></table>' : null;
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        include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'bulk-action-content.php';
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        include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'bulk-download-content.php';
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        return ssfa_debug($url, $original_dir);
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        return $thefiles;
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        return $thefiles;
    } elseif ($directories && ($private_content !== true || $logged_in && $private_content)) {
        return $thefiles;
function sssc_attachaway($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('postid' => '', 'heading' => '', 'type' => '', 'hcolor' => '', 'color' => '', 'accent' => '', 'iconcolor' => '', 'style' => '', 'display' => '', 'corners' => '', 'width' => '', 'perpx' => '', 'align' => '', 'textalign' => '', 'icons' => '', 'capcolumn' => '', 'descolumn' => '', 'size' => '', 'images' => '', 'code' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'only' => '', 'paginate' => '', 'search' => '', 'pagesize' => '', 'debug' => '', 'sortfirst' => '', 'showto' => '', 'hidefrom' => '', 'orderby' => 'title', 'desc' => false), $atts));
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    $showtothese = true;
    if ($hidefrom) {
        if (!$logged_in) {
            $showtothese = false;
        $hidelevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $hidefrom);
        foreach ($hidelevels as $hlevel) {
            if (current_user_can($hlevel)) {
                $showtothese = false;
    if ($showto) {
        $showtothese = false;
        $showlevels = preg_split('/(, |,)/', $showto);
        foreach ($showlevels as $slevel) {
            if (current_user_can($slevel)) {
                $showtothese = true;
    if ($showtothese == false) {
    $nietzsche = ssfa_hungary_v_denmark();
    $count = 0;
    $uid = rand(0, 9999);
    $randcolor = array("red", "green", "blue", "brown", "black", "orange", "silver", "purple", "pink");
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        $ssfa_add_styles = true;
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    if (!$postid) {
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        $attachments = get_posts(array('orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $ascdesc, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_parent' => $postid));
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        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            $meta = ssaa_get_attachment($attachment->ID);
            $caption = $meta['caption'];
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            $description = $meta['description'];
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            if (strtoupper($caption) === $caption) {
                $caption = strtolower($caption);
            if (strtolower($caption) === $caption) {
                $caption = ssaa_sentence_case($caption);
            if (strtoupper($description) === $description) {
                $description = strtolower($description);
            if (strtolower($description) === $description) {
                $description = ssaa_sentence_case($description);
            if (strtoupper($title) === $title) {
                $title = strtolower($title);
            $title = "<span class='ssfa-filename'>" . ssfa_strtotitle($title) . "</span>";
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            $ext = strtolower($ext);
            $ext = substr($ext, 0, 4) . '';
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                $accent = $color;
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            if ($color && $accent) {
                $colors = " ssfa-{$color} accent-{$accent}";
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                $useIconColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                $icocol = " ssfa-{$useIconColor}";
            if (!$color && $iconcolor) {
                $useColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                $colors = " ssfa-{$useColor} accent-{$useColor}";
            if (!$color && !$iconcolor) {
                $useColor = $randcolor[array_rand($randcolor)];
                $colors = " ssfa-{$useColor} accent-{$useColor}";
                $icocol = " ssfa-{$useColor}";
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            $file = $basename;
            include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'includes-excludes.php';
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                include SSFA_INCLUDES . 'file-type-icons.php';
                $count += 1;
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    $thefiles = $debug === 'on' && $logged_in ? $thefiles : ($debug !== 'on' && $count !== 0 ? $thefiles : null);
    return $thefiles;