예제 #1
* Check to see if the password meets the complexity settings
* @return	boolean|string	Either false if validation succeeded or a string which will be used as the error message (with the variable name appended)
function validate_password($password)
    global $config;
    if ($password === '' || $config['pass_complex'] === 'PASS_TYPE_ANY') {
        // Password empty or no password complexity required.
        return false;
    $pcre = $mbstring = false;
    // generic UTF-8 character types supported?
    if (src_pcre_utf8_support()) {
        $upp = '\\p{Lu}';
        $low = '\\p{Ll}';
        $num = '\\p{N}';
        $sym = '[^\\p{Lu}\\p{Ll}\\p{N}]';
        $pcre = true;
    } else {
        if (function_exists('mb_ereg_match')) {
            $upp = '[[:upper:]]';
            $low = '[[:lower:]]';
            $num = '[[:digit:]]';
            $sym = '[^[:upper:][:lower:][:digit:]]';
            $mbstring = true;
        } else {
            $upp = '[A-Z]';
            $low = '[a-z]';
            $num = '[0-9]';
            $sym = '[^A-Za-z0-9]';
            $pcre = true;
    $chars = array();
    switch ($config['pass_complex']) {
        // No break statements below ...
        // We require strong passwords in case pass_complex is not set or is invalid
            // Require mixed case letters, numbers and symbols
        // Require mixed case letters, numbers and symbols
        case 'PASS_TYPE_SYMBOL':
            $chars[] = $sym;
            // Require mixed case letters and numbers
        // Require mixed case letters and numbers
        case 'PASS_TYPE_ALPHA':
            $chars[] = $num;
            // Require mixed case letters
        // Require mixed case letters
        case 'PASS_TYPE_CASE':
            $chars[] = $low;
            $chars[] = $upp;
    if ($pcre) {
        foreach ($chars as $char) {
            if (!preg_match('#' . $char . '#u', $password)) {
                return 'INVALID_CHARS';
    } else {
        if ($mbstring) {
            foreach ($chars as $char) {
                if (mb_ereg($char, $password) === false) {
                    return 'INVALID_CHARS';
    return false;
예제 #2
* Generate regexp for naughty words censoring
* Depends on whether installed PHP version supports unicode properties
* @param string	$word			word template to be replaced
* @param bool	$use_unicode	whether or not to take advantage of PCRE supporting unicode
* @return string $preg_expr		regex to use with word censor
function get_censor_preg_expression($word, $use_unicode = true)
    // Unescape the asterisk to simplify further conversions
    $word = str_replace('\\*', '*', preg_quote($word, '#'));
    if ($use_unicode && src_pcre_utf8_support()) {
        // Replace asterisk(s) inside the pattern, at the start and at the end of it with regexes
        $word = preg_replace(array('#(?<=[\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_])\\*+(?=[\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_])#iu', '#^\\*+#', '#\\*+$#'), array('([\\x20]*?|[\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_-]*?)', '[\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_-]*?', '[\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_-]*?'), $word);
        // Generate the final substitution
        $preg_expr = '#(?<![\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_-])(' . $word . ')(?![\\p{Nd}\\p{L}_-])#iu';
    } else {
        // Replace the asterisk inside the pattern, at the start and at the end of it with regexes
        $word = preg_replace(array('#(?<=\\S)\\*+(?=\\S)#iu', '#^\\*+#', '#\\*+$#'), array('(\\x20*?\\S*?)', '\\S*?', '\\S*?'), $word);
        // Generate the final substitution
        $preg_expr = '#(?<!\\S)(' . $word . ')(?!\\S)#iu';
    return $preg_expr;
예제 #3
 function build_regexp(&$bbcode_match, &$bbcode_tpl)
     $bbcode_match = trim($bbcode_match);
     $bbcode_tpl = trim($bbcode_tpl);
     // Allow unicode characters for URL|LOCAL_URL|RELATIVE_URL|INTTEXT tokens
     $utf8 = preg_match('/(URL|LOCAL_URL|RELATIVE_URL|INTTEXT)/', $bbcode_match);
     $utf8_pcre_properties = src_pcre_utf8_support();
     $fp_match = preg_quote($bbcode_match, '!');
     $fp_replace = preg_replace('#^\\[(.*?)\\]#', '[$1:$uid]', $bbcode_match);
     $fp_replace = preg_replace('#\\[/(.*?)\\]$#', '[/$1:$uid]', $fp_replace);
     $sp_match = preg_quote($bbcode_match, '!');
     $sp_match = preg_replace('#^\\\\\\[(.*?)\\\\\\]#', '\\[$1:$uid\\]', $sp_match);
     $sp_match = preg_replace('#\\\\\\[/(.*?)\\\\\\]$#', '\\[/$1:$uid\\]', $sp_match);
     $sp_replace = $bbcode_tpl;
     // @todo Make sure to change this too if something changed in message parsing
     $tokens = array('URL' => array('!(?:(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('url')) . ')|(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('www_url')) . '))!ie' => "\$this->bbcode_specialchars(('\$1') ? '\$1' : 'http://\$2')"), 'LOCAL_URL' => array('!(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('relative_url')) . ')!e' => "\$this->bbcode_specialchars('\$1')"), 'RELATIVE_URL' => array('!(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('relative_url')) . ')!e' => "\$this->bbcode_specialchars('\$1')"), 'EMAIL' => array('!(' . get_preg_expression('email') . ')!ie' => "\$this->bbcode_specialchars('\$1')"), 'TEXT' => array('!(.*?)!es' => "str_replace(array(\"\\r\\n\", '\\\"', '\\'', '(', ')'), array(\"\\n\", '\"', '&#39;', '&#40;', '&#41;'), trim('\$1'))"), 'SIMPLETEXT' => array('!([a-zA-Z0-9-+.,_ ]+)!' => "\$1"), 'INTTEXT' => array($utf8_pcre_properties ? '!([\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-+,_. ]+)!u' : '!([a-zA-Z0-9\\-+,_. ]+)!u' => "\$1"), 'IDENTIFIER' => array('!([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)!' => "\$1"), 'COLOR' => array('!([a-z]+|#[0-9abcdef]+)!i' => '$1'), 'NUMBER' => array('!([0-9]+)!' => '$1'));
     $sp_tokens = array('URL' => '(?i)((?:' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('url')) . ')|(?:' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('www_url')) . '))(?-i)', 'LOCAL_URL' => '(?i)(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('relative_url')) . ')(?-i)', 'RELATIVE_URL' => '(?i)(' . str_replace(array('!', '\\#'), array('\\!', '#'), get_preg_expression('relative_url')) . ')(?-i)', 'EMAIL' => '(' . get_preg_expression('email') . ')', 'TEXT' => '(.*?)', 'SIMPLETEXT' => '([a-zA-Z0-9-+.,_ ]+)', 'INTTEXT' => $utf8_pcre_properties ? '([\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-+,_. ]+)' : '([a-zA-Z0-9\\-+,_. ]+)', 'IDENTIFIER' => '([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)', 'COLOR' => '([a-zA-Z]+|#[0-9abcdefABCDEF]+)', 'NUMBER' => '([0-9]+)');
     $pad = 0;
     $modifiers = 'i';
     $modifiers .= $utf8 && $utf8_pcre_properties ? 'u' : '';
     if (preg_match_all('/\\{(' . implode('|', array_keys($tokens)) . ')[0-9]*\\}/i', $bbcode_match, $m)) {
         foreach ($m[0] as $n => $token) {
             $token_type = $m[1][$n];
             list($match, $replace) = each($tokens[strtoupper($token_type)]);
             // Pad backreference numbers from tokens
             if (preg_match_all('/(?<!\\\\)\\$([0-9]+)/', $replace, $repad)) {
                 $repad = $pad + sizeof(array_unique($repad[0]));
                 $replace = preg_replace('/(?<!\\\\)\\$([0-9]+)/e', "'\${' . (\$1 + \$pad) . '}'", $replace);
                 $pad = $repad;
             // Obtain pattern modifiers to use and alter the regex accordingly
             $regex = preg_replace('/!(.*)!([a-z]*)/', '$1', $match);
             $regex_modifiers = preg_replace('/!(.*)!([a-z]*)/', '$2', $match);
             for ($i = 0, $size = strlen($regex_modifiers); $i < $size; ++$i) {
                 if (strpos($modifiers, $regex_modifiers[$i]) === false) {
                     $modifiers .= $regex_modifiers[$i];
                     if ($regex_modifiers[$i] == 'e') {
                         $fp_replace = "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $fp_replace) . "'";
                 if ($regex_modifiers[$i] == 'e') {
                     $replace = "'.{$replace}.'";
             $fp_match = str_replace(preg_quote($token, '!'), $regex, $fp_match);
             $fp_replace = str_replace($token, $replace, $fp_replace);
             $sp_match = str_replace(preg_quote($token, '!'), $sp_tokens[$token_type], $sp_match);
             // Prepend the srcrd url to local relative links
             $replace_prepend = $token_type === 'LOCAL_URL' ? generate_srcrd_url() . '/' : '';
             $sp_replace = str_replace($token, $replace_prepend . '${' . ($n + 1) . '}', $sp_replace);
         $fp_match = '!' . $fp_match . '!' . $modifiers;
         $sp_match = '!' . $sp_match . '!s' . ($utf8 ? 'u' : '');
         if (strpos($fp_match, 'e') !== false) {
             $fp_replace = str_replace("'.'", '', $fp_replace);
             $fp_replace = str_replace(".''.", '.', $fp_replace);
     } else {
         // No replacement is present, no need for a second-pass pattern replacement
         // A simple str_replace will suffice
         $fp_match = '!' . $fp_match . '!' . $modifiers;
         $sp_match = $fp_replace;
         $sp_replace = '';
     // Lowercase tags
     $bbcode_tag = preg_replace('/.*?\\[([a-z0-9_-]+=?).*/i', '$1', $bbcode_match);
     $bbcode_search = preg_replace('/.*?\\[([a-z0-9_-]+)=?.*/i', '$1', $bbcode_match);
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+=?$/', $bbcode_tag)) {
         global $user;
         trigger_error($user->lang['BBCODE_INVALID'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action), E_USER_WARNING);
     $fp_match = preg_replace('#\\[/?' . $bbcode_search . '#ie', "strtolower('\$0')", $fp_match);
     $fp_replace = preg_replace('#\\[/?' . $bbcode_search . '#ie', "strtolower('\$0')", $fp_replace);
     $sp_match = preg_replace('#\\[/?' . $bbcode_search . '#ie', "strtolower('\$0')", $sp_match);
     $sp_replace = preg_replace('#\\[/?' . $bbcode_search . '#ie', "strtolower('\$0')", $sp_replace);
     return array('bbcode_tag' => $bbcode_tag, 'first_pass_match' => $fp_match, 'first_pass_replace' => $fp_replace, 'second_pass_match' => $sp_match, 'second_pass_replace' => $sp_replace);