예제 #1
         if (count($or_array) > 0) {
             $sql .= "(" . implode(" OR ", $or_array) . ")";
         } else {
             $sql .= "FALSE";
     } elseif ($field_natures[$key] == 'boolean' || $field_natures[$key] == 'integer' && isset($field_lengths[$key]) && $field_lengths[$key] <= 2) {
         if (!empty(${$var})) {
             $sql .= " AND E.{$key}!=0";
     } elseif ($field_natures[$key] == 'integer' && isset($field_lengths[$key]) && $field_lengths[$key] > 2) {
         if (isset(${$var}) && ${$var} !== '') {
             $sql .= " AND E.{$key}=" . ${$var};
     } else {
         if (!empty(${$var})) {
             $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("E.{$key}", ${$var});
 // If we're not an admin (they are allowed to see everything), then we need
 // to make sure we respect the privacy settings.  (We rely on the privacy fields
 // in the area table being not NULL.   If they are by some chance NULL, then no
 // entries will be found, which is at least safe from the privacy viewpoint)
 if (!$is_admin) {
     if (isset($user)) {
         // if the user is logged in they can see:
         //   - all bookings, if private_override is set to 'public'
         //   - their own bookings, and others' public bookings if private_override is set to 'none'
         //   - just their own bookings, if private_override is set to 'private'
         $sql .= " AND ((A.private_override='public') OR\n                     (A.private_override='none' AND ((E.status&" . STATUS_PRIVATE . "=0) OR E.create_by = '" . sql_escape($user) . "')) OR\n                     (A.private_override='private' AND E.create_by = '" . sql_escape($user) . "'))";
     } else {
예제 #2
         $sql .= "(" . implode(" OR ", $or_array) . ")";
     } else {
         $sql .= "e.type = '" . addslashes($typematch[0]) . "'";
 if (!empty($namematch)) {
     // sql_syntax_caseless_contains() does the SQL escaping
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("e.name", $namematch);
 if (!empty($descrmatch)) {
     // sql_syntax_caseless_contains() does the SQL escaping
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("e.description", $descrmatch);
 if (!empty($creatormatch)) {
     // sql_syntax_caseless_contains() does the SQL escaping
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("e.create_by", $creatormatch);
 # If not overriding as public entries and user isn't and admin...
 if ($private_override != "public" && !$is_admin) {
     if (isset($user)) {
         if ($private_override == "private") {
             $sql .= " AND e.create_by = '" . addslashes($user) . "'";
         } else {
             $sql .= " AND (e.create_by = '" . addslashes($user) . "' OR e.private=0)";
     } else {
         # un-authenticated users can only report on
         # items which are not marked private
         $sql .= " AND e.private=0";
예제 #3
// which can include fields that have an associative array of options)
$fields = sql_field_info($tbl_entry);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
    if (!in_array($field['name'], $standard_fields['entry'])) {
        // If we've got a field that is represented by an associative array of options
        // then we have to search for the keys whose values match the search string
        if (isset($select_options["entry." . $field['name']]) && is_assoc($select_options["entry." . $field['name']])) {
            foreach ($select_options["entry." . $field['name']] as $key => $value) {
                // We have to use strpos() rather than stripos() because we cannot
                // assume PHP5
                if ($key !== '' && strpos(strtolower($value), strtolower($search_str)) !== FALSE) {
                    $sql_pred .= " OR E." . $field['name'] . "='" . sql_escape($key) . "'";
        } elseif ($field['nature'] == 'character') {
            $sql_pred .= " OR " . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("E." . $field['name'], $search_str);
$sql_pred .= ") AND E.end_time > {$now}";
$sql_pred .= " AND E.room_id = R.id AND R.area_id = A.id";
// If we're not an admin (they are allowed to see everything), then we need
// to make sure we respect the privacy settings.  (We rely on the privacy fields
// in the area table being not NULL.   If they are by some chance NULL, then no
// entries will be found, which is at least safe from the privacy viewpoint)
if (!$is_admin) {
    if (isset($user)) {
        // if the user is logged in they can see:
        //   - all bookings, if private_override is set to 'public'
        //   - their own bookings, and others' public bookings if private_override is set to 'none'
        //   - just their own bookings, if private_override is set to 'private'
예제 #4
    genDateSelector("", $day, $month, $year);
    echo "<br><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"" . get_vocab("search_button") . "\">";
    echo "</FORM>";
    include "trailer.inc";
if (!$search_str) {
    echo "<H3>" . get_vocab("invalid_search") . "</H3>";
    include "trailer.inc";
# now is used so that we only display entries newer than the current time
echo "<H3>" . get_vocab("search_results") . ": \"<font color=\"blue\">{$search_str}</font>\"</H3>\n";
$now = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
# This is the main part of the query predicate, used in both queries:
$sql_pred = "( " . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("E.create_by", $search_text) . " OR " . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("E.name", $search_text) . " OR " . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("E.description", $search_text) . ") AND E.end_time > {$now}";
# The first time the search is called, we get the total
# number of matches.  This is passed along to subsequent
# searches so that we don't have to run it for each page.
if (!isset($total)) {
    $total = sql_query1("SELECT count(*) FROM {$tbl_entry} E WHERE {$sql_pred}");
if ($total <= 0) {
    echo "<B>" . get_vocab("nothing_found") . "</B>\n";
    include "trailer.inc";
if (!isset($search_pos) || $search_pos <= 0) {
    $search_pos = 0;
} elseif ($search_pos >= $total) {
    $search_pos = $total - $total % $search["count"];
예제 #5
 #   7  [6]   Created by (user name or IP addr), must be HTML escaped
 #   8  [7]   Creation timestamp, converted to Unix time_t by the database
 #   9  [8]   Area name, must be HTML escaped
 #  10  [9]   Room name, must be HTML escaped
 $sql = "SELECT e.id, e.start_time, e.end_time, e.name, e.description, " . "e.type, e.create_by, " . sql_syntax_timestamp_to_unix("e.timestamp") . ", a.area_name, r.room_name" . " FROM mrbs_entry e, mrbs_area a, mrbs_room r" . " WHERE e.room_id = r.id AND r.area_id = a.id" . " AND e.start_time < {$report_end} AND e.end_time > {$report_start}";
 if (!empty($areamatch)) {
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("a.area_name", $areamatch);
 if (!empty($roommatch)) {
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("r.room_name", $roommatch);
 if (!empty($namematch)) {
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("e.name", $namematch);
 if (!empty($descrmatch)) {
     $sql .= " AND" . sql_syntax_caseless_contains("e.description", $descrmatch);
 # Order by Area, Room, Start date/time:
 $sql .= " ORDER BY 9,10,2";
 # echo "<p>DEBUG: SQL: <tt> $sql </tt>\n";
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 if (!$res) {
     fatal_error(0, sql_error());
 $nmatch = sql_count($res);
 if ($nmatch == 0) {
     echo "<P><B>" . $vocab["nothing_found"] . "</B>\n";
 } else {
     $last_area_room = "";
     echo "<P><B>" . $nmatch . " " . ($nmatch == 1 ? $vocab["entry_found"] : $vocab["entries_found"]) . "</B>\n";