function jr_admin_make_rank_list($user_id, $user_rank)
    global $lang;
     ** Due to a damn bug in some browsers (mozilla firebird for sure)
     ** this needs to be disabled for drop down!  return only the name
     ** for now.
    //Get a list of ranks and make a nice select box
    $rowset = sql_query_nivisec(
    'SELECT * FROM ' . RANKS_TABLE . " WHERE rank_special = 1
    ORDER BY rank_title ASC",
    $rank_list = '<select name="user_rank_list_"'.$user_id.'" class="post" size="1">';
    $selected = (0 == $user_rank) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
    $rank_list .= '<option value="0" '.$selected.'>'.$lang['No_assigned_rank'].'</option>\n';
    for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rowset); $i++)
    $selected = ($rowset[$i]['rank_id'] == $user_rank) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
    $rank_list .= '<option value="'.$rowset[$i]['rank_id'].'"'.$selected.'>'.$rowset[$i]['rank_title'].'</option>\n';
    $rank_list .= '</select>';
    if (empty($user_rank)) {
        return '';
    $row = sql_query_nivisec('SELECT rank_title FROM ' . RANKS_TABLE . " WHERE rank_id = {$user_rank}", $lang['Error_Users_Table'], false, 1);
    $rank_list = $row['rank_title'];
    return $rank_list;
예제 #2
    $template->assign_vars(array('USER_ID' => $user_id, 'USERNAME_FULL' => colorize_username($row['user_id'], $row['username'], $row['user_color'], $row['user_active']), 'USERNAME' => $row['username'], 'DISABLED' => $disabled, 'DISABLED_TEXT' => $disabled_text, 'START_DATE' => $jr_admin_row['start_date'] ? create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $jr_admin_row['start_date'], $config['board_timezone']) : $lang['Never'], 'UPDATE_DATE' => $jr_admin_row['update_date'] ? create_date_ip($config['default_dateformat'], $jr_admin_row['update_date'], $config['board_timezone']) : $lang['Never'], 'NOTES' => $jr_admin_row['admin_notes'], 'NOTES_VIEW_CHECKED' => $jr_admin_row['notes_view'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'ADMIN_TEXT' => $row['user_level'] == ADMIN ? $lang['Admin_Note'] : ''));
    $template->set_filenames(array('body' => ADM_TPL . 'jr_admin_user_permissions.tpl'));
} else {
    //Update info like module list and color groups
    if (isset($_POST['update_user']) && !empty($user_id)) {
        $user_update_list = '';
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
            if (preg_match($update_find_pattern, $key)) {
                $user_update_list .= !empty($user_update_list) ? EXPLODE_SEPARATOR_CHAR : '';
                $user_update_list .= preg_replace($update_find_pattern, '', $key);
        if (!jr_admin_user_exist($user_id)) {
            //If the user_id doesn't exist in the table, we need to add it
            //before we can update!
            sql_query_nivisec('INSERT INTO ' . JR_ADMIN_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t(user_id, start_date) VALUES ({$user_id}, " . time() . ')', $lang['Error_Module_Table']);
        $notes_view = isset($_POST['notes_view']) ? 1 : 0;
        $admin_notes = $_POST['admin_notes'];
        //Do the information update
        $sql = 'UPDATE ' . JR_ADMIN_TABLE . "\n\t\t\tSET user_jr_admin = '{$user_update_list}',\n\t\t\tupdate_date = " . time() . ",\n\t\t\tadmin_notes = '" . $db->sql_escape($admin_notes) . "',\n\t\t\tnotes_view = {$notes_view}\n\t\t\tWHERE user_id = {$user_id}";
        $status_message .= $lang['Updated_Permissions'];
    //No user_id was found or we are done updating, take them to the info page
    $alpha_where = '';
    $proof = '';
    if (!$sort_item) {
        $sort_item = 'username';
예제 #3
function jr_admin_get_user_info($user_id)
    global $lang;
    //Do the query and get the results, return the user row as well.
    return sql_query_nivisec("SELECT * FROM " . JR_ADMIN_TABLE . "\n\tWHERE user_id = '" . $user_id . "'", sprintf($lang['ERROR_TABLE'], JR_ADMIN_TABLE), false, 1, true);