예제 #1
    function main()
        // Get top page
        $this->PageSubtitle = "Documentation";
        //$sq="SELECT pagename FROM docpageshier WHERE pagehier=1";
        $pageroot = 'Data Dictionary';
        $pn = gp('gppn');
        $pn = $pn == '' ? $pageroot : $pn;
        $sq = "SELECT * from docpages \n            WHERE pagename = " . sql_format('char', $pn);
        $row = SQL_oneRow($sq);
        if ($row === false) {
            echo "Page does not exist: " . $pn;
        // Get one parent.  We used to get all of them, but now
        // we only want one
        $hmenu = '';
        $attop = false;
        $parents = array();
        $peers = array();
        $kids = array();
        $pparent = $pprev = $pnext = '';
        $plast = $pn;
        while ($plast != $pageroot) {
            $sq = "SELECT pagename_par FROM docpages \n               WHERE pagename = '{$plast}'";
            $rownew = SQL_AllRows($sq);
            $plast = $rownew[0]['pagename_par'];
            $parents[] = $plast;
            //if ($rownew[0]['pagename_par'] == $pageroot) {
            //   break;
        if (count($parents) > 0) {
            $parents = array_reverse($parents);
            //$hmenu=adocs_makemenu($parents,'Parent Topics');
            // Grab this page's peers
            $pparent = $parents[count($parents) - 1];
            $sq = "SELECT pagename FROM docpages \n               WHERE pagename_par = '{$pparent}'\n               ORDER BY sequence";
            $rs = SQL($sq);
            while ($rowx = SQL_Fetch_Array($rs)) {
                $peers[] = $rowx['pagename'];
            $peersr = array_flip($peers);
            $pprev = $peersr[$pn] == 0 ? '' : $peers[$peersr[$pn] - 1];
            $pnext = $peersr[$pn] == count($peers) - 1 ? '' : $peers[$peersr[$pn] + 1];
        // Now pull out the kids
        $sq = "SELECT pagename FROM docpages \n            WHERE pagename_par = '{$pn}'\n            ORDER BY sequence";
        $rs = SQL($sq);
        while ($rowx = SQL_Fetch_Array($rs)) {
            $kids[] = $rowx['pagename'];
        // Make and save a menu out of what we've discovered
        adocs_makemenu($pageroot, $pn, $parents, $peers);
        // Now format the page and save it.  No caching for now.
        $html = $row['pagetext'];
        $html = $this->WikiProcess($html);
        // Remove carriage returns, makes things much easier
        // Convert newlines to double br's, but first don't do doubles
        // after headings
        // Convert bold & italitcs 
        // Convert 6 levels of title
        // convert hyperlinks and images
        while(preg_match('/\[{2,}(.*)\]{2,}/xmsU',$html,$matches)>0) {
           if(count($asearch)==2) {
           else {
           switch(strtolower($type)) {
              case 'ilink': $this->Linkilink($html,$match); break;
              case 'image': $this->LinkImage($html,$match,$type); break;
        // Prepare a list of parents
        if (count($parents) == 0) {
            $apars = array($pn);
        } else {
            $apars = $parents;
            $apars[] = $pn;
        $hpars = '';
        foreach ($apars as $apar) {
            $hpars .= ($hpars == '' ? '' : ' &gt; ') . '<a href="?gp_page=x_docview&gppn=' . urlencode($apar) . '">' . $apar . '</a>';
        // Prepare the prev, next stuff
        $hpn = '';
        if ($pprev . $pnext != '') {
            $hp = $pprev == '' ? '' : '<a href="?gp_page=x_docview&gppn=' . urlencode($pprev) . '">PREV: ' . $pprev . '</a>';
            $hn = $pnext == '' ? '' : '<a href="?gp_page=x_docview&gppn=' . urlencode($pnext) . '">NEXT: ' . $pnext . '</a>';
            $hpn = "\n\t\t\t<div class=\"row\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"span9\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"pull-left\">{$hp}</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"pull-right\">{$hn}</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>";
        // Pull out and assemble the see-also groups
        $hsa = '';
        $sq='SELECT DISTINCT seealso FROM seealsoxpages '
           ." WHERE pagename='$pn'";
        foreach($sas as $sa) {
           $hsa.="<hr><h2>See Also ($seealso):</h2><p>";
           $sq="SELECT pagename FROM seealsoxpages "
              ." WHERE seealso = '$seealso' "
              ."  AND  pagename <> '$pn'"
              ." ORDER By pagename ";
           foreach($sarows as $index=>$sarow) {
              $hsa.=($index==0 ? '' : ', ')
                 .'<a href="?gppn='.urlencode($sarow['pagename']).'">'
        // Now the actual output and formatting
        $this->PageSubtitle = $pn;
        echo "<div class=\"hero-unit\">Database Specification</div>";
        echo $hpars . "<br><br>";
        echo $hpn;
        echo "\n<hr>";
        echo "\n<h2>" . $pn . "</h2>\n";
        echo $html;
        if (count($kids) > 0 && $pn == 'Data Dictionary') {
            echo "\n<hr>";
            echo "\n<head2>Child Topics</head2>";
            foreach ($kids as $kid) {
                echo "\n<div><a href=\"?gp_page=x_docview&gppn=" . urlencode($kid) . "\">{$kid}</a></div>";
        echo $hsa;
        echo "<hr>";
        echo $hpn;
      Page last modified <?php 
        echo date('r', dEnsureTS($row['ts_upd']));
        echo $row['uid_upd'];
예제 #2
파일: submit.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUIVI
} else {
    //  ADD
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Valeurs numériques
    if ($_POST['etape'] == "") {
        $_POST['etape'] = 2;
    /*Paramètre à ajouter*/
    $in["cd_ref"] = sql_format_num($_POST["cd_ref"]);
    $in["famille"] = sql_format_quote($_POST["famille"], 'do');
    $in["nom_sci"] = sql_format_quote($_POST["nom_sci"], 'do');
    $in["cd_rang"] = sql_format($_POST["cd_rang"]);
    $in["nom_verna"] = sql_format_quote($_POST["nom_verna"], 'do');
    $in["hybride"] = sql_format_bool($_POST["hybride"], 'do');
    $rub[$id_page] = 'true';
    $uid = add_taxon($in, $rub);
    add_suivi2($_POST["etape"], $id_user, $uid, "taxons", "nom", null, sql_format_num($_POST["nom_sci"]), 'applications', 'manuel', 'ajout');
    add_suivi2($_POST["etape"], $id_user, $uid, "taxons", "uid", null, $uid, 'applications', 'manuel', 'ajout');
if (!DEBUG) {
    echo ("<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
    echo ("window.location.replace ( \"index.php\")");
    echo ("</script>");
예제 #3
        $code = "";
    $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_schema_app . ".utilisateur SET \n\tid_cbn=" . sql_format_num($_POST["id_cbn"]) . ",\n\tnom=" . sql_format($_POST["nom"]) . ",\n\tprenom=" . sql_format($_POST["prenom"]) . ",\n\t" . $code . "\n\ttel_bur=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_bur"]) . ",\n\ttel_port=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_port"]) . ",\n\ttel_int=" . sql_format($_POST["tel_int"]) . ",\n\temail=" . sql_format($_POST["email"]) . ",\n\tweb=" . sql_format($_POST["web"]) . ",\n\t" . $query_niveau . "\n\t" . $query_ref . "\n\tdescr=" . sql_format($_POST["descr"]) . " \n\tWHERE id_user='******';";
    echo $query;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
    add_log("log", 4, $id_user, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Admin. edit user", $id, "utilisateur");
} else {
    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADD
    foreach ($rubrique as $key => $val) {
        if (empty($_POST["niveau_" . $key])) {
            $_POST["niveau_" . $key] = 0;
        $val_niveau .= sql_format_num($_POST["niveau_" . $key]) . ",";
        $key_niveau .= "niveau_" . $key . ",";
        if (empty($_POST["ref_" . $key])) {
            $_POST["ref_" . $key] = 0;
        $val_ref .= sql_format_bool($_POST["ref_" . $key]) . ",";
        $key_ref .= "ref_" . $key . ",";
    $id = strtoupper(substr(stripAccents($_POST['prenom']), 0, 2) . substr(stripAccents($_POST['nom']), 0, 2)) . mt_rand(1, 9);
    $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_schema_app . ".utilisateur (id_user, id_cbn,nom,prenom,login,pw,tel_bur,tel_port,tel_int,email,web,\n\t{$key_niveau}\n\t{$key_ref}\n\tdescr)\n\tVALUES (\n\t\t'" . $id . "',\n\t\t" . sql_format_num($_POST["id_cbn"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["nom"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["prenom"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["login"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["pw"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_bur"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_port"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["tel_int"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["email"]) . ",\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["web"]) . ",\n\t\t{$val_niveau} {$val_ref}\n\t\t" . sql_format($_POST["descr"]) . ");";
    echo $query;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
    add_log("log", 4, $id_user, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Admin. ajout user", $id, "utilisateur");
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONCTIONS
function stripAccents($string)
    return strtr($string, 'àáâãäçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöùúûüýÿÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝ', 'aaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuuyyAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOUUUUY');
예제 #4
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // MaJ table
    /* //A faire dans la base de données?
    alter table syntaxa.st_cortege_floristique add column code_referentiel text;
    alter table syntaxa.st_cortege_floristique add column version_referentiel text;
    alter table syntaxa.st_cortege_floristique add column cd_ref text;
    alter table syntaxa.st_cortege_floristique add column nom_complet text;
    alter table syntaxa.st_cortege_floristique add column "rqTaxon" text;
    //echo "commentaire:".$_POST['COMM']."<br>";
    //echo "commentaire utf8:".utf8_encode($_POST['COMM'])."<br>";
    $query = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (\"codeEnregistrementSyntaxon\",code_referentiel,version_referentiel,\"idRattachementReferentiel\",cd_ref,nom_complet,\"rqTaxon\") VALUES ('" . $idsyntaxon . "','TAXREF','7','" . $idrattachement . "'," . $CD_REF . ",'" . utf8_encode($taxon) . "'," . utf8_encode(sql_format($COMM)) . ");";
    $query .= "INSERT INTO applications.suivi (etape,id_user, tables,champ,valeur_1,valeur_2,datetime,rubrique,methode,type_modif,libelle_1,libelle_2,uid) VALUES ('2','" . $iduser . "','st_cortege_floristique','idRattachementReferentiel','','" . $idrattachement . "',NOW(),'syntaxa','manuel','ajout','','" . $taxon . "','" . $idsyntaxon . "');";
    //   $query="INSERT INTO ".$table." (\"codeEnregistrementSyntaxon\",code_referentiel,version_referentiel,cd_ref,nom_complet,\"rqTaxon\") VALUES ('".$idsyntaxon."','TAXREF','7',".$CD_REF.",'".$taxon."',".sql_format($COMM).");";
    echo "idrattachement:" . $idrattachement . "<br>";
    echo $query . "<br>";
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE \"codeEnregistrementSyntaxon\"='" . $idsyntaxon . "';";
// Affiche la liste
//echo $query;
$result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
echo "<table border=1 class=\"list\" >";
if (pg_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
        //<td valign="middle" width="100%">'.utf8_encode($row['nom_complet']).' '.utf8_encode($row['rqTaxon']).'</td>
        echo '<tr class=\\"list\\" ><form id="form" action="taxon_delete.php?id=' . $row['idCortegeFloristique'] . '" method="post">
예제 #5
파일: index.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
     if ($action == "photo") {
         add_log("log", 1, "", getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Photothèque", "", "");
         echo "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">";
         echo "window.open ( \"../../phototheque/index.php\")";
         echo "</script>";
 case "valid":
     $user_login = $_POST['user_login'];
     $user_pw = $_POST['user_pw'];
     if (!empty($user_login) && !empty($user_pw)) {
         foreach ($rubrique as $key => $val) {
             $sql_niveau .= 'niveau_' . $val . ',';
             $sql_ref .= 'ref_' . $val . ',';
         $query = "SELECT {$sql_niveau} {$sql_ref} id_user\n\t\t\tFROM applications.utilisateur \n\t\t\tWHERE login="******" AND pw=" . sql_format($user_pw) . ";";
         $result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
         if (pg_num_rows($result)) {
             $_SESSION['EVAL_FLORE'] = "ok";
             /*niveau de droit et référents*/
             $_SESSION['niveau'] = 0;
             foreach ($rubrique as $key => $val) {
                 $_SESSION['niveau_' . $val] = pg_result($result, 0, "niveau_" . $val);
                 $_SESSION['niveau'] = max($_SESSION['niveau'], $_SESSION['niveau_' . $val]);
                 $_SESSION['ref_' . $val] = pg_result($result, 0, "ref_" . $val);
                 $_SESSION['ref'] = $_SESSION['ref'] = 't' or $_SESSION['ref_' . $val] = 't' ? 't' : 'f';
             $_SESSION['id_user'] = pg_result($result, 0, "id_user");
             add_log("log", 3, pg_result($result, 0, "id_user"), getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "Login", $user_login, "");
             die("<meta HTTP-equiv=\"refresh\" content=0;url=index.php />");
         } else {
예제 #6
파일: submit.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
function add_suivi($etape, $id_user, $id, $table, $champ, $valeur_1, $valeur_2)
    global $db;
    $query = "INSERT INTO applications.suivi (etape,id_user,uid,tables,champ,valeur_1,valeur_2,datetime) VALUES  \n    (" . $etape . ",'" . $id_user . "'," . $id . ",'" . $table . "','" . $champ . "'," . sql_format($valeur_1) . "," . sql_format($valeur_2) . ",NOW());";
    // echo "<br>".$query;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
예제 #7
//  Version 1.10  10/08/14 - MaJ pgSQL                                          //
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INIT.
include "../../_INCLUDE/config_sql.inc.php";
include "../../_INCLUDE/fonctions.inc.php";
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARMS.
$id = $_POST['id'];
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VAR.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNEXION SERVEUR PostgreSQL
$db = sql_connect(SQL_base);
if (!$db) {
    fatal_error("Impossible de se connecter au serveur PostgreSQL.", false);
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN
if (!empty($id)) {
    $query = "UPDATE " . SQL_schema_app . ".bug SET ";
    foreach ($_POST as $field => $val) {
        if ($field == "descr") {
            $query .= $field . "=" . sql_format_quote($val, 'do') . ",";
        } elseif ($field == "statut_descr") {
            $query .= $field . "=" . sql_format_quote($val, 'do') . ",";
        } elseif ($field != "id") {
            $query .= $field . "=" . sql_format($val) . ",";
    $query = rtrim($query, ",");
    $query .= " WHERE id_bug=" . $id;
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result));
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONCTIONS
예제 #8
파일: submit.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
 $in["famille"] = sql_format_quote($_POST["famille"], 'do');
 $in["fr"] = sql_format($_POST["fr"]);
 $in["gf"] = sql_format($_POST["gf"]);
 $in["mar"] = sql_format($_POST["mar"]);
 $in["gua"] = sql_format($_POST["gua"]);
 $in["sm"] = sql_format($_POST["sm"]);
 $in["sb"] = sql_format($_POST["sb"]);
 $in["spm"] = sql_format($_POST["spm"]);
 $in["may"] = sql_format($_POST["may"]);
 $in["epa"] = sql_format($_POST["epa"]);
 $in["reu"] = sql_format($_POST["reu"]);
 $in["taaf"] = sql_format($_POST["taaf"]);
 $in["pf"] = sql_format($_POST["pf"]);
 $in["nc"] = sql_format($_POST["nc"]);
 $in["wf"] = sql_format($_POST["wf"]);
 $in["cli"] = sql_format($_POST["cli"]);
 $in["habitat"] = sql_format_num($_POST["habitat"], 'do');
 $in["catnat"] = sql_format_bool($_POST["catnat"]);
 $in["lr"] = sql_format_bool($_POST["lr"]);
 $in["eee"] = sql_format_bool($_POST["eee"]);
 $in["hybride"] = sql_format_bool($_POST["hybride"], 'do');
 // var_dump($in);
 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT
 if (!empty($id)) {
     if ($niveau >= 128) {
         if (!isset($_POST["etape"])) {
             $etape = 1;
         } else {
             $etape = $_POST["etape"];
예제 #9
if (isset($_POST['i']) & !empty($_POST['i'])) {
    $pk = stripslashes($_POST['i']);
//l'identifiant correspond à l'id export-TXT-query-id de type hidden qui se retrouve dans index.php (qui appelle une query de commun.inc.php)
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNEXION SERVEUR PostgreSQL
$db = sql_connect(SQL_base);
if (!$db) {
    fatal_error("Impossible de se connecter au serveur PostgreSQL.", false);
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN
$_POST['select'] = str_replace('%5B%5D', '', $_POST['select']);
//permet de supprimer des caractères spéciaux générés pour le xml (ajaxSubmit)
if (strlen($_POST['select']) > 0) {
    // Sélection ?
    $sWhere = "( ";
    $pairs = explode("&", $_POST['select']);
    foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) {
        $sWhere .= $pk . "=" . sql_format(ltrim($value, "id=")) . " OR ";
    $sWhere = rtrim($sWhere, "OR ");
    $sWhere .= " ) ";
    $query2 = "{$query} AND {$sWhere}";
    // echo "export_TXT > sWhere=".$sWhere;
} else {
    // Liste totale
    $query2 = $query;
echo "export_TXT > sql=" . $query2 . "<br>";
export_txt($nom_fichier, $query2);
//fonction contenue dans functions.inc.php
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FONCTIONS
예제 #10
function add_log($table, $id_type, $id_user, $ip, $descr1, $descr2, $tables)
    global $db;
    $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_schema_app . "." . $table . " (event,id_user,ip,descr1,descr2,tables,datetime_event) VALUES (" . $id_type . ",'" . $id_user . "','" . $ip . "'," . sql_format($descr1) . "," . sql_format($descr2) . "," . sql_format($tables) . ",NOW());";
    $result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
  *  Mark domain as deleted
  *  Possible options:
  *    - did		(int)   - REQUIRED - id of domain which will be deleted 
  *                        (default: null)
  *	  - undelete (bool) - undelete domain, setting this to true will 
  *                        undelete only domain names and domain attrs. Not
  *                        URIs and credentials within the domain
  *                        (default: false)
  *	@param array $opt		associative array of options
  *	@return bool			TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 function mark_domain_deleted($opt)
     global $config;
     $errors = array();
     if (!$this->connect_to_db($errors)) {
         return false;
     /* table's name */
     $td_name =& $config->data_sql->domain->table_name;
     $ta_name =& $config->data_sql->domain_attrs->table_name;
     $tu_name =& $config->data_sql->uri->table_name;
     $tc_name =& $config->data_sql->credentials->table_name;
     /* col names */
     $cd =& $config->data_sql->domain->cols;
     $ca =& $config->data_sql->domain_attrs->cols;
     $cu =& $config->data_sql->uri->cols;
     $cc =& $config->data_sql->credentials->cols;
     /* flags */
     $fd =& $config->data_sql->domain->flag_values;
     $fa =& $config->data_sql->domain_attrs->flag_values;
     $fu =& $config->data_sql->uri->flag_values;
     $fc =& $config->data_sql->credentials->flag_values;
     $an =& $config->attr_names;
     $o_did = isset($opt['did']) ? $opt['did'] : null;
     $o_undelete = isset($opt['undelete']) ? (bool) $opt['undelete'] : false;
     if (is_null($o_did)) {
         ErrorHandler::log_errors(PEAR::raiseError('domain for mark as deleted is not specified'));
         return false;
     /* if 'did' column in credentials table is not used, make list of all
          realms matching this domain
     if (!$config->auth['use_did']) {
         $dh =& Domains::singleton();
         if (false === ($dom_names = $dh->get_domain_names($o_did))) {
             return false;
         $da =& Domain_Attrs::singleton($o_did);
         if (false === ($realm = $da->get_attribute($config->attr_names['digest_realm']))) {
             return false;
         $realms_w = array();
         if (!is_null($realm)) {
             $realms_w[] = $cc->realm . " = " . $this->sql_format($realm, "s");
         foreach ($dom_names as $v) {
             $realms_w[] = $cc->realm . " = " . $this->sql_format($v, "s");
     if (false === $this->transaction_start()) {
         return false;
     $domain_attrs =& Domain_Attrs::singleton($o_did);
     if ($o_undelete) {
         if (false === $domain_attrs->unset_attribute($an['deleted_ts'])) {
             return false;
     } else {
         if (false === $domain_attrs->set_attribute($an['deleted_ts'], time())) {
             return false;
     $q = "update " . $td_name . " set ";
     if ($o_undelete) {
         $q .= $cd->flags . " = " . $cd->flags . " & ~" . $fd['DB_DELETED'];
     } else {
         $q .= $cd->flags . " = " . $cd->flags . " | " . $fd['DB_DELETED'];
     $q .= " where " . $cd->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($o_did, "s");
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     $q = "update " . $ta_name . " set ";
     if ($o_undelete) {
         $q .= $ca->flags . " = " . $ca->flags . " & ~" . $fa['DB_DELETED'];
     } else {
         $q .= $ca->flags . " = " . $ca->flags . " | " . $fa['DB_DELETED'];
     $q .= " where " . $ca->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($o_did, "s");
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     if (!$o_undelete) {
         $q = "update " . $tu_name . " set ";
         $q .= $cu->flags . " = " . $cu->flags . " | " . $fu['DB_DELETED'];
         $q .= " where " . $cu->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($o_did, "s");
         $res = $this->db->query($q);
         if (DB::isError($res)) {
             return false;
         $q = "update " . $tc_name . " set ";
         $q .= $cc->flags . " = " . $cc->flags . " | " . $fc['DB_DELETED'];
         if ($config->auth['use_did']) {
             $q .= " where " . $cc->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($o_did, "s");
         } else {
             if (!$realms_w) {
                 $q .= " where " . $this - sql_format(false, "b");
             } else {
                 $q .= " where " . implode($realms_w, " or ");
         $res = $this->db->query($q);
         if (DB::isError($res)) {
             return false;
     if (false === $this->transaction_commit()) {
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #12
파일: submit.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
                 $query = "INSERT INTO catnat.statut_reg (uid, id_reg, nom_reg, type_statut, id_statut, nom_statut) VALUES ({$id}, {$id_reg}, " . frt('nom_reg', $region) . ", '{$type_stt}', '{$new_val}', '{$lib_stt}');";
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     echo "<BR>{$query}";
                 $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . $query);
                 add_suivi2($etape, $id_user, $id, "statut_reg", "statut_" . $type_stt, $old_val, $new_val, 'catnat', 'manuel', 'ajout');
             } elseif ($new_val == null) {
                 $query = "DELETE FROM catnat.statut_reg WHERE uid = {$id} AND id_statut = '{$old_val}' AND id_reg = '{$id_reg}'";
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     echo "<BR>{$query}";
                 $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . $query);
                 add_suivi2($etape, $id_user, $id, "statut_reg", "statut_" . $type_stt, $old_val, $new_val, 'catnat', 'manuel', 'suppr');
             } else {
                 /*Autres cas = modif*/
                 $valeur = sql_format($_POST[$val_st]);
                 $query = "UPDATE catnat.statut_reg SET (id_statut, nom_statut) = ('{$new_val}', '{$lib_stt}') WHERE uid = {$id} AND id_statut = '{$old_val}' AND id_reg = '{$id_reg}' and type_statut = '{$type_stt}'";
                 if (DEBUG) {
                     echo "<BR>{$query}";
                 $result = pg_query($db, $query) or die("Erreur pgSQL : " . $query);
                 add_suivi2($etape, $id_user, $id, "statut_reg", "statut_" . $type_stt, $old_val, $new_val, 'catnat', 'manuel', 'modif');
 $coor_stt = array("indi" => "INDI", "lr" => "LR", "rarete" => "RAR", "endemisme" => "END", "presence" => "PRES");
 $query = "SELECT indi, lr, rarete, endemisme, presence FROM catnat.statut_nat\tWHERE uid={$id};";
 if (DEBUG) {
     echo "<br>" . $query;
  *  Get array of uids which URIs and credentials asociated ONLY with 
  *  the domain. And not with any other domain.
  *  Possible options:
  *   - none
  *  @param  string  $did        Domain ID
  *  @param  array   $opt        array of options
  *  @return array               FALSE on error
 function get_uid_of_domain($did, $opt)
     global $config;
     $errors = array();
     if (!$this->connect_to_db($errors)) {
         return false;
     /* table's name */
     $tu_name =& $config->data_sql->uri->table_name;
     $tc_name =& $config->data_sql->credentials->table_name;
     /* col names */
     $cu =& $config->data_sql->uri->cols;
     $cc =& $config->data_sql->credentials->cols;
     /* flags */
     $fu =& $config->data_sql->uri->flag_values;
     $fc =& $config->data_sql->credentials->flag_values;
     /* if 'did' column in credentials table is not used, make list of all
          realms matching this domain
     if (!$config->auth['use_did']) {
         $dh =& Domains::singleton();
         if (false === ($dom_names = $dh->get_domain_names($did))) {
             return false;
         $da =& Domain_Attrs::singleton($did);
         if (false === ($realm = $da->get_attribute($config->attr_names['digest_realm']))) {
             return false;
         $realms_w1 = array();
         $realms_w2 = array();
         if (!is_null($realm)) {
             $realms_w1[] = $cc->realm . " = " . $this->sql_format($realm, "s");
             $realms_w2[] = $cc->realm . " != " . $this->sql_format($realm, "s");
         foreach ($dom_names as $v) {
             $realms_w1[] = $cc->realm . " = " . $this->sql_format($v, "s");
             $realms_w2[] = $cc->realm . " != " . $this->sql_format($v, "s");
     $uids = array();
     /* get list of UIDs which have URI asociated with the domain */
     $q = "select distinct " . $cu->uid . " as uid\n            from " . $tu_name . "\n            where  " . $cu->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($did, "s") . " and \n                  (" . $cu->flags . " & " . $fu['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     /* add the list to UIDs array */
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         $uids[$row['uid']] = true;
     /* get list of UIDs which have credentials asociated with the domain */
     if ($config->auth['use_did']) {
         $q = "select distinct " . $cc->uid . " as uid\n                from " . $tc_name . "\n                where  " . $cc->did . " = " . $this->sql_format($did, "s") . " and \n                      (" . $cc->flags . " & " . $fc['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     } else {
         if (!$realms_w1) {
             $realms_w1 = array($this - sql_format(false, "b"));
         $q = "select distinct " . $cc->uid . " as uid\n                from " . $tc_name . "\n                where  (" . implode($realms_w1, " or ") . ") and \n                      (" . $cc->flags . " & " . $fc['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     /* add the list to UIDs array */
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         $uids[$row['uid']] = true;
     /* get list of UIDs which have URI asociated with other domains */
     $q = "select distinct " . $cu->uid . " as uid\n            from " . $tu_name . "\n            where  " . $cu->did . " != " . $this->sql_format($did, "s") . " and \n                  (" . $cu->flags . " & " . $fu['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     /* and remove them from UIDs array */
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         if (isset($uids[$row['uid']])) {
     /* get list of UIDs which have credentials asociated with other domains */
     if ($config->auth['use_did']) {
         $q = "select distinct " . $cc->uid . " as uid\n                from " . $tc_name . "\n                where  " . $cc->did . " != " . $this->sql_format($did, "s") . " and \n                      (" . $cc->flags . " & " . $fc['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     } else {
         if (!$realms_w2) {
             $realms_w1 = array($this - sql_format(true, "b"));
         $q = "select distinct " . $cc->uid . " as uid\n                from " . $tc_name . "\n                where  (" . implode($realms_w2, " and ") . ") and \n                      (" . $cc->flags . " & " . $fc['DB_DISABLED'] . ") = 0";
     $res = $this->db->query($q);
     if (DB::isError($res)) {
         return false;
     /* and remove them from UIDs array */
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
         if (isset($uids[$row['uid']])) {
     return array_keys($uids);
예제 #14
파일: index.php 프로젝트: fedecbn/codex
 switch ($action) {
     case "add":
         $query = "INSERT INTO " . SQL_schema_app . ".bug (";
         foreach ($_POST as $field => $val) {
             if ($field != "action") {
                 $query .= $field . ",";
         $query .= "date_bug) VALUES (";
         foreach ($_POST as $field => $val) {
             if ($field == "descr") {
                 $query .= sql_format_quote($val, 'do') . ",";
             } elseif ($field != "action") {
                 $query .= sql_format($val) . ",";
         $query .= "NOW())";
         // echo $query;
         $result = pg_query($db, $query) or fatal_error("Erreur pgSQL : " . pg_result_error($result), false);
 $id_page = "bug-encours";
 echo "<div id=\"" . $id_page . "-dialog\"></div>";
 aff_table($id_page . "-liste", true, false);
 echo "</div>";
 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Traités
 echo "<div id=\"tab-ok\" style=\"margin:0;padding:5;min-height:700px;\">";
 $id_page = "bug-ok";
 echo "<div id=\"" . $id_page . "-dialog\"></div>";