} $ids = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $_SESSION['ulevel'] == 'admin') { if (isset($ids)) { include '../inc/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php'; include '../inc/simplepie/simplepie.inc'; include '../config.php'; include '../planetoid.php'; if ($ajax) { include 'feeds-functions.php'; } $ids = explode(',', $ids); for ($n = 0; $n < count($ids); $n++) { $id = sql_escape($ids[$n]); sql_query("UPDATE feeds SET approved=1 WHERE id='" . sql_escape($id) . "';"); $curr_feed_d = sql_action("SELECT * FROM feeds WHERE id='" . sql_escape($id) . "';"); $mail = $curr_feed_d['email']; $admin_mail = sql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE role_level='admin';"); $admin_mail = $admin_mail['email']; if ($mail != $admin_mail) { $mail_cont = nl2br("Your feed on <a href=\"" . get_home_link() . "\">" . get_title() . "</a> has been approved.\n\t\t\t\t\t---\n\t\t\t\t\tPowered by <a href=\"http://project-planetoid.org\">Planetoid</a> " . PLANETOID_VERSION . " - Generated on " . date('r')); mail($mail, "Planetoid administration", $mail_cont, "From: Planetoid <*****@*****.**> \r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); } if ($ajax) { $manage = generate_manage_links($id, 1); $manage = $manage['manage']; echo "\$('#table-row-{$id} td:first img').remove();"; echo "\$('#table-row-{$id} td:last').html('{$manage}').parent().Highlight(1000,'#64b31b');"; } } if (!$ajax) {
function is_plugin_active($name) { $q = sql_action("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='plugin_{$name}:active';"); if ($q['value'] == 'true') { return true; } else { return false; } }
if ($_GET['done'] == 'true') { ?> <div id="updated"> Feed has been updated. </div> <?php } ?> <form action="update-feed.php" method="POST"> <input type="submit" value="Save changes »" class="settings-submit" /> <h2><img src="inc/images/loading.gif" id="loading" alt="loading" style="display: none;" />Edit feed</h2> <hr style="display:none;"/> <a name="details"></a> <h3>Feed details</h3> <?php $feed = sql_action("SELECT * FROM feeds WHERE id='" . sql_escape($_GET['id']) . "';"); ?> <img src="../<?php echo $feed['avatar']; ?> " id="feed-avatar" alt="Hackergotchi" /> <p class="settings" style="padding-left: 70px;"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $feed['id']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="r_to" value="<?php echo $curr_page . '?id=' . $feed['id']; ?> " />
// ignore_user_abort(true); if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'true') { $ajax = true; } $ids = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $_SESSION['ulevel'] == 'admin') { if (isset($ids)) { include '../inc/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php'; include '../inc/simplepie/simplepie.inc'; include '../config.php'; include '../planetoid.php'; $ids = explode(',', $ids); header("Connection: Close"); for ($n = 0; $n < count($ids); $n++) { $id = sql_escape($ids[$n]); $user = sql_action("SELECT avatar, email FROM feeds WHERE id='{$id}';"); $avatar = $user['avatar']; if ($avatar != 'inc/images/no-avatar.png') { if (file_exists('../' . $avatar)) { unlink('../' . $avatar); } } /* sql_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE email='{$user['email']}';"); */ sql_query("DELETE FROM feeds WHERE id='{$id}';"); if ($ajax) { echo "\$('#table-row-{$id}').css({'color': '#fff', 'background': '#e72300'}).fadeOut(500);"; } } if (!$ajax) { header("Location: {$_GET['r_to']}"); }
$ajax = true; } if (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && $_SESSION['ulevel'] == 'admin') { $ids = $_GET['id']; if (isset($ids)) { include '../inc/simplepie/idn/idna_convert.class.php'; include '../inc/simplepie/simplepie.inc'; include '../config.php'; include '../planetoid.php'; if ($ajax) { include 'feeds-functions.php'; } $ids = explode(',', $ids); for ($n = 0; $n < count($ids); $n++) { $id = sql_escape($ids[$n]); $current = sql_action("SELECT * FROM feeds WHERE id={$id};"); $curr_status = $current['approved']; $class_act = ''; if ($_GET['to_n'] == 'a') { if ($curr_status == 2) { $to_n = 1; } else { if ($curr_status < 2) { $to_n = 2; } } } else { $to_n = intval($_GET['to_n']); } if ($to_n == 1) { $class_act = 'remove';
$current_pass = sql_action("SELECT pass FROM users WHERE email='" . sql_escape($_POST['email']) . "';"); if ($current_pass) { $new_pass = hash('md5', $current_pass['pass']); $new_pass = substr($new_pass, 0, 6); // echo $new_pass; $new_pass = hash('md5', $new_pass); sql_action("UPDATE users SET pass='******' WHERE email='" . sql_escape($_POST['email']) . "'"); $mail_cont = "Your password has been reset, the new password is: '{$new_pass}'." . "<br/>You can login here: " . "<a href=\"" . get_home_link() . "\">" . get_home_link() . "</a>" . "<br/>---</br/>Powered by <a href=\"http://planetoid-project.org\">Planetoid</a>"; mail($_POST['email'], "Planetoid adminstration", $mail_cont, "From: Planetoid <*****@*****.**> \r\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); $error = "New password has been sent to your email."; } else { $error = 'There is no user with this email, try again.'; } } if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['pass']) && strlen($_POST['email']) + strlen($_POST['email']) != 0 && $_POST['action'] == 'login') { $user_props = sql_action("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='" . sql_escape($_POST['email']) . "' AND pass='******'pass'])) . "';"); if (isset($user_props['id'])) { /* Just a check if SQL query did retrun any result */ $_SESSION['uid'] = $user_props['id']; $_SESSION['ulevel'] = $user_props['role_level']; header('Location: admin/'); } else { $error = 'Wrong email or password.'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/xhtml; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php
sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'description', '" . sql_escape($_POST['desc']) . "');"); sleep(1); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'base_url', '" . sql_escape($_POST['dir']) . "');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'base_link', '" . sql_escape($_POST['link']) . "');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'show_reg_button', 'on');"); sleep(1); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'reg_notify', 'on');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'theme_dir_name', 'default');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'posts_num', '0');"); sleep(1); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'date_format', 'j\\<\\s\\u\\p\\>S\\<\\/\\s\\u\\p\\> M Y');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'title_regexp', '');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'content_regexp', '');"); sleep(1); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'install_time', '" . time() . "');"); sql_action("INSERT INTO settings VALUES (" . sql_autoid('settings') . ", 'installed', 'true');"); sql_close(); ?> <strong>Congratulations! Planetoid has been successfully installed!</strong> <hr/> Proceed to: <ul> <li><a href="cron.php?to=./&force_rdr=true"><?php echo $_POST['title']; ?> homepage</a></li> <li><a href="admin/">Admin pages</a></li> </ul> <hr/> <div class="info">
} } else { $avatar = 'inc/images/no-avatar.png'; } $insert = sql_query("INSERT INTO feeds VALUES (" . sql_autoid('feeds') . ", '" . sql_escape($_POST['url']) . "', '" . sql_escape($_POST['email']) . "', '{$avatar}', " . sql_escape($_POST['approved']) . ", '" . date('Y-m-d') . "');"); if (!$insert) { if ($ajax) { echo "alert('An error occured.');"; } else { header("Location: {$_POST['r_to']}?e=true"); } exit(1); } if ($ajax) { sleep(1); $id = sql_action("SELECT id FROM feeds WHERE url='" . sql_escape($_POST['url']) . "';"); $id = $id['id']; $links = generate_manage_links($id, $feed['approved']); $manage = $links['manage']; $new_note = $links['new_note']; $hidden = $links['hidden']; $table_row = "<tr{$hidden} id=\"table-row-{$id}\"><td class=\"num\">{$id} {$new_note}</td><td><a href=\"{$feed['url']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$feed['url']}</a></td><td>{$manage}</td></tr>\n"; echo "\$('#feeds-table tbody').append('{$table_row}');\$('#feeds-table tbody tr:last').Highlight(1000, '#ffe');"; } else { header("Location: {$_POST['r_to']}"); } sql_close(); refresh_cache(); } else { if ($ajax) { echo 'alert("You have to fill all fields execept avatar\'s URL.");';