예제 #1
function studentparlamentet_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook)
    // Currently logged in user
    global $user;
    if (arg(0) == 'user') {
        $vars['title'] = t('Login');
    $space = spaces_get_space();
    if ($space) {
        // If we are in space, prepare and send space related variables to template
        $vars['spacetype'] = $space->type;
        $vars['spacetitle'] = l($space->group->title, '<front>');
    $banner = _make_banner_links($space);
    if ($banner) {
        $vars['space_settings_flyout'] = $banner;
    // For easy printing of variables.
    $vars['logo_img'] = $vars['logo'] ? theme('image', substr($vars['logo'], strlen(base_path())), t('Home'), t('Home')) : '';
    $vars['linked_logo_img'] = $vars['logo_img'] ? l($vars['logo_img'], '<front>', array('rel' => 'home', 'title' => t('Home'), 'html' => TRUE)) : '';
    //$vars['linked_site_name'] = $vars['site_name'] ? l($vars['site_name'], '<front>', array('rel' => 'home', 'title' => t('Home'))) : '';
    $vars['main_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links main-menu'));
    $vars['secondary_menu_links'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu'));
    // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others.
    #$vars['css_alt'] = zen_ninesixty_css_reorder($vars['css']);
    #$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']);
    // This line of code was borrowed from conditional_style module (http://drupal.org/project/conditional_styles)
    $vars['styles'] .= $vars['conditional_styles'] = variable_get('conditional_styles_' . $GLOBALS['theme'], '');
    // Classes for body element. Allows advanced theming based on context
    // (home page, node of certain type, etc.)
    $classes = split(' ', $vars['body_classes']);
    $vars['body_classes_array'] = $classes;
    $vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $classes);
    // Concatenate with spaces.
    // vjo: får designkit til å virke i zen_ninesixty: http://drupal.org/node/814548#comment-3174320
    // note: hele designkit_preprocess_page fra designkit.module er kopiert inn for å få dette til å
    // funke, men noe trengs kanskje ikke.. (?)
    $info = designkit_get_info();
    $color = !empty($info['designkit']['color']) ? variable_get('designkit_color', array()) : array();
    $image = !empty($info['designkit']['image']) ? variable_get('designkit_image', array()) : array();
    // Clear out stale values for image keys. This prevents themes from
    // getting unexpected values if no images have been set.
    if (!empty($info['designkit']['image'])) {
        foreach (array_keys($info['designkit']['image']) as $name) {
            if (isset($vars[$name])) {
예제 #2
 protected function checkEntityAccess($op, $entity_type, $entity)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request['vsite']) {
         spaces_set_space(spaces_load('og', $request['vsite']));
     if (empty($entity->nid)) {
         // This is still a new node. Skip.
     if ($is_group = og_is_group($entity_type, $entity)) {
         $group = $entity;
     } else {
         $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $entity);
         $group = $wrapper->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}->get(0)->value();
     if (empty($request['vsite'])) {
         spaces_set_space(spaces_load('og', $group->nid));
     $manager = og_user_access('node', $group->nid, 'administer users', $this->getAccount());
     if ($is_group) {
         // In addition to the node access check, we need to see if the user can
         // manage groups.
         return $manager && !vsite_access_node_access($group, 'view', $this->getAccount()) == NODE_ACCESS_DENY;
     } else {
         $app = os_get_app_by_bundle($entity->type);
         $space = spaces_get_space();
         $application_settings = $space->controllers->variable->get('spaces_features');
         switch ($application_settings[$app]) {
             case OS_DISABLED_APP:
                 return FALSE;
             case OS_PRIVATE_APP:
                 return og_is_member('node', $group->nid, 'user', $this->getAccount()) && parent::checkEntityAccess($op, $entity_type, $entity);
             case OS_PUBLIC_APP:
                 return parent::checkEntityAccess($op, $entity_type, $entity);
예제 #3
 * Override of theme_breadcrumb().
function ginkgo_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) {
  $breadcrumb = empty($breadcrumb) ? array(l(t('Home'), '<front>')) : $breadcrumb;
  $i = 0;
  foreach ($breadcrumb as $k => $link) {
    $breadcrumb[$k] = "<span class='link link-{$i}'>{$link}</span>";
  $breadcrumb = implode("<span class='divider'></span>", $breadcrumb);

  // Marker for this group as public or private.
  $space = spaces_get_space();
  if ($space && $space->type === 'og') {
    $attr = $space->group->og_private ?
      array('title' => t('Private'), 'class' => 'private') :
      array('title' => t('Public'), 'class' => 'public');
    $link = l('', $_GET['q'], array('attributes' => $attr));
    $breadcrumb .= "<span class='space'>{$link}</span>";

  return "<div class='breadcrumb'>{$breadcrumb}</div>";
예제 #4
 * Make logo markup overridable.
function ginkgo_spaces_design_logo($filepath)
    $url = imagecache_create_url('spaces-logo', $filepath);
    $space = spaces_get_space();
    $options = array('attributes' => array('class' => 'spaces-logo', 'style' => 'background-image:url(\'' . $url . '\')'));
    return l($space->title, '<front>', $options);
예제 #5
 * Preprocessor for page.tpl.php template file.
function dewey_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook)
    global $user;
    $space = spaces_get_space();
    $context = context_get();
    $vars['space'] = $space;
    $vars['context'] = $context;
    // Replace screen/all stylesheets with print
    // We want a minimal print representation here for full control.
    if (isset($_GET['print'])) {
        $css = drupal_add_css();
        $css['all'] = $css['print'];
        $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);
        // Add print header
        $vars['print_header'] = theme('print_header');
        // Replace all body classes
        $attr['class'] = 'print';
        // Use print template
        $vars['template_file'] = 'print-page';
        // Suppress devel output
        $GLOBALS['devel_shutdown'] = FALSE;
    // If user is not a member of the group, add an "Join group" button.
    if (!empty($space) && $space->controllers->variable->space_type == "og" && !in_array($space->id, array_keys($user->og_groups))) {
        $add_group = array('add-group' => array('title' => t('Join group'), 'href' => 'og/subscribe/' . $space->id));
        $vars['context_links'] = theme('links', $add_group);
    // If we're on on a user page or a group page, add an add group link.
    if (empty($vars['context_links']) && !in_array($space->controllers->variable->space_type, array('og', 'user')) && $user->uid != 0) {
        $add_group = array('add-group' => array('title' => t('Add Group'), 'href' => 'node/add/group'));
        $vars['context_links'] = theme('links', $add_group);
    // If we're in the discussion context, add an add discussion link.
    if (empty($vars['context_links']) && isset($context['context']['spaces-feature-discussion'])) {
        $add_discussion = array('add-discussion' => array('title' => t('Add Discussion'), 'href' => 'node/add/story'));
        $vars['context_links'] = theme('links', $add_discussion);
    // Path to theme
    $vars['path'] = base_path() . path_to_theme() . '/';
    // Create login or account page.
    list($user_picture, $user_picture_preset) = dewey_comment_user_picture($user->picture, $user->uid);
    $user_picture = "<div class='picture grid-1'>" . $user_picture . "</div>";
    $vars['user_picture'] = $user_picture;
    if ($user->uid) {
        $vars['user_account'] = $user_picture . " " . l($user->name, 'user') . "   " . l('logout', 'logout');
    } else {
        $vars['user_account'] = l('Login', 'user', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'user-account')));
    $vars['user_account'] = "<span class='user-links'>" . $vars['user_account'] . "</span>";
    // Set title
    if ($space) {
        if (!empty($space->group->title)) {
            $vars['space_title'] = l(strtoupper($space->group->title), '<front>');
    } else {
        $vars['space_title'] = $vars['title'];
    // Create the menu item for the group settings tab for group admins.
    if (!empty($space) && $space->type == 'og') {
        $result = db_result(db_query("SELECT uid\n                        FROM {og_uid}\n                        WHERE is_admin = 1\n                        AND nid = %d\n                        AND uid = %d", $space->id, $user->uid));
        if ($result || $user->uid == 1) {
            $vars['space_settings'] = theme('group_settings_dropdown', $space);
    // Add custom breadcrumb.
    $active_menu = "";
    if (!empty($context['context'])) {
        $contexts = array_keys($context['context']);
        foreach ($contexts as $item) {
            if (preg_match('/spaces-feature.*/', $item, $matches)) {
                $active_menu = $context['context'][$item]->reactions['menu'];
    $breadcrumb .= "<div id='breadcrumb'";
    $breadcrumb .= l("Home", base_path(), array('external' => true)) . " > ";
    if (isset($space->id)) {
        $breadcrumb .= l($space->group->title, "");
        if (!empty($active_menu)) {
            $breadcrumb .= " > " . l(capitalizeWords($active_menu), $active_menu);
    } else {
        $breadcrumb = trim($breadcrumb, " >");
    $breadcrumb .= "</div>";
    $vars['breadcrumb'] = $breadcrumb;
    $vars['meta'] = '';
    // SEO optimization, add in the node's teaser, or if on the homepage, the mission statement
    // as a description of the page that appears in search engines
    if ($vars['is_front'] && $vars['mission'] != '') {
        $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . dewey_trim_text($vars['mission']) . '" />' . "\n";
    } else {
        if (isset($vars['node']->teaser) && $vars['node']->teaser != '') {
            $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . dewey_trim_text($vars['node']->teaser) . '" />' . "\n";
        } else {
            if (isset($vars['node']->body) && $vars['node']->body != '') {
                $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="description" content="' . dewey_trim_text($vars['node']->body) . '" />' . "\n";
    // SEO optimization, if the node has tags, use these as keywords for the page
    if (isset($vars['node']->taxonomy)) {
        $keywords = array();
        foreach ($vars['node']->taxonomy as $term) {
            $keywords[] = $term->name;
        $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . implode(',', $keywords) . '" />' . "\n";
    // SEO optimization, avoid duplicate titles in search indexes for pager pages
    if (isset($_GET['page']) || isset($_GET['sort'])) {
        $vars['meta'] .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />' . "\n";
예제 #6
function template_preprocess_filedepot_filedetail(&$variables)
    $filedepot = filedepot_filedepot();
    $nexcloud = filedepot_nexcloud();
    $fid = $variables['fid'];
    $variables['site_url'] = base_path();
    $variables['ajax_server_url'] = url('filedepot_ajax');
    $variables['LANG_download'] = t('Download File');
    $variables['LANG_lastupated'] = t('Last Updated');
    $variables['show_statusmsg'] = 'none';
    $limit = FALSE;
    if ($variables['reportmode'] == 'approvals') {
        $sql = "SELECT file.cid,file.title,file.fname,file.date,file.version,file.size, ";
        $sql .= "file.description,file.submitter,file.status,file.version_note as notes,tags ";
        $sql .= "FROM {filedepot_filesubmissions} file ";
        $sql .= "WHERE file.id=:fid";
    } elseif ($variables['reportmode'] == 'incoming') {
        $sql = "SELECT 0,file.orig_filename as title,file.orig_filename as fname,file.timestamp,1,file.size, ";
        $sql .= "file.description,file.uid,9,file.version_note,'' ";
        $sql .= "FROM {filedepot_import_queue} file ";
        $sql .= "WHERE file.id=:fid";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT file.cid, file.title, v.fname, file.date, file.version, file.size, ";
        $sql .= "file.description, file.submitter, file.status, v.notes, '' as tags ";
        $sql .= "FROM {filedepot_files} file ";
        $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {filedepot_fileversions} v ON v.fid=file.fid ";
        $sql .= "WHERE file.fid=:fid ORDER BY v.version DESC ";
        $limit = 1;
    $filedetail = FALSE;
    if ($limit !== FALSE) {
        $query = db_query_range($sql, 0, 1, array(':fid' => $fid));
    } else {
        $query = db_query($sql, array(':fid' => $fid));
    $A = $query->fetchAssoc();
    if ($A != NULL) {
        list($cid, $title, $fname, $date, $cur_version, $size, $description, $submitter, $status, $cur_notes, $tags) = array_values($A);
        $variables['cid'] = $cid;
        $variables['shortdate'] = strftime($filedepot->shortdate, $date);
        $variables['size'] = filedepot_formatFileSize($size);
        $icon = $filedepot->getFileIcon($fname);
        $variables['fileicon'] = "{$variables['layout_url']}/css/images/{$icon}";
        $author = db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid=:uid", array(':uid' => $submitter))->fetchField();
        $catname = db_query("SELECT name FROM {filedepot_categories} WHERE cid=:cid", array(':cid' => $cid))->fetchField();
        $nid = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {filedepot_categories} WHERE cid=:cid", array(':cid' => $cid))->fetchField();
        $variables['fname'] = filter_xss($fname);
        $variables['current_version'] = "(V{$cur_version})";
        $variables['filetitle'] = filter_xss($title);
        $variables['real_filename'] = filter_xss($fname);
        $variables['author'] = $author;
        $variables['description'] = nl2br(filter_xss($description));
        $variables['foldername'] = filter_xss($catname);
        $variables['current_ver_note'] = nl2br(filter_xss($cur_notes));
        $variables['tags'] = $nexcloud->get_itemtags($fid);
        $variables['disable_download'] = '';
        if ($status == FILEDEPOT_UNAPPROVED_STATUS) {
            $variables['show_statusmsg'] = '';
            $variables['status_image'] = '<img src="' . $variables['layout_url'] . '/css/images/padlock.gif">';
            $variables['statusmessage'] = '* ' . t('File Submission to Approve');
        } elseif ($status == FILEDEPOT_INCOMING_STATUS) {
            $variables['show_statusmsg'] = '';
            $variables['status_image'] = '&nbsp;';
            $variables['statusmessage'] = '* ' . t('Incoming File - needs to be moved or deleted');
            $variables['disable_download'] = 'onClick="return false;"';
        } elseif ($status == FILEDEPOT_LOCKED_STATUS) {
            $variables['show_statusmsg'] = '';
            $stat_userid = db_query("SELECT status_changedby_uid FROM {filedepot_files} WHERE fid=:fid", array(':fid' => $fid))->fetchField();
            $stat_user = db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid=:uid", array(':uid' => $stat_userid))->fetchField();
            $variables['status_image'] = '<img src="' . $variables['layout_url'] . '/css/images/padlock.gif">';
            $variables['statusmessage'] = '* ' . t('Locked by %name', array('%name' => $stat_user));
            $variables['LANG_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE'] = t('File Locked by: %name', array('%name' => $stat_user));
            $variables['disable_download'] = 'onClick="return FALSE;"';
        } else {
            $variables['status_image'] = '&nbsp;';
            $variables['statusmessage'] = '&nbsp;';
        if (function_exists('spaces_get_space')) {
            $space = spaces_get_space();
            if ($space && $space->type === 'og') {
                $urlprefix = '';
                switch (variable_get('purl_method_spaces_og', 'path')) {
                    case 'path':
                        $urlprefix = "{$space->group->purl}";
                    case 'pair':
                        $urlprefix = "{$key}/{$space->id}";
        $clean_urls_on = variable_get('clean_url', 0);
        if ($clean_urls_on == 1) {
            $url_separator = "/";
        } else {
            $url_separator = "?q=";
        if (isset($urlprefix) and !empty($urlprefix)) {
            $variables['download_url'] = base_path() . "index.php{$url_separator}{$urlprefix}/filedepot&cid={$cid}&fid={$fid}";
        } else {
            $variables['download_url'] = base_path() . "index.php{$url_separator}filedepot&cid={$cid}&fid={$fid}";
        // Retrieve file versions
        $sql = "SELECT fid,fname,version,notes,size,date,uid FROM {filedepot_fileversions} " . "WHERE fid=:fid AND version < :version ORDER by version DESC";
        $query = db_query($sql, array(':fid' => $fid, ':version' => $cur_version));
        $version_records = '';
        if ($query) {
            while ($rec = $query->fetchAssoc()) {
                $rec['nid'] = $nid;
                $version_records .= theme('filedepot_fileversion', array('versionRec' => $rec));
        $variables['version_records'] = $version_records;