function sp_UpdateProfile() { global $spGlobals, $spThisUser; # make sure nonce is there check_admin_referer('forum-profile', 'forum-profile'); $message = array(); # dont update forum if its locked down if ($spGlobals['lockdown']) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('This forum is currently locked - access is read only - profile not updated'); return $message; } # do we have a form to update? if (isset($_GET['form'])) { $thisForm = sp_esc_str($_GET['form']); } else { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Profile update aborted - no valid form'); return $message; } # do we have an actual user to update? if (isset($_GET['userid'])) { $thisUser = sp_esc_int($_GET['userid']); } else { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Profile update aborted - no valid user'); return $message; } # Check the user ID for current user of admin edit if ($thisUser != $spThisUser->ID && !$spThisUser->admin) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Profile update aborted - no valid user'); return $message; } if (isset($spThisUser->sp_change_pw) && $spThisUser->sp_change_pw) { $pass1 = $pass2 = ''; if (isset($_POST['pass1'])) { $pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; } if (isset($_POST['pass2'])) { $pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; } if (empty($pass1) || empty($pass2) || $pass1 != $pass2) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Cannot save profile until password has been changed'); return $message; } } # form save filter $thisForm = apply_filters('sph_profile_save_thisForm', $thisForm); # valid save attempt, so lets process the save switch ($thisForm) { case 'show-memberships': # update memberships # any usergroup removals? if (isset($_POST['usergroup_leave'])) { foreach ($_POST['usergroup_leave'] as $membership) { sp_remove_membership(sp_esc_str($membership), $thisUser); } } # any usergroup joins? if (isset($_POST['usergroup_join'])) { foreach ($_POST['usergroup_join'] as $membership) { sp_add_membership(sp_esc_int($membership), $thisUser); } } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileMemberships', $message, $thisUser); # output update message if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Memberships updated'); } break; case 'account-settings': # update account settings # check for password update $pass1 = $pass2 = ''; if (isset($_POST['pass1'])) { $pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; } if (isset($_POST['pass2'])) { $pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; } if (!empty($pass1) || !empty($pass2)) { if ($pass1 != $pass2) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Please enter the same password in the two password fields'); return $message; } else { # update the password $user = new stdClass(); $user->ID = (int) $thisUser; $user->user_pass = $pass1; wp_update_user(get_object_vars($user)); if (isset($spThisUser->sp_change_pw) && $spThisUser->sp_change_pw) { delete_user_meta($spThisUser->ID, 'sp_change_pw'); } } } # now check the email is valid and unique $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserEmailUpdate', true); if ($update) { $curEmail = sp_filter_email_save($_POST['curemail']); $email = sp_filter_email_save($_POST['email']); if ($email != $curEmail) { if (empty($email)) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Please enter a valid email address'); return $message; } elseif (($owner_id = email_exists($email)) && $owner_id != $thisUser) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('The email address is already registered. Please choose another one'); return $message; } # save new email address $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SFUSERS . " SET user_email='{$email}' WHERE ID=" . $thisUser; spdb_query($sql); } } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileSettings', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Account settings updated'); } break; case 'edit-profile': # update profile settings # validate any username change $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserDisplayNameUpdate', true); if ($update) { $spProfile = sp_get_option('sfprofile'); if ($spProfile['nameformat'] || $spThisUser->admin) { $display_name = !empty($_POST['display_name']) ? trim($_POST['display_name']) : spdb_table(SFUSERS, "ID={$thisUser}", 'user_login'); $display_name = sp_filter_name_save($display_name); # make sure display name isnt already used if ($_POST['oldname'] != $display_name) { $records = spdb_table(SFMEMBERS, "display_name='{$display_name}'"); if ($records) { foreach ($records as $record) { if ($record->user_id != $thisUser) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = $display_name . ' ' . sp_text('is already in use - please choose a different display name'); return $message; } } } # validate display name $errors = new WP_Error(); $user = new stdClass(); $user->display_name = $display_name; sp_validate_display_name($errors, true, $user); if ($errors->get_error_codes()) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('The display name you have chosen is not allowed on this site'); return $message; } # now save the display name sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'display_name', $display_name); # Update new users list with changed display name sp_update_newuser_name(sp_filter_name_save($_POST['oldname']), $display_name); # do we need to sync display name with wp? $options = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options'); if ($options['namesync']) { spdb_query('UPDATE ' . SFUSERS . ' SET display_name="' . $display_name . '" WHERE ID=' . $thisUser); } } } } # save the url $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserWebsiteUpdate', true); if ($update) { $url = sp_filter_url_save($_POST['website']); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SFUSERS . ' SET user_url="' . $url . '" WHERE ID=' . $thisUser; spdb_query($sql); } # update first name, last name, location and biorgraphy $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserFirstNameUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'first_name', sp_filter_name_save(trim($_POST['first_name']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserLastNameUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'last_name', sp_filter_name_save(trim($_POST['last_name']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserLocationUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'location', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['location']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserBiographyUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'description', sp_filter_save_kses($_POST['description'])); } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileProfile', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Profile settings updated'); } break; case 'edit-identities': # update identity settings # update the user identities $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserAIMUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'aim', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['aim']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserYahooUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'yim', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['yim']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserGoogleUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'jabber', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['jabber']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserMSNUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'msn', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['msn']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserICQUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'icq', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['icq']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserSkypeUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'skype', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['skype']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserFacebookUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'facebook', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['facebook']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserMySpaceUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'myspace', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['myspace']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserTwitterUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'twitter', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['twitter']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserLinkedInUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'linkedin', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['linkedin']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserYouTubeUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'youtube', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['youtube']))); } $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserGooglePlusUpdate', true); if ($update) { update_user_meta($thisUser, 'googleplus', sp_filter_title_save(trim($_POST['googleplus']))); } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileIdentities', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Identities updated'); } break; case 'avatar-upload': # upload avatar # did we get an avatar to upload? if (empty($_FILES['avatar-upload']['name'])) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the avatar filename was empty'); return $message; } # Verify the file extension global $spPaths; $uploaddir = SF_STORE_DIR . '/' . $spPaths['avatars'] . '/'; $filename = basename($_FILES['avatar-upload']['name']); $path = pathinfo($filename); $ext = strtolower($path['extension']); if ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'jpeg' && $ext != 'gif' && $ext != 'png') { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF files are allowed'); return $message; } # check image file mimetype $mimetype = 0; $mimetype = exif_imagetype($_FILES['avatar-upload']['tmp_name']); if (empty($mimetype) || $mimetype == 0 || $mimetype > 3) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the avatar file is an invalid format'); return $message; } # make sure file extension and mime type actually match if ($mimetype == 1 && $ext != 'gif' || $mimetype == 2 && ($ext != 'jpg' && $ext != 'jpeg') || $mimetype == 3 && $ext != 'png') { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the file mime type does not match file extension'); return $message; } # Clean up file name just in case $filename = date('U') . sp_filter_filename_save(basename($_FILES['avatar-upload']['name'])); $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $filename; # check for existence if (file_exists($uploadfile)) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the avatar file already exists'); return $message; } # check file size against limit if provided $spAvatars = sp_get_option('sfavatars'); if ($_FILES['avatar-upload']['size'] > $spAvatars['sfavatarfilesize']) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the avatar file exceeds the maximum allowed size'); return $message; } # valid avatar, so try moving the uploaded file to the avatar storage directory if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar-upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { @chmod("{$uploadfile}", 0644); # do we need to resize? $sfavatars = sp_get_option('sfavatars'); if ($sfavatars['sfavatarresize']) { $editor = wp_get_image_editor($uploadfile); if (is_wp_error($editor)) { @unlink($uploadfile); $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, there was a problem resizing the avatar'); return $message; } else { $editor->resize($sfavatars['sfavatarsize'], $sfavatars['sfavatarsize'], true); $imageinfo = $editor->save($uploadfile); $filename = $imageinfo['file']; } } # update member avatar data $avatar = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar'); $avatar['uploaded'] = $filename; sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar', $avatar); } else { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, the avatar file could not be moved to the avatar storage location'); return $message; } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileAvatarUpload', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Uploaded avatar updated'); } break; case 'avatar-pool': # pool avatar # get pool avatar name $filename = sp_filter_filename_save($_POST['spPoolAvatar']); # error if no pool avatar provided if (empty($filename)) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Sorry, you must select a pool avatar before trying to save it'); return $message; } # save the pool avatar $avatar = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar'); $avatar['pool'] = $filename; sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar', $avatar); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileAvatarPool', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Pool avatar updated'); } break; case 'avatar-remote': # remote avatar # get remote avatar name $filename = sp_filter_url_save($_POST['spAvatarRemote']); $avatar = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar'); $avatar['remote'] = $filename; sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'avatar', $avatar); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileAvatarRemote', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Remote avatar updated'); } break; case 'edit-signature': # save signature # Check if maxmium links has been exceeded $numLinks = substr_count($_POST['postitem'], '</a>'); $spFilters = sp_get_option('sffilters'); if (!sp_get_auth('create_links', 'global', $thisUser) && $numLinks > 0 && !$spThisUser->admin) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('You are not allowed to put links in signatures'); return $message; } if (sp_get_auth('create_links', 'global', $thisUser) && $spFilters['sfmaxlinks'] != 0 && $numLinks > $spFilters['sfmaxlinks'] && !$spThisUser->admin) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Maximum number of allowed links exceeded in signature') . ': ' . $spFilters['sfmaxlinks'] . ' ' . sp_text('allowed'); return $message; } // $sig = esc_sql(sp_filter_save_kses(trim($_POST['postitem']))); $sig = sp_filter_content_save($_POST['postitem'], 'edit'); sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'signature', $sig); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileSignature', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Signature updated'); } break; case 'edit-photos': # save photos $photos = array(); $spProfileOptions = sp_get_option('sfprofile'); for ($x = 0; $x < $spProfileOptions['photosmax']; $x++) { $photos[$x] = sp_filter_url_save($_POST['photo' . $x]); } update_user_meta($thisUser, 'photos', $photos); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfilePhotos', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Photos updated'); } break; case 'edit-global-options': # save global options $options = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options'); $options['hidestatus'] = isset($_POST['hidestatus']) ? true : false; $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserSyncNameUpdate', true); if ($update) { $options['namesync'] = isset($_POST['namesync']) ? true : false; } sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options', $options); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileGlobalOptions', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Global options updated'); } break; case 'edit-posting-options': # save posting options $update = apply_filters('sph_ProfileUserEditorUpdate', true); if ($update) { $options = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options'); if (isset($_POST['editor'])) { $options['editor'] = sp_esc_int($_POST['editor']); } sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options', $options); } # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfilePostingOptions', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Posting options updated'); } break; case 'edit-display-options': # save display options $options = sp_get_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options'); if (isset($_POST['timezone'])) { if (preg_match('/^UTC[+-]/', $_POST['timezone'])) { # correct for manual UTC offets $userOffset = preg_replace('/UTC\\+?/', '', $_POST['timezone']) * 3600; } else { # get timezone offset for user $date_time_zone_selected = new DateTimeZone(sp_esc_str($_POST['timezone'])); $userOffset = timezone_offset_get($date_time_zone_selected, date_create()); } # get timezone offset for server based on wp settings $wptz = get_option('timezone_string'); if (empty($wptz)) { $serverOffset = get_option('gmt_offset'); } else { $date_time_zone_selected = new DateTimeZone($wptz); $serverOffset = timezone_offset_get($date_time_zone_selected, date_create()); } # calculate time offset between user and server $options['timezone'] = (int) round(($userOffset - $serverOffset) / 3600, 2); $options['timezone_string'] = sp_esc_str($_POST['timezone']); } else { $options['timezone'] = 0; $options['timezone_string'] = 'UTC'; } if (isset($_POST['unreadposts'])) { $sfcontrols = sp_get_option('sfcontrols'); $options['unreadposts'] = is_numeric($_POST['unreadposts']) ? max(min(sp_esc_int($_POST['unreadposts']), $sfcontrols['sfmaxunreadposts']), 0) : $sfcontrols['sfdefunreadposts']; } $options['topicASC'] = isset($_POST['topicASC']); $options['postDESC'] = isset($_POST['postDESC']); sp_update_member_item($thisUser, 'user_options', $options); # fire action for plugins $message = apply_filters('sph_UpdateProfileDisplayOptions', $message, $thisUser); # output profile save status if (empty($message)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['text'] = sp_text('Display options updated'); } break; default: break; } # let plugins do their thing on success $message = apply_filters('sph_ProfileFormSave_' . $thisForm, $message, $thisUser, $thisForm); do_action('sph_UpdateProfile', $thisUser, $thisForm); # reset the plugin_data just in case sp_reset_member_plugindata($thisUser); # done saving - return the messages return $message; }
function sp_update_member_data($userid) { if (!$userid) { return ''; } # are we syncing display names between WP and SPF? $member = sp_get_member_row($userid); $options = unserialize($member['user_options']); if ($options['namesync']) { $display_name = sp_filter_name_save(spdb_table(SFUSERS, "ID={$userid}", 'display_name')); sp_update_member_item($userid, 'display_name', $display_name); # update recent members list sp_update_newuser_name($member['display_name'], $display_name); } }