/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_getdata($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template $sTemplate, &$repeat) { $conditions = $orderbys = array(); $mysql_limit = $mysql_orderby = $image_col = $_seperate = ''; $target = "_blank"; extract($params); if (!isset($params['assign'])) { $assign = 'row'; } if (!empty($params['name'])) { $assign = trim($params['name']); } $C = new PbController(); $M = new PbModel(); $M->condition = ''; //Initial any last conditions $_table = $params['module']; switch ($params['module']) { case "offer": case "trade": $_table = "trade"; break; case "fair": case "expo": $_table = "expo"; break; case "announce": $_table = "announcement"; break; case "ads": $_table = "adses"; break; case "adword": $_table = "spread"; break; case "price": $_table = "productprice"; break; case "adses": break; default: break; } if (method_exists($sTemplate, 'get_template_vars')) { $_bindex = $sTemplate->getTemplateVars('_bindex'); } else { $_bindex = $sTemplate->getVariable('_bindex')->value; } if (!$_bindex) { $_bindex = array(); } if (isset($params['name'])) { if (!isset($_bindex[$params['name']])) { $_bindex[$params['name']] = 1; } else { $_bindex[$params['name']]++; } } $sTemplate->assign('_bindex', $_bindex); if (!isset($sTemplate->block_data)) { $sTemplate->block_data = array(); } $iTags = count($sTemplate->_tag_stack); /** * set condition */ $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } if (isset($_GET['pos'])) { $_pos = intval($_GET['pos']); $offset = ceil($_pos / $limit) * $row; } if (!empty($params['flag'])) { $conditions[] = "flag='" . $params['flag'] . "'"; } if ($_table == "industry" or $_table == "area") { if (isset($params['parentid'])) { if (!empty($params['parentid'])) { $conditions['parentid'] = "parent_id='" . intval($params['parentid']) . "' OR id=" . intval($params['parentid']); } else { $conditions['parentid'] = "parent_id=0"; } } else { $conditions['parentid'] = "parent_id=0"; } } if (!empty($params['level'])) { if ($_table == "newstype") { $conditions[] = "level_id='" . $params['level'] . "'"; } else { $conditions[] = "level='" . $params['level'] . "'"; } } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': if ($module == "friendlink") { $image_col = "logo"; } else { $image_col = "picture"; } $conditions[] = "{$image_col}!=''"; break; case 'hot': $orderbys[] = "hits DESC"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "if_commend='1'"; break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['exclude'])) { $conditions[] = $M->getExcludeIds($params['exclude']); } if (isset($params['include'])) { $conditions[] = $M->getIncludeIds($params['include']); } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderbys[] = trim($params['orderby']); } if (!empty($row) && $row != 'all' && $row != -1) { $M->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $M->getLimitOffset(); } if (!empty($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } if (!empty($_GET['producttypeid'])) { $conditions[] = "type_id=" . intval($_GET['producttypeid']); } if (!empty($params['companyid'])) { $conditions[] = "company_id=" . intval($params['companyid']); } if (!empty($params['industryid'])) { $conditions[] = "industry_id=" . intval($params['industryid']); } if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { if ($_table == 'adses') { $conditions[] = "adzone_id=" . intval($params['typeid']); } else { $conditions[] = "type_id=" . intval($params['typeid']); } } if (empty($sTemplate->block_data[$iTags])) { # ************************************************************************ # Main content $M->setCondition($conditions); $M->setOrderby($orderbys); $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s%s %s %s %s", $M->table_prefix, $C->pluralize($_table), $M->getCondition(), $M->getOrderby(), $mysql_limit); $sTemplate->block_data[$iTags] = $M->GetArray($sql); //如果没有数据,那就不用再执行了(repeat) if (!$sTemplate->block_data[$iTags]) { return $repeat = false; } if (isset($stat)) { $_total_count = $M->dbstuff->GetOne(sprintf("SELECT count(*) FROM %s%s %s", $M->table_prefix, $C->pluralize($_table), $M->getCondition())); $sTemplate->assign('total_count', $_total_count); $sTemplate->assign("paging", array('total' => $_total_count)); } # End main content # ************************************************************************ } if (!$sTemplate->block_data[$iTags]) { $repeat = false; return ''; } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } $counts = count($sTemplate->block_data[$iTags]); if (list($key, $item) = each($sTemplate->block_data[$iTags])) { $_title = $_title_full = $_content = $_content_full = ''; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['iteration'] = ++$key; if (!empty($item['url'])) { $url = $item['url']; } else { $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("do" => $module, "id" => $item['id'], "action" => 'detail')); } if ($module == "company") { $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("id" => $item['id'], "do" => "company", "userid" => $item['cache_spacename'])); } elseif ($module == "tag") { $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("do" => "product", "action" => 'lists', "q" => $item['name'])); } $item['url'] = $url; if (isset($item['title'])) { $_title = $item['name'] = $item['title']; } elseif (isset($item['name'])) { $_title = $item['title'] = $item['name']; } elseif (isset($item['subject'])) { $_title = $item['title'] = $item['subject']; } elseif (isset($item['word'])) { $_title = $item['title'] = $item['word']; } $_title_full = $_title; $item['title'] = $_title = strip_tags(pb_lang_split($_title)); $_title_full = strip_tags(pb_lang_split($_title_full)); if (!empty($titlelen)) { $_title = mb_substr($_title, 0, $titlelen); } if (isset($item['description'])) { $_content = $item['description']; } elseif (isset($item['content'])) { $_content = $item['content']; } if (isset($item['clicked'])) { $item['hits'] = $item['clicked']; } $_content_full = $_content; if (!empty($_content) && isset($infolen)) { $_content = mb_substr($_content, 0, $infolen); } if (isset($item['created'])) { $item['pubdate'] = df($item['created'], "m-d"); } elseif (isset($item['submit_time'])) { $item['pubdate'] = df($item['submit_time']); } if (!empty($params['sep'])) { $_seperate = $params['sep']; } $item['content'] = $_content = strip_tags(pb_lang_split($_content)); // if($seperate) $_title = ($key==$counts-1)?$_title:$_title.$seperate; $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $_title_full . '" href="' . $url . '" target="' . $target . '">' . $_title . '</a>' . $_seperate; $media_url = ''; if (!empty($item['picture'])) { $media_url = $item['picture']; if (!empty($media_url)) { $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($media_url, '', 'small'); } } if (!empty($item['source_url'])) { $media_url = $item['source_url']; if (!empty($media_url)) { $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = $media_url; } } if (isset($item['highlight'])) { $item['style'] = parse_highlight($item['highlight']); } $sTemplate->assign($assign, $item); $repeat = true; } else { $repeat = false; reset($sTemplate->block_data[$iTags]); if (isset($params['name'])) { unset($_bindex[$params['name']]); $sTemplate->assign('_bindex', $_bindex); } } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $sTemplate->block_data[$iTags] = array(); } }
<td><?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['item']['gradename']) { echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['gradeimg']; } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['im']; ?> <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['item']['companyname'] != "") { ?> <a href="<?php echo smarty_function_the_url(array('module' => 'space', 'userid' => $this->_tpl_vars['item']['userid']), $this); ?> "><span class="im_pms"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_station_message']; ?> </span></a> <?php } elseif ($this->_tpl_vars['item']['username']) { ?> <a href="virtual-office/pms.php?do=send&to=<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['username']; ?> "><span class="im_pms"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_send_message']; ?> </span></a>
<th class="tt" rowspan="2"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_similar_search']; ?> </th> <?php $_from = $this->_tpl_vars['similar_search']; if (!is_array($_from) && !is_object($_from)) { settype($_from, 'array'); } $this->_foreach['similar'] = array('total' => count($_from), 'iteration' => 0); if ($this->_foreach['similar']['total'] > 0) { foreach ($_from as $this->_tpl_vars['item']) { $this->_foreach['similar']['iteration']++; ?> <th><a href="<?php echo smarty_function_the_url(array('module' => 'list', 'extra' => "q," . $this->_tpl_vars['item']['title'] . "|total_count|pos|typeid"), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['title']; ?> </a> </th><td></td> <?php if (!($this->_foreach['similar']['iteration'] % 5)) { ?> <th></th> </tr><tr> <?php } } }
function url($params) { if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require SLUGIN_PATH . "function.the_url.php"; } return smarty_function_the_url($params); }
function disSubNames($id, $sep = "»", $link = false, $do = null) { $ids = $this->disSubOptions($id); $tmp_controller = new PbController(); if (is_null($sep)) { $sep = "»"; } $r = array(); $_PB_CACHE['industry'] = cache_read("industry"); $datas = $tmp_controller->array_multi2single($_PB_CACHE['industry']); $tmp_ids = $ids; foreach ($ids as $key => $val) { if ($link) { $tmp = ltrim($key, "id"); switch ($tmp) { case 1: $the_id = implode(",", $ids); break; case 2: unset($tmp_ids["id1"]); $the_id = implode(",", $tmp_ids); break; default: $the_id = $val; break; } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require SLUGIN_PATH . "function.the_url.php"; } $r[] = "<a href='" . smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => $do, "action" => "lists", "do" => "search", "industryid" => $the_id)) . "' rel='special_link'>" . $datas[$val] . "</a>"; } else { $r[] = $datas[$val]; } } unset($_PB_CACHE); return implode($sep, $r); }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_newstype($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "newstype"; } $conditions = array(); $orderby = array(); if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id = " . $params['id']; } if (class_exists("Newstype")) { $newstype = new Newstypes(); $newstype_controller = new Newstype(); } else { uses("newstype"); $newstype = new Newstypes(); $newstype_controller = new Newstype(); } if (isset($params['exclude'])) { $conditions[] = "id NOT IN (" . $params['exclude'] . ")"; } if (isset($params['include'])) { $conditions[] = "id IN(" . $params['include'] . ")"; } if (isset($params['level'])) { $conditions[] = "level_id='" . $params['level'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['parentid'])) { $conditions[] = "parent_id='" . $params['parentid'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby[] = trim($params['orderby']); } else { $orderby[] = "id DESC "; } $newstype->setOrderby($orderby); $newstype->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $newstype->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); if (isset($params['exclude'])) { $conditions[] = $newstype->getExcludeIds($params['exclude']); } if (isset($params['include'])) { $conditions[] = $newstype->getIncludeIds($params['include']); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$newstype->table_prefix}newstypes " . $newstype->getCondition() . $newstype->getOrderby() . $newstype->getLimitOffset(); $res = $newstype->GetArray($sql); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $res; if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "search", "typeid" => $item['id'], "do" => "news")); $item['url'] = $url; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['title'] = $item['name']; if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . strip_tags($item['name']) . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2193 $ */ function smarty_block_area($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "area"; } if (class_exists("Areas")) { $area = new Areas(); $area_controller = new Area(); } else { uses("area"); $area = new Areas(); $area_controller = new Area(); } $conditions[] = "available=1"; if (isset($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "areatype_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (isset($params['depth'])) { //depth if ($params['depth'] == -1) { if (!empty($_GET['level'])) { if (isset($_GET['areaid'])) { $next_level = $area->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT level FROM " . $area->table_prefix . "areas WHERE id=" . intval($_GET['areaid'])); $next_level += 1; $conditions['level'] = "level=" . $next_level; $conditions['parentid'] = "parent_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']) . " OR id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']); } elseif (!isset($_GET['industryid'])) { $conditions['level'] = "level=" . intval($_GET['level']); } else { $conditions['level'] = "level=1"; } } else { $conditions['level'] = "level=1"; } } } if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "areatype_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (!empty($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } if (!empty($params['topid'])) { $conditions[] = "top_parentid='" . $params['topid'] . "'"; } if (!empty($params['level'])) { $conditions['level'] = "level=" . $params['level']; } if (!empty($params['parentid'])) { $conditions['parentid'] = "parent_id='" . $params['parentid'] . "' OR id=" . $params['parentid']; } if (!empty($params['exclude'])) { $conditions[] = "id NOT IN (" . $params['exclude'] . ")"; } if (!empty($params['include'])) { $conditions[] = "id IN (" . $params['include'] . ")"; } $area->setCondition($conditions); $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY display_order ASC,id DESC"; } $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } if (!empty($limit)) { $area->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); } else { $area->limit_offset = 0; } $sql = "SELECT id,name,level,name as title,alias_name,highlight,url,parent_id FROM {$area->table_prefix}areas a " . $area->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $area->getLimitOffset() . ";"; $area->dbstuff->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $area->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['iteration'] = ++$key; if (!empty($item['url'])) { $url = $item['url']; } else { $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "special", "type" => "area", "id" => $item['id'], "do" => $smarty->_tpl_vars['do'])); } $item['url'] = $url; $item['style'] = parse_highlight($item['highlight']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['name'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; if (isset($_GET['areaid'])) { $id = intval($_GET['areaid']); if ($id > 0 && $id == $item['id']) { $item['child'] = $area->GetArray("SELECT *,name AS title FROM {$area->table_prefix}areas WHERE parent_id=" . $id . " AND available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC;"); } } $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_tag($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { global $cookiepre, $tb_prefix; $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "tag"; } if (!class_exists("Tags")) { uses("tag"); $tag = new Tags(); $tag_controller = new Tag(); } else { $tag = new Tags(); $tag_controller = new Tag(); } $conditions[] = "closed=0"; if (isset($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "type='" . intval($params['typeid']) . "'"; } if (isset($params['flag'])) { $conditions[] = "flag='" . $params['flag'] . "'"; } $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $tag->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $tag->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT id,name,name AS title FROM {$tag->table_prefix}tags " . $tag->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $tag->getLimitOffset(); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $tag->dbstuff->CacheGetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['title'] = preg_replace('#https?://[\\w\\.\\?&/=]+#is', '', strip_tags($item['title'])); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr($item['title'], 0, $params['titlelen']); } $do = !empty($params['do']) ? trim($params['do']) : "product"; $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "tag", "q" => urlencode($item['title']), "do" => $do)); $item['url'] = $url; $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['name'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
function getCacheArray($cachename = '', $script = '') { global $pdb, $tb_prefix; $conditions = $curdata = ''; $data = array(); if (empty($cachename) && !empty($this->cache_name)) { $cachename = $this->cache_name; } switch ($cachename) { case 'nav': $navs = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT id,name,description,url,target,display_order,highlight FROM {$tb_prefix}navs WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $navmns = array(); if (!empty($navs)) { foreach ($navs as $nav => $nav_val) { $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['link'] = '<a href="' . $nav_val['url'] . '" title="' . $nav_val['name'] . '"' . parse_highlight($nav_val['highlight']) . '"><span>' . $nav_val['name'] . '</span></a>'; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['id'] = $nav_val['id']; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['name'] = $nav_val['name']; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['url'] = $nav_val['url']; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['level'] = $nav_val['display_order']; } $data['navs'] = $navmns; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'trusttype': $pdb->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}trusttypes ORDER BY display_order ASC,id DESC"; $result = $pdb->GetArray($sql); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $result[$key]['avatar'] = $val['image']; unset($result[$key]['description'], $result[$key]['display_order'], $result[$key]['status'], $result[$key]['image']); $data[$val['id']] = $result[$key]; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'country': $pdb->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}countries ORDER BY display_order ASC,id ASC"; $result = $pdb->GetArray($sql); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $result[$key]['image'] = $val['picture']; unset($result[$key]['display_order']); $data[$val['id']] = $result[$key]; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'setting': $tmp_mail = array(); $table = 'setting'; $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}settings WHERE type_id IN (0,1)"; $setting = $pdb->GetArray($sql); foreach ($setting as $key => $val) { $data[$val['variable']] = $val['valued']; } //set sendmail $tmp_mail['send_mail'] = $data['send_mail']; $tmp_mail['auth_protocol'] = $data['auth_protocol']; $tmp_mail['smtp_server'] = $data['smtp_server']; $tmp_mail['smtp_port'] = $data['smtp_port']; $tmp_mail['smtp_auth'] = $data['smtp_auth']; $tmp_mail['mail_from'] = $data['mail_from']; $tmp_mail['mail_fromwho'] = $data['mail_fromwho']; $tmp_mail['auth_username'] = $data['auth_username']; $tmp_mail['auth_password'] = $data['auth_password']; $tmp_mail['mail_delimiter'] = $data['mail_delimiter']; $tmp_mail['sendmail_silent'] = $data['sendmail_silent']; $data['mail'] = serialize($tmp_mail); unset($tmp_mail, $data['send_mail'], $data['smtp_server'], $data['smtp_port'], $data['smtp_auth'], $data['mail_from'], $data['mail_fromwho'], $data['auth_username'], $data['auth_password'], $data['mail_delimiter'], $data['sendmail_silent']); $data['capt_auth'] = bindec($data['capt_logging'] . $data['capt_register'] . $data['capt_post_free'] . $data['capt_add_market'] . $data['capt_login_admin'] . $data['capt_apply_friendlink'] . $data['capt_service']); unset($data['capt_logging'], $data['capt_register'], $data['capt_post_free'], $data['capt_add_market'], $data['capt_login_admin'], $data['capt_apply_friendlink'], $data['capt_service']); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'area': $sql = "select name,id from {$tb_prefix}areas a where a.parent_id=0 ORDER by display_order asc"; $top_areas = $sec_areas = $third_areas = $areas = $total_areas = array(); $area1 = $pdb->GetArray($sql); $op = "<!--// Created " . date("M j, Y, G:i") . " -->\n"; $op .= "var data_area = { \n"; foreach ($area1 as $key => $val) { $top_areas[$val['id']] = $total_areas[1][$val['id']] = $val['name']; $sql = "select id,name,parent_id ,top_parentid from {$tb_prefix}areas a where level=2 AND parent_id=" . $val['id'] . " ORDER by display_order asc"; $sec_areas = $pdb->GetArray($sql); foreach ($sec_areas as $key2 => $val2) { $third_areas = $pdb->GetArray("select id,name,parent_id,top_parentid from {$tb_prefix}areas a where level=3 AND parent_id=" . $val2['id'] . " ORDER by display_order asc"); $areas[$val['id']]['sub'][$val2['id']] = $val2['name']; $total_areas[2][$val2['id']] = $val2['name']; foreach ($third_areas as $key3 => $val3) { $areas[$val2['id']]['sub'][$val3['id']] = $total_areas[3][$val3['id']] = $val3['name']; } } } $top_areas = $this->convert2utf8($top_areas); $areas = $this->convert2utf8($areas); $op .= "'0':" . json_encode($top_areas); $tmp_op = array(); foreach ($top_areas as $js_key => $js_val) { if (isset($areas[$js_key])) { foreach ($areas[$js_key] as $js_key1 => $js_val1) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key}':" . json_encode($areas[$js_key]['sub']); foreach ($areas[$js_key]['sub'] as $js_key2 => $js_val2) { if (!empty($areas[$js_key2]['sub'])) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key},{$js_key2}':" . json_encode($areas[$js_key2]['sub']); } } } } } if (!empty($tmp_op)) { $op .= ",\n"; $tmp_op = implode(",\n", $tmp_op); $op .= $tmp_op . "\n}"; } else { $op .= "\n}"; } $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "area.js", $op); ksort($total_areas); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($total_areas) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'industry': if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require PHPB2B_ROOT . "app/slug/function.the_url.php"; } $sql = "SELECT name,id,name AS title FROM {$tb_prefix}industries i WHERE i.parent_id=0 and available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"; $top_levels = $sec_levels = $third_levels = $datas = $total_datas = array(); $level1 = $pdb->GetArray($sql); $op = "<!--// Created " . date("M j, Y, G:i") . " -->\n"; $op .= "var data_industry = { \n"; foreach ($level1 as $key => $val) { $top_levels[$val['id']] = $total_datas[1][$val['id']] = $val['name']; $sql = "SELECT id,name,parent_id,top_parentid,name AS title FROM {$tb_prefix}industries t WHERE available=1 AND level=2 AND parent_id=" . $val['id'] . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"; $sec_levels = $pdb->GetArray($sql); foreach ($sec_levels as $key2 => $val2) { $third_levels = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT id,name,parent_id,top_parentid,name AS title FROM {$tb_prefix}industries t WHERE available=1 AND level=3 AND parent_id=" . $val2['id'] . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $datas[$val['id']]['sub'][$val2['id']] = $val2['name']; $total_datas[2][$val2['id']] = $val2['name']; foreach ($third_levels as $key3 => $val3) { $datas[$val2['id']]['sub'][$val3['id']] = $total_datas[3][$val3['id']] = $val3['name']; } } } $top_levels = $this->convert2utf8($top_levels); $datas = $this->convert2utf8($datas); $op .= "'0':" . json_encode($top_levels); $tmp_op = array(); foreach ($top_levels as $js_key => $js_val) { if (isset($datas[$js_key])) { foreach ($datas[$js_key] as $js_key1 => $js_val1) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key}':" . json_encode($datas[$js_key]['sub']); foreach ($datas[$js_key]['sub'] as $js_key2 => $js_val2) { if (!empty($datas[$js_key2]['sub'])) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key},{$js_key2}':" . json_encode($datas[$js_key2]['sub']); } } } } } if (!empty($tmp_op)) { $op .= ",\n"; $tmp_op = implode(",\n", $tmp_op); $op .= $tmp_op . "\n}"; } else { $op .= "\n}"; } $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "industry.js", $op); unset($op); ksort($total_datas); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($total_datas) . ";\n\n"; unset($top_levels, $sec_levels, $third_levels, $datas, $total_datas, $op); //db cache. $data = array(); $op = "<?php\n"; $op .= "return "; $tmp_level_top = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT id,name FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE parent_id=0 and available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); if (!empty($tmp_level_top)) { foreach ($tmp_level_top as $tmp_val) { $level_top[$tmp_val['id']] = $tmp_val['name']; } } foreach ($level_top as $key1 => $val1) { $data[$key1]['id'] = $key1; $data[$key1]['name'] = $val1; $data[$key1]['parent_id'] = 0; $data[$key1]['level'] = 1; $url = $pdb->GetOne("SELECT url FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE id={$key1} ORDER BY display_order ASC"); if ($url) { $data[$key1]['url'] = $url; } else { $data[$key1]['url'] = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "special", "type" => "industry", "id" => $key1)); } $tmp_result1 = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE level=2 AND parent_id=" . $key1 . " AND available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); if (!empty($tmp_result1)) { foreach ($tmp_result1 as $key2 => $val2) { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['id'] = $val2['id']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['name'] = $val2['name']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['available'] = $val2['available']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['parent_id'] = $val2['parent_id']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['level'] = $val2['level']; $url = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE id={$val2['id']}"); if (!empty($url['url'])) { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['url'] = $url['url']; } else { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['url'] = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "special", "type" => "industry", "id" => $val2['id'])); } $tmp_result2 = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE level=3 AND parent_id=" . $val2['id'] . " AND available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); if (!empty($tmp_result2)) { foreach ($tmp_result2 as $key3 => $val3) { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['id'] = $val3['id']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['name'] = $val3['name']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['available'] = $val3['available']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['parent_id'] = $val3['parent_id']; $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['level'] = $val3['level']; $url = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . $tb_prefix . "industries WHERE id={$val3['id']}"); if (!empty($url['url'])) { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['url'] = $url['url']; } else { $data[$key1]['sub'][$key2]['sub'][$key3]['url'] = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "special", "type" => "industry", "id" => $val3['id'])); } } } } } } $op .= $this->evalArray($data); unset($data); $op .= "\n"; $op .= "?>"; $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "industry.php", $op); break; case 'userpage': $sql = "SELECT id,name,title,url,digest FROM {$tb_prefix}userpages ORDER BY display_order ASC,id ASC"; $result = $pdb->GetArray($sql); if (!empty($result)) { $i = 0; foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $data[$i]['id'] = $val['id']; $data[$i]['title'] = $val['title']; $data[$i]['name'] = $val['name']; $data[$i]['digest'] = $val['digest']; if (!empty($val['url'])) { $data[$i]['url'] = $val['url']; } else { $data[$i]['url'] = ""; } $i++; } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'form': $form_result = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}forms ORDER BY id ASC"); if (!empty($form_result)) { foreach ($form_result as $val) { $item_result = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}formitems WHERE id IN (" . $val['items'] . ") ORDER BY id ASC"); if (!empty($item_result)) { foreach ($item_result as $val1) { $data[$val['id']][$val1['id']]['id'] = $val1['identifier']; $data[$val['id']][$val1['id']]['label'] = $val1['title']; } } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; } break; case 'membergroup': $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}membergroups mg ORDER BY mg.id DESC"; $membergroup_result = $pdb->GetArray($sql); if (!empty($membergroup_result)) { foreach ($membergroup_result as $key => $val) { $data[$val['id']]['name'] = $val['name']; $data[$val['id']]['max_offer'] = $val['max_offer']; $data[$val['id']]['type_id'] = $val['membertype_id']; $data[$val['id']]['max_product'] = $val['max_product']; $data[$val['id']]['max_job'] = $val['max_job']; $data[$val['id']]['max_companynews'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_market'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_album'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_producttype'] = $val['max_producttype']; $data[$val['id']]['max_attach_size'] = $val['max_attach_size']; $data[$val['id']]['max_size_perday'] = $val['max_size_perday']; $data[$val['id']]['max_favorite'] = $val['max_favorite']; $data[$val['id']]['type'] = $val['type']; $data[$val['id']]['avatar'] = $val['picture']; $data[$val['id']]['allow_space'] = $val['allow_space']; $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_offer']); $data[$val['id']]['offer_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['offer_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_market']); $data[$val['id']]['market_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['market_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_company']); $data[$val['id']]['company_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['company_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_product']); $data[$val['id']]['product_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['product_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_job']); $data[$val['id']]['job_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['job_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_companynews']); $data[$val['id']]['companynews_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['companynews_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_album']); $data[$val['id']]['album_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['album_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $data[$val['id']]['auth_level'] = intval($val['exempt']); } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; default: break; } return $curdata; }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_topic($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "topic"; } if (class_exists("Topics")) { $topic = new Topics(); $topic_controller = new Topic(); } else { uses("topic"); $topic = new Topics(); $topic_controller = new Topic(); } if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "id=" . $params['id']; } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "picture!=''"; break; case 'news': $url_fix = "news/list.php?"; default: break; } } } $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC"; } $topic->setCondition($conditions); $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $topic->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$topic->table_prefix}topics " . $topic->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $topic->getLimitOffset() . ""; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $topic->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; //Todo:news/topic/topic-name.html //$item['url'] = $url_fix."topicid=".$item['id']; if (!empty($item['alias_name'])) { $name = trim($item['alias_name']); } else { $name = trim($item['title']); } $item['url'] = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "special", "type" => "topic", "name" => urlencode($name))); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr(strip_tags($item['title']), 0, $params['titlelen']); } $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($item['picture'], '', 'small'); $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['title'] . '" href="' . $item['url'] . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
$_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_news($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], $_block_content, $this, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($this->_tag_stack); ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="fr hotzt"> <div class="hotztbox"> <div class="title"> <span class="more"><a href="<?php echo smarty_function_the_url(array('module' => 'search', 'do' => 'news', 'type' => 'topic'), $this); ?> "><span class="raquo">»</span><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_more']; ?> </a></span><h2><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_topic_news']; ?> </h2> </div> <ul> <?php $this->_tag_stack[] = array('topic', array('type' => 'news', 'row' => 3, 'name' => 'item')); $_block_repeat = true; smarty_block_topic($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) {
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2115 $ */ function smarty_block_company($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { global $_PB_CACHE; $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "company"; } require CACHE_PATH . "cache_area.php"; require CACHE_PATH . "cache_membergroup.php"; if (class_exists("Companies")) { $company = new Companies(); $company_controller = new Company(); } else { uses("company"); $company = new Companies(); $company_controller = new Company(); } if (class_exists("Spaces")) { $space_controller = new Space(); } else { uses("space"); $space_controller = new Space(); } $conditions[] = "c.status=1"; if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "c.picture!=''"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "c.if_commend>0"; break; case 'hot': break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['typeid'])) { $conditions[] = "c.type_id=" . $params['typeid']; } if (isset($params['id'])) { $conditions[] = "c.id=" . $params['id']; } if (isset($params['industryid'])) { if (strpos($params['industryid'], ",")) { $conditions['industry'] = "c.industry_id IN (" . $params['industryid'] . ")"; } else { $industry_id = intval($params['industryid']); if ($industry_id) { $conditions['industry'] = "c.industry_id=" . $industry_id; } } } if (isset($params['areaid'])) { if (strpos($params['areaid'], ",")) { $conditions['area'] = "c.area_id IN (" . $params['areaid'] . ")"; } else { $area_id = intval($params['areaid']); if ($area_id) { $conditions['area'] = "c.area_id=" . $area_id; } } } if (!empty($_GET['industryid'])) { $conditions['industry'] = "c.industry_id=" . intval($_GET['industryid']); } if (!empty($_GET['areaid'])) { $conditions['area'] = "c.area_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']); } if (isset($params['groupid'])) { $conditions[] = "c.cache_membergroupid=" . $params['groupid']; } $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $orderby = null; if (isset($params['orderby'])) { if ($params['orderby'] == "rand" || $params['orderby'] == "rand()") { $sql = "SELECT max(id) AS max_id,min(id) AS min_id FROM " . $company->table_prefix . "companies"; $result = $company->GetRow($sql); for ($i = 0; $i <= $limit; $i++) { $ids[] = mt_rand($result['min_id'], $result['max_id']); } $conditions[] = "id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"; } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " "; } } else { $orderby = " ORDER BY id DESC "; } $company->setCondition($conditions); $company->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $company->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } $sql = "SELECT c.id as companyid,c.name as companyname,c.name as title,cache_spacename as userid,c.* FROM {$company->table_prefix}companies c " . $company->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $mysql_limit . ""; if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $company->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['iteration'] = ++$key; if (!empty($item['userid']) && $item['member_id'] > 0) { $url = $space_controller->rewrite($item['userid']); } else { $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("id" => $item['id'], "module" => "company")); } $item['url'] = $url; if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['companyname'] = mb_substr($item['name'], 0, $params['titlelen']); } if (!empty($item['cache_membergroupid'])) { $item['avatar'] = $item['groupavatar'] = "images/group/" . $_PB_CACHE['membergroup'][$item['cache_membergroupid']]['avatar']; } if (!empty($item['picture'])) { $item['logo'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($item['picture'], '', 'small'); } $item['areaid'] = $item['area_id']; $areas = $company_controller->array_multi2single($_PB_CACHE['area']); if (!empty($areas[$item['area_id']])) { $item['areaname'] = $areas[$item['area_id']]; } if (!empty($_PB_CACHE['membergroup'][$item['cache_membergroupid']]['name'])) { $item['groupname'] = $_PB_CACHE['membergroup'][$item['cache_membergroupid']]['name']; } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['name'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['companyname'] . '</a>'; $item['thumb'] = $item['src'] = $item['logo']; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
<h2><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_area_category']; ?> </h2> </div> <div class="corner_content_s6"> <ul> <?php $this->_tag_stack[] = array('area', array('level' => 1, 'name' => 'item')); $_block_repeat = true; smarty_block_area($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat); while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?> <li><a href="<?php echo smarty_function_the_url(array('module' => 'search', 'do' => 'market', 'areaid' => $this->_tpl_vars['item']['id'], 'level' => 1), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['item']['title']; ?> </a></li> <?php $_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $_block_repeat = false; echo smarty_block_area($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], $_block_content, $this, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($this->_tag_stack); ?> </ul> </div>
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2116 $ */ function smarty_block_offer($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { global $_PB_CACHE; $conditions[] = "t.status='1'"; $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "offer"; } if (!class_exists("Trades")) { uses("trade"); $trade = new Trades(); $trade_controller = new Trade(); } else { $trade = new Trades(); $trade_controller = new Trade(); } if ($_PB_CACHE['setting']['offer_expire_method']) { switch ($_PB_CACHE['setting']['offer_expire_method']) { case "2": $conditions[] = "t.expire_time>" . $trade->timestamp; break; case "3": $conditions[] = "t.expire_time>" . $trade->timestamp; break; default: break; } } if (isset($params['type'])) { $type = explode(",", $params['type']); $type = array_unique($type); foreach ($type as $val) { switch ($val) { case 'image': $conditions[] = "t.picture!=''"; break; case 'urgent': $conditions[] = "t.if_urgent='1'"; break; case 'company': $conditions[] = "t.company_id>0"; break; case 'commend': $conditions[] = "t.if_commend>0"; break; default: break; } } } if (isset($params['industryid'])) { if (isset($params['depth'])) { $depth = intval($params['depth']); if ($depth) { if (class_exists("Industries")) { $industry = new Industries(); $industry_controller = new Industry(); } else { uses("industry"); $industry = new Industries(); $industry_controller = new Industry(); } $ids_s = $industry->getConditionIds($params['industryid']); if (is_array($ids_s)) { $ids_s = array_filter($ids_s); $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id IN (" . implode(",", $ids_s) . ")"; } else { $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id='" . $ids_s . "'"; } } } else { $conditions[] = "t.industry_id = '" . $params['industryid'] . "'"; } } if (isset($params['areaid'])) { if (isset($params['depth'])) { $depth = intval($params['depth']); if ($depth) { global $industry; $ids_s = $industry->getConditionIds($params['areaid']); if (is_array($ids_s)) { $ids_s = array_filter($ids_s); $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id IN (" . implode(",", $ids_s) . ")"; } else { $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id='" . $ids_s . "'"; } } } else { $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id = '" . $params['areaid'] . "'"; } } if (!empty($_GET['industryid'])) { $conditions['industry'] = "t.industry_id=" . intval($_GET['industryid']); } if (!empty($_GET['areaid'])) { $conditions['area'] = "t.area_id=" . intval($_GET['areaid']); } if (isset($params['exclude'])) { $conditions[] = $trade->getExcludeIds($params['exclude']); } if (isset($params['include'])) { $conditions[] = $trade->getIncludeIds($params['include']); } if (isset($params['country_id'])) { $conditions[] = "t.country_id='" . $params['country_id'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['expday'])) { $conditions[] = "t.expire_time<'" . ($params['expday'] * 86400 + $trade->timestamp) . "'"; } if (isset($params['subday'])) { $conditions[] = "t.submit_time>'" . ($trade->timestamp - $params['expireday'] * 86400) . "'"; } if (isset($params['typeid'])) { if (!empty($params['typeid'])) { if (strpos($params['typeid'], ",") > 0) { $tmp_ids = explode(",", $params['typeid']); $conditions[] = "t.type_id in ('" . implode("','", $tmp_ids) . "')"; } else { $conditions[] = "t.type_id='" . $params['typeid'] . "'"; } } } if (isset($params['urgent'])) { $conditions[] = "t.if_urgent='1'"; } if (!empty($params['memberid'])) { $conditions[] = "t.member_id='" . $params['memberid'] . "'"; } if (!empty($params['companyid'])) { $conditions[] = "t.company_id='" . $params['companyid'] . "'"; } if (isset($params['cash'])) { $conditions[] = "t.require_point>0"; } $trade->setCondition($conditions); $orderby = null; $orderby = isset($params['orderby']) ? " ORDER BY " . trim($params['orderby']) . " " : " ORDER BY modified DESC"; $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } if (isset($_GET['pos'])) { $offset = intval($_GET['pos']); } $trade->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); $mysql_limit = $trade->getLimitOffset(); if (isset($params['limit'])) { $mysql_limit = " " . trim($params['limit']); } if (!$params['recursive']) { $sql = "SELECT *,title as name,title as fulltitle,content as fullcontent FROM {$trade->table_prefix}trades t " . $trade->getCondition() . "{$orderby}" . $mysql_limit; } else { $sql = "SELECT *,content as fullcontent FROM {$trade->table_prefix}trades t " . $trade->getCondition() . " ORDER BY t.display_order ASC,t.id DESC" . $mysql_limit; } $offer_typenames = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes(); if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $trade->GetArray($sql); if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; $item['rownum'] = $key; $item['iteration'] = ++$key; $url = smarty_function_the_url(array("id" => $item['id'], "typeid" => $item['type_id'], "module" => "offer")); $item['url'] = $url; $item['title'] = strip_tags($item['title']); $item['content'] = strip_tags($item['content']); if (isset($params['titlelen'])) { $item['title'] = mb_substr($item['title'], 0, $params['titlelen']); } if (isset($params['infolen'])) { $item['content'] = mb_substr($item['content'], 0, $params['infolen']); } if (isset($params['titlestart'])) { $item['title'] = $params['titlestart'] . $item['title']; } $item['pubdate'] = df($item['submit_time']); $item['typeid'] = $item['type_id']; $item['typename'] = $offer_typenames[$item['type_id']]; $item['src'] = $item['thumb'] = URL . "attachment/" . $item['picture'] . ".small.jpg"; $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['fulltitle'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>'; $item['style'] = parse_highlight($item['highlight']); $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
unset($_from); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="main_right_w230"> <div class="title_bar_s4"> <span class="title_top_s4"><span></span></span> <h3><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_dict_digest']; ?> </h3> </div> <div class="dictionary"> <form name="dict_search_frm" id="dictSearchFrm" action="<?php echo smarty_function_the_url(array('module' => 'search'), $this); ?> " method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="do" value="dict" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search" /> <p><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_dict_digest_content']; ?> </p> <p><input name="q" id="queryStr" type="text" class="input_w160"/> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['_search']; ?> " class="btn_submit_w45"/></p> </form> </div> <div class="blank6"></div>
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_block_userpage($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat) { global $rewrite_able; $conditions = array(); $param_count = count($smarty->_tag_stack); if (empty($params['name'])) { $params['name'] = "page"; } if (!class_exists("Userpages")) { uses("userpage"); $userpage = new Userpages(); $userpage_controller = new Userpage(); } else { $userpage = new Userpages(); $userpage_controller = new Userpage(); } if (isset($params['seperate'])) { $seperate = $params['seperate']; } if (isset($params['sep'])) { $seperate = $params['sep']; } require CACHE_PATH . "cache_userpage.php"; $result = $_PB_CACHE['userpage']; if (isset($params['exclude'])) { if (strpos($params['exclude'], ",") > 0) { $tmp_str = explode(",", $params['exclude']); if (!empty($tmp_str)) { foreach ($tmp_str as $id_val) { unset($result[$id_val]); } } } else { unset($params['exclude']); } } if (empty($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = $result; if (!$smarty->blockvars[$param_count]) { return $repeat = false; } } if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require "function.the_url.php"; } $counts = count($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); if (list($key, $item) = each($smarty->blockvars[$param_count])) { $repeat = true; if (empty($item['url'])) { $item['url'] = smarty_function_the_url(array("module" => "page", "title" => $item['title'], "id" => $item['id'])); } $url = $item['url']; $item['tip'] = $item['title']; if ($seperate) { $sep = $key == $counts - 1 ? '' : $seperate; } $item['link'] = '<a title="' . $item['title'] . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a>' . $sep; $smarty->assign($params['name'], $item); } else { $repeat = false; reset($smarty->blockvars[$param_count]); } if (!is_null($content)) { print $content; } if (!$repeat) { $smarty->blockvars[$param_count] = array(); } }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2181 $ */ function smarty_function_the_url($params) { $do = null; extract($params); global $subdomain_support, $topleveldomain_support, $rewrite_able, $rewrite_compatible; $return = "##"; if (!empty($module)) { switch ($module) { case "producttype": if ($rewrite_able) { $return = URL . "space/" . $userid . "/product/list-" . $typeid . "-" . intval($page) . ".html"; } else { $return = URL . "space/?userid=" . $userid . "&do=product&typeid=" . $typeid . "&page=" . $page; } break; case "space": if (!class_exists('Space')) { uses("space"); } $space_controller = new Space(); $return = $space_controller->rewrite($userid, $id, $do); break; case "offer": if (!class_exists('Trade')) { uses("trade"); } $trade_controller = new Trade(); if ($rewrite_able) { $return = "offer/" . $trade_controller->getModulenameById($typeid) . "/detail/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $return = "offer/detail.php?id=" . $id; } break; case "list": $extra_param = array(); if (!empty($extra)) { if (strpos($extra, "|") > 0) { $tmp = explode("|", $extra); foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $tmp_p = explode(",", $v); $extra_param[$tmp_p[0]] = $tmp_p[1]; } } else { $tmp = explode(",", $extra); $extra_param[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } } $param = http_build_query($extra_param + $_GET); $return = $GLOBALS['php_self'] . "?" . $param; break; case "special": if ($rewrite_able) { if ($type == "topic") { //name first alias_name $return = "topic/" . $name . "/"; } else { $return = "topic/" . $type . "/" . $id . "/?do=" . $do; } } else { if ($type == "topic") { //name first alias_name $return = "special/?type=" . $type . "&name=" . $name; } else { $return = "special/?type=" . $type . "&do=" . $do . "&id=" . $id; } } break; case "page": if ($rewrite_able) { $return = "page/" . urlencode($title) . "/"; } else { $return = "page.php?title=" . urlencode($title); } break; case "search": if ($rewrite_able) { if (!isset($pos)) { $pos = 0; } if (!isset($params['pos']) && !isset($params['typeid'])) { $return = empty($do) ? "search/" : "search/" . $do . "/"; } else { $return = $do . "-list-" . $pos . "-" . intval($typeid) . "-" . intval($areaid) . "-" . intval($industryid) . ".html"; } } else { $return = "search/?do=" . $do . "&pos=" . $pos; if (!empty($q)) { $return .= "&q=" . $q; } if (!empty($typeid)) { $return .= "&typeid=" . intval($typeid); } if (!empty($areaid)) { $return .= "&areaid=" . $areaid; } if (!empty($industryid)) { $return .= "&industryid=" . $industryid; } if (!empty($type)) { $return .= "&type=" . $type; } } break; case "wap": if ($do) { if ($rewrite_able) { $return = "wap-" . $do . "/"; } else { $return = "?do=" . $do; } } else { $return = URL . "wap/"; } break; case "tag": if ($rewrite_able) { $return = "tag/" . $do . "-" . $q . "/"; } else { $return = smarty_function_the_url(array("do" => $do, "q" => $q, "module" => "search")); } break; default: if (!empty($id)) { if ($rewrite_able) { $return = URL . $module . "/detail/" . $id . ".html"; } else { $return = URL . $module . "/detail.php?id=" . $id; } } break; } } return $return; }