function smarty_function_initials_filter_links($params, $smarty) { $html = ''; $sep = ' . '; $default_type = 'absolute_path'; if (!isset($params['_initial'])) { $params['_initial'] = 'initial'; } $current_initial = isset($_REQUEST[$params['_initial']]) ? $_REQUEST[$params['_initial']] : ''; if (!isset($params['_htmlelement'])) { $params['_htmlelement'] = 'tiki-center'; } if (!isset($params['_template'])) { $params['_template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; } if (!isset($params['_class'])) { $params['_class'] = 'prevnext'; } // Include smarty functions used below $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_block_ajax_href'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); $tag_start = "\n" . '<a class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' . smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['_template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['_htmlelement']), smarty_function_query(array('_type' => $default_type, $params['_initial'] => 'X', 'offset' => 'NULL', 'reloff' => 'NULL'), $smarty), $smarty, false) . '>'; $alpha = explode(',', tra('a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z')); foreach ($alpha as $i) { if ($current_initial == $i) { $html .= "\n" . '<span class="highlight">' . strtoupper($i) . '</span>' . $sep; } else { $html .= "\n" . str_replace($params['_initial'] . '=X', $params['_initial'] . '=' . $i, $tag_start) . strtoupper($i) . '</a>' . $sep; } } $html .= "\n" . str_replace($params['_initial'] . '=X', $params['_initial'] . '=', $tag_start) . tra('All') . '</a>'; return '<div class="alphafilter">' . $html . '</div>'; }
function smarty_function_initials_filter_links($params, &$smarty) { $html = ''; $sep = ' . '; $default_type = 'absolute_path'; if (!isset($params['_initial'])) { $params['_initial'] = 'initial'; } $current_initial = isset($params['initial']) && isset($_REQUEST[$params['initial']]) ? $_REQUEST[$params['initial']] : ''; if (!isset($params['_htmlelement'])) { $params['_htmlelement'] = 'tiki-center'; } if (!isset($params['_template'])) { $params['_template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; } if (!isset($params['_class'])) { $params['_class'] = 'prevnext'; } // Include smarty functions used below global $smarty; require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('block', 'ajax_href'); require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'query'); $tag_start = "\n" . '<a class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' . smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['_template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['_htmlelement']), smarty_function_query(array('_type' => $default_type, $params['_initial'] => 'X', 'offset' => 'NULL', 'reloff' => 'NULL'), $smarty), $smarty, false) . '>'; foreach (array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z') as $i) { if ($current_initial == $i) { $html .= "\n" . '<span class="button2"><span class="linkbuton">' . strtoupper($i) . '</span></span>' . $sep; } else { $html .= "\n" . str_replace($params['_initial'] . '=X', $params['_initial'] . '=' . $i, $tag_start) . strtoupper($i) . '</a>' . $sep; } } $html .= "\n" . str_replace($params['_initial'] . '=X', $params['_initial'] . '=', $tag_start) . tra('All') . '</a>'; return '<div align="center">' . $html . '</div>'; }
function smarty_block_pagination_links($params, $url, $smarty, &$repeat) { global $prefs; if ($repeat) { return; } if (isset($params['resultset'])) { $resultSet = $params['resultset']; $params['cant'] = count($resultSet); $params['offset'] = $resultSet->getOffset(); $params['step'] = $resultSet->getMaxRecords(); $params['estimate'] = $resultSet->getEstimate(); } $html = ''; $default_type = 'absolute_path'; // Check main params and return no pagination links if there is a mistake if (!isset($params['cant']) || $params['cant'] <= 0) { return ''; } if (isset($params['step']) && $params['step'] == -1) { return ''; } // display all if (!isset($params['offset'])) { $params['offset'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['offset_arg'])) { $params['offset_arg'] = 'offset'; } if (!isset($params['zero_based_offset'])) { $params['zero_based_offset'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['show_numbers'])) { $params['show_numbers'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['_onclick'])) { $params['_onclick'] = ''; } if ($params['zero_based_offset'] != 'y') { //$params['offset']--; $zero_based_min = 1; $zero_based_maxminus = 0; } else { $zero_based_min = 0; $zero_based_maxminus = 1; } $params['_ajax'] = isset($params['_ajax']) ? $params['_ajax'] : 'y'; if (isset($params['reloff']) && ($params['reloff'] + $params['offset'] >= $params['cant'] || $params['reloff'] + $params['offset'] < $zero_based_min)) { return ''; } if (!isset($params['reloff']) && ($params['offset'] >= $params['cant'] + $zero_based_min || $params['offset'] < $zero_based_min)) { return ''; } // Include smarty functions used below $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_block_ajax_href'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); // Make sure every params are initialized if (!isset($params['itemname'])) { $params['itemname'] = 'Page'; } if (!isset($params['noimg'])) { $params['noimg'] = $prefs['pagination_icons'] == 'n' ? 'y' : 'n'; } if (!isset($params['usedots'])) { $params['usedots'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['class'])) { $params['class'] = 'mini'; } if (!isset($params['htmlelement'])) { $params['htmlelement'] = 'tiki-center'; } if (!isset($params['template'])) { $params['template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; if ($params['template'] == 'tiki-index.tpl') { $params['template'] = 'tiki-show_page.tpl'; } } if (!file_exists('templates/' . $params['template']) || $params['template'] == 'noauto') { $params['htmlelement'] = ''; $params['template'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['step']) || $params['step'] <= 0) { $params['step'] = 1; $nb_pages = $params['cant']; } else { $nb_pages = ceil($params['cant'] / $params['step']); } if ($nb_pages == 0 || $nb_pages == 1 && $prefs['pagination_hide_if_one_page'] == 'y') { return ''; } if (empty($url) || preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $url)) { $query_filter = array('_type' => $default_type); if (isset($params['_keepall'])) { $query_filter['_keepall'] = $params['_keepall']; } $url = smarty_function_query($query_filter, $smarty); } // remove empty url arguments (done by default) if (!isset($params['clean']) || $params['clean'] == 'y') { $url = preg_replace('/(?<=\\?|&)[^=]+=(?=&|$)/U', '', $url); } // remove old arguments that will be replaced and add new ones $url = preg_replace('/(?<=&|&|\\?)(move|reloff|' . $params['offset_arg'] . ')=[^&]*/', '', trim($url)); // remove & that are redundant or at the end of url $url = preg_replace('/(?:(\\?|&)(&)+|(\\?|&))$/', '\\1', $url); $url_args_pos = strpos($url, '?'); if ($url_args_pos === false) { $url .= '?'; } elseif ($url_args_pos < strlen($url) - 1) { $url .= '&'; } if (isset($params['reloff'])) { $prev_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] - $params['step']) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $next_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] + $params['step']) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $prev_fast_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] - $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $next_fast_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] + $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $real_offset = $params['offset'] + $params['reloff']; } else { $prev_offset_val = max($zero_based_min, $params['offset'] - $params['step']); $prev_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $prev_offset_val; $next_offset_val = min($params['cant'] - $zero_based_maxminus, $params['offset'] + $params['step']); $next_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $next_offset_val; $prev_fast_offset_val = max($zero_based_min, $params['offset'] - $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)); $prev_fast_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $prev_fast_offset_val; $next_fast_offset_val = min($params['cant'] - $zero_based_maxminus, $params['offset'] + $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)); $next_fast_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $next_fast_offset_val; $real_offset = $params['offset']; } if (!isset($params['next'])) { $params['next'] = $real_offset < ($nb_pages - $zero_based_maxminus) * $params['step'] ? 'y' : 'n'; } if (!isset($params['prev'])) { $params['prev'] = $real_offset > $zero_based_min ? 'y' : 'n'; } // Max. number of links when using direct pagination $max_middle_links = max(0, $prefs['direct_pagination_max_middle_links']); $max_ending_links = $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' ? max(0, $prefs['direct_pagination_max_ending_links']) : 0; $max_links = (1 + $max_ending_links + $max_middle_links) * 2 + 1; // Handle next/prev images if ($params['noimg'] == 'n') { $tmp = array('first' => tr("First %0", $params['itemname']), 'last' => tr("Last %0", $params['itemname']), 'next' => tr("Next %0", $params['itemname']), 'previous' => tr("Prev %0", $params['itemname']), 'next_fast' => tra('Fast Next'), 'previous_fast' => tra('Fast Prev')); $images = array(); foreach ($tmp as $ik => $iv) { $images[$ik] = smarty_function_icon(array('_id' => 'resultset_' . $ik, 'alt' => $iv, 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'), $smarty); } unset($tmp); } if ($params['cant'] > 0) { $make_prevnext_link = function ($url, $content, $params, $class = 'prevnext', $linkoffset) { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $link = '<a class="' . $class . '" '; $url = TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($url); if ($params['_ajax'] == 'y') { // setting javascript offset variable if requested if (!empty($params['offset_jsvar'])) { $params['_onclick'] = $params['offset_jsvar'] . "={$linkoffset};" . $params['_onclick']; } $link .= smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['htmlelement'], '_ajax' => $params['_ajax'], '_onclick' => $params['_onclick']), $url, $smarty, false); } else { $link .= " href=\"{$url}\" "; } $link .= '>' . $content . '</a>'; return $link; }; if (($prefs['direct_pagination'] == 'y' || $prefs['nextprev_pagination'] === 'y') && $nb_pages > 1) { $html .= '<ul class="pagination">'; if ($prefs['nextprev_pagination'] != 'n' || $params['show_numbers'] !== 'y') { if ($params['offset'] == 0) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>«</span></li>'; } else { $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $prev_offset, '«', $params, 'prevnext prev', $prev_offset_val) . '</li>'; } } if ($params['show_numbers'] == 'y') { $last_dots = false; $page_num = floor($real_offset / $params['step']); foreach (range(0, $nb_pages - 1) as $k) { if ($k + $zero_based_min == $page_num) { $html .= '<li class="active"><span>' . ($k + 1) . ' <span class="sr-only">(' . tr('current') . ')</span></span></li>'; $last_dots = false; } elseif ($params['usedots'] != 'y' || $params['usedots'] == 'y' && ($nb_pages <= $max_links || $k <= $max_ending_links && $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' || $k >= $nb_pages - $max_ending_links - 1 && $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' || abs($page_num - $k) <= $max_middle_links || $prefs['pagination_fastmove_links'] == 'y' && abs($page_num - $k) == ceil($nb_pages / 10))) { if (isset($params['reloff'])) { $url_k = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset'] . '&reloff=' . ($params['step'] * $k - $params['offset']); } else { $url_k_val = $params['step'] * ($k + $zero_based_min); $url_k = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $url_k_val; } $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $url_k, $k + 1, $params, 'prevnext', $url_k_val) . '</li>'; $last_dots = false; } elseif (!$last_dots) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>…</span>'; $last_dots = true; } } } if ($prefs['nextprev_pagination'] != 'n' || $params['show_numbers'] !== 'y') { if ($params['offset'] + $params['step'] >= $params['cant']) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>»</span></li>'; } else { $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $next_offset, '»', $params, 'prevnext next', $next_offset_val) . '</li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; } if (isset($params['estimate']) && $params['estimate'] > $params['cant']) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . tr('More results may be available. Refine criteria to access the estimated %0 results.', $params['estimate']) . '</div>'; } } return $html; }
function smarty_block_self_link($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat = false) { $default_type = 'absolute_path'; $default_icon_type = 'relative'; if ($repeat) { return; } $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); if (is_array($params)) { if (!isset($content)) { $content = ''; } if (!isset($params['_ajax'])) { $params['_ajax'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['_script'])) { $params['_script'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['_tag'])) { $params['_tag'] = 'y'; } if (!empty($params['_anchor'])) { $anchor = $params['_anchor']; } else { $anchor = ''; } if (empty($params['_disabled'])) { if (!isset($params['_sort_arg'])) { $params['_sort_arg'] = 'sort'; } if (!isset($params['_sort_field'])) { $params['_sort_field'] = ''; } elseif ($params['_sort_arg'] != '' and !isset($params[$params['_sort_arg']])) { $params[$params['_sort_arg']] = $params['_sort_field'] . '_asc,' . $params['_sort_field'] . '_desc'; } // Complete _script path if needed (not empty, not an anchor, ...) if (!empty($params['_script']) && $params['_script'][0] != '#' && $params['_script'] != 'javascript:void(0)' && stripos($params['_script'], 'mailto:') !== 0) { if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'][0] == '/' && strpos($params['_script'], '/') === false) { $self_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); $params['_script'] = ($self_dir == '/' ? '' : $self_dir) . '/' . $params['_script']; } if ($params['_script'] == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { $params['_script'] = ''; } } $params['_type'] = $default_type; $ret = smarty_function_query($params, $smarty); } if ($params['_tag'] == 'y') { if (empty($params['_disabled'])) { if ($params['_ajax'] === 'y' && $params['_script'] === '') { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_block_ajax_href'); if (!isset($params['_htmlelement'])) { $params['_htmlelement'] = 'role_main'; } if (!isset($params['_onclick'])) { $params['_onclick'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['_template'])) { $params['_template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; if ($params['_template'] == 'tiki-index.tpl') { $params['_template'] = 'tiki-show_page.tpl'; } } if (!file_exists('templates/' . $params['_template']) || $params['_template'] == 'noauto') { $params['_htmlelement'] = ''; $params['_template'] = ''; } $ret = smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['_template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['_htmlelement'], '_onclick' => $params['_onclick'], '_anchor' => $anchor), $ret, $smarty, $tmp = false); } else { $ret = 'href="' . $ret . '"'; } } if (isset($params['_icon'])) { if (!isset($params['_title']) && $content != '') { $params['_title'] = $content; } $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); $icon_params = array('_id' => $params['_icon'], '_type' => $default_icon_type); if (isset($params['_alt'])) { $icon_params['alt'] = $params['_alt']; } elseif (isset($params['_title'])) { $icon_params['alt'] = $params['_title']; $icon_params['title'] = ''; // will already be included in the surrounding A tag } if (isset($params['_menu_text']) && $params['_menu_text'] == 'y') { $icon_params['_menu_text'] = $params['_menu_text']; $icon_params['title'] = $params['_title']; // Used as the menu text $params['_title'] = ''; // will already be displayed as the menu text } if (isset($params['_menu_icon'])) { $icon_params['_menu_icon'] = $params['_menu_icon']; } if (isset($params['_icon_class'])) { $icon_params['class'] = $params['_icon_class']; } if (isset($params['_width'])) { $icon_params['width'] = $params['_width']; } if (isset($params['_height'])) { $icon_params['height'] = $params['_height']; } $content = smarty_function_icon($icon_params, $smarty); } $link = (!empty($params['_class']) ? 'class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' : '') . (!empty($params['_style']) ? 'style="' . $params['_style'] . '" ' : '') . (!empty($params['_title']) ? 'title="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $params['_title']) . '" ' : '') . (!empty($params['_rel']) ? 'rel="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $params['_rel']) . '" ' : ''); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if (strlen($k) > 3 && substr($k, 0, 3) == '_on' && !empty($v)) { $link .= htmlentities(substr($k, 1)) . '="' . $v . '" '; // $v should be already htmlentitized in the template unset($params[$k]); } } $link .= $ret; if (isset($params['_confirm'])) { $link .= ' data-confirm="' . smarty_modifier_escape($params['_confirm']) . '"'; } $ret = "<a {$link}>" . $content . '</a>'; if (!empty($params['_sort_field'])) { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_show_sort'); $ret = "<a {$link} style='text-decoration:none;'>" . $content . smarty_function_show_sort(array('sort' => $params['_sort_arg'], 'var' => $params['_sort_field']), $smarty) . '</a>'; } } } else { $params = array('_type' => $default_type); $ret = smarty_function_query($params, $smarty); } return $ret; }
function wikiplugin_include($dataIn, $params) { global $tikilib, $userlib, $user, $killtoc; static $included_pages, $data; $killtoc = true; $max_times = 5; $params = array_merge(array('nopage_text' => '', 'pagedenied_text' => ''), $params); extract($params, EXTR_SKIP); if (!isset($page)) { return "<b>missing page for plugin INCLUDE</b><br />"; } $memo = $page; if (isset($start)) { $memo .= "/{$start}"; } if (isset($end)) { $memo .= "/{$end}"; } if (isset($included_pages[$memo])) { if ($included_pages[$memo] >= $max_times) { return ''; } $included_pages[$memo]++; } else { $included_pages[$memo] = 1; // only evaluate permission the first time round // evaluate if object or system permissions enables user to see the included page $data[$memo] = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); if (!$data[$memo]) { $text = $nopage_text; } $perms = $tikilib->get_perm_object($page, 'wiki page', $data[$memo], false); if ($perms['tiki_p_view'] != 'y') { $included_pages[$memo] = $max_times; $text = $pagedenied_text; return $text; } } if ($data[$memo]) { $text = $data[$memo]['data']; if (isset($start) || isset($stop)) { $explText = explode("\n", $text); if (isset($start) && isset($stop)) { $state = 0; foreach ($explText as $i => $line) { if ($state == 0) { // Searching for start marker, dropping lines until found unset($explText[$i]); // Drop the line if (0 == strcmp($start, trim($line))) { $state = 1; // Start retaining lines and searching for stop marker } } else { // Searching for stop marker, retaining lines until found if (0 == strcmp($stop, trim($line))) { unset($explText[$i]); // Stop marker, drop the line $state = 0; // Go back to looking for start marker } } } } else { if (isset($start)) { // Only start marker is set. Search for it, dropping all lines until // it is found. foreach ($explText as $i => $line) { unset($explText[$i]); // Drop the line if (0 == strcmp($start, trim($line))) { break; } } } else { // Only stop marker is set. Search for it, dropping all lines after // it is found. $state = 1; foreach ($explText as $i => $line) { if ($state == 0) { // Dropping lines unset($explText[$i]); } else { // Searching for stop marker, retaining lines until found if (0 == strcmp($stop, trim($line))) { unset($explText[$i]); // Stop marker, drop the line $state = 0; // Start dropping lines } } } } } $text = implode("\n", $explText); } } $parserlib = TikiLib::lib('parser'); $options = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST['page'])) { $options['page'] = $_REQUEST['page']; } $parserlib->setOptions($options); $parserlib->parse_wiki_argvariable($text); // append an edit button if (isset($perms) && $perms['tiki_p_edit'] === 'y' && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'tiki-send_newsletters.php') === false) { global $smarty; $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_block_ajax_href'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); $tip = tra('Include Plugin') . ' | ' . tra('Edit the included page:') . ' "' . $page . '"'; $text .= '<a class="editplugin tips" ' . smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => 'tiki-editpage.tpl'), 'tiki-editpage.php?page=' . urlencode($page) . '&returnto=' . urlencode($GLOBALS['page']), $smarty, $tmp = false) . '>' . smarty_function_icon(array('_id' => 'page_edit', 'title' => $tip, 'class' => 'icon tips'), $smarty) . '</a>'; } return $text; }
function smarty_block_self_link($params, $content, &$smarty, $repeat = false) { global $prefs; $default_type = 'absolute_path'; $default_icon_type = 'relative'; if ($repeat) { return; } require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'query'); if (is_array($params)) { if (!isset($content)) { $content = ''; } if (!isset($params['_ajax'])) { $params['_ajax'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['_tag'])) { $params['_tag'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['_sort_arg'])) { $params['_sort_arg'] = 'sort'; } if (!isset($params['_sort_field'])) { $params['_sort_field'] = ''; } elseif ($params['_sort_arg'] != '' and !isset($params[$params['_sort_arg']])) { $params[$params['_sort_arg']] = $params['_sort_field'] . '_asc,' . $params['_sort_field'] . '_desc'; } // Complete _script path if needed if (isset($params['_script'])) { if ($params['_script'] != '' && $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'][0] == '/' && strpos($params['_script'], '/') === false) { $self_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $params['_script'] = ($self_dir == '/' ? '' : $self_dir) . '/' . $params['_script']; } if ($params['_script'] == $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) { $params['_script'] = ''; } } else { $params['_script'] = ''; } $params['_type'] = $default_type; $ret = smarty_function_query($params, $smarty); if ($params['_tag'] == 'y') { if ($params['_ajax'] == 'y' && $params['_script'] == '') { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('block', 'ajax_href'); if (!isset($params['_htmlelement'])) { $params['_htmlelement'] = 'tiki-center'; } if (!isset($params['_template'])) { $params['_template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; } if (!file_exists('templates/' . $params['_template']) || $params['_template'] == 'noauto') { $params['_htmlelement'] = ''; $params['_template'] = ''; } $ret = smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['_template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['_htmlelement']), $ret, $smarty, false); } else { $ret = 'href="' . $ret . '"'; } if (isset($params['_icon'])) { if (!isset($params['_title']) && $content != '') { $params['_title'] = $content; } require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'icon'); $icon_params = array('_id' => $params['_icon'], '_type' => $default_icon_type); if (isset($params['_alt'])) { $icon_params['alt'] = $params['_alt']; } elseif (isset($params['_title'])) { $icon_params['alt'] = $params['_title']; $icon_params['title'] = ''; // will already be included in the surrounding A tag } if (isset($params['_menu_text']) && $params['_menu_text'] == 'y') { $icon_params['_menu_text'] = $params['_menu_text']; $icon_params['title'] = $params['_title']; // Used as the menu text $params['_title'] = ''; // will already be displayed as the menu text } if (isset($params['_menu_icon'])) { $icon_params['_menu_icon'] = $params['_menu_icon']; } if (isset($params['_icon_class'])) { $icon_params['class'] = $params['_icon_class']; } $content = smarty_function_icon($icon_params, $smarty); } $link = (isset($params['_class']) && $params['_class'] != '' ? 'class="' . $params['_class'] . '" ' : '') . (isset($params['_title']) && $params['_title'] != '' ? 'title="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $params['_title']) . '" ' : '') . $ret; $ret = "<a {$link}>" . $content . '</a>'; if ($params['_sort_field'] != '') { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'show_sort'); $ret .= "<a {$link} style='text-decoration:none;'>" . smarty_function_show_sort(array('sort' => $params['_sort_arg'], 'var' => $params['_sort_field']), $smarty) . '</a>'; } } } else { $params = array('_type' => $default_type); $ret = smarty_function_query($params, $smarty); } return $ret; }
function make_prevnext_link($url, $content, $params, $class = 'prevnext', $linkoffset) { global $smarty; $link = '<a class="' . $class . '" '; if ($params['_ajax'] == 'y') { // setting javascript offset variable if requested if (!empty($params['offset_jsvar'])) { $params['_onclick'] = $params['offset_jsvar'] . "={$linkoffset};" . $params['_onclick']; } $link .= smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['htmlelement'], '_ajax' => $params['_ajax'], '_onclick' => $params['_onclick']), $url, $smarty, false); } else { $link .= " href=\"{$url}\" "; } $link .= '>' . $content . '</a>'; return $link; }
function make_prevnext_link($url, $content, $params, $class = 'prevnext') { global $smarty; return "\n" . '<a class="' . $class . '" ' . smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['htmlelement']), $url, $smarty, false) . '>' . $content . '</a>'; }