예제 #1
* Function to get an RSS feed.
* @access public
* @return The feed string
function sk_feed($max = 20)
    global $wpdb;
    $options = get_option('sk_options');
    $title = $options['title'];
    if (strlen($title) == 0) {
        $title = "Schreikasten";
    $link = get_bloginfo('url');
    if (defined('SK_CHAT')) {
        $link = SK_CHAT;
    $website = get_option('blogname');
    $offset = get_option('gmt_offset');
    if ($offset == 0) {
        $offset = "+0000";
    } else {
        $ceil = ceil($offset);
        $sign = $ceil / abs($ceil);
        $offset = abs($offset) * 100 + 1;
        $offset = str_replace('51', '30', $offset);
        $offset = str_replace('01', '00', $offset);
        $offset = $sign * $offset;
        $offset = sprintf('%+05d', $offset);
    $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "schreikasten";
    $sql = "SELECT id, alias, text, email, DATE_FORMAT(date, '%a, %d %b %Y %T {$offset}') as date_rss, user_id, email, status FROM {$table_name} WHERE status=" . SK_HAM . " ORDER BY id desc LIMIT {$max}";
    $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    $items = array();
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
        $for = "";
        //If we can reply a message, create the reply system
        if (sk_canReply()) {
            if ($comment->email != "") {
                $for .= "<a style='text-decoration: none;' href='{$link}?sk_for={$comment->id}#sk_top' onclick='javascript:for_set(" . $comment->id . ", \"" . $comment->alias . "\");'> " . __("[reply]", "sk") . "</a>";
            } else {
                $for .= __("[no sender]", "sk");
            $for = "<br/>{$for}";
        $comment_text = sk_format_text("{$comment->text}{$for}");
        $item = array("link" => "{$link}?sk_id={$comment->id}#sk-comment-id{$comment->id}", "title" => sprintf(__("Comment by %s", 'sk'), $comment->alias), "description" => $comment_text, "pubDate" => $comment->date_rss);
        array_push($items, $item);
    $channel = array("title" => sprintf(__('Shouts in %s', 'sk'), $website), "description" => sprintf(__('List of messages in %s', 'sk'), $title), "link" => $link, "items" => $items);
    $feed = new SimpleRSSFeedCreator($channel);
    return $feed->get_feed();
예제 #2
</div><div><p><img src='../wp-content/plugins/schreikasten/img/<?php 
            $img = 'ham.png';
            if ($comment->status == SK_SPAM) {
                $img = 'spam.png';
            if ($comment->status == SK_BLACK) {
                $img = 'black.png';
            if ($comment->status == SK_MOOT) {
                $img = 'moot.png';
            echo $img;
'> <?php 
            echo sk_format_text($comment->text);
            $act_message = "";
            $ham_message = strtolower(_n('Approved', 'Approved', 1, 'sk'));
            $black_message = strtolower(_n('Rejected', 'Rejected', 1, 'sk'));
            $act_message = $black_message;
            $status_message = __('This comment is marked as %s.\\nAre you sure you want to mark it as %s?', 'sk');
						<div class="row-actions">
							<span class='edit'><a href="<?php 
            echo add_query_arg(array('paged' => $page, 'text' => $text, 'mode' => 'edit', 'id' => $comment->id));
" class='edit'><?php 
            _e('Edit comment', 'sk');