function sixscan_common_gather_system_information_for_anonymous_support_ticket() { $submission_data = "\n"; $submission_data .= "OS: " . PHP_OS . " \n"; $submission_data .= "Server info: " . print_r($_SERVER, TRUE); $regdata_status = sixscan_common_is_regdata_present(); $submission_data .= "Regdata present: {$regdata_status}\n"; $write_method = get_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_WPFS_CONFIG) === FALSE ? "Direct_access" : "WP_filesystem"; $submission_data .= "Write method: {$write_method}\n"; /* Check , whether site can access external resources */ $url = SIXSCAN_BODYGUARD_REGISTER_URL; $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy(); if ($proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy($url)) { $is_through_proxy = "true"; } else { $is_through_proxy = "false"; } $submission_data .= "Is access through proxy: {$is_through_proxy}\n"; $htaccess_contents = file_get_contents(sixscan_common_get_htaccess_file_path(TRUE)); if ($htaccess_contents == FALSE) { $htaccess_contents = "Empty"; } $submission_data .= "Htaccess contents: {$htaccess_contents}\n"; $plugin_list = get_plugins(); $submission_data .= "Plugins: " . print_r($plugin_list, TRUE) . "\n"; $phpinif_info = ini_get_all(); $submission_data .= "phpinfo(): " . print_r($phpinif_info, true) . "\n"; return $submission_data; }
unlink(SIXSCAN_LOCK_FILE_NAME); } $wp_load_location = sixscan_notice_find_wp_load_location(); if ($wp_load_location == FALSE) { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Can't initialize WP environment"); exit(0); } require $wp_load_location; require_once '../../admin/includes/common.php'; /* Older Wordpress version contain several functions, that we use, in this file: */ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; if (defined('SIXSCAN_VERSION') == FALSE) { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Can't initialize environment"); exit(0); } if (sixscan_common_is_regdata_present() != TRUE) { header("HTTP/1.1 500 6Scan not registered"); exit(0); } /* Backwards compatibility. Plugins of versions <1.0.5 had another "active" indication */ $backward_compat_active = get_option('sixscan_setupaccount'); if ($backward_compat_active == 'SETUP_STAGE_RUNNING' || $backward_compat_active == 'SETUP_STAGE_INSTALLED') { /* Cleanup and activate for new version */ delete_option('sixscan_setupaccount'); sixscan_common_set_account_active(TRUE); } /* Verify process. Make sure that sites belongs to the user that registered it */ if (isset($_REQUEST[SIXSCAN_NOTICE_VERIFICATION_NAME]) && isset($_REQUEST[SIXSCAN_NOTICE_AUTH_NAME])) { $expected_auth_id = md5(sixscan_common_get_api_token() . sixscan_common_get_site_id()); if ($_REQUEST[SIXSCAN_NOTICE_VERIFICATION_NAME] == sixscan_common_get_site_id() && $_REQUEST[SIXSCAN_NOTICE_AUTH_NAME] == $expected_auth_id) { echo SIXSCAN_VERIFICATION_DELIMITER . sixscan_common_get_verification_token() . SIXSCAN_VERIFICATION_DELIMITER;
function sixscan_installation_install($tmp_key) { try { /* Clear the operational flag. It will be set, if activation is successful */ sixscan_common_set_account_operational(FALSE); global $wp_filesystem; $current_wp_filesystem = $tmp_key == "" ? 'direct' : 'ftp'; if (is_multisite()) { $err_message = "6Scan Install <b>Error</b>: 6Scan currently does not support multisite installs. The support will be added soon"; return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($err_message) . sixscan_installation_error_description("Multisite install failed", $current_wp_filesystem); } /* Make sure we can create signature file and update the site's .htaccess file */ if (sixscan_common_test_dir_writable($wp_filesystem->abspath()) == FALSE) { $err_message = "6Scan Install <b>Error</b>: Failed creating signature file at Wordpress directory " . ABSPATH . SIXSCAN_COMM_SIGNATURE_FILENAME . "<br/><br/>Please see <a href='' target='_blank'>this Wordpress article</a> for more information on how to add write permissions." . "<br/><br/>If you have additional questions, please visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>community</a>"; return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($err_message) . sixscan_installation_error_description("Failed creating signature file", $current_wp_filesystem); } if ($wp_filesystem->exists(SIXSCAN_HTACCESS_FILE) && sixscan_common_test_file_writable(SIXSCAN_HTACCESS_FILE) == FALSE) { $err_message = "6Scan Install <b>Error</b>: Failed writing .htaccess file " . SIXSCAN_HTACCESS_FILE . "<br/><br/>Please see <a href='' target='_blank'>this Wordpress article</a> for more information on how to add write permissions." . "<br/><br/>If you have additional questions, please visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>community</a>"; return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($err_message) . sixscan_installation_error_description("Failed writing .htaccess file", $current_wp_filesystem); } if ($wp_filesystem->is_writable(SIXSCAN_PLUGIN_DIR . "/6scan.php") == FALSE) { $err_message = "6Scan Install <b>Error</b>: Can't modify 6Scan directory. This usually happens when security permissions do not allow writing to the Wordpress directory." . "<br/><br/>Please see <a href='' target='_blank'>this Wordpress article</a> for more information on how to add write permissions." . "<br/><br/>If you have additional questions, please visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>community</a>"; return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($err_message) . sixscan_installation_error_description("Failed initializing WP_Filesystem()", $current_wp_filesystem); } if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") == FALSE && !function_exists('curl_init')) { $err_message = "6Scan Install <b>Error</b>: No libcurl found <b>and</b> \"allow_url_fopen\" in your php.ini is disabled. 6Scan needs at least <b>one</b> transport layer to be enabled, in order to contact its server for automatic updates.<br>" . "*Please see <a href='' target='_blank'> this FAQ entry</a> in order to enable Curl<br>" . "*Please see <a href='' target='_blank'>this FAQ entry</a> for instructions on how to enable the \"allow_url_fopen\" flag<br>" . "<br/><br/>If you have additional questions, please visit our <a href='' target='_blank'>community</a>"; return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($err_message) . sixscan_installation_error_description("No libcurl found and allow_url_fopen is disabled", $current_wp_filesystem); } /* Rewrite the htaccess and 6scan-gate file */ $htaccess_install_result = sixscan_htaccess_install(); if ($htaccess_install_result !== TRUE) { return sixscan_menu_wrap_error_msg($htaccess_install_result['user_message']) . sixscan_installation_error_description($htaccess_install_result['short_description'], $current_wp_filesystem); } if (sixscan_common_is_regdata_present() == TRUE) { if (sixscan_communication_oracle_reg_reactivate(sixscan_common_get_site_id(), sixscan_common_get_api_token()) == TRUE) { /* There is no real install to go on, just reactivation */ sixscan_common_set_account_operational(TRUE); sixscan_common_set_account_active(TRUE); return TRUE; } else { sixscan_common_erase_regdata(); } } /* Register process */ $server_registration_result = sixscan_installation_register_with_server($tmp_key); if ($server_registration_result !== TRUE) { /* If something went wrong in the registration/verification process */ sixscan_common_erase_regdata(); return $server_registration_result . sixscan_installation_error_description("Server registration failed", $current_wp_filesystem); } /* Account is now active, but not yet operational ( operation is set by server, when user completes the registration */ sixscan_common_set_account_active(TRUE); /* Preparing options for further use */ update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_COMM_ORACLE_NONCE, 1); update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_COMM_LAST_SIG_UPDATE_NONCE, 0); update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_STAT_SUSPICIOUS_REQ_COUNT, 0); update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_STAT_OK_REQ_COUNT, 0); update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_WAF_REQUESTED, array()); update_option(SIXSCAN_OPTION_LOGIN_SETTINGS, array()); update_option(SIXSCAN_VULN_MESSAGE_DISMISSED, FALSE); } catch (Exception $e) { /* Exception aborts the process */ sixscan_common_erase_regdata(); sixscan_common_set_account_active(FALSE); sixscan_common_set_account_operational(FALSE); return $e . sixscan_installation_error_description("Exception occured while installing", $current_wp_filesystem); } return TRUE; }