function forgot() { // Create an instance of the client model $this->load->model('client'); // Grab the email from form post $email = $this->input->post('email'); if ($email && $this->client->email_exists($email)) { // send the reset email and then redirect to password_sent page $slug = md5($this->client->id . $this->client->email . date('Ymd') . 'yeoman'); $this->load->library('email'); ini_set('SMTP', ''); $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'Reputation App'); $this->email->to($email); $this->email->subject('Please reset your password'); $this->email->message('To reset your password please click the link below and follow the instructions: ' . '<a href="' . site_url('Login/reset/' . $this->client->id . '/' . $slug) . '">link</a>' . ' If you did not request to reset your password then please just ignore this email and no changes will occur. Note: This reset code will expire after ' . date('j M Y') . '.'); $b = $this->email->send(); echo 'sent: ' . $b . ', link: ' . '<a href="' . site_url('Login/reset/' . $this->client->id . '/' . $slug) . '">link</a>'; //redirect('Login/password_sent'); } else { $this->show_forgot(true); } }
/** * this one is the magic one... (pentru asta am facut aceasta clasa...) * scoatem urmatorul banner pentru un grup si incrementam view-ul... */ function getNextBanner($group) { $CI =& get_instance(); $output = ""; $CI->db->where("banner_group", $group); $CI->db->where("order", "1"); $query = $CI->db->get('banners'); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $prev_banner = $query->row_array(); $prev_id = $prev_banner["id"]; } else { $prev_id = 0; } $CI->db->where("banner_group", $group); $CI->db->select_max('id', 'last_id'); $query = $CI->db->get('banners'); $last_banner = $query->row_array(); $last_id = $last_banner["last_id"]; $banner_id_where = "AND `b`.`id` > (SELECT `id` FROM `banners` WHERE `order` = '1')"; if ($prev_id == 0 || $prev_id == $last_id) { $banner_id_where = ""; } $query = $CI->db->query("SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`b`.*,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bl`.`name`,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`bl`.`description`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`banners` as `b`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `banners_lang` as `bl`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON (`bl`.`banner_id` = `b`.`id`)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`b`.`banner_group` = '{$group}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `bl`.`lang_id` = '" . $CI->lang_id . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$banner_id_where}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $banner = $query->row_array(); // setam toate la 0 si asta curent la 1 $CI->db->query("UPDATE `banners` SET `order` = '0' WHERE `banner_group` = '{$group}' "); $CI->db->query("UPDATE `banners` SET `order` = '1', `views` = `views`+1 WHERE `id` = '" . $banner["id"] . "' "); $output .= '<a href="' . site_url("banners/navigate/" . $banner["id"]) . '" target="_blank" title="' . $banner["name"] . ' - ' . $banner["description"] . '"> <img src="' . base_url() . 'uploads/banners/' . $banner["file_name"] . '" alt="' . $banner["name"] . ' - ' . $banner["description"] . '"/></a>'; } return $output; }
public function load($parent) { $this->parent = $parent; //delete_option('redux-framework-tracking'); $this->options = get_option('redux-framework-tracking'); $this->options['dev_mode'] = $parent->args['dev_mode']; if (!isset($this->options['hash']) || !$this->options['hash'] || empty($this->options['hash'])) { $this->options['hash'] = md5(site_url() . '-' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); update_option('redux-framework-tracking', $this->options); } if (isset($_GET['redux_framework_disable_tracking']) && !empty($_GET['redux_framework_disable_tracking'])) { $this->options['allow_tracking'] = false; update_option('redux-framework-tracking', $this->options); } if (isset($_GET['redux_framework_enable_tracking']) && !empty($_GET['redux_framework_enable_tracking'])) { $this->options['allow_tracking'] = true; update_option('redux-framework-tracking', $this->options); } if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == $this->parent->args['page_slug']) { if (!isset($this->options['allow_tracking'])) { add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, '_enqueue_tracking')); } else { if (!isset($this->options['tour']) && ($this->parent->args['dev_mode'] == "true" || $this->parent->args['page_slug'] == "redux_demo")) { add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, '_enqueue_newsletter')); } } } if (isset($this->options['allow_tracking']) && $this->options['allow_tracking'] == true) { // The tracking checks daily, but only sends new data every 7 days. if (!wp_next_scheduled('redux_tracking')) { wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'redux_tracking'); } add_action('redux_tracking', array($this, 'tracking')); } }
/** * Shortcode hook to display output HTML from CubePM * * @todo Add support for blogs without permalink enabled * * @param array $atts An associative array of attributes * @return string HTML output of CubePM */ function cpm_shortcode($atts) { $html = '<div class="cubepm">'; if (is_user_logged_in()) { $html .= cpm_header(); $cpm_action = $_GET['cpm_action']; switch ($cpm_action) { default: case 'inbox': $html .= cpm_page_inbox(); break; case 'new': $html .= cpm_page_new(); break; case 'read': $html .= cpm_page_read(); break; case 'admin-inbox': if (current_user_can('administrator')) { $html .= cpm_page_admin_inbox(); } else { $html .= cpm_page_inbox(); } } } else { $html .= '<p>' . __('You have to be logged in to use Private Messaging.', 'cubepm') . '<br /><a href="' . wp_login_url(site_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) . '">' . __('Click here to login', 'cubepm') . ' »</a></p>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
public function view($id) { $get_thread = $this->model_thread->get_thread($id); foreach ($get_thread as $t) { $data = array('idCategory' => $t->category, 'category' => $t->category_name, 'topic' => $t->topicName, 'user' => $t->author, 'tanggal' => $t->created_at, 'title' => $t->title, 'status' => $t->status, 'message' => BBCodeParser($t->message)); } $user = sentinel()->getUser(); if ($this->checkTA() == TRUE) { $data['tenagaAhli'] = $user->id; $data['draftSide'] = $this->model_thread->get_all_drafts($user->id); } $data['author'] = user($user->id)->full_name; $data['home'] = site_url('author/'); $data['categoriesSide'] = $this->model_thread->get_categories(); $data['threadSide'] = $this->model_thread->get_thread_from_author($user->id); $data['closeThreads'] = $this->model_thread->get_close_threads($user->id); $data['threadSide'] = $this->model_thread->get_thread_from_author($user->id); $data['closeThreads'] = $this->model_thread->get_close_threads($user->id); $data['authorSide'] = $this->model_thread->get_thread_from_author($user->id); $data['reply'] = $this->model_thread->get_reply($id); $data['countReply'] = count($data['reply']); $data['id'] = $id; if ($this->session->flashdata('success')) { $data['success'] = $this->session->flashdata('success'); } elseif ($this->session->flashdata('failed')) { $data['failed'] = $this->session->flashdata('failed'); } $this->load->view('thread/single', $data); }
function import_ajax_handler() { global $data; $data = array(); $data['count'] = 0; $data['existing_count'] = 0; $data['site_url'] = site_url(); $data['objects'] = array(); // global $email; // Handle the ajax request check_ajax_referer('import_drs'); $collection_pid = $_POST['pid']; $collection_pid = explode("/", $collection_pid); $collection_pid = end($collection_pid); $url = "" . $collection_pid . "?per_page=2&page=1"; $drs_data = get_response($url); $json = json_decode($drs_data); // $email = ''; if ($json->pagination->table->total_count > 0) { $email .= $json->pagination->table->total_count; for ($x = 1; $x <= $json->pagination->table->num_pages; $x++) { $url = "" . $collection_pid . "?per_page=2&page=" . $x; $drs_data = get_response($url); $json = json_decode($drs_data); drstk_get_image_data($json); } } else { $data = json_decode($drs_data); } wp_send_json(json_encode($data)); }
/** * Shows all users in a particular category * * This function shows config('items_per_page') users, starting from $page_offset-th page. * * @param int $category_id The category ID, or 0 to select all categories. * @param int $page_offset The page number to show. */ public function viewAll($category_id = 0, $page_offset = 1) { if ($this->input->post(NULL)) { $category_id = $this->input->post('category_id'); redirect('admin/user/viewAll/' . $category_id . '/' . $page_offset); } $this->ui['header']['page'] = 'user'; $this->ui['header']['title'] = $this->lang->line('users'); $items_per_page = $this->setting->get('items_per_page'); $criteria = array(); if ($category_id > 0) { $criteria['user.category_id'] = $category_id; } $conditions['limit'] = $items_per_page; $conditions['offset'] = ($page_offset - 1) * $items_per_page; $conditions['order_by'] = array('category_id' => 'ASC', 'id' => 'ASC'); $users = $this->user_manager->get_rows($criteria, $conditions); $categories = $this->category_manager->get_rows(); $this->ui['content']['users'] = $users; $this->ui['content']['categories'] = $categories; $this->ui['content']['total_users'] = $this->user_manager->count_rows($criteria); $this->ui['content']['items_per_page'] = $items_per_page; $this->ui['content']['page_offset'] = $page_offset; $config['base_url'] = site_url('admin/user/viewAll/' . $category_id); $config['uri_segment'] = 5; $config['total_rows'] = $this->ui['content']['total_users']; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $this->ui['content']['pager'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $this->ui['content']['category_id'] = $category_id; $this->load->view('admin/header', $this->ui['header']); $this->load->view('admin/user/viewAll', $this->ui['content']); $this->load->view('footer', $this->ui['footer']); }
function redirect_to_registration() { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'validatepage1') { wp_redirect(site_url('/registration-complete/')); exit; } }
function Auth() { $this->table = 'your_table'; //The fields below should be columns in the table above, which are used to //authenticate the user's credentials. $this->userNameField = 'username'; $this->passField = 'password'; //The numeric column which stores the permissions/level of each user: $this->lvlField = 'lvl'; //The following are general columns in the database which are //stored in the Session, for easily displaying some information //about the user: $this->miscFields = 'id,first,email,lvl,verified,credits'; /* If there is a no lastLoggedIn field in the table which is updated to the current DATETIME whenever the user logs in, set the next variable to blank to disable this feature. */ $this->lastLoggedInField = 'last_login'; $this->homePageUrl = site_url(); $this->loginPageUrl = site_url('accounts/login'); $this->membersAreaUrl = site_url(); //This is a CodeIgniter specific variable used to refer to the base //CodeIgniter Object: $this->obj =& get_instance(); //This is my custom database library: $this->db = $this->obj->db; //All data passed on from a form to this class must be // already escaped to prevent SQL injection. //However, all data stored in sessions is escaped by the class. if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { $this->refreshInfo(); } }
function process_submission() { if (!current_user_can('pp_manage_settings')) { wp_die(__ppw('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_refresh_updates'])) { delete_site_transient('update_plugins'); pp_get_version_info(true, false, true); wp_update_plugins(); wp_redirect(admin_url('admin.php?page=pp-settings&pp_refresh_done=1')); exit; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_renewal'])) { $opt_val = get_option('pp_support_key'); $renewal_token = !is_array($opt_val) || count($opt_val) < 2 ? '' : substr($opt_val[1], 0, 16); $url = site_url(''); $arr_url = parse_url($url); $site = urlencode(str_replace($arr_url['scheme'] . '://', '', $url)); wp_redirect('' . $site . '&rt=' . $renewal_token); exit; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_upload_config']) || !empty($_REQUEST['pp_support_forum'])) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin/support_pp.php'; $args = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) { $args['post_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['post_id']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['term_taxonomy_id'])) { $args['term_taxonomy_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['term_taxonomy_id']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_support_forum'])) { //$forum = ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['pp_forum'] ) ) ? sanitize_url($_REQUEST['pp_forum']) : 'pp2-technical-issues'; $url = ""; if (!empty($_REQUEST['pp_topic'])) { $url = add_query_arg('pp_topic', $_REQUEST['pp_topic'], $url); } wp_redirect($url); } $success = _pp_support_upload($args); if (empty($_REQUEST['pp_support_forum'])) { if (-1 === $success) { $flag = 'pp_config_no_change'; } elseif ($success) { $flag = 'pp_config_uploaded'; } else { $flag = 'pp_config_failed'; } wp_redirect(admin_url("admin.php?page=pp-settings&{$flag}=1")); } exit; } if (isset($_POST['pp_submit'])) { $this->handle_submission('update'); } elseif (isset($_POST['pp_defaults'])) { $this->handle_submission('default'); } elseif (isset($_POST['pp_role_usage_defaults'])) { delete_option('pp_role_usage'); pp_refresh_options(); } }
public function index() { $filtro_usuario = $this->input->post('usuario'); $filtros_usuario = $this->paginador_model->filtro($filtro_usuario, 'usuario_filtro'); /** * configuracion de paginacion */ $data['usuarios'] = $this->usuario_model->get_usuarios($filtros_usuario); $total_rows = $data['usuarios'] == false ? 0 : $data['usuarios']->num_rows(); $base_url = site_url('maestro/usuario/index'); $config = $this->paginador_model->paginar($total_rows, $base_url); $perpage = $this->paginador_model->get_perpage(); $this->pagination->initialize($config); /** * fin paginacion. */ $data['per_page'] = $perpage; $data['usuarios'] = $this->usuario_model->get_usuarios($filtros_usuario, $perpage, $this->uri->segment(4)); $data0['roles'] = $this->usuario_model->buscar('roles'); $data0['bodegas'] = $this->usuario_model->buscar('bodegas', array('bode_estado' => 'A')); $data['vista_nuevo_usuario'] = $this->load->view('nuevo_usuario_view', $data0, true); $data['vista_editar_usuario'] = $this->load->view('editar_usuario_view', $data0, true); $data['vista_buscar_usuario'] = $this->load->view('buscar_usuario_view', $data0, true); $menu = array(array('callback' => 'nuevo_usuario();return false;', 'val' => '<img class="qtip" alt="Nuevo Usuario" src="' . base_url() . 'assets/images/add-files.png" />'), array('callback' => 'buscar_usuario();return false;', 'val' => '<img class="qtip" alt="Buscar Usuario" src="' . base_url() . 'assets/images/search.png" />'), array('val' => '<img class="qtip" alt="Mostrar Todos" src="' . base_url() . 'assets/images/all.png" />', 'href' => site_url('maestro/usuario/todos'))); $this->run('usuarios_view', $data, 'Listado de usuarios', $menu, null, null, 'usuario.js'); }
public function commentList() { //后台设置后缀为空,否则分页出错 $this->config->set_item('url_suffix', ''); //载入分页类 $this->load->library('pagination'); //每页显示数量 $perPage = 10; //配置项设置 $config['base_url'] = site_url('view/comment/commentList'); $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all_results('comment'); $config['per_page'] = $perPage; $config['uri_segment'] = 4; $config['first_link'] = '首页'; $config['prev_link'] = '上一页'; $config['next_link'] = '下一页'; $config['last_link'] = '尾页'; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $offset = $this->uri->segment(4); $this->db->limit($perPage, $offset); $comment = $this->comment->commentList(); $data['comment'] = $comment; $this->load->view('view/comment/commentList', $data); }
function setPaginationVb($site, $total_rows, $perpage, $urisegment = 3) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('pagination'); $config['base_url'] = site_url($site); // What will CI use for the page links? $config['total_rows'] = $total_rows; $config['per_page'] = $perpage; // How many items per page? $config['num_links'] = 2; $config['full_tag_open'] = '<div class="news-pagination" style="padding-top:10px;">'; $config['full_tag_close'] = "</div>"; $config['first_link'] = 'Đầu'; $config['first_tag_open'] = ''; $config['first_tag_close'] = ''; $config['last_link'] = 'Cuối'; $config['last_tag_open'] = ''; $config['last_tag_close'] = ''; $config['next_link'] = 'Sau '; $config['next_tag_open'] = ''; $config['next_tag_close'] = ''; $config['prev_link'] = ' Trước'; $config['prev_tag_open'] = ''; $config['prev_tag_close'] = ''; $config['num_tag_open'] = ''; $config['num_tag_close'] = ''; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<span class="active">'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '</span>'; $config['uri_segment'] = $urisegment; $CI->pagination->initialize($config); // config pagination }
public function save($driverID = null) { //$this->_set_fields(); if ($driverID > 0) { $data['title'] = "Edit Driver"; } else { $data['title'] = "New Driver"; } $data['action'] = site_url('driver/save/' . $driverID); $this->_set_rules(); $driver_info = array('driverID' => $this->input->post('driverID'), 'firstName' => $this->input->post('firstName'), 'lastName' => $this->input->post('lastName'), 'email' => $this->input->post('email'), 'phone' => $this->input->post('phone'), 'isActive' => $this->input->post('isActive'), 'Address' => $this->input->post('Address'), 'City' => $this->input->post('City'), 'State' => $this->input->post('State'), 'zipCode' => $this->input->post('zipCode'), 'socialSecurity' => $this->input->post('socialSecurity'), 'license' => $this->input->post('license'), 'bankName' => $this->input->post('bankName'), 'bankAccount' => $this->input->post('bankAccount')); $data['Driver'] = $driver_info; //$blnSuccess=$this->form_validation->run(); $blnSuccess = true; $data['blnSuccess'] = $blnSuccess; if ($blnSuccess) { if ($driverID > 0) { $this->driver_model->update_driver($driver_info); } else { $this->driver_model->insert_driver($driver_info); } } if ($blnSuccess) { redirect('driver/index/' . $driverID); } else { $this->layout->view('driver/formDriver', $data); } }
function admin_preload() { $this->CI->admin_navigation->child_link('members', 10, 'Manage Members', site_url('admincp/users')); $this->CI->admin_navigation->child_link('members', 20, 'Add Member/Administrator', site_url('admincp/users/add')); $this->CI->admin_navigation->child_link('members', 30, 'Login Records', site_url('admincp/users/logins')); $this->CI->admin_navigation->child_link('members', 40, 'Member Groups', site_url('admincp/users/groups')); }
function phpscript($file) { $thisobject =& get_instance(); $charset = $thisobject->config->item('charset'); $path2file = site_url('recursos/scripts/' . $file); return '<script src="' . $path2file . '" type="text/javascript" charset="' . $charset . '"></script>' . "\n"; }
function index() { $this->rapyd->load("phpfreechat"); if (isset($this->session->userdata['logged_in']) and $this->session->userdata['logged_in']) { $this->session->set_userdata('last_activity', time()); if ($this->datasis->essuper('usuario')) { $params["isadmin"] = true; } $params["nick"] = utf8_encode($this->session->userdata('usuario')); $params["language"] = "es_ES"; $params["title"] = $this->datasis->traevalor("TITULO1"); $params["serverid"] = md5('ProteoERP'); // calculate a unique id for this chat $params["frozen_nick"] = false; $params["server_script_url"] = site_url('/chat'); $params["data_public_url"] = site_url('phpfreechat/data/public'); $params["quit_on_closedwindow"] = true; $params["display_pfc_logo"] = false; $chat = new phpfreechat($params); $data['head'] = $chat->printJavascript(true) . $chat->printStyle(true); $data['content'] = $chat->printChat(true); $data['title'] = " Prueba de chat "; $this->load->view('view_freechat', $data); } else { echo "window.close()"; } }
function dataedit() { $this->rapyd->load("dataobject", "dataedit"); // $link=site_url('finventario/bi_edificio/ultimo'); // $link2=site_url('finventario/bi_edificio/sugerir'); $edit = new DataEdit("Muebles", "bi_bienes"); $edit->back_url = site_url("bienes/bi_bienes/filteredgrid"); $edit->pre_process('insert', '_valida'); $edit->pre_process('update', '_valida'); $edit->id = new inputField("Id", "id"); $edit->id->mode = "autohide"; $edit->id->when = array('show'); $edit->nombre = new inputField("Nombre", "nombre"); $edit->nombre->size = 30; $edit->nombre->maxlength = 30; $edit->descrip = new textareaField("Descripción", "descrip"); $edit->descrip->rows = 4; $edit->descrip->cols = 50; $edit->modelo = new inputField("Modelo", "modelo"); $edit->modelo->size = 20; $edit->modelo->maxlength = 30; $edit->color = new inputField("Color", "color"); $edit->color->size = 20; $edit->color->maxlength = 30; $edit->buttons("modify", "save", "undo", "delete", "back"); $edit->build(); $data['content'] = $edit->output; $data['title'] = "Muebles"; $data["head"] = script("jquery.pack.js") . $this->rapyd->get_head(); $this->load->view('view_ventanas', $data); }
/** * Display the delete interface for the news. */ function id($id = NULL) { // Determine if the id given is valid. if ($id == NULL) { redirect(site_url($this->table . '/admin/menu')); } if (!$this->is_valid_id($id)) { return; } if ($this->input->post()) { // If canceling the delete, return to the menu. if ($this->input->post('action') === 'Cancel') { redirect(site_url($this->table . '/admin/menu')); } // process the post data. $this->_process_post(); $this->_item = $this->input->post(); } else { // Get the item's data. $this->_item = $this->table_model->get_news_for_admin_edit($id); $this->has_error(); } // Store the item and set the page's title. $this->add_content('item', $this->_item); if (isset($this->_item['name'])) { $this->title .= ' >> ' . $this->_item['name']; } // Add the admin stylesheets. $this->add_style('admin'); $this->add_style('admin_delete'); // Show the delete item interface. $this->show_page($this->table . '/' . $this->page, $this->title, TRUE); }
function optionsframework_mlu_init() { register_post_type('optionsframework', array('labels' => array('name' => __('Options Framework Internal Container', 'oblivion')), 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => false, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'rewrite' => false, 'supports' => array('title', 'editor'), 'query_var' => false, 'can_export' => true, 'show_in_nav_menus' => false)); } } /** * Adds the Thickbox CSS file and specific loading and button images to the header
public function index() { $d['title'] = "General Setting"; $page = $this->uri->segment(3); $limit = $this->config->item('limit_data'); if (!$page) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $page; } $this->AppModel->activity($d['title'], ''); $d['tot'] = $offset; $tot_hal = $this->AppModel->getAllData("tb_buku"); $config['base_url'] = site_url() . '/catalog/index'; $config['total_rows'] = $tot_hal->num_rows(); $config['per_page'] = $limit; $config['uri_segment'] = 3; $config['first_link'] = 'Awal'; $config['last_link'] = 'Akhir'; $config['next_link'] = 'Selanjutnya'; $config['prev_link'] = 'Sebelumnya'; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $d["paginator"] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $d['data'] = $this->AppModel->getAllDataLimited("tb_buku", $limit, $offset); $d['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu'); $d['content'] = $this->load->view('catalog/List', $d, true); $this->load->view('HomeView', $d); }
public function __construct($skin = null, $info = null, $shortinit = false) { global $wpdb; // Line up a wpdb-like object to use $this->use_wpdb = !function_exists('mysql_query') && !function_exists('mysqli_query') || !$wpdb->is_mysql || !$wpdb->ready ? true : false; $this->our_siteurl = untrailingslashit(site_url()); if (false == $this->use_wpdb) { // We have our own extension which drops lots of the overhead on the query $wpdb_obj = new UpdraftPlus_WPDB(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); // Was that successful? if (!$wpdb_obj->is_mysql || !$wpdb_obj->ready) { $this->use_wpdb = true; } else { $this->wpdb_obj = $wpdb_obj; $this->mysql_dbh = $wpdb_obj->updraftplus_getdbh(); $this->use_mysqli = $wpdb_obj->updraftplus_use_mysqli(); } } if ($shortinit) { return; } $this->ud_backup_info = $info; $this->ud_foreign = empty($info['meta_foreign']) ? false : $info['meta_foreign']; parent::__construct($skin); $this->init(); $this->backup_strings(); $this->is_multisite = is_multisite(); }
/** * Create an HTML Link * * @param string $url for the link * @param string $text the link text * @param array $attributes of additional tag settings * @return string */ public static function link($url, $text = '', array $attributes = NULL) { if (!$attributes) { $attributes = array(); } return self::tag('a', $text, $attributes + array('href' => site_url($url))); }
public function index() { $offset = $this->general_lib->get_offset(); $limit = $this->general_lib->get_limit(); $total = $this->user_mdl->count_all(); $xdata['action'] = 'user/search' . $this->_filter(); $xdata['action_delete'] = 'user/delete' . $this->_filter(); $xdata['add_btn'] = anchor('user/add', '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> Tambah', array('class' => 'btn btn-success btn-sm')); $xdata['delete_btn'] = '<button id="delete-btn" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete Checked</button>'; $this->table->set_template(tbl_tmp()); $head_data = array('fullname' => 'Fullname', 'username' => 'Username', 'level_name' => 'Level', 'ip_login' => 'Last IP Login', 'user_agent' => 'Last User Agent', 'date_login' => 'Last Login', 'status_name' => 'Status'); $heading[] = form_checkbox(array('id' => 'selectAll', 'value' => 1)); $heading[] = '#'; foreach ($head_data as $r => $value) { $heading[] = anchor('user' . $this->_filter(array('order_column' => "{$r}", 'order_type' => $this->general_lib->order_type($r))), "{$value} " . $this->general_lib->order_icon("{$r}")); } $heading[] = 'Action'; $this->table->set_heading($heading); $result = $this->user_mdl->get()->result(); $i = 1 + $offset; foreach ($result as $r) { $this->table->add_row(array('data' => form_checkbox(array('name' => 'check[]', 'value' => $r->id)), 'width' => '10px'), $i++, $r->fullname, $r->username, $r->level_nama, $r->ip_login, $r->user_agent, $r->date_login, '<label class="label label-' . ($r->status_kode == 'ON' ? 'success' : 'danger') . '">' . $r->status_nama . '</label>', anchor('user/edit/' . $r->id . $this->_filter(), 'Edit') . " | " . anchor('user/delete/' . $r->id . $this->_filter(), 'Delete', array('onclick' => "return confirm('you sure')"))); } $xdata['table'] = $this->table->generate(); $xdata['total'] = page_total($offset, $limit, $total); $config = pag_tmp(); $config['base_url'] = site_url("user" . $this->_filter()); $config['total_rows'] = $total; $config['per_page'] = $limit; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $xdata['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $data['content'] = $this->load->view('user_list', $xdata, true); $this->load->view('template', $data); }
function wplms_dashboard_template() { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { wp_redirect(site_url()); } $template = 'templates/dashboard'; global $bp; if ($bp->current_component == 'dashboard') { wp_enqueue_style('wplms-dashboard-css', WPLMS_DASHBOARD_URL . '/css/wplms-dashboard.css', array(), '1.0'); wp_enqueue_script('wplms-dashboard-js', WPLMS_DASHBOARD_URL . '/js/wplms-dashboard.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-sortable'), '1.0'); if (is_active_widget(false, false, 'wplms_instructor_dash_stats', true) || is_active_widget(false, false, 'wplms_dash_stats', true)) { wp_enqueue_script('wplms-sparkline', WPLMS_DASHBOARD_URL . '/js/jquery.sparkline.min.js', array('jquery'), true); } if (is_active_widget(false, false, 'wplms_instructor_stats', true) || is_active_widget(false, false, 'wplms_instructor_commission_stats', true) || is_active_widget(false, false, 'wplms_student_stats', true)) { wp_enqueue_script('wplms-raphael', WPLMS_DASHBOARD_URL . '/js/raphael-min.js', array('jquery'), true); wp_enqueue_script('wplms-morris', WPLMS_DASHBOARD_URL . '/js/morris.min.js', array('jquery'), true); } $translation_array = array('earnings' => __('Earnings', 'wplms-dashboard'), 'payout' => __('Payout', 'wplms-dashboard'), 'students' => __('# Students', 'wplms-dashboard'), 'saved' => __('SAVED', 'wplms-dashboard'), 'saving' => __('SAVING ...', 'wplms-dashboard'), 'stats_calculated' => __('Stats Calculated, reloading page ...', 'wplms-dashboard')); wp_localize_script('wplms-dashboard-js', 'wplms_dashboard_strings', $translation_array); } $located_template = apply_filters('bp_located_template', locate_template($template, false), $template); if ($located_template && $located_template != '') { bp_get_template_part(apply_filters('bp_load_template', $located_template)); } else { bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/dashboard')); } }
/** * generate_add_to_iCal_button * * @access public * @param $html * @param $datetime * @return string */ public static function generate_add_to_iCal_button($html, $datetime) { // first verify a proper datetime object has been received if ($datetime instanceof EE_Datetime) { // set whether a link or submit button is shown $iCal_type = apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Ical__generate_add_to_iCal_button__iCal_type', 'submit'); // generate a link to the route we registered in set_hooks() $URL = add_query_arg(array('ee' => 'download_ics_file', 'ics_id' => $datetime->ID()), site_url()); // what type ? switch ($iCal_type) { // submit buttons appear as buttons and are very compatible with a theme's style case 'submit': $html .= '<form id="download-iCal-frm-' . $datetime->ID() . '" class="download-iCal-frm" action="' . $URL . '" method="post" >'; $html .= '<input type="submit" class="ee-ical-sbmt" value="" title="' . __('Add to iCal Calendar', 'event_espresso') . '"/>'; $html .= '</form>'; break; // buttons are just links that have been styled to appear as buttons, but may not be blend with a theme as well as submit buttons // buttons are just links that have been styled to appear as buttons, but may not be blend with a theme as well as submit buttons case 'button': $html .= '<a class="ee-ical-btn small ee-button ee-roundish" href="' . $URL . '" title="' . __('Add to iCal Calendar', 'event_espresso') . '">'; $html .= ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></span>'; $html .= '</a>'; break; // links are just links that use the calendar dashicon // links are just links that use the calendar dashicon case 'icon': $html .= '<a class="ee-ical-lnk" href="' . $URL . '" title="' . __('Add to iCal Calendar', 'event_espresso') . '">'; $html .= ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></span>'; $html .= '</a>'; break; } } return $html; }
public function out() { $session_data = $this->session->userdata('logged_in'); $this->db->delete('w_user_online', array('user_id' => @$session_data['id_user'])); $this->session->sess_destroy(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">location.href = '" . site_url() . "' + 'login'; </script>"; }
function lists() { $colModel['id_tahun_anggaran'] = array('ID', 20, TRUE, 'center', 0); $colModel['periode'] = array('Periode', 105, TRUE, 'center', 2); $colModel['tahun'] = array('Tahun', 75, TRUE, 'center', 2); $colModel['deskripsi'] = array('Deskripsi', 100, TRUE, 'left', 2); $colModel['regulasi'] = array('Regulasi', 220, TRUE, 'left', 2); $colModel['keterangan'] = array('Keterangan', 220, TRUE, 'left', 2); $colModel['aksi'] = array('AKSI', 60, FALSE, 'center', 0); //Populate flexigrid buttons.. $buttons[] = array('Select All', 'check', 'btn'); $buttons[] = array('separator'); $buttons[] = array('DeSelect All', 'uncheck', 'btn'); $buttons[] = array('separator'); $buttons[] = array('Add', 'add', 'btn'); $buttons[] = array('separator'); $buttons[] = array('Delete Selected Items', 'delete', 'btn'); $buttons[] = array('separator'); $gridParams = array('height' => 300, 'rp' => 10, 'rpOptions' => '[10,20,30,40]', 'pagestat' => 'Displaying: {from} to {to} of {total} items.', 'blockOpacity' => 0.5, 'title' => '', 'showTableToggleBtn' => false); $grid_js = build_grid_js('flex1', site_url('rencanaPembangunan/c_tahun_anggaran/load_data'), $colModel, 'id_tahun_anggaran', 'asc', $gridParams, $buttons); $data['js_grid'] = $grid_js; $data['page_title'] = 'DATA TAHUN ANGGARAN'; $data['menu'] = $this->load->view('menu/v_rencanaPembangunan', $data, TRUE); $data['content'] = $this->load->view('rencanaPembangunan/tahun_anggaran/v_list', $data, TRUE); $this->load->view('utama', $data); }
function dataedit() { $this->rapyd->load('dataedit'); $edit = new DataEdit($this->t**s, 'r_sector'); $edit->back_url = site_url($this->url . "filteredgrid"); $edit->post_process('insert', '_post_insert'); $edit->post_process('update', '_post_update'); $edit->post_process('delete', '_post_delete'); $edit->id = new inputField('Id', 'id'); $edit->id->rule = 'trim'; $edit->id->size = 13; $edit->id->maxlength = 11; $edit->id->mode = 'autohide'; $edit->id->when = array('show', 'modify'); $edit->descrip = new inputField('Descrip', 'descrip'); $edit->descrip->rule = 'trim'; $edit->descrip->size = 40; $edit->descrip->maxlength = 100; $edit->monto = new inputField('Monto', 'monto'); $edit->monto->rule = 'max_length[19]|numeric'; $edit->monto->css_class = 'inputnum'; $edit->monto->size = 10; $edit->monto->maxlength = 19; $edit->buttons('add', 'modify', 'save', 'undo', 'delete', 'back'); $edit->build(); $data['content'] = $edit->output; $data['head'] = $this->rapyd->get_head(); $data['title'] = $this->t**s; $this->load->view('view_ventanas', $data); }
function list_categories($cats, $sub = '') { foreach ($cats as $cat) { ?> <tr> <td style="padding:8px 0;"> <?php echo $sub; ?> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play" style="font-size:0.8em; color:#8bc53f;"></span> <a class="sideCatA" style="" href="<?php echo site_url($cat['category']->slug); ?> "> <?php echo ucwords(strtolower($cat['category']->name)); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php if (sizeof($cat['children']) > 0) { $sub2 = str_replace('→ ', ' ', $sub); $sub2 .= ' '; list_categories($cat['children'], $sub2); } } }