function jsondispatch() { $target = getvardata("target", "unknown", 99); switch ($target) { case "browser": $browserval = $_SESSION["browserval"]; $browsername = $_SESSION["browsername"]; $browsericon = $_SESSION["browsericon"]; showcard($browserval, $browsername, $browsericon, "windowbox vbar selectable droppable", "onclick=\"browserchange();\""); break; case "theme": break; case "section": break; } }
function sectionbox() { $sectionlist = array(); $shandle = $_SESSION["shandle"]; $debug = $_SESSION["debug"]; $activesection = getvardata("activesection", "default", 99); if ($debug == "true") { echo "<!-- activesection[{$activesection}]-->\n"; } $sql = "select looking_for,theme,css_selector from activecss where conditional=\"sectionlist\" order by looking_for"; if ($debug == "true") { echo "<!-- section sql[{$sql}] -->\n"; } $sresult = mysqli_query($shandle, $sql) or die("Cannot talk to activecss: "); while ($sdata = mysqli_fetch_array($sresult)) { $thissection = $sdata["looking_for"]; $thisname = $sdata["theme"]; $thisicon = $sdata["css_selector"]; $sectionlist[$thissection]["name"] = $thisname; $sectionlist[$thissection]["icon"] = $thisicon; $_SESSION["sectionlist"][$thissection]["name"] = $thisname; $_SESSION["sectionlist"][$thissection]["icon"] = $thisicon; } // now we have a list of known browsers if ($debug == "true") { echo "<!-- sections:"; print_r($_SESSION["sectionlist"]); echo "-->\n"; } $classlist = "windowbox hbar"; echo "\t<div name='sectionbox' id='sectionbox' class='eboxdiv'>\n"; showcard("new", "section", "New Section", "sections.gif", "{$classlist} selectable", "onclick=\"sectionchange('New Section');\""); foreach ($sectionlist as $thissection => $sectioninfo) { if ($debug == "true") { echo "<!-- testing [{$thissection}] vs [{$activesection}] -->\n"; } $selected = $thissection == $activesection ? "isactive" : "inactive"; $sectionname = $sectioninfo["name"]; $sectionicon = $sectioninfo["icon"]; showcard($thissection, "section", $sectionname, $sectionicon, "{$classlist} isection selectable draggable {$selected}", ""); } echo "\t</div>\n"; }