function analyze($appid, $app_version_id, $nresults) { global $hist; $clause = $app_version_id ? " and app_version_id = {$app_version_id} " : ""; $query = "select id, server_state, outcome, elapsed_time, flops_estimate from result where server_state=5 and appid={$appid} and outcome=1 and validate_state=1 {$clause} order by id desc limit {$nresults}"; $r = mysql_query($query); $n = 0; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { handle_result($result); $n++; } if (!$n) { echo "No done results for that app"; exit; } ksort($hist); show_stats($hist); echo "<hr>\n"; show_as_table(); echo "<hr>\n"; show_as_xml(); }
// dans cette condition, la variable numero_page est incrémenté et est inférieure à $nombre // constitution des liens $suivante = $numero_page + 1; $precedente = $numero_page - 1; // affichage du lien précédent si nécéssaire if ($precedente >= 0) { $nav_bar .= "<img src='./images/left.gif' border='0' title='{$msg['48']}' alt='[{$msg['48']}]' hspace='3' align='bottom' onClick=\"document.navbar.dest.value='';document.navbar.numero_page.value='{$precedente}'; document.navbar.limite_page.value='{$limite_page}'; document.navbar.submit(); \"/>"; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbpages_arrondi; $i++) { if ($i == $numero_page) { $nav_bar .= "<strong>" . ($i + 1) . "/" . ($nbpages_arrondi + 1) . "</strong>"; } } if ($suivante <= $nbpages_arrondi) { $nav_bar .= "<img src='./images/right.gif' border='0' title='{$msg['49']}' alt='[{$msg['49']}]' hspace='3' align='bottom' onClick=\"document.navbar.dest.value='';document.navbar.numero_page.value='{$suivante}'; document.navbar.limite_page.value='{$limite_page}'; document.navbar.submit(); \" />"; } echo $nav_bar; echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='dest' value='' />\n\t\t\t\t\t{$msg['edit_cbgen_mep_afficher']} <input type='text' name='limite_page' value='{$limite_page}' class='saisie-5em' /> {$msg['1905']}\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' class='bouton' value='" . $msg['actualiser'] . "' onclick=\"this.form.dest.value='';document.navbar.numero_page.value=0;\" /><font size='4'> </font>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='image' src='./images/tableur.gif' border='0' onClick=\"this.form.dest.value='TABLEAU';\" alt='Export tableau EXCEL' title='Export tableau EXCEL' /><font size='4'> </font>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='image' src='./images/tableur_html.gif' border='0' onClick=\"this.form.dest.value='TABLEAUHTML';\" alt='Export tableau HTML' title='Export tableau HTML' />\n\t\t\t\t\t</form></p>"; break; } } else { echo $msg["etatperso_aucuneligne"]; } mysql_free_result($res); } } if (!$id_proc) { print show_stats($dbh); } else { print show_results_stats($id_proc); }
if ($host && $port) { $fp = stream_socket_client("tcp://{$host}:{$port}", $errno, $errstr, DEFAULT_TCP_TIMEOUT); } else { $fp = stream_socket_client("unix://{$socketpath}", $errno, $errstr, DEFAULT_UNIXSOCKET_TIMEOUT); } if (!$fp) { echo "{$errstr} ({$errno})" . PHP_EOL; exit - 1; } // Run logic switch ($mode) { case 'settings': show_stats($fp, 'stats settings'); break; case 'stats': show_stats($fp, 'stats'); break; case 'sizes': sizes($fp); break; case 'dumpkeys': iterkeys($fp, DUMPMODE_ONLYKEYS); break; case 'removeexp': iterkeys($fp, REMOVEMODE_EXPIRED); break; case 'dump': iterkeys($fp, DUMPMODE_KEYVALUES); break; case 'display': default:
db_table_struct(); break; case 'db_table_struct_select': db_table_struct_select(); break; case 'add_query': add_query(); break; case 'edit_query': edit_query(); break; case 'db_tables': db_tables(); break; case 'show_stats': show_stats(); break; case 'generate_xml': generate_xml(); break; case 'generate_csv': generate_csv(); break; case 'paypal_info': paypal_info(); break; case 'default': setdefault(); break; case 'product_option': product_option();
function analyze($appid, $platformid, $nresults) { global $hist; $clause = ""; switch ($platformid) { case 0: $clause = ""; break; case 1: $clause = " and locate('Windows', os_name)"; break; case 2: $clause = " and locate('Darwin', os_name)"; break; case 3: $clause = " and locate('Linux', os_name)"; break; } $query = "select server_state, outcome, cpu_time, p_fpops from result, host where server_state=5 and appid={$appid} and = result.hostid {$clause} limit {$nresults}"; $r = mysql_query($query); $n = 0; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($r)) { switch ($result->outcome) { case 1: // success handle_result($result); $n++; break; case 2: // couldn't send // couldn't send case 3: // client error // client error case 4: // no reply // no reply case 5: // didn't need // didn't need case 6: // validate error // validate error case 7: // client detached } } if (!$n) { echo "No done results for that app"; exit; } ksort($hist); show_stats($hist); echo "<hr>\n"; show_as_table(); echo "<hr>\n"; show_as_xml(); }
//when a tag reaches the targetScore if (score >= targetScore) { $(this).children(":first").hide(); this.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild.innerHTML = tagId; $(this).css("border-top-left-radius",0).css("border-top-right-radius",0); score = targetScore }; //set as % of targetScore score = score/targetScore; //setup relative height of column var columnHeight = Math.floor(score * progressHeight); var columnMarginTop = progressHeight - columnHeight; $(this).css("height", columnHeight).css("margin-top",columnMarginTop); }); // end set progress heights }; //end Puzzles() window.onload = Puzzles; window.onresize = Puzzles; })() </script> </head> <body> <?php show_stats($conn); ?> </body> </html>
case 1: $x = "HTC Power to Give"; break; default: error_page("invalid brand"); } $hosts = BoincHost::enum("os_name='Android' and serialnum like '%{$x}%'"); $n = 0; $t = 0; $a = 0; foreach ($hosts as $h) { $t += $h->total_credit; $a += $h->expavg_credit; if ($h->expavg_credit > 0.1) { $n++; } } page_head("Stats for {$x}"); start_table(); row2("Active devices", $n); row2("Average daily credit", $a); row2("Total credit", $t); end_table(); page_tail(); } $brand = get_int("brand", true); if ($brand) { show_stats($brand); } else { show_form(); }