예제 #1

$relPath = './../pinc/';
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'project_states.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'ThemedTable.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'site_news.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
$title = _("Statistics Central");
echo "<br><h2>" . _("Statistics Central") . "</h2>";
//Member/team stats searches and listings

<table style='width: 95%; margin: 2em auto;'>
    <form action='<?php 
echo $code_url;
/stats/members/mbr_list.php' method='post'>
        <input type='text' name='uname' size='20' style='margin-left: 0;'>
        <input type='submit' value='<?php 
echo attr_safe(_("Member Search"));
        <input type='checkbox' name='uexact' value='yes' style='margin-left: 0;'> <?php 
예제 #2
    $logged_in = TRUE;
} else {
    $logged_in = FALSE;
if ($logged_in) {
    $header_text = _("Smooth Reading Pool");
    $news = "SR";
} else {
    $header_text = _("Smooth Reading Pool Preview");
    $news = "SR_PREV";
// we show more columns when user is logged in, so we don't have room for the stats bar
output_header($header_text, $logged_in ? NO_STATSBAR : SHOW_STATSBAR);
$stage = get_Stage_for_id("SR");
echo "<h3>" . _("Smooth Reading") . "</h3>";
if (!$logged_in) {
    echo "<p style='font-size: 120%;'>" . _("This Preview page shows which books are currently available for Smooth Reading. Click on a book's title to view more information about it or to download the text.") . "</p>";
    echo "<p>" . _("Please note that while unregistered guests are welcome to download texts for Smooth Reading, only registered volunteers are able to upload annotated texts. A registration link is available at the top of this page.") . "</p>";
echo "<p style='font-size: 120%;'>" . _("The goal of Smooth Reading is to read the text attentively, as for pleasure, with just a little more attention than usual to punctuation, etc. This is NOT full scale proofreading, and comparison with the scans is not needed. Just read it as your normal, sensitized-to-proofreading-errors self, and report any problem that disrupts the sense or the flow of the book. Note that some of these will be due to the author and/or publisher.") . "</p>";
echo "<p>" . _("Errors are reported by adding a comment of the form <blockquote style='color: red; background-color: inherit;'> [**correction or query] <br> </blockquote> immediately after the problem spot. Do not correct or change the problem, just note it in the above format.") . "</p>";
echo "<h3>" . _("Examples:") . "</h3>";
echo "<p><ul>";
echo "<li>" . _("that was the end,[**.] However, the next day") . "</li>";
echo "<li>" . _("that was the end[**.] However, the next day") . "</li>";
echo "<li>" . _("that was the emd.[**end] However, the next day") . "</li>";
echo "</ul></p>";
// vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
예제 #3
// Site News
if ($pagesproofed >= 20) {
    if ($pagesproofed < 40) {
        echo "<div class='callout'>";
        echo "<div class='calloutheader'>";
        echo _("You can now see Site News.");
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<p>";
        echo _("Now that you have proofread 20 pages you can see the Site News. This is updated regularly with announcements from the administrators.");
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p><small>";
        echo _("After a period of time, this message will no longer appear.");
        echo "</small></p>";
        echo "</div>";
// Show any mentor banners.
foreach ($Round_for_round_id_ as $round) {
    if ($round->is_a_mentor_round() && user_can_work_on_beginner_pages_in_round($round)) {
// =============================================================================
echo "\n<hr>\n";
// ----------------------------------
// Get the project transitions for the number of projects completed today
// set the timestamp representing the start of today
$t_start_of_today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('y'));
// For transition events (event_type = 'transition'), details2 gives
// the project's new state.
예제 #4
include_once $relPath . 'site_news.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'showavailablebooks.inc';
$pool_id = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'pool_id', null, array_keys($Pool_for_id_));
$pool = get_Pool_for_id($pool_id);
output_header("{$pool->id}: {$pool->name}");
global $pguser;
$userSettings =& Settings::get_Settings($pguser);
$uao = $pool->user_access($pguser);
// Show user how to access this round
if (!$uao->can_access) {
    echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
echo "<br>\n";
echo implode("\n", $pool->blather);
echo "<br><p>" . _("If there's a project you're interested in, you can get to a page about that project by clicking on the title of the work. (We strongly recommend you right-click and open this project-specific page in a new window or tab.) The page will let you see the project comments and check the project in or out as well as download the associated text and image files.") . "</p>";
// special colours legend
// Don't display if the user has selected the
// setting "Show Special Colors: No".
if (!$userSettings->get_boolean('hide_special_colors')) {
    echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
    echo_special_legend(" 1 = 1");
// --------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<hr>\n";
show_projects_for_pool($pool, 'checkedout');
echo "<br>";
예제 #5
$relPath = "./pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'pg.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'site_specific.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'showstartexts.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'page_tally.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'site_news.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// undo_all_magic_quotes()
$theme_args['css_data'] = "\n    h2 {\n        color: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};\n        font-family: {$theme['font_mainbody']};\n        font-size: large;\n    }\n";
output_header(_("Welcome"), True, $theme_args);
$etext_limit = 10;
// Sites outside the PGDP arena will probably want to change
// some or all of the wording in the following sections.
echo "\n" . "<h2>" . _("Site Concept") . "</h2>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . _("Distributed Proofreaders provides a web-based method to ease the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books. By dividing the workload into individual pages, many volunteers can work on a book at the same time, which significantly speeds up the creation process.") . "</p>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . _("During proofreading, volunteers are presented with a scanned page image and the corresponding OCR text on a single web page. This allows the text to be easily compared to the image, proofread, and sent back to the site. A second volunteer is then presented with the first volunteer's work and the same page image, verifies and corrects the work as necessary, and submits it back to the site. The book then similarly progresses through two formatting rounds using the same web interface.") . "</p>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . _("Once all the pages have completed these steps, a post-processor carefully assembles them into an e-book, optionally makes it available to interested parties for 'smooth reading', and submits it to the Project Gutenberg archive.") . "</p>" . "\n";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "\n" . "<h2>" . _("How You Can Help") . "</h2>" . "\n";
echo "" . "<ul>\n" . "<li>\n" . sprintf(_("<a href='%s'>Register</a> with the site as a volunteer"), "{$code_url}/accounts/addproofer.php") . "<br>" . _("and/or") . "</li>\n" . "<li>\n" . sprintf(_("<a href='%s'>Donate</a> to the Distributed Proofreaders Foundation."), "http://www.pgdp.net/wiki/DPFoundation:Information_for_Donors") . "</li>\n" . "</ul>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . _('Registered volunteers may contribute to Distributed Proofreaders in several ways including proofreading, "smooth reading" pre-released e-books to check for errors, managing projects, providing content, or even helping develop improvements to the site. Volunteers may also join other members of our community in our forums to discuss these and many other topics.') . "</p>" . "\n";
echo "\n" . "<h2>" . _("Volunteering at Distributed Proofreaders") . "</h2>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("It's easy to volunteer at Distributed Proofreaders. Simply <a href='%s'>register as a volunteer</a>. Once you've confirmed your registration by e-mail, you'll receive an introductory e-mail with basic instructions on how to log in and use the site. Then, you're ready to sign in and start learning to proofread or visit the smooth reading page to pick an e-book to read! Wherever you go, you'll find lots of information to help you get started."), "{$code_url}/accounts/addproofer.php") . (is_file("{$dyn_dir}/walkthrough/00_Main.htm") ? " " . sprintf(_("Please try our <a href='%s'>Walkthrough</a> for a preview of the steps involved when proofreading on this site."), "{$dyn_url}/walkthrough/00_Main.htm") : "") . "</p>" . "\n";
echo "<p>" . _("There is no commitment expected on this site beyond the understanding that you do your best. Spend as much or as little time as you like. We encourage you to proofread at least a page a day and/or smooth read a book as often as your time allows, but it's entirely up to you.") . "</p>" . "\n";
예제 #6
$round_id = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'round_id', null, array_keys($Round_for_round_id_));
$round = get_Round_for_round_id($round_id);
output_header("{$round->id}: {$round->name}");
$uao = $round->user_access($pguser);
// show user how to access this round
if (!$uao->can_access) {
    echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
// ---------------------------------------
$pagesproofed = get_pages_proofed_maybe_simulated();
welcome_see_beginner_forum($pagesproofed, $round->id);
if ($pagesproofed <= 100 && $ELR_round->id == $round_id) {
    echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
    if ($pagesproofed > 80) {
        echo "<i><font size=-1>";
        printf(_("After you proofread a few more pages, the following introductory Simple Proofreading Rules will be removed from this page. However, they are permanently available <a href='%s'>here</a> if you wish to refer to them later. (You can bookmark that link if you like.)"), "{$code_url}/faq/simple_proof_rules.php");
        echo "</font></i><br><br>";
    include $relPath . 'simple_proof_text.inc';
// What guideline document are we needing?
$round_doc_url = "{$code_url}/faq/{$round->document}";
if ($pagesproofed >= 10) {
    echo "<hr width='75%'>\n";
    if ($pagesproofed < 40) {
        echo "<font size=-1 face=" . $theme['font_mainbody'] . "><i>";
예제 #7
$theme_args = array("css_data" => "\ntable.faqs td {font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif;}\ntd.faqheader {background: {$theme['color_headerbar_bg']};\n              color: {$theme['color_headerbar_font']};\n              font-weight: bold;\n              vertical-align: middle;}\ntable#faqtable table {align: left;}\n");
output_header('FAQ Central', NO_STATSBAR, $theme_args);

<h1>FAQ Central</h1>

<p>This page contains links to all the Documentation and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
   files about the <?php 
echo "{$site_name}";
<p><small>Updated August 2, 2008</small></p>


<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='faqs' id='faqtable'>
<td width='5'>&nbsp;</td>
  <td width='49%' valign='top'>
  <table width='100%' cellpadding='4'>
   <td class='faqheader'>&nbsp;Introductory Information</td>
   <p><a href="ProoferFAQ.php">Beginning Proofreader's FAQ </a><br>
   <font size="-1">Introduction to the site, general overview, beginner's questions.</font></p>