예제 #1
파일: email.php 프로젝트: horrabin/opendb
                     echo _theme_footer();
                 } else {
                     opendb_not_authorised_page(PERM_ADMIN_SEND_EMAIL, $HTTP_VARS);
             } else {
                 if ($HTTP_VARS['op'] == 'send_to_uid' && is_user_permitted_to_receive_email($HTTP_VARS['uid'])) {
                     if (is_user_granted_permission(PERM_SEND_EMAIL)) {
                         echo _theme_header(get_opendb_lang_var('send_email'), $HTTP_VARS['inc_menu']);
                         echo "<h2>" . get_opendb_lang_var('send_email') . "</h2>";
                         $from_user_r = fetch_user_r(get_opendb_session_var('user_id'));
                         $HTTP_VARS['toname'] = trim(strip_tags($HTTP_VARS['toname']));
                         if ($HTTP_VARS['op2'] == 'send' && send_email_to_userids(array($HTTP_VARS['uid']), $from_user_r['user_id'], $HTTP_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_VARS['message'], $errors)) {
                             // do nothing
                         } else {
                             show_email_form($HTTP_VARS['uid'], fetch_user_name($HTTP_VARS['uid']), $from_user_r['user_id'], $from_user_r['fullname'], $HTTP_VARS['subject'], $HTTP_VARS['message'], $HTTP_VARS, $errors);
                         echo _theme_footer();
                     } else {
                         opendb_not_authorised_page(PERM_SEND_EMAIL, $HTTP_VARS);
                 } else {
     } else {
 } else {
     // invalid login, so login instead.
예제 #2
    echo "<h3>" . tra("1) If you know your account's email address, and you can receive email there:") . "</h3><p>" . tra("Enter the email address below, and click OK. You will be sent email instructions for resetting your password.");
    echo "<form method=post action=mail_passwd.php>\n";
    row2(tra("Email address"), "<input type=\"text\" size=40 name=email_addr>");
    row2("", "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=submit value=\"" . tra("OK") . "\">");
    echo "</form>";
function show_auth_form()
    $master_url = parse_config(get_config(), "<master_url>");
    $x = strstr($master_url, "//");
    $x = substr($x, 2);
    $x = rtrim($x, "/");
    $x = str_replace("/", "_", $x);
    $account_file = "account_{$x}.xml";
    echo "<p><h3>" . tra("2) If you forgot your account's email address, or you can't receive email there:") . "</h3>" . tra("If you have run BOINC under this account, you can still access it. Here's how:") . "\n\n    <ul>\n    <li> " . tra("Go to the BOINC data directory on your computer (its location is written to the Event Log at startup).") . "\n    <li> " . tra("Find your account file for this project; it will be named <b>%1</b>.", $account_file) . "\n    <li> " . tra("Open the file in a text editor like Notepad. You'll see something like") . "\n    <pre>\n    &lt;account>\n        &lt;master_url>{$master_url}&lt;/master_url>\n        &lt;authenticator>8b8496fdd26df7dc0423ecd43c09a56b&lt;/authenticator>\n        &lt;project_name>" . PROJECT . "&lt;/project_name>\n        ...\n    &lt;/account>\n    </pre>\n\n    <li> " . tra("Select and Copy the string between %1 and %2 (%3 in the above example).", "&lt;authenticator>", "&lt;/authenticator>", "<b>8b8496fdd26df7dc0423ecd43c09a56b</b>") . "\n\n    <li> " . tra("Paste the string into the field below, and click OK.") . "\n    <li> " . tra("You will now be logged in to your account; update the email and password of your account.") . "\n    </ul>\n    ";
    echo "<form action=login_action.php method=post>\n";
    row2(tra("Log in with authenticator"), "<input type=\"text\" name=authenticator size=40>");
    row2(tra("Stay logged in on this computer"), "<input type=checkbox name=send_cookie checked>");
    row2("", "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=submit value=\"" . tra("OK") . "\">");
    echo "</form>";
page_head(tra("Forgot your account info?"));
if (!no_computing()) {