function printEdit() { echo '<table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tbl_usr_dtl">' . "\n"; // Organisation ID if ($this->getDataInt('id_org')) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . _Ti('org_input_id') . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $this->getDataInt('id_org') . '<input type="hidden" name="id_org" value="' . $this->getDataInt('id_org') . '" />' . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } // Organisation name echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('name') . _Ti('org_input_name') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><input name="name" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('name')) . '" class="search_form_txt" />' . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // Court registration number echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('court_reg') . _Ti('org_input_court_reg') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><input name="court_reg" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('court_reg')) . '" class="search_form_txt" />' . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // Tax number echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('tax_number') . _Ti('org_input_tax_number') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><input name="tax_number" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('tax_number')) . '" class="search_form_txt" />' . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // Statistical number echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('stat_number') . _Ti('org_input_stat_number') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><input name="stat_number" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('stat_number')) . '" class="search_form_txt" />' . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // Creation date if ($this->getDataInt('id_org')) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td>' . _Ti('time_input_date_creation') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . format_date($this->getDataString('date_creation'), 'full') . '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } // // Keywords, if any // show_edit_keywords_form('org', $this->getDataInt('id_org')); // Notes echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('notes') . _Ti('org_input_notes') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><textarea name="notes" id="input_notes" class="frm_tarea" rows="3" cols="60">' . clean_output($this->getDataString('notes')) . "</textarea>\n" . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // // Contacts (e-mail, phones, etc.) // echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">'; show_page_subtitle(_T('client_subtitle_contacts')); echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; show_edit_contacts_form('org', $this->getDataInt('id_org')); echo "</table>\n"; }
function printEdit() { // Get site preferences $client_name_middle = read_meta('client_name_middle'); $client_citizen_number = read_meta('client_citizen_number'); $client_civil_status = read_meta('client_civil_status'); $client_income = read_meta('client_income'); $meta_date_birth = read_meta('client_date_birth'); echo '<table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tbl_usr_dtl">' . "\n"; if ($this->getDataInt('id_client')) { echo "<tr><td>" . _T('client_input_id') . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $this->getDataInt('id_client') . '<input type="hidden" name="id_client" value="' . $this->getDataInt('id_client') . '" /></td></tr>' . "\n"; } // Client name echo '<tr><td>' . f_err_star('name_first') . _T('person_input_name_first') . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td><input name="name_first" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('name_first')) . '" class="search_form_txt" /></td></tr>' . "\n"; // [ML] always show middle name, if any, no matter the configuration if ($this->getDataString('name_middle') || substr($client_name_middle, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo '<tr><td>' . f_err_star('name_middle') . _T('person_input_name_middle') . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td><input name="name_middle" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('name_middle')) . '" class="search_form_txt" /></td></tr>' . "\n"; } echo '<tr><td>' . f_err_star('name_last') . _T('person_input_name_last') . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td><input name="name_last" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('name_last')) . '" class="search_form_txt" /></td></tr>' . "\n"; if (substr($meta_date_birth, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('date_birth') . _Ti('person_input_date_birth') . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . get_date_inputs('date_birth', $this->getDataString('date_birth'), true) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } echo '<tr><td>' . f_err_star('gender') . _T('person_input_gender') . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td><select name="gender" class="sel_frm">' . "\n"; $opt_sel_male = $opt_sel_female = $opt_sel_unknown = ''; if ($this->getDataString('gender') == 'male') { $opt_sel_male = 'selected="selected" '; } else { if ($this->getDataString('gender') == 'female') { $opt_sel_female = 'selected="selected" '; } else { $opt_sel_unknown = 'selected="selected" '; } } echo '<option ' . $opt_sel_unknown . 'value="unknown">' . _T('info_not_available') . "</option>\n"; echo '<option ' . $opt_sel_male . 'value="male">' . _T('person_input_gender_male') . "</option>\n"; echo '<option ' . $opt_sel_female . 'value="female">' . _T('person_input_gender_female') . "</option>\n"; echo "</select>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; if ($this->getDataString('id_client')) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td>' . _Ti('time_input_date_creation') . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . format_date($this->getDataString('date_creation'), 'full') . '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } if (substr($client_citizen_number, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td>' . f_err_star('citizen_number') . _T('person_input_citizen_number') . '</td>'; echo '<td><input name="citizen_number" value="' . clean_output($this->getDataString('citizen_number')) . '" class="search_form_txt" /></td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } if (substr($client_civil_status, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td>' . f_err_star('civil_status') . _Ti('person_input_civil_status') . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select name="civil_status">'; if (!$this->getDataInt('id_client')) { echo '<option value=""></option>'; } $kwg = get_kwg_from_name('civilstatus'); $all_kw = get_keywords_in_group_name('civilstatus'); // A bit overkill, but if the user made the error of not entering // a valid civil_status, make sure that the field stays empty if (!$this->getDataString('civil_status') || !count($_SESSION['errors'])) { if ($this->getDataInt('id_client')) { $this->data['civil_status'] = $all_kw['unknown']['name']; } else { $this->data['civil_status'] = $kwg['suggest']; } } foreach ($all_kw as $kw) { $sel = $this->getDataString('civil_status') == $kw['name'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $kw['name'] . '"' . $sel . '>' . _T($kw['title']) . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } if (substr($client_income, 0, 3) == 'yes') { echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td>' . f_err_star('income') . _Ti('person_input_income') . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; echo '<select name="income">'; if (!$this->getDataInt('id_client')) { echo '<option value=""></option>'; } $kwg = get_kwg_from_name('income'); $all_kw = get_keywords_in_group_name('income'); if (!$this->getDataString('income') && !count($_SESSION['errors'])) { if ($this->getDataInt('id_client')) { $this->data['income'] = $all_kw['unknown']['name']; } else { $this->data['income'] = $kwg['suggest']; } } foreach ($all_kw as $kw) { $sel = $this->getDataString('income') == $kw['name'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '<option value="' . $kw['name'] . '"' . $sel . '>' . _T($kw['title']) . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; } // // Keywords, if any // show_edit_keywords_form('client', $this->getDataInt('id_client')); // Notes echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . f_err_star('client_notes') . _Ti('client_input_notes') . "</td>\n"; echo '<td><textarea name="client_notes" id="input_client_notes" class="frm_tarea" rows="3" cols="60">' . clean_output($this->getDataString('notes')) . "</textarea>\n" . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; // // Contacts (e-mail, phones, etc.) // echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">'; show_page_subtitle(_T('client_subtitle_contacts')); echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; show_edit_contacts_form('client', $this->getDataInt('id_client')); echo "</table>\n"; }
</td> <td align="left" valign="top"><input name="name_last" type="text" class="search_form_txt" id="name_last" size="35" value="<?php echo clean_output($user['name_last']); ?> "/></td> </tr> <?php // // Contacts (e-mail, phones, etc.) // echo "<tr>\n"; echo '<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" class="heading">'; show_page_subtitle(_T('client_subtitle_contacts'), 'contacts'); echo '</td>'; echo "</tr>\n"; show_edit_contacts_form('author', $user['id_author']); // // LOGIN INFO // ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" class="heading"> <?php show_page_subtitle(_T('authoredit_subtitle_connectionidentifiers'), 'author_edit'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><?php echo f_err_star('username') . _T('authoredit_input_username'); ?> </td>