protected function readquestions($lines)
     // For this class the method has been simplified as
     // there can never be more than one question for a
     // multianswer import
     $questions = array();
     $questiontext = array();
     $questiontext['text'] = implode('', $lines);
     $questiontext['format'] = 0;
     $questiontext['itemid'] = '';
     $question = qtype_multianswer_extract_question($questiontext);
     $question->questiontext = $question->questiontext['text'];
     $question->questiontextformat = 0;
     $question->qtype = MULTIANSWER;
     $question->generalfeedback = '';
     $question->course = $this->course;
     if (!empty($question)) {
         $name = html_to_text(implode(' ', $lines));
         $name = preg_replace('/{[^}]*}/', '', $name);
         $name = trim($name);
         if ($name) {
             $question->name = shorten_text($name, 45);
         } else {
             // We need some name, so use the current time, since that will be
             // reasonably unique.
             $question->name = userdate(time());
         $questions[] = $question;
     return $questions;
예제 #2
 protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output)
     $contextcache = array();
     $competencies = array();
     foreach ($this->related['competencies'] as $competency) {
         if (!isset($contextcache[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()])) {
             $contextcache[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()] = $competency->get_context();
         $context = $contextcache[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()];
         $compexporter = new competency_exporter($competency, array('context' => $context));
         $competencies[] = $compexporter->export($output);
     $urlshort = '';
     $url = $this->persistent->get_url();
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $murl = new moodle_url($url);
         $shorturl = preg_replace('@^https?://(www\\.)?@', '', $murl->out(false));
         $urlshort = shorten_text($shorturl, 30, true);
     $files = array();
     $storedfiles = $this->persistent->get_files();
     if (!empty($storedfiles)) {
         foreach ($storedfiles as $storedfile) {
             $fileexporter = new stored_file_exporter($storedfile, array('context' => $this->related['context']));
             $files[] = $fileexporter->export($output);
     $values = array('canmanage' => $this->persistent->can_manage(), 'competencycount' => count($competencies), 'competencies' => $competencies, 'filecount' => count($files), 'files' => $files, 'hasurlorfiles' => !empty($files) || !empty($url), 'urlshort' => $urlshort);
     return $values;
  * Generate options array for hierselect form element
  * Creates a list of discussions.
  * @return array
 public function get_discussion_options()
     $options = array(0 => get_string('all', 'hsuforum'));
     $rs = hsuforum_get_discussions($this->_customdata->cm, '');
     foreach ($rs as $discussion) {
         $options[$discussion->discussion] = shorten_text(format_string($discussion->name));
     return $options;
예제 #4
  * Displaying search results.
  * @param \core_search\document Containing a single search response to be displayed.a
  * @return string HTML
 public function render_result(\core_search\document $doc)
     $docdata = $doc->export_for_template($this);
     // Limit text fields size.
     $docdata['title'] = shorten_text($docdata['title'], static::SEARCH_RESULT_STRING_SIZE, true);
     $docdata['content'] = $docdata['content'] ? shorten_text($docdata['content'], static::SEARCH_RESULT_TEXT_SIZE, true) : '';
     $docdata['description1'] = $docdata['description1'] ? shorten_text($docdata['description1'], static::SEARCH_RESULT_TEXT_SIZE, true) : '';
     $docdata['description2'] = $docdata['description2'] ? shorten_text($docdata['description2'], static::SEARCH_RESULT_TEXT_SIZE, true) : '';
     return $this->output->render_from_template('core_search/result', $docdata);
예제 #5
  * Prevent name from exceeding 255 chars.
 public static function shorten_post_name($name)
     $strre = get_string('re', 'hsuforum');
     if (\core_text::strlen($name) > 255) {
         $shortened = shorten_text($name, 255);
         if (trim(str_ireplace($strre, '', $shortened)) === '...' || \core_text::strlen($shortened) > 255) {
             // Make a 2nd pass with the 'exact' param true, as shortening on word boundary failed or exceeded 255 chars.
             $shortened = shorten_text($name, 255, true);
         $name = $shortened;
     return $name;
예제 #6
 protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output)
     $filename = $this->file->get_filename();
     $filenameshort = $filename;
     if (core_text::strlen($filename) > 25) {
         $filenameshort = shorten_text(substr($filename, 0, -4), 21, true, '..');
         $filenameshort .= substr($filename, -4);
     $icon = $this->file->is_directory() ? file_folder_icon() : file_file_icon($this->file);
     $iconurl = $output->pix_url($icon, 'core');
     $url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($this->file->get_contextid(), $this->file->get_component(), $this->file->get_filearea(), $this->file->get_itemid(), $this->file->get_filepath(), $this->file->get_filename(), true);
     return array('filenameshort' => $filenameshort, 'filesizeformatted' => display_size((int) $this->file->get_filesize()), 'icon' => $icon, 'iconurl' => $iconurl->out(false), 'url' => $url->out(false), 'timecreatedformatted' => userdate($this->file->get_timecreated()), 'timemodifiedformatted' => userdate($this->file->get_timemodified()));
예제 #7
 public function edit_form_add(&$mform)
     global $COURSE, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php';
     get_all_mods($COURSE->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesusesd);
     $modinfo = unserialize((string) $COURSE->modinfo);
     $modules = array();
     foreach ($mods as $mod) {
         $instancename = urldecode($modinfo[$mod->id]->name);
         $instancename = format_string($instancename, true, $COURSE->id);
         $modules[$mod->id] = shorten_text($mod->modfullname . ': ' . $instancename, 28);
     // Add our choose option to the front
     $options = array(0 => get_string('choose', 'pagemenu')) + $modules;
     $mform->addElement('select', 'moduleid', get_string('addmodule', 'pagemenu'), $options);
     $mform->setType('moduleid', PARAM_INT);
예제 #8
* @param object $resource
* @uses $CFG
function get_text_for_indexing_txt(&$resource, $directfile = '')
    global $CFG;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
    // just try to get text empirically from ppt binary flow
    if ($directfile == '') {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    } else {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$directfile}"));
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten_text($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
 protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output)
     $urlshort = '';
     $url = $this->persistent->get_url();
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $murl = new moodle_url($url);
         $shorturl = preg_replace('@^https?://(www\\.)?@', '', $murl->out(false));
         $urlshort = shorten_text($shorturl, 30, true);
     $files = array();
     $storedfiles = $this->persistent->get_files();
     if (!empty($storedfiles)) {
         foreach ($storedfiles as $storedfile) {
             $fileexporter = new stored_file_exporter($storedfile, array('context' => $this->related['context']));
             $files[] = $fileexporter->export($output);
     $userevidencecompetencies = array();
     $frameworks = array();
     $scales = array();
     $usercompetencies = $this->persistent->get_user_competencies();
     foreach ($usercompetencies as $usercompetency) {
         $competency = $usercompetency->get_competency();
         // Get the framework.
         if (!isset($frameworks[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()])) {
             $frameworks[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()] = $competency->get_framework();
         $framework = $frameworks[$competency->get_competencyframeworkid()];
         // Get the scale.
         $scaleid = $competency->get_scaleid();
         if ($scaleid === null) {
             $scaleid = $framework->get_scaleid();
         if (!isset($scales[$framework->get_scaleid()])) {
             $scales[$framework->get_scaleid()] = $framework->get_scale();
         $scale = $scales[$framework->get_scaleid()];
         $related = array('competency' => $competency, 'usercompetency' => $usercompetency, 'scale' => $scale, 'context' => $framework->get_context());
         $userevidencecompetencysummaryexporter = new user_evidence_competency_summary_exporter(null, $related);
         $userevidencecompetencies[] = $userevidencecompetencysummaryexporter->export($output);
     $values = array('canmanage' => $this->persistent->can_manage(), 'filecount' => count($files), 'files' => $files, 'userhasplan' => $this->persistent->user_has_plan(), 'hasurlorfiles' => !empty($files) || !empty($url), 'urlshort' => $urlshort, 'competencycount' => count($userevidencecompetencies), 'usercompetencies' => $userevidencecompetencies);
     return $values;
예제 #10
* @param object $resource
* @uses $CFG
function get_text_for_indexing_xml(&$resource, $directfile = '')
    global $CFG;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
    // just get text
    if ($directfile == '') {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    } else {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$directfile}"));
    // filter out all xml tags
    $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", ' ', $text);
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten_text($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
예제 #11
* @param object $resource
* @uses $CFG
function get_text_for_indexing_htm(&$resource, $directfile = '')
    global $CFG;
    // SECURITY : do not allow non admin execute anything on system !!
    if (!has_capability('moodle/site:doanything', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
    // just get text
    if ($directfile == '') {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$resource->course}/{$resource->reference}"));
    } else {
        $text = implode('', file("{$CFG->dataroot}/{$directfile}"));
    // extract keywords and other interesting meta information and put it back as real content for indexing
    if (preg_match('/(.*)<meta ([^>]*)>(.*)/is', $text, $matches)) {
        $prefix = $matches[1];
        $meta_attributes = $matches[2];
        $suffix = $matches[3];
        if (preg_match('/name="(keywords|description)"/i', $meta_attributes)) {
            preg_match('/content="([^"]+)"/i', $meta_attributes, $matches);
            $text = $prefix . ' ' . $matches[1] . ' ' . $suffix;
    // brutally filters all html tags
    $text = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $text);
    $text = preg_replace("/<!--[^>]*-->/", '', $text);
    $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
    * debug code for tracing input
    echo "<hr/>";
    $FILE = fopen("filetrace.log", 'w');
    fwrite($FILE, $text);
    echo "<hr/>";
    if (!empty($CFG->block_search_limit_index_body)) {
        $text = shorten_text($text, $CFG->block_search_limit_index_body);
    return $text;
예제 #12
 public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output)
     global $USER;
     $context = clone $this->notification;
     if ($context->useridto == $USER->id && $context->timeusertodeleted) {
         $context->deleted = true;
     } else {
         $context->deleted = false;
     $context->timecreatedpretty = get_string('ago', 'message', format_time(time() - $context->timecreated));
     $context->text = message_format_message_text($context);
     $context->read = $context->timeread ? true : false;
     $context->shortenedsubject = shorten_text($context->subject, 125);
     if (!empty($context->component) && substr($context->component, 0, 4) == 'mod_') {
         $iconurl = $output->pix_url('icon', $context->component);
     } else {
         $iconurl = $output->pix_url('i/marker', 'core');
     $context->iconurl = $iconurl->out();
     return $context;
예제 #13
    public function readquestions($lines) {
        question_bank::get_qtype('multianswer'); // Ensure the multianswer code is loaded.

        // For this class the method has been simplified as
        // there can never be more than one question for a
        // multianswer import.
        $questions = array();

        $questiontext = array();
        $questiontext['text'] = implode('', $lines);
        $questiontext['format'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $questiontext['itemid'] = '';
        $question = qtype_multianswer_extract_question($questiontext);
        $question->questiontext = $question->questiontext['text'];
        $question->questiontextformat = 0;

        $question->qtype = 'multianswer';
        $question->generalfeedback = '';
        $question->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
        $question->length = 1;
        $question->penalty = 0.3333333;

        if (!empty($question)) {
            $name = html_to_text(implode(' ', $lines));
            $name = preg_replace('/{[^}]*}/', '', $name);
            $name = trim($name);

            if ($name) {
                $question->name = shorten_text($name, 45);
            } else {
                // We need some name, so use the current time, since that will be
                // reasonably unique.
                $question->name = userdate(time());

            $questions[] = $question;

        return $questions;
 public function edit_form_add(&$mform)
     global $COURSE, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php';
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE);
     $modules = array();
     foreach ($modinfo->cms as $cm) {
         $modules[$cm->modplural][$cm->id] = shorten_text(format_string($cm->name, true, $COURSE->id), 28);
     // Fix the sorting
     $options = array();
     $modnames = array_keys($modules);
     foreach ($modnames as $modname) {
         $mods = $modules[$modname];
         $options[$modname] = $mods;
     // Add our choose option to the front
     $options = array('' => array(0 => get_string('choose', 'pagemenu'))) + $options;
     $mform->addElement('selectgroups', 'moduleid', get_string('addmodule', 'pagemenu'), $options);
     $mform->setType('moduleid', PARAM_INT);
예제 #15
 public function comment_on_datasetitems($qtypeobj, $questionid, $questiontext, $answers, $data, $number)
     global $DB;
     $comment = new stdClass();
     $comment->stranswers = array();
     $comment->outsidelimit = false;
     $comment->answers = array();
     // Find a default unit.
     if (!empty($questionid) && ($unit = $DB->get_record('question_numerical_units', array('question' => $questionid, 'multiplier' => 1.0)))) {
         $unit = $unit->unit;
     } else {
         $unit = '';
     $answers = fullclone($answers);
     $delimiter = ': ';
     $virtualqtype = $qtypeobj->get_virtual_qtype();
     foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
         $error = qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors($answer->answer);
         if ($error) {
             $comment->stranswers[$key] = $error;
         $formula = $this->substitute_variables($answer->answer, $data);
         $formattedanswer = qtype_calculated_calculate_answer($answer->answer, $data, $answer->tolerance, $answer->tolerancetype, $answer->correctanswerlength, $answer->correctanswerformat, $unit);
         if ($formula === '*') {
             $answer->min = ' ';
             $formattedanswer->answer = $answer->answer;
         } else {
             eval('$ansvalue = ' . $formula . ';');
             $ans = new qtype_numerical_answer(0, $ansvalue, 0, '', 0, $answer->tolerance);
             $ans->tolerancetype = $answer->tolerancetype;
             list($answer->min, $answer->max) = $ans->get_tolerance_interval($answer);
         if ($answer->min === '') {
             // This should mean that something is wrong.
             $comment->stranswers[$key] = " {$formattedanswer->answer}" . '<br/><br/>';
         } else {
             if ($formula === '*') {
                 $comment->stranswers[$key] = $formula . ' = ' . get_string('anyvalue', 'qtype_calculated') . '<br/><br/><br/>';
             } else {
                 $formula = shorten_text($formula, 57, true);
                 $comment->stranswers[$key] = $formula . ' = ' . $formattedanswer->answer . '<br/>';
                 $correcttrue = new stdClass();
                 $correcttrue->correct = $formattedanswer->answer;
                 $correcttrue->true = '';
                 if ($formattedanswer->answer < $answer->min || $formattedanswer->answer > $answer->max) {
                     $comment->outsidelimit = true;
                     $comment->answers[$key] = $key;
                     $comment->stranswers[$key] .= get_string('trueansweroutsidelimits', 'qtype_calculated', $correcttrue);
                 } else {
                     $comment->stranswers[$key] .= get_string('trueanswerinsidelimits', 'qtype_calculated', $correcttrue);
                 $comment->stranswers[$key] .= '<br/>';
                 $comment->stranswers[$key] .= get_string('min', 'qtype_calculated') . $delimiter . $answer->min . ' --- ';
                 $comment->stranswers[$key] .= get_string('max', 'qtype_calculated') . $delimiter . $answer->max;
     return fullclone($comment);
예제 #16
 public function test_shorten_text_multilang()
     // This is not necessaryily specific to multilang. The issue is really
     // tags with attributes, where before we were generating invalid HTML
     // output like shorten_text('<span id="x" class="y">A</span> B', 1)
     // returning '<span id="x" ...</span>'. It is just that multilang
     // requires the sort of HTML that is quite likely to trigger this.
     // ........................................1...
     $text = '<span lang="en" class="multilang">A</span>' . '<span lang="fr" class="multilang">B</span>';
     $this->assertSame('<span lang="en" class="multilang">...</span>', shorten_text($text, 1));
예제 #17
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: nuckey/moodle
     *  Display all the submissions ready for grading
     * @global object
     * @global object
     * @global object
     * @global object
     * @param string $message
     * @return bool|void
    function display_submissions($message='') {
        global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;

        /* first we check to see if the form has just been submitted
         * to request user_preference updates

       $filters = array(self::FILTER_ALL             => get_string('all'),
                        self::FILTER_SUBMITTED       => get_string('submitted', 'assignment'),
                        self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING => get_string('requiregrading', 'assignment'));

        $updatepref = optional_param('updatepref', 0, PARAM_INT);

        if (isset($_POST['updatepref'])){
            $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 10, PARAM_INT);
            $perpage = ($perpage <= 0) ? 10 : $perpage ;
            $filter = optional_param('filter', 0, PARAM_INT);
            set_user_preference('assignment_perpage', $perpage);
            set_user_preference('assignment_quickgrade', optional_param('quickgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL));
            set_user_preference('assignment_filter', $filter);

        /* next we get perpage and quickgrade (allow quick grade) params
         * from database
        $perpage    = get_user_preferences('assignment_perpage', 10);
        $quickgrade = get_user_preferences('assignment_quickgrade', 0);
        $filter = get_user_preferences('assignment_filter', 0);
        $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id);

        if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) and !empty($grading_info->outcomes)) {
            $uses_outcomes = true;
        } else {
            $uses_outcomes = false;

        $page    = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
        $strsaveallfeedback = get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment');

    /// Some shortcuts to make the code read better

        $course     = $this->course;
        $assignment = $this->assignment;
        $cm         = $this->cm;

        $tabindex = 1; //tabindex for quick grading tabbing; Not working for dropdowns yet
        add_to_log($course->id, 'assignment', 'view submission', 'submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id, $this->assignment->id, $this->cm->id);

        echo $OUTPUT->header();

        echo '<div class="usersubmissions">';

        //hook to allow plagiarism plugins to update status/print links.
        plagiarism_update_status($this->course, $this->cm);

        /// Print quickgrade form around the table
        if ($quickgrade) {
            $formattrs = array();
            $formattrs['action'] = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php');
            $formattrs['id'] = 'fastg';
            $formattrs['method'] = 'post';

            echo html_writer::start_tag('form', $formattrs);
            echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'id',      'value'=> $this->cm->id));
            echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'mode',    'value'=> 'fastgrade'));
            echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'page',    'value'=> $page));
            echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'sesskey', 'value'=> sesskey()));

        $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
        if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $course_context) && has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $course_context)) {
            echo '<div class="allcoursegrades"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=' . $course->id . '">'
                . get_string('seeallcoursegrades', 'grades') . '</a></div>';

        if (!empty($message)) {
            echo $message;   // display messages here if any

        $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);

    /// Check to see if groups are being used in this assignment

        /// find out current groups mode
        $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
        groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id);

        /// Get all ppl that are allowed to submit assignments
        list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, 'mod/assignment:view', $currentgroup);

        if ($filter == self::FILTER_ALL) {
            $sql = "SELECT FROM {user} u ".
                   "LEFT JOIN ($esql) eu ON ".
                   "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND ";
        } else {
            $wherefilter = '';
            if($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
               $wherefilter = ' AND s.timemodified > 0';
            } else if($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
                $wherefilter = ' AND s.timemarked < s.timemodified ';

            $sql = "SELECT FROM {user} u ".
                   "LEFT JOIN ($esql) eu ON ".
                   "LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON ( = s.userid) " .
                   "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND ".
                   'AND s.assignment = '. $this->assignment->id .

        $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
        if (!empty($users)) {
            $users = array_keys($users);

        // if groupmembersonly used, remove users who are not in any group
        if ($users and !empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and $cm->groupmembersonly) {
            if ($groupingusers = groups_get_grouping_members($cm->groupingid, '', '')) {
                $users = array_intersect($users, array_keys($groupingusers));

        $tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'grade', 'submissioncomment', 'timemodified', 'timemarked', 'status', 'finalgrade');
        if ($uses_outcomes) {
            $tablecolumns[] = 'outcome'; // no sorting based on outcomes column

        $tableheaders = array('',
                              get_string('comment', 'assignment'),
                              get_string('lastmodified').' ('.get_string('submission', 'assignment').')',
                              get_string('lastmodified').' ('.get_string('grade').')',
                              get_string('finalgrade', 'grades'));
        if ($uses_outcomes) {
            $tableheaders[] = get_string('outcome', 'grades');

        $table = new flexible_table('mod-assignment-submissions');


        $table->sortable(true, 'lastname');//sorted by lastname by default


        $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
        $table->column_class('fullname', 'fullname');
        $table->column_class('grade', 'grade');
        $table->column_class('submissioncomment', 'comment');
        $table->column_class('timemodified', 'timemodified');
        $table->column_class('timemarked', 'timemarked');
        $table->column_class('status', 'status');
        $table->column_class('finalgrade', 'finalgrade');
        if ($uses_outcomes) {
            $table->column_class('outcome', 'outcome');

        $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
        $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
        $table->set_attribute('class', 'submissions');
        $table->set_attribute('width', '100%');
        //$table->set_attribute('align', 'center');


        // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over

        if (empty($users)) {
            echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nosubmitusers','assignment'));
            echo '</div>';
            return true;
        if ($this->assignment->assignmenttype=='upload' || $this->assignment->assignmenttype=='online' || $this->assignment->assignmenttype=='uploadsingle') { //TODO: this is an ugly hack, where is the plugin spirit? (skodak)
            echo '<div style="text-align:right"><a href="submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id.'&amp;download=zip">'.get_string('downloadall', 'assignment').'</a></div>';
    /// Construct the SQL

        list($where, $params) = $table->get_sql_where();
        if ($where) {
            $where .= ' AND ';

        if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
           $where .= 's.timemodified > 0 AND ';
        } else if($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
           $where .= 's.timemarked < s.timemodified AND ';

        if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
            $sort = ' ORDER BY '.$sort;

        $ufields = user_picture::fields('u');

        $select = "SELECT $ufields,
                 AS submissionid, s.grade, s.submissioncomment,
                          s.timemodified, s.timemarked,
                          COALESCE(SIGN(SIGN(s.timemarked) + SIGN(s.timemarked - s.timemodified)), 0) AS status ";
        $sql = 'FROM {user} u '.
               'LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON = s.userid
                AND s.assignment = '.$this->assignment->id.' '.
               'WHERE '.$where.' IN ('.implode(',',$users).') ';

        $ausers = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$sql.$sort, $params, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());

        $table->pagesize($perpage, count($users));

        ///offset used to calculate index of student in that particular query, needed for the pop up to know who's next
        $offset = $page * $perpage;
        $strupdate = get_string('update');
        $strgrade  = get_string('grade');
        $grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade);

        if ($ausers !== false) {
            $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id, array_keys($ausers));
            $endposition = $offset + $perpage;
            $currentposition = 0;
            foreach ($ausers as $auser) {
                if ($currentposition == $offset && $offset < $endposition) {
                    $final_grade = $grading_info->items[0]->grades[$auser->id];
                    $grademax = $grading_info->items[0]->grademax;
                    $final_grade->formatted_grade = round($final_grade->grade,2) .' / ' . round($grademax,2);
                    $locked_overridden = 'locked';
                    if ($final_grade->overridden) {
                        $locked_overridden = 'overridden';

                /// Calculate user status
                    $auser->status = ($auser->timemarked > 0) && ($auser->timemarked >= $auser->timemodified);
                    $picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($auser);

                    if (empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                        $auser->grade = -1; //no submission yet

                    if (!empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                    ///Prints student answer and student modified date
                    ///attach file or print link to student answer, depending on the type of the assignment.
                    ///Refer to print_student_answer in inherited classes.
                        if ($auser->timemodified > 0) {
                            $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->print_student_answer($auser->id)
                                             . userdate($auser->timemodified).'</div>';
                        } else {
                            $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';
                    ///Print grade, dropdown or text
                        if ($auser->timemarked > 0) {
                            $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'">'.userdate($auser->timemarked).'</div>';

                            if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'" class="'. $locked_overridden .'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade.'</div>';
                            } else if ($quickgrade) {
                                $attributes = array();
                                $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'. $menu .'</div>';
                            } else {
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->display_grade($auser->grade).'</div>';

                        } else {
                            $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';
                            if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'" class="'. $locked_overridden .'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade.'</div>';
                            } else if ($quickgrade) {
                                $attributes = array();
                                $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$menu.'</div>';
                            } else {
                                $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->display_grade($auser->grade).'</div>';
                    ///Print Comment
                        if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.shorten_text(strip_tags($final_grade->str_feedback),15).'</div>';

                        } else if ($quickgrade) {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'
                                     . '<textarea tabindex="'.$tabindex++.'" name="submissioncomment['.$auser->id.']" id="submissioncomment'
                                     . $auser->id.'" rows="2" cols="20">'.($auser->submissioncomment).'</textarea></div>';
                        } else {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.shorten_text(strip_tags($auser->submissioncomment),15).'</div>';
                    } else {
                        $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';
                        $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';
                        $status          = '<div id="st'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';

                        if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                            $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                        } else if ($quickgrade) {   // allow editing
                            $attributes = array();
                            $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                            $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                            $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$menu.'</div>';
                        } else {
                            $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">-</div>';

                        if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->str_feedback.'</div>';
                        } else if ($quickgrade) {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'
                                     . '<textarea tabindex="'.$tabindex++.'" name="submissioncomment['.$auser->id.']" id="submissioncomment'
                                     . $auser->id.'" rows="2" cols="20">'.($auser->submissioncomment).'</textarea></div>';
                        } else {
                            $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">&nbsp;</div>';

                    if (empty($auser->status)) { /// Confirm we have exclusively 0 or 1
                        $auser->status = 0;
                    } else {
                        $auser->status = 1;

                    $buttontext = ($auser->status == 1) ? $strupdate : $strgrade;

                    ///No more buttons, we use popups ;-).
                    $popup_url = '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id
                               . '&amp;userid='.$auser->id.'&amp;mode=single'.'&amp;filter='.$filter.'&amp;offset='.$offset++;

                    $button = $OUTPUT->action_link($popup_url, $buttontext);

                    $status  = '<div id="up'.$auser->id.'" class="s'.$auser->status.'">'.$button.'</div>';

                    $finalgrade = '<span id="finalgrade_'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->str_grade.'</span>';

                    $outcomes = '';

                    if ($uses_outcomes) {

                        foreach($grading_info->outcomes as $n=>$outcome) {
                            $outcomes .= '<div class="outcome"><label>'.$outcome->name.'</label>';
                            $options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid);

                            if ($outcome->grades[$auser->id]->locked or !$quickgrade) {
                                $options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
                                $outcomes .= ': <span id="outcome_'.$n.'_'.$auser->id.'">'.$options[$outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade].'</span>';
                            } else {
                                $attributes = array();
                                $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                $attributes['id'] = 'outcome_'.$n.'_'.$auser->id;
                                $outcomes .= ' '.html_writer::select($options, 'outcome_'.$n.'['.$auser->id.']', $outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade, array(0=>get_string('nooutcome', 'grades')), $attributes);
                            $outcomes .= '</div>';

                    $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $auser->id . '&amp;course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($auser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->context)) . '</a>';
                    $row = array($picture, $userlink, $grade, $comment, $studentmodified, $teachermodified, $status, $finalgrade);
                    if ($uses_outcomes) {
                        $row[] = $outcomes;


        $table->print_html();  /// Print the whole table

        /// Print quickgrade form around the table
        if ($quickgrade && $table->started_output){
            $mailinfopref = false;
            if (get_user_preferences('assignment_mailinfo', 1)) {
                $mailinfopref = true;
            $emailnotification =  html_writer::checkbox('mailinfo', 1, $mailinfopref, get_string('enableemailnotification','assignment'));

            $emailnotification .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('enableemailnotification', 'assignment');
            echo html_writer::tag('div', $emailnotification, array('class'=>'emailnotification'));

            $savefeedback = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'name'=>'fastg', 'value'=>get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment')));
            echo html_writer::tag('div', $savefeedback, array('class'=>'fastgbutton'));

            echo html_writer::end_tag('form');
        } else if ($quickgrade) {
            echo html_writer::end_tag('form');

        echo '</div>';
        /// End of fast grading form

        /// Mini form for setting user preference

        $formaction = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php', array('id'=>$this->cm->id));
        $mform = new MoodleQuickForm('optionspref', 'post', $formaction, '', array('class'=>'optionspref'));

        $mform->addElement('hidden', 'updatepref');
        $mform->setDefault('updatepref', 1);
        $mform->addElement('header', 'qgprefs', get_string('optionalsettings', 'assignment'));
        $mform->addElement('select', 'filter', get_string('show'),  $filters);

        $mform->setDefault('filter', $filter);

        $mform->addElement('text', 'perpage', get_string('pagesize', 'assignment'), array('size'=>1));
        $mform->setDefault('perpage', $perpage);

        $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'quickgrade', get_string('quickgrade','assignment'));
        $mform->setDefault('quickgrade', $quickgrade);
        $mform->addHelpButton('quickgrade', 'quickgrade', 'assignment');

        $mform->addElement('submit', 'savepreferences', get_string('savepreferences'));


        echo $OUTPUT->footer();
예제 #18
  *  Display all the submissions ready for grading
 function display_submissions($message = '')
     global $CFG, $db, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php';
     /* first we check to see if the form has just been submitted
      * to request user_preference updates
     if (isset($_POST['updatepref'])) {
         $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 10, PARAM_INT);
         $perpage = $perpage <= 0 ? 10 : $perpage;
         set_user_preference('assignment_perpage', $perpage);
         set_user_preference('assignment_quickgrade', optional_param('quickgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL));
     /* next we get perpage and quickgrade (allow quick grade) params
      * from database
     $perpage = get_user_preferences('assignment_perpage', 10);
     $quickgrade = get_user_preferences('assignment_quickgrade', 0);
     $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id);
     if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) and !empty($grading_info->outcomes)) {
         $uses_outcomes = true;
     } else {
         $uses_outcomes = false;
     $teacherattempts = true;
     /// Temporary measure
     $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $strsaveallfeedback = get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment');
     /// Some shortcuts to make the code read better
     $course = $this->course;
     $assignment = $this->assignment;
     $cm = $this->cm;
     $tabindex = 1;
     //tabindex for quick grading tabbing; Not working for dropdowns yet
     add_to_log($course->id, 'assignment', 'view submission', 'submissions.php?id=' . $this->assignment->id, $this->assignment->id, $this->cm->id);
     $navlinks = array();
     $navlinks[] = array('name' => $this->strassignments, 'link' => "index.php?id={$course->id}", 'type' => 'activity');
     $navlinks[] = array('name' => format_string($this->assignment->name, true), 'link' => "view.php?a={$this->assignment->id}", 'type' => 'activityinstance');
     $navlinks[] = array('name' => $this->strsubmissions, 'link' => '', 'type' => 'title');
     $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
     print_header_simple(format_string($this->assignment->name, true), "", $navigation, '', '', true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $this->strassignment), navmenu($course, $cm));
     if (!empty($message)) {
         echo $message;
         // display messages here if any
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     /// find out current groups mode
     $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     groups_print_activity_menu($cm, 'submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id);
     /// Get all ppl that are allowed to submit assignments
     $users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/assignment:submit', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false);
     $users = array_keys($users);
     if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($cm->groupingid)) {
         $groupingusers = groups_get_grouping_members($cm->groupingid, '', '');
         $users = array_intersect($users, array_keys($groupingusers));
     $tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'grade', 'submissioncomment', 'timemodified', 'timemarked', 'status', 'finalgrade');
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tablecolumns[] = 'outcome';
         // no sorting based on outcomes column
     $tableheaders = array('', get_string('fullname'), get_string('grade'), get_string('comment', 'assignment'), get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . $course->student . ')', get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . $course->teacher . ')', get_string('status'), get_string('finalgrade', 'grades'));
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tableheaders[] = get_string('outcome', 'grades');
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php';
     $table = new flexible_table('mod-assignment-submissions');
     $table->define_baseurl($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&amp;currentgroup=' . $currentgroup);
     $table->sortable(true, 'lastname');
     //sorted by lastname by default
     $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
     $table->column_class('fullname', 'fullname');
     $table->column_class('grade', 'grade');
     $table->column_class('submissioncomment', 'comment');
     $table->column_class('timemodified', 'timemodified');
     $table->column_class('timemarked', 'timemarked');
     $table->column_class('status', 'status');
     $table->column_class('finalgrade', 'finalgrade');
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $table->column_class('outcome', 'outcome');
     $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
     $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
     $table->set_attribute('class', 'submissions');
     $table->set_attribute('width', '90%');
     //$table->set_attribute('align', 'center');
     // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
     /// Check to see if groups are being used in this assignment
     if (!$teacherattempts) {
         $teachers = get_course_teachers($course->id);
         if (!empty($teachers)) {
             $keys = array_keys($teachers);
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
     if (empty($users)) {
         print_heading(get_string('noattempts', 'assignment'));
         return true;
     /// Construct the SQL
     if ($where = $table->get_sql_where()) {
         $where .= ' AND ';
     if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
         $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
     $select = 'SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture,
              AS submissionid, s.grade, s.submissioncomment,
                       s.timemodified, s.timemarked,
                       COALESCE(SIGN(SIGN(s.timemarked) + SIGN(s.timemarked - s.timemodified)), 0) AS status ';
     $sql = 'FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'user u ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'assignment_submissions s ON = s.userid
                                                               AND s.assignment = ' . $this->assignment->id . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $where . ' IN (' . implode(',', $users) . ') ';
     $table->pagesize($perpage, count($users));
     ///offset used to calculate index of student in that particular query, needed for the pop up to know who's next
     $offset = $page * $perpage;
     $strupdate = get_string('update');
     $strgrade = get_string('grade');
     $grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade);
     if (($ausers = get_records_sql($select . $sql . $sort, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size())) !== false) {
         $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id, array_keys($ausers));
         foreach ($ausers as $auser) {
             $final_grade = $grading_info->items[0]->grades[$auser->id];
             /// Calculate user status
             $auser->status = $auser->timemarked > 0 && $auser->timemarked >= $auser->timemodified;
             $picture = print_user_picture($auser->id, $course->id, $auser->picture, false, true);
             if (empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                 $auser->grade = -1;
                 //no submission yet
             if (!empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                 ///Prints student answer and student modified date
                 ///attach file or print link to student answer, depending on the type of the assignment.
                 ///Refer to print_student_answer in inherited classes.
                 if ($auser->timemodified > 0) {
                     $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->print_student_answer($auser->id) . userdate($auser->timemodified) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 ///Print grade, dropdown or text
                 if ($auser->timemarked > 0) {
                     $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">' . userdate($auser->timemarked) . '</div>';
                     if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($quickgrade) {
                             $menu = choose_from_menu(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'), '', -1, true, false, $tabindex++);
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                     if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($quickgrade) {
                             $menu = choose_from_menu(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'), '', -1, true, false, $tabindex++);
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                 ///Print Comment
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($final_grade->str_feedback), 15) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                     } else {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($auser->submissioncomment), 15) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 $status = '<div id="st' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         // allow editing
                         $menu = choose_from_menu(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'), '', -1, true, false, $tabindex++);
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">-</div>';
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_feedback . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                     } else {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
             if (empty($auser->status)) {
                 /// Confirm we have exclusively 0 or 1
                 $auser->status = 0;
             } else {
                 $auser->status = 1;
             $buttontext = $auser->status == 1 ? $strupdate : $strgrade;
             ///No more buttons, we use popups ;-).
             $popup_url = '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&amp;userid=' . $auser->id . '&amp;mode=single' . '&amp;offset=' . $offset++;
             $button = link_to_popup_window($popup_url, 'grade' . $auser->id, $buttontext, 600, 780, $buttontext, 'none', true, 'button' . $auser->id);
             $status = '<div id="up' . $auser->id . '" class="s' . $auser->status . '">' . $button . '</div>';
             $finalgrade = '<span id="finalgrade_' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</span>';
             $outcomes = '';
             if ($uses_outcomes) {
                 foreach ($grading_info->outcomes as $n => $outcome) {
                     $outcomes .= '<div class="outcome"><label>' . $outcome->name . '</label>';
                     $options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid);
                     if ($outcome->grades[$auser->id]->locked or !$quickgrade) {
                         $options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
                         $outcomes .= ': <span id="outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id . '">' . $options[$outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade] . '</span>';
                     } else {
                         $outcomes .= ' ';
                         $outcomes .= choose_from_menu($options, 'outcome_' . $n . '[' . $auser->id . ']', $outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade, get_string('nooutcome', 'grades'), '', 0, true, false, 0, 'outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id);
                     $outcomes .= '</div>';
             $row = array($picture, fullname($auser), $grade, $comment, $studentmodified, $teachermodified, $status, $finalgrade);
             if ($uses_outcomes) {
                 $row[] = $outcomes;
     /// Print quickgrade form around the table
     if ($quickgrade) {
         echo '<form action="submissions.php" id="fastg" method="post">';
         echo '<div>';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->cm->id . '" />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="fastgrade" />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '" />';
         echo '</div>';
         //echo '<div style="text-align:center"><input type="submit" name="fastg" value="'.get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment').'" /></div>';
     /// Print the whole table
     if ($quickgrade) {
         echo '<div style="text-align:center"><input type="submit" name="fastg" value="' . get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment') . '" /></div>';
         echo '</form>';
     /// End of fast grading form
     /// Mini form for setting user preference
     echo '<br />';
     echo '<form id="options" action="submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '" method="post">';
     echo '<div>';
     echo '<input type="hidden" id="updatepref" name="updatepref" value="1" />';
     echo '<table id="optiontable" align="right">';
     echo '<tr align="right"><td>';
     echo '<label for="perpage">' . get_string('pagesize', 'assignment') . '</label>';
     echo ':</td>';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '<input type="text" id="perpage" name="perpage" size="1" value="' . $perpage . '" />';
     helpbutton('pagesize', get_string('pagesize', 'assignment'), 'assignment');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr align="right">';
     echo '<td>';
     print_string('quickgrade', 'assignment');
     echo ':</td>';
     echo '<td>';
     if ($quickgrade) {
         echo '<input type="checkbox" name="quickgrade" value="1" checked="checked" />';
     } else {
         echo '<input type="checkbox" name="quickgrade" value="1" />';
     helpbutton('quickgrade', get_string('quickgrade', 'assignment'), 'assignment') . '</p></div>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr>';
     echo '<td colspan="2" align="right">';
     echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savepreferences') . '" />';
     echo '</td></tr></table>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '</form>';
     ///End of mini form
  * Return a more detailed criteria title for display in reports
  * @return  string
 public function get_title_detailed()
     global $DB;
     $module = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $this->moduleinstance));
     $activity = $DB->get_record($this->module, array('id' => $module->instance));
     return shorten_text(urldecode($activity->name));
예제 #20
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: ajv/Offline-Caching
  *  Display all the submissions ready for grading
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @param string $message
  * @return bool|void
 function display_submissions($message = '')
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php';
     /* first we check to see if the form has just been submitted
      * to request user_preference updates
     if (isset($_POST['updatepref'])) {
         $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 10, PARAM_INT);
         $perpage = $perpage <= 0 ? 10 : $perpage;
         set_user_preference('assignment_perpage', $perpage);
         set_user_preference('assignment_quickgrade', optional_param('quickgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL));
     /* next we get perpage and quickgrade (allow quick grade) params
      * from database
     $perpage = get_user_preferences('assignment_perpage', 10);
     $quickgrade = get_user_preferences('assignment_quickgrade', 0);
     $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id);
     if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) and !empty($grading_info->outcomes)) {
         $uses_outcomes = true;
     } else {
         $uses_outcomes = false;
     $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $strsaveallfeedback = get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment');
     /// Some shortcuts to make the code read better
     $course = $this->course;
     $assignment = $this->assignment;
     $cm = $this->cm;
     $tabindex = 1;
     //tabindex for quick grading tabbing; Not working for dropdowns yet
     add_to_log($course->id, 'assignment', 'view submission', 'submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id, $this->assignment->id, $this->cm->id);
     $navigation = build_navigation($this->strsubmissions, $this->cm);
     print_header_simple(format_string($this->assignment->name, true), "", $navigation, '', '', true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $this->strassignment), navmenu($course, $cm));
     $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
     if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $course_context) && has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $course_context)) {
         echo '<div class="allcoursegrades"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=' . $course->id . '">' . get_string('seeallcoursegrades', 'grades') . '</a></div>';
     if (!empty($message)) {
         echo $message;
         // display messages here if any
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     /// Check to see if groups are being used in this assignment
     /// find out current groups mode
     $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     groups_print_activity_menu($cm, 'submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id);
     /// Get all ppl that are allowed to submit assignments
     if ($users = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/assignment:submit', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false)) {
         $users = array_keys($users);
     // if groupmembersonly used, remove users who are not in any group
     if ($users and !empty($CFG->enablegroupings) and $cm->groupmembersonly) {
         if ($groupingusers = groups_get_grouping_members($cm->groupingid, '', '')) {
             $users = array_intersect($users, array_keys($groupingusers));
     $tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'grade', 'submissioncomment', 'timemodified', 'timemarked', 'status', 'finalgrade');
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tablecolumns[] = 'outcome';
         // no sorting based on outcomes column
     $tableheaders = array('', get_string('fullname'), get_string('grade'), get_string('comment', 'assignment'), get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . get_string('submission', 'assignment') . ')', get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . get_string('grade') . ')', get_string('status'), get_string('finalgrade', 'grades'));
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tableheaders[] = get_string('outcome', 'grades');
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php';
     $table = new flexible_table('mod-assignment-submissions');
     $table->define_baseurl($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&amp;currentgroup=' . $currentgroup);
     $table->sortable(true, 'lastname');
     //sorted by lastname by default
     $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
     $table->column_class('fullname', 'fullname');
     $table->column_class('grade', 'grade');
     $table->column_class('submissioncomment', 'comment');
     $table->column_class('timemodified', 'timemodified');
     $table->column_class('timemarked', 'timemarked');
     $table->column_class('status', 'status');
     $table->column_class('finalgrade', 'finalgrade');
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $table->column_class('outcome', 'outcome');
     $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
     $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
     $table->set_attribute('class', 'submissions');
     $table->set_attribute('width', '100%');
     //$table->set_attribute('align', 'center');
     // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
     if (empty($users)) {
         echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nosubmitusers', 'assignment'));
         return true;
     /// Construct the SQL
     if ($where = $table->get_sql_where()) {
         $where .= ' AND ';
     if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
         $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
     $select = 'SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, u.imagealt,
              AS submissionid, s.grade, s.submissioncomment,
                       s.timemodified, s.timemarked,
                       COALESCE(SIGN(SIGN(s.timemarked) + SIGN(s.timemarked - s.timemodified)), 0) AS status ';
     $sql = 'FROM {user} u ' . 'LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON = s.userid
                                                               AND s.assignment = ' . $this->assignment->id . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $where . ' IN (' . implode(',', $users) . ') ';
     $table->pagesize($perpage, count($users));
     ///offset used to calculate index of student in that particular query, needed for the pop up to know who's next
     $offset = $page * $perpage;
     $strupdate = get_string('update');
     $strgrade = get_string('grade');
     $grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade);
     if (($ausers = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $sql . $sort, null, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size())) !== false) {
         $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id, array_keys($ausers));
         foreach ($ausers as $auser) {
             $final_grade = $grading_info->items[0]->grades[$auser->id];
             $grademax = $grading_info->items[0]->grademax;
             $final_grade->formatted_grade = round($final_grade->grade, 2) . ' / ' . round($grademax, 2);
             $locked_overridden = 'locked';
             if ($final_grade->overridden) {
                 $locked_overridden = 'overridden';
             /// Calculate user status
             $auser->status = $auser->timemarked > 0 && $auser->timemarked >= $auser->timemodified;
             $picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture(moodle_user_picture::make($auser, $course->id));
             if (empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                 $auser->grade = -1;
                 //no submission yet
             if (!empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                 ///Prints student answer and student modified date
                 ///attach file or print link to student answer, depending on the type of the assignment.
                 ///Refer to print_student_answer in inherited classes.
                 if ($auser->timemodified > 0) {
                     $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->print_student_answer($auser->id) . userdate($auser->timemodified) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 ///Print grade, dropdown or text
                 if ($auser->timemarked > 0) {
                     $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">' . userdate($auser->timemarked) . '</div>';
                     if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '" class="' . $locked_overridden . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($quickgrade) {
                             $select = html_select::make(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'));
                             $select->nothingvalue = '-1';
                             $select->tabindex = $tabindex++;
                             $menu = $OUTPUT->select($select);
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                     if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '" class="' . $locked_overridden . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         if ($quickgrade) {
                             $select = html_select::make(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'));
                             $select->nothingvalue = '-1';
                             $select->tabindex = $tabindex++;
                             $menu = $OUTPUT->select($select);
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                 ///Print Comment
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($final_grade->str_feedback), 15) . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                     } else {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($auser->submissioncomment), 15) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 $status = '<div id="st' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         // allow editing
                         $select = html_select::make(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, get_string('nograde'));
                         $select->nothingvalue = '-1';
                         $select->tabindex = $tabindex++;
                         $menu = $OUTPUT->select($select);
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">-</div>';
                 if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                     $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_feedback . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($quickgrade) {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                     } else {
                         $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
             if (empty($auser->status)) {
                 /// Confirm we have exclusively 0 or 1
                 $auser->status = 0;
             } else {
                 $auser->status = 1;
             $buttontext = $auser->status == 1 ? $strupdate : $strgrade;
             ///No more buttons, we use popups ;-).
             $popup_url = '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&userid=' . $auser->id . '&mode=single' . '&offset=' . $offset++;
             $link = html_link::make($popup_url, $buttontext);
             $link->add_action(new popup_action('click', $link->url, 'grade' . $auser->id, array('height' => 600, 'width' => 700)));
             $link->title = $buttontext;
             $button = $OUTPUT->link($link);
             $status = '<div id="up' . $auser->id . '" class="s' . $auser->status . '">' . $button . '</div>';
             $finalgrade = '<span id="finalgrade_' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</span>';
             $outcomes = '';
             if ($uses_outcomes) {
                 foreach ($grading_info->outcomes as $n => $outcome) {
                     $outcomes .= '<div class="outcome"><label>' . $outcome->name . '</label>';
                     $options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid);
                     if ($outcome->grades[$auser->id]->locked or !$quickgrade) {
                         $options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
                         $outcomes .= ': <span id="outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id . '">' . $options[$outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade] . '</span>';
                     } else {
                         $outcomes .= ' ';
                         $select = html_select::make($options, 'outcome_' . $n . '[' . $auser->id . ']', $outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade, get_string('nooutcome', 'grades'));
                         $select->nothingvalue = '0';
                         $select->tabindex = $tabindex++;
                         $select->id = 'outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id;
                         $outcomes .= $OUTPUT->select($select);
                     $outcomes .= '</div>';
             $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $auser->id . '&amp;course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($auser) . '</a>';
             $row = array($picture, $userlink, $grade, $comment, $studentmodified, $teachermodified, $status, $finalgrade);
             if ($uses_outcomes) {
                 $row[] = $outcomes;
     /// Print quickgrade form around the table
     if ($quickgrade) {
         echo '<form action="submissions.php" id="fastg" method="post">';
         echo '<div>';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->cm->id . '" />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="fastgrade" />';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '" />';
         echo '</div>';
     /// Print the whole table
     if ($quickgrade) {
         $lastmailinfo = get_user_preferences('assignment_mailinfo', 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
         echo '<div class="fgcontrols">';
         echo '<div class="emailnotification">';
         echo '<label for="mailinfo">' . get_string('enableemailnotification', 'assignment') . '</label>';
         echo '<input type="hidden" name="mailinfo" value="0" />';
         echo '<input type="checkbox" id="mailinfo" name="mailinfo" value="1" ' . $lastmailinfo . ' />';
         echo $OUTPUT->help_icon(moodle_help_icon::make('emailnotification', get_string('enableemailnotification', 'assignment'), 'assignment')) . '</p></div>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo '<div class="fastgbutton"><input type="submit" name="fastg" value="' . get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment') . '" /></div>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo '</form>';
     /// End of fast grading form
     /// Mini form for setting user preference
     echo '<div class="qgprefs">';
     echo '<form id="options" action="submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '" method="post"><div>';
     echo '<input type="hidden" name="updatepref" value="1" />';
     echo '<table id="optiontable">';
     echo '<tr><td>';
     echo '<label for="perpage">' . get_string('pagesize', 'assignment') . '</label>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td>';
     echo '<input type="text" id="perpage" name="perpage" size="1" value="' . $perpage . '" />';
     echo $OUTPUT->help_icon(moodle_help_icon::make('pagesize', get_string('pagesize', 'assignment'), 'assignment'));
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td>';
     echo '<label for="quickgrade">' . get_string('quickgrade', 'assignment') . '</label>';
     echo '</td>';
     echo '<td>';
     $checked = $quickgrade ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
     echo '<input type="checkbox" id="quickgrade" name="quickgrade" value="1" ' . $checked . ' />';
     echo $OUTPUT->help_icon(moodle_help_icon::make('quickgrade', get_string('quickgrade', 'assignment'), 'assignment')) . '</p></div>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
     echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('savepreferences') . '" />';
     echo '</td></tr></table>';
     echo '</div></form></div>';
     ///End of mini form
     echo $OUTPUT->footer();
예제 #21
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: abhilash1994/moodle
 * Print a forum post
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @param object $post The post to print.
 * @param object $discussion
 * @param object $forum
 * @param object $cm
 * @param object $course
 * @param boolean $ownpost Whether this post belongs to the current user.
 * @param boolean $reply Whether to print a 'reply' link at the bottom of the message.
 * @param boolean $link Just print a shortened version of the post as a link to the full post.
 * @param string $footer Extra stuff to print after the message.
 * @param string $highlight Space-separated list of terms to highlight.
 * @param int $post_read true, false or -99. If we already know whether this user
 *          has read this post, pass that in, otherwise, pass in -99, and this
 *          function will work it out.
 * @param boolean $dummyifcantsee When forum_user_can_see_post says that
 *          the current user can't see this post, if this argument is true
 *          (the default) then print a dummy 'you can't see this post' post.
 *          If false, don't output anything at all.
 * @param bool|null $istracked
 * @return void
function forum_print_post($post, $discussion, $forum, &$cm, $course, $ownpost = false, $reply = false, $link = false, $footer = "", $highlight = "", $postisread = null, $dummyifcantsee = true, $istracked = null, $return = false)
    global $USER, $CFG, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
    // String cache
    static $str;
    $modcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
    $post->course = $course->id;
    $post->forum = $forum->id;
    $post->message = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($post->message, 'pluginfile.php', $modcontext->id, 'mod_forum', 'post', $post->id);
    if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php';
        $post->message .= plagiarism_get_links(array('userid' => $post->userid, 'content' => $post->message, 'cmid' => $cm->id, 'course' => $post->course, 'forum' => $post->forum));
    // caching
    if (!isset($cm->cache)) {
        $cm->cache = new stdClass();
    if (!isset($cm->cache->caps)) {
        $cm->cache->caps = array();
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewdiscussion'] = has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['moodle/site:viewfullnames'] = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:editanypost'] = has_capability('mod/forum:editanypost', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:splitdiscussions'] = has_capability('mod/forum:splitdiscussions', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:deleteownpost'] = has_capability('mod/forum:deleteownpost', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:deleteanypost'] = has_capability('mod/forum:deleteanypost', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:viewanyrating'] = has_capability('mod/forum:viewanyrating', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:exportpost'] = has_capability('mod/forum:exportpost', $modcontext);
        $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:exportownpost'] = has_capability('mod/forum:exportownpost', $modcontext);
    if (!isset($cm->uservisible)) {
        $cm->uservisible = \core_availability\info_module::is_user_visible($cm, 0, false);
    if ($istracked && is_null($postisread)) {
        $postisread = forum_tp_is_post_read($USER->id, $post);
    if (!forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post, NULL, $cm)) {
        $output = '';
        if (!$dummyifcantsee) {
            if ($return) {
                return $output;
            echo $output;
        $output .= html_writer::tag('a', '', array('id' => 'p' . $post->id));
        $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'forumpost clearfix', 'role' => 'region', 'aria-label' => get_string('hiddenforumpost', 'forum')));
        $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'row header'));
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class' => 'left picture'));
        // Picture
        if ($post->parent) {
            $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'topic'));
        } else {
            $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'topic starter'));
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('forumsubjecthidden', 'forum'), array('class' => 'subject', 'role' => 'header'));
        // Subject.
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('forumauthorhidden', 'forum'), array('class' => 'author', 'role' => 'header'));
        // Author.
        $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
        $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
        // row
        $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'row'));
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'left side'));
        // Groups
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('forumbodyhidden', 'forum'), array('class' => 'content'));
        // Content
        $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
        // row
        $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
        // forumpost
        if ($return) {
            return $output;
        echo $output;
    if (empty($str)) {
        $str = new stdClass();
        $str->edit = get_string('edit', 'forum');
        $str->delete = get_string('delete', 'forum');
        $str->reply = get_string('reply', 'forum');
        $str->parent = get_string('parent', 'forum');
        $str->pruneheading = get_string('pruneheading', 'forum');
        $str->prune = get_string('prune', 'forum');
        $str->displaymode = get_user_preferences('forum_displaymode', $CFG->forum_displaymode);
        $str->markread = get_string('markread', 'forum');
        $str->markunread = get_string('markunread', 'forum');
    $discussionlink = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/discuss.php', array('d' => $post->discussion));
    // Build an object that represents the posting user
    $postuser = new stdClass();
    $postuserfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields());
    $postuser = username_load_fields_from_object($postuser, $post, null, $postuserfields);
    $postuser->id = $post->userid;
    $postuser->fullname = fullname($postuser, $cm->cache->caps['moodle/site:viewfullnames']);
    $postuser->profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $post->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
    // Prepare the groups the posting user belongs to
    if (isset($cm->cache->usersgroups)) {
        $groups = array();
        if (isset($cm->cache->usersgroups[$post->userid])) {
            foreach ($cm->cache->usersgroups[$post->userid] as $gid) {
                $groups[$gid] = $cm->cache->groups[$gid];
    } else {
        $groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $post->userid, $cm->groupingid);
    // Prepare the attachements for the post, files then images
    list($attachments, $attachedimages) = forum_print_attachments($post, $cm, 'separateimages');
    // Determine if we need to shorten this post
    $shortenpost = $link && strlen(strip_tags($post->message)) > $CFG->forum_longpost;
    // Prepare an array of commands
    $commands = array();
    // SPECIAL CASE: The front page can display a news item post to non-logged in users.
    // Don't display the mark read / unread controls in this case.
    if ($istracked && $CFG->forum_usermarksread && isloggedin()) {
        $url = new moodle_url($discussionlink, array('postid' => $post->id, 'mark' => 'unread'));
        $text = $str->markunread;
        if (!$postisread) {
            $url->param('mark', 'read');
            $text = $str->markread;
        if ($str->displaymode == FORUM_MODE_THREADED) {
            $url->param('parent', $post->parent);
        } else {
            $url->set_anchor('p' . $post->id);
        $commands[] = array('url' => $url, 'text' => $text);
    // Zoom in to the parent specifically
    if ($post->parent) {
        $url = new moodle_url($discussionlink);
        if ($str->displaymode == FORUM_MODE_THREADED) {
            $url->param('parent', $post->parent);
        } else {
            $url->set_anchor('p' . $post->parent);
        $commands[] = array('url' => $url, 'text' => $str->parent);
    // Hack for allow to edit news posts those are not displayed yet until they are displayed
    $age = time() - $post->created;
    if (!$post->parent && $forum->type == 'news' && $discussion->timestart > time()) {
        $age = 0;
    if ($forum->type == 'single' and $discussion->firstpost == $post->id) {
        if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $modcontext)) {
            // The first post in single simple is the forum description.
            $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url('/course/modedit.php', array('update' => $cm->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'return' => 1)), 'text' => $str->edit);
    } else {
        if ($ownpost && $age < $CFG->maxeditingtime || $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:editanypost']) {
            $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php', array('edit' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->edit);
    if ($cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:splitdiscussions'] && $post->parent && $forum->type != 'single') {
        $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php', array('prune' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->prune, 'title' => $str->pruneheading);
    if ($forum->type == 'single' and $discussion->firstpost == $post->id) {
        // Do not allow deleting of first post in single simple type.
    } else {
        if ($ownpost && $age < $CFG->maxeditingtime && $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:deleteownpost'] || $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:deleteanypost']) {
            $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php', array('delete' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->delete);
    if ($reply) {
        $commands[] = array('url' => new moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php#mformforum', array('reply' => $post->id)), 'text' => $str->reply);
    if ($CFG->enableportfolios && ($cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:exportpost'] || $ownpost && $cm->cache->caps['mod/forum:exportownpost'])) {
        $p = array('postid' => $post->id);
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php';
        $button = new portfolio_add_button();
        $button->set_callback_options('forum_portfolio_caller', array('postid' => $post->id), 'mod_forum');
        if (empty($attachments)) {
        } else {
        $porfoliohtml = $button->to_html(PORTFOLIO_ADD_TEXT_LINK);
        if (!empty($porfoliohtml)) {
            $commands[] = $porfoliohtml;
    // Finished building commands
    // Begin output
    $output = '';
    if ($istracked) {
        if ($postisread) {
            $forumpostclass = ' read';
        } else {
            $forumpostclass = ' unread';
            $output .= html_writer::tag('a', '', array('name' => 'unread'));
    } else {
        // ignore trackign status if not tracked or tracked param missing
        $forumpostclass = '';
    $topicclass = '';
    if (empty($post->parent)) {
        $topicclass = ' firstpost starter';
    $postbyuser = new stdClass();
    $postbyuser->post = $post->subject;
    $postbyuser->user = $postuser->fullname;
    $discussionbyuser = get_string('postbyuser', 'forum', $postbyuser);
    $output .= html_writer::tag('a', '', array('id' => 'p' . $post->id));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'forumpost clearfix' . $forumpostclass . $topicclass, 'role' => 'region', 'aria-label' => $discussionbyuser));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'row header clearfix'));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'left picture'));
    $output .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($postuser, array('courseid' => $course->id));
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'topic' . $topicclass));
    $postsubject = $post->subject;
    if (empty($post->subjectnoformat)) {
        $postsubject = format_string($postsubject);
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $postsubject, array('class' => 'subject', 'role' => 'heading', 'aria-level' => '2'));
    $by = new stdClass();
    $by->name = html_writer::link($postuser->profilelink, $postuser->fullname);
    $by->date = userdate($post->modified);
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by), array('class' => 'author', 'role' => 'heading', 'aria-level' => '2'));
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'row maincontent clearfix'));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'left'));
    $groupoutput = '';
    if ($groups) {
        $groupoutput = print_group_picture($groups, $course->id, false, true, true);
    if (empty($groupoutput)) {
        $groupoutput = '&nbsp;';
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $groupoutput, array('class' => 'grouppictures'));
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    //left side
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'no-overflow'));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'content'));
    $options = new stdClass();
    $options->para = false;
    $options->trusted = $post->messagetrust;
    $options->context = $modcontext;
    if ($shortenpost) {
        // Prepare shortened version by filtering the text then shortening it.
        $postclass = 'shortenedpost';
        $postcontent = format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options);
        $postcontent = shorten_text($postcontent, $CFG->forum_shortpost);
        $postcontent .= html_writer::link($discussionlink, get_string('readtherest', 'forum'));
        $postcontent .= html_writer::tag('div', '(' . get_string('numwords', 'moodle', count_words($post->message)) . ')', array('class' => 'post-word-count'));
    } else {
        // Prepare whole post
        $postclass = 'fullpost';
        $postcontent = format_text($post->message, $post->messageformat, $options, $course->id);
        if (!empty($highlight)) {
            $postcontent = highlight($highlight, $postcontent);
        if (!empty($forum->displaywordcount)) {
            $postcontent .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('numwords', 'moodle', count_words($post->message)), array('class' => 'post-word-count'));
        $postcontent .= html_writer::tag('div', $attachedimages, array('class' => 'attachedimages'));
    // Output the post content
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $postcontent, array('class' => 'posting ' . $postclass));
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // Content
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // Content mask
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // Row
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'row side'));
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', '&nbsp;', array('class' => 'left'));
    $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'options clearfix'));
    if (!empty($attachments)) {
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $attachments, array('class' => 'attachments'));
    // Output ratings
    if (!empty($post->rating)) {
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $OUTPUT->render($post->rating), array('class' => 'forum-post-rating'));
    // Output the commands
    $commandhtml = array();
    foreach ($commands as $command) {
        if (is_array($command)) {
            $commandhtml[] = html_writer::link($command['url'], $command['text']);
        } else {
            $commandhtml[] = $command;
    $output .= html_writer::tag('div', implode(' | ', $commandhtml), array('class' => 'commands'));
    // Output link to post if required
    if ($link && forum_user_can_post($forum, $discussion, $USER, $cm, $course, $modcontext)) {
        if ($post->replies == 1) {
            $replystring = get_string('repliesone', 'forum', $post->replies);
        } else {
            $replystring = get_string('repliesmany', 'forum', $post->replies);
        $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'link'));
        $output .= html_writer::link($discussionlink, get_string('discussthistopic', 'forum'));
        $output .= '&nbsp;(' . $replystring . ')';
        $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
        // link
    // Output footer if required
    if ($footer) {
        $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $footer, array('class' => 'footer'));
    // Close remaining open divs
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // content
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // row
    $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
    // forumpost
    // Mark the forum post as read if required
    if ($istracked && !$CFG->forum_usermarksread && !$postisread) {
        forum_tp_mark_post_read($USER->id, $post, $forum->id);
    if ($return) {
        return $output;
    echo $output;
  * Return a more detailed criteria title for display in reports
  * @return  string
 public function get_title_detailed()
     global $DB;
     $module = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $this->moduleinstance));
     $activity = $DB->get_record($this->module, array('id' => $module->instance));
     return shorten_text(format_string($activity->name, true, array('context' => context_module::instance($module->id))));
    $forum = $discussion->get_forum();
    $cm = $forum->get_course_module();
    $course = $forum->get_course();
    // Check permission for change
    // Is this the actual delete?
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        if ($delete) {
        } else {
            redirect('../../discuss.php?' . $discussion->get_link_params(forum::PARAM_PLAIN));
    // Confirm page. Work out navigation for header
    $pagename = get_string($delete ? 'deletediscussion' : 'undeletediscussion', 'forumng', $discussion->get_subject(false));
    $navigation = array();
    $navigation[] = array('name' => shorten_text(htmlspecialchars($discussion->get_subject())), 'link' => $discussion->get_url(), 'type' => 'forumng');
    $navigation[] = array('name' => $pagename, 'type' => 'forumng');
    print_header_simple(format_string($forum->get_name()) . ': ' . $pagename, "", build_navigation($navigation, $cm), "", "", true, '', navmenu($course, $cm));
    print skip_main_destination();
    // Show confirm option
    $confirmstring = get_string($delete ? 'confirmdeletediscussion' : 'confirmundeletediscussion', 'forumng');
    notice_yesno($confirmstring, 'delete.php', '../../discuss.php', array('d' => $discussion->get_id(), 'delete' => $delete, 'clone' => $cloneid), array('d' => $discussion->get_id(), 'clone' => $cloneid), 'post', 'get');
    // Display footer
} catch (forum_exception $e) {
예제 #24

// Activities
foreach($activities as $activity) {
    $activity->datepassed = $activity->completionexpected && $activity->completionexpected <= time();
    $activity->datepassedclass=$activity->datepassed ? 'completion-expired' : '';

    if ($activity->completionexpected) {
    } else {

    // Some names (labels) come URL-encoded and can be very long, so shorten them
    $activity->name = shorten_text($activity->name);

    if ($csv) {
        print $sep.csv_quote(strip_tags($activity->name)).$sep.csv_quote($datetext);
    } else {
        $formattedactivityname = format_string($activity->name, true, array('context' => $context));
        print '<th scope="col" class="'.$activity->datepassedclass.'">'.
            '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/'.$activity->modname.
            '/view.php?id='.$activity->id.'" title="' . $formattedactivityname . '">'.
            '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $activity->modname).'" alt="'.
            get_string('modulename',$activity->modname).'" /> <span class="completion-activityname">'.
        if ($activity->completionexpected) {
            print '<div class="completion-expected"><span>'.$datetext.'</span></div>';
        print '</th>';
예제 #25
파일: editlib.php 프로젝트: nigeli/moodle
 protected function print_category_info($category) {
     $formatoptions = new stdClass();
     $formatoptions->noclean = true;
     $strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz');
     echo '<div class="categoryinfo"><div class="categorynamefieldcontainer">' .
     echo ': <span class="categorynamefield">';
     echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_string($category->name)), 60);
     echo '</span></div><div class="categoryinfofieldcontainer">' .
             '<span class="categoryinfofield">';
     echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_text($category->info, $category->infoformat,
             $formatoptions, $this->course->id)), 200);
     echo '</span></div></div>';
예제 #26
    function readquestion($qrec)

        $type = trim($qrec['@']['type']);
        $question = $this->defaultquestion();
        if (array_key_exists($type, $this->qtypes)) {
            $question->qtype = $this->qtypes[$type];
        else {
            $question->qtype = null;
        $question->single = 1;
        // Only one answer is allowed
        $htmltext = $this->unxmlise($qrec['#']['text'][0]['#']);
        $question->questiontext = $htmltext;
        $question->name = shorten_text( $question->questiontext, 250 );

        switch ($question->qtype) {
        case MULTICHOICE:
            $question = $this->parse_mc($qrec['#'], $question);
        case MATCH:
            $groupname = trim($qrec['@']['group']);
            $question = $this->parse_ma($qrec['#'], $groupname);
        case TRUEFALSE:
            $question = $this->parse_tf_yn($qrec['#'], $question);
        case SHORTANSWER:
            $question = $this->parse_co($qrec['#'], $question);
        case ESSAY:
            $question = $this->parse_sa($qrec['#'], $question);
        case NUMERICAL:
            $question = $this->parse_nr($qrec['#'], $question);
            print("<p>Question type ".$type." import not supported for ".$question->questiontext."<p>");
            $question = NULL;
        // end switch ($question->qtype)

        return $question;
예제 #27
             $trackedlink = $stryes;
         } else {
             if ($forum->trackingtype === FORUM_TRACKING_OFF || $USER->trackforums == 0) {
                 $trackedlink = '-';
             } else {
                 $aurl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/settracking.php', array('id' => $forum->id));
                 if (!isset($untracked[$forum->id])) {
                     $trackedlink = $OUTPUT->single_button($aurl, $stryes, 'post', array('title' => $strnotrackforum));
                 } else {
                     $trackedlink = $OUTPUT->single_button($aurl, $strno, 'post', array('title' => $strtrackforum));
 $forum->intro = shorten_text(format_module_intro('forum', $forum, $cm->id), $CFG->forum_shortpost);
 if ($cm->sectionnum != $currentsection) {
     $printsection = get_section_name($course, $cm->sectionnum);
     if ($currentsection) {
         $learningtable->data[] = 'hr';
     $currentsection = $cm->sectionnum;
 } else {
     $printsection = '';
 $forumname = format_string($forum->name, true);
 if ($cm->visible) {
     $style = '';
 } else {
     $style = 'class="dimmed"';
예제 #28
파일: field.php 프로젝트: vuchannguyen/web
 data_print_header($course, $cm, $data, 'fields');
 if (!$DB->record_exists('data_fields', array('dataid' => $data->id))) {
     echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nofieldindatabase', 'data'));
     // nothing in database
     echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('pleaseaddsome', 'data', 'preset.php?id=' . $cm->id));
     // link to presets
 } else {
     //else print quiz style list of fields
     $table = new html_table();
     $table->head = array(get_string('fieldname', 'data'), get_string('type', 'data'), get_string('fielddescription', 'data'), get_string('action', 'data'));
     $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'center');
     $table->wrap = array(false, false, false, false);
     if ($fff = $DB->get_records('data_fields', array('dataid' => $data->id), 'id')) {
         foreach ($fff as $ff) {
             $field = data_get_field($ff, $data);
             $table->data[] = array('<a href="field.php?mode=display&amp;d=' . $data->id . '&amp;fid=' . $field->field->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . $field->field->name . '</a>', $field->image() . '&nbsp;' . get_string($field->type, 'data'), shorten_text($field->field->description, 30), '<a href="field.php?d=' . $data->id . '&amp;mode=display&amp;fid=' . $field->field->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/edit') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="' . get_string('edit') . '" title="' . get_string('edit') . '" /></a>' . '&nbsp;' . '<a href="field.php?d=' . $data->id . '&amp;mode=delete&amp;fid=' . $field->field->id . '&amp;sesskey=' . sesskey() . '">' . '<img src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/delete') . '" class="iconsmall" alt="' . get_string('delete') . '" title="' . get_string('delete') . '" /></a>');
     echo html_writer::table($table);
 echo '<div class="fieldadd">';
 echo '<label for="fieldform_jump">' . get_string('newfield', 'data') . '</label>';
 $popupurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/data/field.php?d=' . $data->id . '&mode=new&sesskey=' . sesskey();
 echo $OUTPUT->single_select(new moodle_url($popupurl), 'newtype', $menufield, null, array('' => 'choosedots'), 'fieldform');
 echo $OUTPUT->help_icon('newfield', 'data');
 echo '</div>';
 echo '<div class="sortdefault">';
 echo '<form id="sortdefault" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/data/field.php" method="get">';
 echo '<div>';
 echo '<input type="hidden" name="d" value="' . $data->id . '" />';
 echo '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="sort" />';
예제 #29
 function response_summary($question, $state, $length = 80)
     $responses = $this->get_actual_response($question, $state);
     $response = reset($responses);
     return shorten_text($response, $length);
예제 #30
         if ($unread > 0) {
             $unreadlink = '<span class="unread"><a href="view.php?f=' . $forum->id . '">' . $unread . '</a>';
             $unreadlink .= '<a title="' . $strmarkallread . '" href="markposts.php?f=' . $forum->id . '&amp;mark=read"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/clear.gif" alt="' . $strmarkallread . '" /></a></span>';
         } else {
             $unreadlink = '<span class="read"><a href="view.php?f=' . $forum->id . '">' . $unread . '</a></span>';
         if ($forum->trackingtype == FORUM_TRACKING_OPTIONAL) {
             $trackedlink = print_single_button($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/settracking.php?id=' . $forum->id, '', $stryes, 'post', '_self', true, $strnotrackforum);
     } else {
         $unreadlink = '-';
         $trackedlink = print_single_button($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/forum/settracking.php?id=' . $forum->id, '', $strno, 'post', '_self', true, $strtrackforum);
 $introoptions->para = false;
 $forum->intro = shorten_text(trim(format_text($forum->intro, FORMAT_HTML, $introoptions)), $CFG->forum_shortpost);
 if ($forum->section != $currentsection) {
     $printsection = $forum->section;
     if ($currentsection) {
         $learningtable->data[] = 'hr';
     $currentsection = $forum->section;
 } else {
     $printsection = "";
 $forumname = format_string($forum->name, true);
 if ($cantaccessagroup && $groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
     $forumlink = $forumname;
     $discussionlink = $count;
 } else {
     if ($forum->visible) {