function actionModify() { $id = (int) $this->_context->get('id'); $rs = Account::find('user_id = ?', $id)->getOne(); if (!$rs->id()) { return $this->msg($tip = '参数错误', url('manage::account')); } $form = Form_Common::createForm('', 'manage/profile'); if ($this->_context->isPOST() && $form->validate($_POST)) { $post = $form->values(); $user_mail = $post['user_mail']; $user_pass = $post['user_pass']; $is_locked = $post['is_locked'] ? '1' : '0'; #dump($post); if ($user_pass) { $user_pass = sha1(md5('sike' . $post['user_pass'] . Q::ini('appini/secret_key'))); $rs->user_pass; } $rs->user_mail = $user_mail; $rs->is_locked = $is_locked; $rs->save(); return $this->msg($tip = '修改成功', url('manage::account/modify', array('id' => $id))); } $form->import($rs->toArray()); $form->element('user_pass')->value = ''; $form->element('is_locked')->checked = $rs->is_locked; #dump($form->element('is_locked')); $this->_view['form'] = $form; $this->_view['rs'] = $rs; $order = Order::find('user_id = ?', $id)->order('created DESC')->getAll(); $this->_view['order'] = $order; $this->_view['_UDI'] = 'manage::account/index'; }
/** * Serves assignment feedback and other files. * * @param mixed $course course or id of the course * @param mixed $cm course module or id of the course module * @param context $context * @param string $filearea * @param array $args * @param bool $forcedownload * @return bool false if file not found, does not return if found - just send the file */ function assignfeedback_editpdf_pluginfile($course, $cm, context $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) { global $USER, $DB, $CFG; if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) { require_login($course, false, $cm); $itemid = (int) array_shift($args); if (!($assign = $DB->get_record('assign', array('id' => $cm->instance)))) { return false; } $record = $DB->get_record('assign_grades', array('id' => $itemid), 'userid,assignment', MUST_EXIST); $userid = $record->userid; if ($assign->id != $record->assignment) { return false; } // Check is users feedback or has grading permission. if ($USER->id != $userid and !has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $context)) { return false; } $relativepath = implode('/', $args); $fullpath = "/{$context->id}/assignfeedback_editpdf/{$filearea}/{$itemid}/{$relativepath}"; $fs = get_file_storage(); if (!($file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath))) or $file->is_directory()) { return false; } // Download MUST be forced - security! send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true); // Check if we want to retrieve the stamps. } }
/** * Authorize * * @return void */ public function authorizeTask() { $oauth_token = \Request::getVar('oauth_token'); if (empty($oauth_token)) { throw new Exception('Forbidden', 403); } $db = \App::get('db'); $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__oauthp_tokens` WHERE token=" . $db->Quote($oauth_token) . " AND user_id=0 LIMIT 1;"); $result = $db->loadObject(); if ($result === false) { throw new Exception('Internal Server Error', 500); } if (empty($result)) { throw new Exception('Forbidden', 403); } if (Request::method() == 'GET') { $this->view->oauth_token = $oauth_token; $this->view->display(); return; } if (Request::method() == 'POST') { $token = Request::get('token', '' . 'post'); if ($token != sha1($this->verifier)) { throw new Exception('Forbidden', 403); } echo "posted"; return; } throw new Exception('Method Not Allowed', 405); }
public static function ghost_command($nick, $ircdata = array()) { $unick = $ircdata[0]; $password = $ircdata[1]; // get the parameters. if (trim($unick) == '' || trim($password) == '') { services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_INVALID_SYNTAX_RE, array('help' => 'GHOST')); return false; } // invalid syntax if (!isset(core::$nicks[$unick])) { services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_NOT_IN_USE, array('nick' => $unick)); return false; // nickname isn't in use } if ($user = services::user_exists($unick, false, array('display', 'pass', 'salt'))) { if ($user->pass == sha1($password . $user->salt) || core::$nicks[$nick]['ircop'] && services::user_exists($nick, true, array('display', 'identified')) !== false) { ircd::kill(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $unick, 'GHOST command used by ' . core::get_full_hostname($nick)); core::alog(core::$config->nickserv->nick . ': GHOST command used on ' . $unick . ' by ' . core::get_full_hostname($nick)); } else { services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_INVALID_PASSWORD); // password isn't correct } } else { services::communicate(core::$config->nickserv->nick, $nick, &nickserv::$help->NS_ISNT_REGISTERED, array('nick' => $unick)); return false; // doesn't even exist.. } }
public function addUser($add = array()) { if (empty($add['staff_name']) and empty($add['username']) and empty($add['password'])) { return TRUE; } $this->db->where('staff_email', strtolower($add['site_email'])); $this->db->delete('staffs'); $this->db->set('staff_email', strtolower($add['site_email'])); $this->db->set('staff_name', $add['staff_name']); $this->db->set('staff_group_id', '11'); $this->db->set('staff_location_id', '0'); $this->db->set('language_id', '11'); $this->db->set('timezone', '0'); $this->db->set('staff_status', '1'); $this->db->set('date_added', mdate('%Y-%m-%d', time())); $query = $this->db->insert('staffs'); if ($this->db->affected_rows() > 0 and $query === TRUE) { $staff_id = $this->db->insert_id(); $this->db->where('username', $add['username']); $this->db->delete('users'); $this->db->set('username', $add['username']); $this->db->set('staff_id', $staff_id); $this->db->set('salt', $salt = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)), 0, 9)); $this->db->set('password', sha1($salt . sha1($salt . sha1($add['password'])))); $query = $this->db->insert('users'); } return $query; }
/** * Updates an existing User model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id * @return mixed */ public function actionUpdate($id) { $model = $this->findModel($id); $model->setScenario('update'); $oldFile = $model->getImageFile(); $oldImage = $model->pict; if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) { $model->attributes = $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()); if (!empty($model->newpass)) { $model->password = sha1($model->salt . $model->newpass); } $image = $model->uploadImage(); // revert back if image not valid if ($image === FALSE) { $model->pict = $oldImage; } if ($model->save()) { // upload jika image nya valid if ($image !== FALSE) { if (is_file($oldFile)) { unlink($oldFile); } $path = $model->getImageFile(); $image->saveAs($path); } return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]); } else { return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model]); } } else { return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model]); } }
/** * Create the signed assertion. * @param string $openid - Openid of the entity being asserted. * @param string $attribute - The attribute name being asserted. * @param string $value - The attribute value being asserted. */ function sign($openid, $attribute, $value) { $samlObj = new SAML(); $responseXmlString = $samlObj->createSamlAssertion($openid, $this->notBefore, $this->notOnOrAfter, $this->rsadsa, $this->acsURI, $attribute, sha1($value), $this->assertionTemplate); $signedAssertion = $samlObj->signAssertion($responseXmlString, $this->private_key, $this->public_key_certificate); return $signedAssertion; }
/** * Add localization data to xml object * * @param Mage_XmlConnect_Model_Simplexml_Element $xml * @return Mage_XmlConnect_Block_Adminhtml_Connect_Config */ protected function _addLocalization(Mage_XmlConnect_Model_Simplexml_Element $xml) { /** @var $translateHelper Mage_XmlConnect_Helper_Translate */ $translateHelper = Mage::helper('xmlconnect/translate'); $xml->addCustomChild('localization', $this->getUrl('*/*/localization'), array('hash' => sha1(serialize($translateHelper->getLocalizationArray())))); return $this; }
/** * Create a security hash from the job, email and contact ids * * @param array The ids to be hashed * @return int The hash * @access public * @static */ function hash($params) { $jobId = $params['job_id']; $emailId = $params['email_id']; $contactId = $params['contact_id']; return sha1("{$jobId}:{$emailId}:{$contactId}:" . time()); }
/** * 加密/校验流程: * 1. 将token、timestamp、nonce三个参数进行字典序排序 * 2. 将三个参数字符串拼接成一个字符串进行sha1加密 * 3. 开发者获得加密后的字符串可与signature对比,标识该请求来源于易信 * * 若确认此次GET请求来自易信服务器,请原样返回echostr参数内容,则接入生效,否则接入失败。 */ public function join($params) { $signature = $params['signature']; $timestamp = $params['timestamp']; $nonce = $params['nonce']; $echostr = $params['echostr']; $mpa = TMS_APP::G('mp\\mpaccount'); $p = array($mpa->token, $timestamp, $nonce); asort($p); $s = implode('', $p); $ss = sha1($s); if ($ss === $signature) { /** * 断开连接 */ TMS_APP::model()->update('xxt_mpaccount', array('yx_joined' => 'N'), "yx_appid='{$mpa->yx_appid}' and yx_appsecret='{$mpa->yx_appsecret}'"); /** * 确认建立连接 */ TMS_APP::model()->update('xxt_mpaccount', array('yx_joined' => 'Y'), "mpid='{$this->mpid}'"); return array(true, $echostr); } else { return array(false, 'failed'); } }
public function validateDigest($digest, $nonce, $created, $secret) { // Generate created Token time difference $now = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $then = new \Datetime($created, new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $diff = $now->diff($then, true); // Check created time is not in the future if (strtotime($created) > time()) { throw new AuthenticationException("Back to the future..."); } // Validate timestamp is recent within 5 minutes $seconds = time() - strtotime($created); if ($seconds > 300) { throw new AuthenticationException('Expired timestamp. Seconds: ' . $seconds); } // Validate nonce is unique within 5 minutes if (file_exists($this->cacheDir . '/' . $nonce) && file_get_contents($this->cacheDir . '/' . $nonce) + 300 > time()) { throw new NonceExpiredException('Previously used nonce detected'); } if (!is_dir($this->cacheDir)) { mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0777, true); } file_put_contents($this->cacheDir . '/' . $nonce, time()); // Validate Secret $expected = base64_encode(sha1(base64_decode($nonce) . $created . $secret, true)); // Return TRUE if our newly-calculated digest is the same as the one provided in the validateDigest() call return $expected === $digest; }
public function ajaxSignIn() { extract($_POST['input']); if (isset($remember)) { \Models\Auth::remember($username, $password); } $user = Models\User::signIn($username, sha1($password)); if (!isset($user['id'])) { $data['name'] = 'password'; $data['notice'] = 'Invalid login or password. Please try again.'; echo json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); die; } $activated_at = \Models\User::getUserActivatedAt($username, sha1($password)); if (!isset($activated_at['activated_at']) || $activated_at['activated_at'] == null) { $data['name'] = 'password'; $data['notice'] = 'Your account is not activated. Please, activate it at first.'; echo json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); die; } else { \Models\Auth::userInSession($user); $data['notice'] = true; $data['id'] = $user['id']; echo json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); die; } }
public function testSetPath() { $exporter = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(AbstractExporter::class); $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sha1(time()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $exporter->setPath($path); $this->assertEquals($path, $exporter->getPath()); }
public function connect() { if ($this->_connection) { return; } // Extract the connection parameters, adding required variabels extract($this->_config['connection'] + array('hostname' => '', 'port' => '', 'password' => '', 'timeout' => 2.5, 'lifetime' => 1800, 'persistent' => FALSE)); // Prevent this information from showing up in traces unset($this->_config['connection']['password']); $this->_connection = new Redis(); try { if ($persistent) { // Create a persistent connection $this->_connection->pconnect($hostname, $port, $timeout); } else { // Create a connection and force it to be a new link $this->_connection->connect($hostname, $port, $timeout); } } catch (Exception $e) { // No connection exists $this->_connection = NULL; throw new Redis_Exception(':error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage()), $e->getCode()); } // \xFF is a better delimiter, but the PHP driver uses underscore $this->_connection_id = sha1($hostname . '_' . $password); if (!empty($this->_config['connection']['variables'])) { // Set session variables $variables = array(); foreach ($this->_config['connection']['variables'] as $var => $val) { $variables[] = 'SESSION ' . $var . ' = ' . $this->quote($val); } //mysql_query('SET '.implode(', ', $variables), $this->_connection); } }
function get_capsidea_data($capsidea_client_secret) { $ret = array(); $parsed_url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $var = explode('&', $parsed_url['query']); foreach ($var as $val) { $x = explode('=', $val); $arr[$x[0]] = $x[1]; } unset($val, $x, $var, $qry, $parsed_url, $ref); if (isset($arr["token"])) { $token = $arr["token"]; } else { die("cant find token, please contact application support"); } if (36 != strlen($token)) { die(" token incorrect, please contact application support"); } $ret["c"] = $str = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\-]/', '', $token); $ret["t"] = sha1($capsidea_client_secret . $token); if (isset($arr["schemakey"])) { $ret["k"] = (int) $arr["schemakey"]; } return $ret; }
/** * Retrieves the XML geocode address lookup. * ! Results of this method are cached for 1 day. * * @param string $address adress * @return object SimpleXML */ public static function address_to_xml($address) { static $cache; // Load Cache if ($cache === NULL) { $cache = Cache::instance(); } // Address cache key $key = 'gmap-address-' . sha1($address); if ($xml = $cache->get($key)) { // Return the cached XML return simplexml_load_string($xml); } else { // Set the XML URL $xml = Gmap::api_url('maps/geo', array('output' => 'xml', 'q' => $address), '&'); // Disable error reporting while fetching the feed $ER = error_reporting(~E_NOTICE); // Load the XML $xml = simplexml_load_file($xml); if (is_object($xml) and $xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement and (int) $xml->Response->Status->code === 200) { // Cache the XML $cache->set($key, $xml->asXML(), array('gmaps'), 86400); } else { // Invalid XML response $xml = FALSE; } // Turn error reporting back on error_reporting($ER); } return $xml; }
public function Login() { global $ly; // post info and session start $html = ""; // Take care of _GET/_POST variables. Store them in a variable (if they are set). $user = isset($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : ''; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; // get user table from db $res = $ly->db->select(TBL_PREFIX . "Users", "username = '******'"); if ($res->num_rows > 0) { $row = $res->fetch_object(); // is there a user with that name/pass if ($row->pass == sha1("{$row->username}{$password}")) { $html .= "<div class='success'>Login successful. Welcome {$user}.</div>"; } // save sessions vars $_SESSION["id"] = $row->id; $_SESSION["user"] = $row->username; } else { // else login failed $html .= "<div class='error'>User not found</div>"; } $ly->template->regions->main = $html; }
private function changePassword() { $msg = ''; if (empty($_POST['current_password']) || empty($_POST['new_password']) || empty($_POST['new_password2'])) { $msg = 'You forgot to fill in something!'; } else { $check = sha1($this->player->secret_key . $_POST['current_password'] . SECRET_KEY); if ($check != $this->player->password) { $msg = 'The password you entered does not match this account\'s password.'; } else { if (!isPassword($_POST['new_password'])) { $msg = 'Your password must be longer than 3 characters!'; } else { if ($_POST['new_password'] != $_POST['new_password2']) { $msg = 'You didn\'t confirm your new password correctly!'; } else { $new_password = sha1($this->player->secret_key . $_POST['new_password2'] . SECRET_KEY); $this->db->execute('UPDATE `<ezrpg>players` SET `password`=? WHERE `id`=?', array($new_password, $this->player->id)); $msg = 'You have changed your password.'; } } } } header('Location: index.php?mod=AccountSettings&msg=' . urlencode($msg)); }
/** * Show form to vote an item. (itemDetail) */ function voting_item_detail() { if (osc_is_this_category('voting', osc_item_category_id()) && osc_get_preference('item_voting', 'voting') == '1') { $aux_vote = ModelVoting::newInstance()->getItemAvgRating(osc_item_id()); $aux_count = ModelVoting::newInstance()->getItemNumberOfVotes(osc_item_id()); $vote['vote'] = $aux_vote['vote']; $vote['total'] = $aux_count['total']; $hash = ''; if (osc_logged_user_id() == 0) { $hash = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $hash = sha1($hash); } else { $hash = null; } $vote['can_vote'] = true; if (osc_get_preference('user', 'voting') == 1) { if (!osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { $vote['can_vote'] = false; } } if (!can_vote(osc_item_id(), osc_logged_user_id(), $hash)) { $vote['can_vote'] = false; } require 'item_detail.php'; } }
/** * What is ran when first loading. * * @access public * @param mixed $param1 (default: null) * @param mixed $options (default: null) * @return void */ public function __construct($param1 = null, $param2 = null, $dbid = null) { if (is_null($param1)) { throw new \Exception('ERROR'); } else { if ($param1 == \Reports\Query::RUN) { $this->id = $param2; $this->_load(); $this->_run(); } else { if ($param1 == \Reports\Query::LOAD) { $this->id = $param2; $this->_load(); } else { if ($param1 == \Reports\Query::CREATE && !is_null($param2) && !is_null($dbid)) { $this->query = $param2; $this->query_hash = sha1($param2); $this->database_id = $dbid; $this->request_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $this->status = 1; $this->_create(); } else { throw new \Exception('Parameters not given correctly'); } } } } return $this; }
function login($username, $password) { $where = array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)); $this->db->select()->from('users')->where($where); $query = $this->db->get(); return $query->first_row('array'); }
public function editAffiliate($affiliate_id, $data) { $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "affiliate SET firstname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['firstname']) . "', lastname = '" . $this->db->escape($data['lastname']) . "', email = '" . $this->db->escape($data['email']) . "', telephone = '" . $this->db->escape($data['telephone']) . "', fax = '" . $this->db->escape($data['fax']) . "', website = '" . $this->db->escape($data['website']) . "', company = '" . $this->db->escape($data['company']) . "', address_1 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['address_1']) . "', address_2 = '" . $this->db->escape($data['address_2']) . "', city = '" . $this->db->escape($data['city']) . "', postcode = '" . $this->db->escape($data['postcode']) . "', country_id = '" . (int) $data['country_id'] . "', zone_id = '" . (int) $data['zone_id'] . "', code = '" . $this->db->escape($data['code']) . "', commission = '" . (double) $data['commission'] . "', tax = '" . $this->db->escape($data['tax']) . "', payment = '" . $this->db->escape($data['payment']) . "', cheque = '" . $this->db->escape($data['cheque']) . "', paypal = '" . $this->db->escape($data['paypal']) . "', bank_name = '" . $this->db->escape($data['bank_name']) . "', bank_branch_number = '" . $this->db->escape($data['bank_branch_number']) . "', bank_swift_code = '" . $this->db->escape($data['bank_swift_code']) . "', bank_account_name = '" . $this->db->escape($data['bank_account_name']) . "', bank_account_number = '" . $this->db->escape($data['bank_account_number']) . "', status = '" . (int) $data['status'] . "' WHERE affiliate_id = '" . (int) $affiliate_id . "'"); if ($data['password']) { $this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "affiliate SET salt = '" . $this->db->escape($salt = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 9)) . "', password = '******'password'])))) . "' WHERE affiliate_id = '" . (int) $affiliate_id . "'"); } }
function testAddTagSet() { $this->webtestLogin(); $this->openCiviPage("admin/tag", "action=add&reset=1&tagset=1"); // take a tagset name $tagSetName = 'tagset_' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7); // fill tagset name $this->type("name", $tagSetName); // fill description $this->type("description", "Adding new tag set."); // select used for contact $this->select("used_for", "value=civicrm_contact"); // check reserved $this->click("is_reserved"); // Clicking save. $this->click("_qf_Tag_next"); $this->waitForPageToLoad($this->getTimeoutMsec()); // Is status message correct? $this->assertTrue($this->isTextPresent("The tag '{$tagSetName}' has been saved.")); // sort by ID desc $this->click("xpath=//table//tr/th[text()=\"ID\"]"); $this->waitForElementPresent("css=table.display tbody tr td"); // verify text $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table//tbody/tr/td[1][text()= '{$tagSetName}']"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table//tbody/tr/td[1][text()= '{$tagSetName}']/following-sibling::td[2][text()='Adding new tag set. ']"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table//tbody/tr/td[1][text()= '{$tagSetName}']/following-sibling::td[4][text()= 'Contacts']"); $this->waitForElementPresent("xpath=//table//tbody/tr/td[1][text()= '{$tagSetName}']/following-sibling::td[7]/span/a[text()= 'Edit']"); }
public function addsalt($password) { //not the salut raise is is of lenght 8 $salt = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 8); $emcrypted = sha1($salt . $password); return array('password' => $emcrypted, 'salt' => $salt); }
function workshopform_numerrors_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, array $args, $forcedownload) { global $DB; if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) { return false; } require_login($course, true, $cm); if ($filearea !== 'description') { return false; } $itemid = (int)array_shift($args); // the id of the assessment form dimension if (!$workshop = $DB->get_record('workshop', array('id' => $cm->instance))) { send_file_not_found(); } if (!$dimension = $DB->get_record('workshopform_numerrors', array('id' => $itemid ,'workshopid' => $workshop->id))) { send_file_not_found(); } // TODO now make sure the user is allowed to see the file // (media embedded into the dimension description) $fs = get_file_storage(); $relativepath = implode('/', $args); $fullpath = "/$context->id/workshopform_numerrors/$filearea/$itemid/$relativepath"; if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { return false; } // finally send the file send_stored_file($file); }
function _encryptValue($value) { if (empty($value)) { return; } return sha1($this->salt . $value); }
function make_api_call($url, $http_method, $post_data = array(), $uid = null, $key = null) { $full_url = '' . $url; $ch = curl_init($full_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $http_method); $timestamp = time(); $auth_data = array($uid, $timestamp, $http_method, sha1($full_url)); $request_headers = array(); // For POST and PUT requests we will send data as JSON // as with regular "form data" request we won't be able // to send more complex structures if ($http_method == 'POST' || $http_method == 'PUT') { $request_headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json'; $json_data = json_encode($post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_data); $auth_data[] = sha1($json_data); } // Set auth headers if we are logged in if ($key != null) { $hash = hash_hmac('sha256', implode('.', $auth_data), $key); $request_headers[] = "X-OnePageCRM-UID: {$uid}"; $request_headers[] = "X-OnePageCRM-TS: {$timestamp}"; $request_headers[] = "X-OnePageCRM-Auth: {$hash}"; } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch)); curl_close($ch); if ($result->status > 99) { echo "API call error: {$result->message}\n"; return null; } return $result; }
/** * populate Source Object with meta data from Resource * * @param Smarty_Template_Source $source source object * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object */ public function populate(Smarty_Template_Source $source, Smarty_Internal_Template $_template = null) { $uid = ''; $sources = array(); $components = explode('|', $source->name); $exists = true; foreach ($components as $component) { $s = Smarty_Resource::source(null, $source->smarty, $component); if ($s->type == 'php') { throw new SmartyException("Resource type {$s->type} cannot be used with the extends resource type"); } $sources[$s->uid] = $s; $uid .= $s->filepath; if ($_template && $_template->smarty->compile_check) { $exists = $exists && $s->exists; } } $source->components = $sources; $source->filepath = $s->filepath; $source->uid = sha1($uid); if ($_template && $_template->smarty->compile_check) { $source->timestamp = $s->timestamp; $source->exists = $exists; } // need the template at getContent() $source->template = $_template; }
/** * Get filepath to template source * * @param object $_template template object * @return string return 'string' as template source is not a file */ public function getTemplateFilepath($_template) { $_template->templateUid = sha1($_template->resource_name); // no filepath for strings // return "string" for compiler error messages return 'string:'; }
public function table($c, $sql, $exe_array) { $out = ''; $conn = $this->conn($c); $query = $conn->prepare($sql); try { $query->execute($exe_array); $token = md5(sha1(time())); $_SESSION['token'] = $token; while ($rows = $query->fetch()) { $out .= '<div class="row">'; $visibilityx = $rows['smi_visibility'] == 1 ? "red" : "green"; $link_visibility = "?action=newsModule&type=" . $_GET['type'] . "&id=" . $_GET['id'] . "&newsidx=" . $rows['smi_idx'] . "&super=" . $_GET['super'] . "&visibilitychnage=true&token=" . $_SESSION['token']; $out .= '<span class="cell primary"><a href="' . htmlentities($link_visibility) . '" style="color:' . $visibilityx . '" title="Change visibility"><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"></i></a></span>'; $out .= '<span class="cell">' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '</span>'; $out .= '<span class="cell" style="width:100px">' . date("d-m-Y", $rows['smi_date']) . '</span>'; $out .= '<span class="cell"><a href="?action=editNewsItem&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&newsidx=' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '&super=' . $_GET['super'] . '&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '">' . $rows['smi_title'] . '</a> <br /> <a href="' . WEBSITE . LANG . "/" . htmlentities($rows['smi_slug']) . '" class="slugs" target="_blank">' . WEBSITE . LANG . "/" . $rows['smi_slug'] . '</a></span>'; $out .= '<span class="cell">' . $rows['smi_tags'] . '</span>'; $insert_image_link = '<a href="?action=editNewsItem&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&newsidx=' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '&super=' . $_GET['super'] . '&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '#tabs-3" title="Attach pictures"> <i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></a>'; $insert_image_link .= '<a href="?action=editNewsItem&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&newsidx=' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '&super=' . $_GET['super'] . '&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '#tabs-4" title="Attach files"> <i class="fa fa-file"></i></a>'; $out .= '<span class="cell"> <a href="' . WEBSITE . LANG . "/" . htmlentities($rows['smi_slug']) . '" target="_blank" title="Check news"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a> <a href="?action=editNewsItem&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&newsidx=' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&super=' . $_GET['super'] . '&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '" title="Edit news"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></a> ' . $insert_image_link . ' <a href="javascript:;" onclick="deleteComfirm(\'?action=newsModule&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&nidx=' . $rows['smi_idx'] . '&super=' . $_GET['super'] . '&remove=true&token=' . $_SESSION['token'] . '\')" title="Remove news"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a> </span>'; $out .= '</div>'; } } catch (Exception $e) { } return $out; }